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Plasma 5.0 looks so nice and clean.
Such lovely.
Make it dark like a person would.
@ElimGarak So you actually installed a linux distribution?
@Lalaland Multiple ones yesterday, Kubuntu currently has my vote.
Ubuntu has some beef with my GPU and GNOME doesn't tingle my spidey senses.
GNOME 3 I usume?
In general, doesn't sit well with me :/
Now that I've played around with KDE, no going back.
That's a tiling wm, quite different from the normal floating ones.
@ElimGarak Just pretty please make it dark.
It looks so much better that way. :P
The tiling wm's can be more efficient once you get used to them, but that takes a while. Sorta like vim.
It's KDE, all you're going to be seeing is "process crashed" popups anyway
cat the kde master
The only other one I would bother checking out is LXDE. You know you don't need to reinstall to change window manager.
You can usually just install the package and restart.
I tried KDE like a year ago and the taskbar was version 0.1 or something and also managed to crash
Package management is one of the best things about most linux distributions.
Or not
Yeah, really like Plasma 5.0 right now. It kind of invites me to stay. Every other Linux distro just reminds me of how better looking Windows is.
ITT Cat sucks at installing stable software.
No, ITT software developed for years still fails to be stable
Plasma 5 is stable.
Well, the downside is that packaged software often isn't the latest release. Usually 3-6 months old IMHO.
But you can always manually install the stuff that must be current.
Most application you don't need the "hot off the presses" release.
That's mostly Debian
kill -9
so much better than windows
Rolling release distros are typically up-to-date with upstream
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ X is what I wrote above the code. Y is the code. I ask about X not Y. But I also put it cuz it may be a base for answers. — ataman 2 hours ago
> cuz
I'd ask for the best code editor on the Linux side of the fence, but just list me a few you guys like so I can play with all of them and see what works best for me. Points go for visual presentation because I enjoy pretty stuff.
@ElimGarak Sublime text
(It's not an IDE, but you asked for "code editor")
Vim, for all sides of the fence
Even ones you don't know about
Vim is good/excellent, but pretty spartan.
GVIM is a gui wrapper for vim.
@CatPlusPlus but what colour to paint those though
this was probably posted before ...
It's not a "wrapper", it's the UI
@Lalaland Trivia is a word for information of little importance
Firmware update for my keyboard!
@sehe He asked for nice visuals. I assume that = wants a gui.
Also I never mean not GVim hth
Countdown to keyboard virus 10... 9... 8... 7...
@chmod711telkitty Mac updates are free now
I find it too obvious to specifically qualify
1 min ago, by Lalaland
GVIM is a gui wrapper for vim.
@sehe I can now use rshift rcontrol pn and fn as arrow keys!
Terminal UIs are garbage
@Lalaland Properly configured vim + properly configured terminal = nice visuals without that gvim bullshit.
This is big news because I use a 60 %sized keyboard.
@ElimGarak Visual Studio Code
@Nooble Get a proper keyboard.
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ I use that exclusively for Node.js shenanigans on Windows and OS X.
@TonyTheLion Never! This one's all cute and small.
@ElimGarak How is this relevant to anything?
@TonyTheLion (vim is a power tool)
@ElimGarak -.-
VS Code is a Chromium-powered Notepad
But at least they managed to not fuck up AltGr like Atom
sheep vs the kangaroos
Telkitty wat are u doin.
relaying the news?
@chmod711telkitty sheep? I'd have sworn that was a rock
Say you have a software stack like this, and you have three people working on it. Would you rather dedicate one person to A, one to B and one to C; or would you have each person work on one third of all of A, B and C at the same time?
I.e. horizontal work distribution or vertical
Try skewed
@elyse what would you do, in the context of your team?
@sehe I don't know, since I've ever only did the latter.
On tasks, on skillsets, on time budget
Does anybody have a better name for a fused_min_element_and_is_sorted algorithm?
@sehe Exactly my thought.
Which in turn requires me to do front-end development, which I hate with passion, so I want to get away from it ASAP.
@CatPlusPlus IRTA skillets. I should become a cook instead.
Had a meeting with the new guy
well blimey.
I should have know you would not stray so far from your usual fetish
Impossible to answer generically (but if you insist on equal distribution then you're probably doing it wrong)
@Mr.kbok hot
five minutes in he suggested we use protobuf
I already hate him
@CatPlusPlus not equal per se
see it as a high-level diagram
@elyse I can assure you he's not, even by your standards
@elyse I would specialize people but occasionally gave them tasks from other areas.
@Mr.kbok new guys need to profile. As do you, by the way. Just hate eachother equally, and perhaps you find some common ground.
well he certainly isn't as hot as you are, Arnoud
He's subliminally telling you he has some experience and likes protobuf.
@sehe the sheep was fluffy, hear mez? fluffy!
@elyse au*
@sehe No, not the news guy, the new guy.
Longdong has arrived.
@Mr.kbok sigh!
We ran into a keepalived issue serving some sites - we are investigating now.
@ElimGarak Dingdong Longdong
@sehe What do you mean by profile?
@elyse It's Arnaud
@wilx I'd not specialize people, but occasionally have them work on "own" parts. Code review is there for risk mitigation, knowledge sharing and continuity
@Mr.kbok Why? What would you use instead?
Ok Arnold
Noun: profile ‎(countable and uncountable, plural profiles)
  1. (countable) the outermost shape, view, or edge of an object
  2. (countable) The shape, view, or shadow of a person's head from the side; a side view.
  3. (countable) A summary or collection of information, especially about a person
  4. (countable) a specific space or field in which users can provide various types of personal information in software or Internet systems
  5. (uncountable) reputation
(3 more not shown…)
Verb: profile ‎(third-person singular simple present profiles, present participle profiling, simple past and past participle profiled)
  1. to create a summary or collection of information, especially about a person
  2. profile
@Mr.kbok Ernaut
The verb
@sehe I guess that is what I meant.
My Pok3r is great.
Ermauh Boulecq
Why do those stupid things have to take up entire screen
snackchat features: not even once
@CatPlusPlus What, the oneboxes?
@elyse The "problem" is virtually absent with a 3-person team. But the fact that you worry tells me you should not encourage isolated development
@MaiLongdong We have to choose between HDF5 and SQLite atm
hahahahahahaha as if those were on the same abstraction level
@Mr.kbok For what?
SQlite is shit unless what you're doing is trivial
I would go with SQLite.
For us the choice is simple we use text files everywhere
are you kidding sqlite is the greatest thing ever invented
And when I mention that this is PROBABLY a bad idea they look at me in a mean way
So I just shut up
go back to your structured logs
It doesn't support any kind of workload whatsoever
Or types
Or even a decent subset of SQL
hey bby u wanna c my workload
I need to complain to someone about everything
It doesn't support multiple connections writing connections well. Its single process throughput is quite good.
@CatPlusPlus it's a fucking file format, not a database
If you want a relational database then use a relational database not SQLite
@Mr.kbok It's not very good at being either
If you use sqlite as a database then you're a moron
(lol file format)
It implements SQL for a reason you know
sqlite is neat for some things
Because it's convenient.
idk what to tell you
If you're calling a database engine "file format"
It leverages on vocabulary and syntax people already know
Is Access a file format
@CatPlusPlus What would you recommend as a file format then? Serialized JSON?
Thank god no
@Lalaland File format for what
You can't have "unserialised" JSON also
There's only one sqlite file format. That's the point of using the engine.
What the fuck are you talking about
Anyway cat you're being plonk level toxic atm so I'll just ignore you
@CatPlusPlus For storing local application data. For example, Firefox storing user preferences.
Which Firefox does use SQLite for.
I'd use JSON for that maybe
@MaiLongdong Mumble and share your deepest darkest secrets.
> Customers who have shown an interest in the Amope Pediperfect might like to know about the new creams, refills, and extra coarse electronic foot file now available in pink.
There's really no point dragging in a database engine for a simple key-value crap
xml, json, sqlite you can use a lot of things for storing config files and local cache
Esp that SQLite has really really really bad vacuum behaviour
@sehe Yeah, I guess. I also guess he's coming from a java shop. I'm not holding a grudge, I just thought suggesting one's favourite tech in an unrelated context was funny
And that Firefox uses it for history is the fucking worst
> Vacuum activities (or vacuum behaviours) are innate, fixed action patterns of animal behaviour that are performed in the absence of the external stimuli (releaser) that normally elicit them.
Sure it's an improvement from Mork or whatever the hell the old format was called
ITT SQLite is an animal
firefox crashes/hangs on me a lot nowadays
But "forget this site" takes fucking forever with this shit
why use SQLite when you can use json or xml, they are a lot easier to debug
Sqlite is also easy to debug.
I haven't used SQLite for anything in ages and I don't miss it at all
@Lalaland on the client side without SQLite debugging tools installed?
If I needed an embedded database then I'd rather bundle up preconfigured PostgreSQL
Sqlite is a small binary available for pretty much every os.
@chmod711telkitty yes but you have to parse the whole file to do anything with it
there are tools for that which you can find on the web, a lot of them actually
Good luck with small updates on your huge Json file.
@chmod711telkitty Tools for what? Not loading xml files?
I respectfully disagree, SQLite is really nice when you need a simple embedded db
Nice garbage
Can PgSQL be embedded even
@MaiLongdong Cat just has no clue about it so he's angry
SQLite could be handy for things, but not for config files
That coming from someone who calls it a file format
I wouldn't use SQLite for config either
just sayin
@chmod711telkitty That's overkill.
@Mr.kbok you're not holding a grudge, you just hate the guy already :) lol
I know what you mean. It's always jarring at the introductory bumps.
But, I've learned from experience that you want the ones with opinions, especially founded in experience, not the deadbeats. The opinionated care.
@MaiLongdong Not really, you'd have to bundle it up
I never have to bother with embedded databases thankfully
@CatPlusPlus you rather they use XML :)
I'd rather they used something that doesn't require clearing every now and again because it gets too slow for most common operations
@Lalaland so you meant "sqlite databases are easy to inspect". That != "sqlite is easy to debug"
I have used SQLite on a phone app, f*cking hard to debug
Very relevant yes
No but really PostgreSQL is Really Good(tm)
I wouldn't mind running an instance locally just for the goddamn Firefox
Yes butt
Needs a server and that's annoying
With postgres, there is a high complexity cost of running the server.
How is a database stored usually?
Not that high
And really if you have any non-trivial database workload then you want a server anyway
(rightfold uses a variant, D-trees)
dadaci so humor
I meant server process not machine
It follows
@CatPlusPlus sqlite is for trivial workloads. And that's fine. Trivial workloads are valid in many cases.
Except the thing is it's annoying to deal with even for trivial shit because it's so primitive
It's pure, innocent
I wish we used something more structured for logs because right now it's terrible
@MaiLongdong weren't you going to change your avatar?
Woops, forgot. Gimme a sec and a cache invalidation.
can you paste me the output of cowsay smth really quick
guys I have a C question involving pointers. Hope someone can point out what I'm doing wrong with how I'm deferencing my pointer. I'm trying to set the value of count to 1 (and not 0) so that I can hit an if condition but it's not being hit. Is it because of the way I'm setting the pointer to the struct value?
> I have a C question
@Xeo thanks
Here's the code in pastebin: pastebin.com/FuU88Hi1
@MaiLongdong Depends on the processor generation and the data alignment. On Nehalem or later, xmm is the way to go. On Core 2 and older, avoid misaligned xmm load/stores.
@TonyTheLion, lol sorry but hey, it's related to pointers and structs
@Mysticial Assume data aligned on 16
We don't do questions of any kind so
what about code review? LOL
@MaiLongdong Then xmm.
Why is it faster than rax?
@MaiLongdong Because the load/store unit is 128-bit wide on everything past Pentium 3 I believe.
#pragma message("            ^__^\n            (oo)\\_______\n            (__)\\      )\\/\\\n               ||----w | \n               ||     ||")
Click "fixed font" butan
@Mysticial mmmmm I didn't know
may the branch predictors always foresee your way
Likewise, for xmm vs. ymm, Haswell is the first generation where the load/store unit became 256-bit wide. So on Sandy Bridge, even though it supports ymm, there's (usually) no benefit to using ymm over xmm for memcpys.
you guys are working on a game jam?
@KalaJ Yes.
cool, can I participate?
@KalaJ Sure.
First prize is self-loathing
lol, using one display is so terrifyingly claustrophobic for me.
so just sign up there?
oh I can't edit the doc
Well, ping cosh or something.
You need to ping @thecoshman for access.
@thecoshman ping ping
@thecoshman This is a priority level one transmission from Starfleet Command.
@ElimGarak, Captain Picard?
Captain Sisko!
ah cool
Wait, are you new here?
Guise, we've got someone new here and he's not a help vampire and/or dick.
a wild friendly netizen appeared
we must cherish it
Pretty sure Kala's been around for a bit.
new to C++ lounge. I've been on SO for a while
Yeah, the Lounge is special. SO accepts everyone. You can brag to girls when the Lounge accepts you and get laid after your first insult from Cat lands with a plink.
@Morwenn hmm
my intuition says it doesn't, but I'm not 100% certain
@ElimGarak but what if I am not a lesbian?
also I don't remember I was ever insulted by cat
@Nooble you have access, if he can't work out what to do, I say we leave the special kid out in the sun.
whoo, time for go-kart
@thecoshman Be nice!
@Xeo huh, I'm karting tonight too
I am howling at the moon tonight.
@ElimGarak shut up. AFAIK... care... you are noob scrub fresh form the land of shit.
@thecoshman dude chill :)
Ahahah, I don't think thecosh is serious and/or coherent.
@TonyTheLion what? can't a man swear with out being called irate?
@ElimGarak half
@thecoshman Came over rather aggressive, that's why I said what I said.
@TonyTheLion you're just a softy though
@thecoshman Okay, how 'bout if we call you "pirate" instead of "irate"? Would that be better?
@thecoshman yea probably
@JerryCoffin :)
@JerryCoffin I call that racist!
Pirates are their own race?
@thecoshman You're welcome.
@TonyTheLion always racing to the gold/rum/whores
Pirates are usually members of the PC master race.
Lounge is low level savages
Is it me or does Obama sounds like 'O, bummer'
@TonyTheLion 102 117 099 107 032 121 111 117
> A personalized insult from Katt
I want this
@MaiLongdong But you didn't sign up :(
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ I did?
@Nooble My TZ is UTC+8, I let you calculate
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva You're hot
Are you gonna do the jam?
Merci bébé je rêve de toi (aussi)
@Mr.kbok For me it would land from 1 am to 5 am so mhmhmh
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Yeah timezones suck.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Yea jam straight out of Kazachstan
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva oh ffs at least change the all the profile details
@Mr.kbok The problem was that you didn't
@thecoshman Like what else?
Make a whole new description?
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ wrong
"I used to be a model but now I'm a javascript programmer"
@orlp Same here, but intuition hardly proves anything :/
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ There's no message history.
@Mr.kbok almost sounds like Philip Roseen
Also I AM A MODEL MY LIFE IS DIFFICULT quotes the standard with force bold and italics
Did Bartek really fill the sheet or is it a troll?
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva oh bby <3
What's this thing about models and C++?
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ C++ programmers often are models on the size because they're so handsome
You don't say.
@Mr.kbok agreed; i am really hot
Bjarne himself was a model at the time.
> Can anyone explain how the c++ concept of Nested class is differs from inheritance ?
@Mr.kbok That one is great <3
I don't think so. Inheritance is a method of reusing the code. And the nested class also gets access to the members of the enclosed class. So they both perform a sort of inheritance. Correct me if i'm wrong. — CodeInSun 47 mins ago
@Morwenn My favourite in the album, which is already awesome as a whole
Man. Alcohol is no good for me.
If I drink a little bit too much, which is not very much, only 600 ml of wine and two shots, my limbs and joints hurt the next day.
@Mr.kbok That's probably the most interesting of his albums to listen as a whole, with Orakel.
I can't tell whether my favourite in the album is Apocalypse or Meshugga though.
0.6l of wine is quite a lot of alcohol
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ Hmm, it does not seem so. The two shots were above my usual intake, though.
600ml + 2 shots = 1 bottle of wine ... slightly over
@Morwenn it should be safe
just make sure the second partial insertion sort only runs if the second was successful
(which the && in the original code does)
however, I don't think it's worth the extra code size - the partial insertion sort doesn't get run that often
I wondered, do you guys have limbs hurting like this from alcohol? Legs, shins especially.
@Morwenn I'm probably listen to those later, I usually listen A LOT to a cd before the next
> shhh bby~ can you hear it? it's the sound of butthurt~
@orlp It would only be the 4th insertion sort derivative in the same file after all x)
The size is still small for an efficient general-purpose sorting algorithm, but I get your point.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva where did you find the pic?
@Mr.kbok Eh, I do that do. Replay 15 to 20 times then eventually pick another one.
Anyway, I have to leave for now. See you later :)
@Mr.kbok internet
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva thanks
Finally got completely rid of xerces/xalan
Today is a good day
Alright, forced Kubuntu into submission, had to modify grub to prevent it from attempting advanced graphics modes with the driver before "being ready". The booting sequence is a little bit unappealing now, but kinda okay.
@Mr.kbok I think I just typed "central asian woman" in google images
lol linux
install the most noobish distro ever, still have to modify the bootloader to get it to not fuck up display
I recently flashed a distro SPECIFICALLY TAILORED for raspberry pi on my SD card. The HDMI output was not supported.
@ElimGarak Neat DE
Will have to override the default CSS for the chat, that's some unacceptably tiny text rendering.

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