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@thecoshman Well, it's riddled with typos, idiosyncrasies, and a few omissions. And the website design itself is terrible, which says something in context.
It must bring in a ton of money, so the maintainers must just be lazy/complacent.
@Fanael but they're not. The entire point is that you can still execute 16-bit code in 32-bit mode
@jalf But they are.
You can't execute verbatim 16-bit code in 32-bit mode.
@jalf not only execute, but also compile as well
@jalf You can execute 16-bit instructions in 32-bit mode, but they introduced a new protection scheme which makes the modes different.
See "virtual 8086 mode" in the ISA reference.
@Fanael yes I can... (depending on protection mode and other factors)
The CPU will try to execute it as 32-bit code, which means that strange things will happen.
@Fanael so you've never tried running a 16-bit application from Win 9x or NT?
well, not NT I guess, since that uses a fairly complex emulation layer for some of it
@jalf I have. And the CPU ran it in 16-bit mode in Win 9x. In NT it's emulated.
but it's not simply an emulator, and it still runs the raw machine code
I can compile mov ax, word [0] for both 16-bit and 32-bit modes, without changing this code
@Fanael no it's not
not all of it
@Abyx Quit lying. @Fanael has spoken, it is impossible ;)
Either way, you can't execute 16-bit code in normal 32-bit mode.
@Fanael binary code?
So, uh, screw autotools.
@Abyx Of course.
but the word token is not binary thing
@Abyx it changes the meaning of your asm code
@Fanael The 16-bit instructions are still available, they still use the same encoding, and work on the same operand types. You can execute 16-bit code in 32-bit mode
you might not be able to execute 16-bit executables without a bit more trickery
but 16-bit assembly instructions, absolutely
16-bit instructions in machine code, absolutely
@jalf While they are available, they don't use the same encoding in 32-bit mode. Protected mode and 32-bit mode are different things, the latter being a subset of the former. It is possible to have protected 16-bit mode, and to have virtual 8086 mode; both of them run 16-bit code fine, but neither of them is 32-bit.
some example code -
>>> dump(assemble(b'use32  \n mov eax, dword[0]'))
0000| a1 00 00 00 00                                  | .....
>>> dump(assemble(b'use16  \n mov eax, dword[0]'))
0000| 66 a1 00 00                                     | f...
>>> dump(assemble(b'use32  \n mov ax, word[0]'))
0000| 66 a1 00 00 00 00                               | f.....
>>> dump(assemble(b'use16  \n mov ax, word[0]'))
0000| a1 00 00                                        | ...
@Fanael so you can take a snippet of asm written for 16-bit and assemble it by an assembler generating 32-bit code. And you wouldn't be able to do that if word suddenly meant something different
I can compile same code for both modes, but obviously binary code will be a bit different
@jalf Granted, but does it actually makes sense to do that?
Oh, did I mention that I "love" Eclipse?
@Fanael porting legacy code?
I have to copy my syntax highlighting settings from one language to the other. Manually.
@Abyx That legacy code would probably expect 16-bit OS anyway, so it wouldn't be that simple.
in 16-bit mode I used movsw for UTF-16 and in 32 mode I use movsw
@Fanael When you have the world's most popular CPU, and you want to preserve that advantage? Absolutely. It is critical to your entire business
@Fanael except that the OS also did a lot to preserve compatibility
btw, how should be called movsw if word is 32-bit ?
whats the best book for c++ beginner?
accelerated c++
@JohnMerlino ISO 14882:2011
also, can you give an example of encodings which are changed between 16 and 32 bit mode? As far as I'm aware they're the same.
Um, Intel's assembly language standard isn't the only one. If they'd screwed up, another assembler vendor would have defined a more compatible syntax.
not including manual
@Abyx lol
Assembly syntax has nothing to do with architecture.
@Potatoswatter and again, that doesn't help legacy code porting much
@Abyx ARM calls it ldrsh/strh. (s)h = (signed) halfword.
so everyone agrees accelerated c++ is best beginning c++ book?
hrm... Should every programmer learn assembly? Or is it only for a specific field of programming
every programmer should learn everything related to programming (and everything not related as well)
@jalf Yes, it does, this hypothetical other vendor would sell a product supporting old and new instructions in a uniform syntax.
the question is whether you need to learn it, and what you should prioritize spending your finite time on
Since Intel didn't screw up, that's not what happened. But we still have AT&T syntax.
@jalf Do the existence of operand size override prefix count?
Programming is full of unrelated topics. Assembly is just another unrelated topic.
@Potatoswatter again, how does that help me, when I wrote a ton of asm code years ago targeting the 16-bit CPU, and now I'd like to get that running in 32-bit mode?
16-bit instructions don't enter into my priority list!
Like parsing, networking, threading, opengl, gui design, etc.
@Fanael Not unless they make the 16-bit version of the instruction illegal in 32-bit mode
anyway, as programmer I don't want to change all w to h when porting 16-bit assembly code to 16-bit assembly code for x86-32
@jalf Well, sounds like you shot yourself in the foot by writing too much assembly code.
Im on linux, ubuntu to be exact
@jalf Why not? It changes the meaning of an instruction.
@JohnMerlino There probably is no best book, but C++ FAQ lists several
@Potatoswatter Back in 1980 or whenever? It was fairly common
@Fanael because what we're talking about here is making it easy to take 16-bit code (machine code or in asm form), and making it run on a cpu in 32-bit mode
c++ good for hardware programming?
what else the CPU can do in 32-bit mode doesn't matter. It just matters whether it'd choke on the 16-bit code
or c preferable?
using ubuntu server
@Fanael so, does the absence of an operand size override change the meaning, compared to what the instruction would have meant in 16-bit code?
@JohnMerlino What sort of hardware are you programming, and what do you mean by that term?
@jalf I'm afraid I can't.
If you're writing a Linux kernel driver, that is probably a job for C.
im talking about gps firmware
user engages the devise
That said, I still think that calling uint16_t a "word" makes no sense on current x86 CPUs.
but it made sense back when the decision was made ;)
using byobu gateway on ubuntu
to preserve compatibility, which was a pretty high priority
@JohnMerlino There's a GPS module in your server O_o
@jalf And I didn't claim it didn't!
@Fanael I'm pretty sure you did. But never mind that :)
I've got to run. Seeya
@jalf Oh?
@jalf Just checked, and I'm pretty sure I didn't.
@EthanSteinberg @Gabe Assembly is good to learn for understand stack corruption and memory failures.
@Fanael on current x86 CPU you still can write code operating with 16-bit data, and I'm glad that I do it in the same way as I did for 16-bit mode ten years ago. ax is ax and word is word.
@Abyx Not if you word it wrong.
it's just a term, after all.
@jalf They should have made types declare their length. Then you don't have backwards compatibility problems with concepts like word and dword.
I'm programming in a 32 bit environment on a 64 bit machine in C#. Anticipating the desire to port to 64 bit, I've made any place where I serialize data use the Int32/Int16 types, instead of the ambiguous int types.
@Potatoswatter the firmware is embedded in hardware, user interacts with devise, and it sends information to ubuntu server
@Xaade C# int isn't ambiguous, its length is defined in C# reference
@JohnMerlino You still haven't said anything about what you're trying to program.
And it still sounds like you're saying the server has a GPS receiver. Unless you're running server OS on a laptop (even that makes little sense), that's crazy.
@Potatoswatter you could track the continental server center drift with it
@John Actually, that's exactly what I was thinking!
@Abyx it's ambiguous if you want to compile the code against 32 bit and 64 bit.
I guess it would also make a really bad seismograph…
@Xaade Wut? int == System.Int32
fuck sake. I made the mistake of trying to read through some of the code I use. Feeling fucking sea sick now
@Xaade int is just an alias for .NET Int32, see msdn or specification
who can tell me one good irc web site?
@DzekTrek what do you mean? a web based IRC client?
yes :)
mibbit.com is one I have been using
I need it for actionscript
seems fairly good to me
OK, will check it out
thanks @thecoshman
no worries
@thecoshman just want to clarify, it is code that some clever numpty wrote before me
@rubenvb: I downloaded i686-w64-mingw32-gcc-4.6.3-1_rubenvb but seems the MinGW folder under codeblocks has different files/structure from this. I remember you saying just replace it, replace what?
@rubenvb: No I haven't solved the problem..
@Potatoswatter what I am trying to program is as follows: gps devise has firmware, user engages it, it sends a request to a gateway on ubuntu server, c++ grabs the command, does some logic, such as grabbing the gps id, location, etc and then updates a web server.
@JohnMerlino You've vaguely described a network and randomly specified that C++ drives some part of it. That's not the way to do systems engineering.
what details you looking for?
If you're describing the GPS software as "firmware", then it sounds like you can't change it. How do you make it send any kind of online request? Does the chosen GPS device even connect to the internet?
@JohnMerlino What part of this system are you asking about programming??
Ironically, it would seem that I'm implementing a somewhat similar system to you.
For what it's worth, we're not using C++ in any part of it.
Someone is telling me that HTML is a programming language. I strongly disagree. What are your opinions?
@Gabe My opinion is, not this fucking debate again
@Gabe JavaScript is part of HTML5, so there's that.
It's a markup language like tex (my opinion). But according to my sister I titled it programming language once when I wasn't sober
HTML by itself, like the earlier versions.
@Potatoswatter so your quesiton is how is the devise sending a request to the ubuntu server?
@JohnMerlino No, my question is, WHAT PART OF THIS ARE YOU PROPOSING TO USE C++ FOR
I do have various other issues with what you've said, though.
@Gabe OT: your gravatar bears a striking semblance to that of
StackedCrooked, Ghent, Belgium
6.9k 2 18 61
@JohnMerlino If you want C++ code to sit between the online service that connects to the GPS and the online webserver, then don't. Just put everything in the same server process.
@Gabe is this your profile: hisomu.livejournal.com ?
C++ shines in sophisticated data processing. It sounds like you just have to relay a fixed data record to a webpage. But hard to tell.
what I think is going on, is he needs a bit of code to interface with the GPS device and push data to a server.
@thecoshman Which means the bulk of the work is interfacing with the server and online protocols, so the appropriate language would be Java, Python, or the like.
But he's described it has "hardware programming", which is just bizarre.
@Potatoswatter depends on the GPS device I would say. Probably would make sense to use C++ for direct low level getting data of the device, if this is not already provided, and then use something more high level for the processing and transfer of the data, like you suggested
@thecoshman But apparently he's already receiving the GPS data on a server. It's entirely online.
@sbi That's a disease?
@Potatoswatter oh... well I have no idea wtf he is up to then :P
@RMartinhoFernandes It eventually causes staining and even inflammation of the fingers.
OMG, I need to see a doctor.
dang... my 'read later' book mark folder is growing larger and larger!
@RMartinhoFernandes Or just wait until you encounter a pen flimsy enough that the tip separates from the ink reservoir and makes a mess. That cured me, anyway.
@thecoshman I know what like it is. :)
@DzekTrek o_0 what?
@DzekTrek the fuck is going on?
@Potatoswatter my expectation of c++ code is to opens a UDP socket that listens for incoming data, interprets the packets and put them in a database (mysql for example)
You mention you have a number of issues, can you elaborate?
@JohnMerlino Why don't you use one of the many ready-made server platforms out there?
@JohnMerlino You're talking about implementing a server from scratch. A simple server, but nevertheless one that doesn't need to exist separately at all.
its a gateway
And you're being very vague about everything, which does not jibe well with custom server development.
@JohnMerlino No, a gateway relays requests on to another server. You want to store things into a database and the other server retrieves them later.
how am I being vague? What details you looking for?
@JohnMerlino Well, you originally said you were doing hardware programming, which now appears not to be the case. So it seems certain details didn't exist.
I guess I get the whole picture now, thanks.
boost::asio makes network programming not that bad.
@Potatoswatter its called a gateway...but it doesn't relay requests to any server at all...it is the connection between the device and the database
and IM not sure what you mean by ready-made server platform
@JohnMerlino Whatever you're using to serve the webpages, is probably also capable of opening a UDP port and relaying incoming packets to MySQL. So just go with what you already have.
The problem Isn't That Complicated and if you have to ask whether C++ is an appropriate choice, it isn't. There are many nice libraries to simplify the implementation of a smooth-running server, but the learning curve is still steep compared to using whatever knowledge you already have. If you want to take this opportunity to learn C++ for networking, that's one thing. But on the face of it, not the easiest path.
is eclipse best choice for an IDE environment on mac for c++?
actually I use both mac osx and ubuntu
I think this is a good stackoverflow post for me:
Q: Networking with C++

TopGunCppHey, I'm a newcomer to using C++ but have got a general Idea of its syntax and useability. I want to learn how to communicate over networks through C++ programming though but I can't seem to find any tutorials for C++ specifically. Does anyone know any good resources to learn about networking wit...

You're seriously going to interface the same SQL database to completely different frontends in two different languages? And using C++ just to relay bytes straight from packets to DB? Do you realize how wasteful that is?
@JohnMerlino calling an IDE best is something you just don't do. But I recently switched from c::b to eclipse CDT for c++ development and it works fine for me.
@Potatoswatter: correct me if wrong, but I do not know of any existing server implementation that just takes raw bytes from a UDP stream and inserts them in to any SQL database just the way you want it. You'll always need some logic in between
@KillianDS Yes, my point is that such logic should be simple in Java, Python, whatever.
I admit I've never looked into UDP on Python but I'd be surprised if there weren't an easy, standard facility.
@JohnMerlino Absolutely not!
There's a reason these newfangled languages still have bitwise operators ;v)
Eclipse is even awful for Java!
@Potatoswatter: Ah, okay, I can agree with you there, I would also do it in python. However, with things like asio+libprotobuf it isn't that more low-level in C++ either imho
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Learn to build hate systems. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
@KillianDS C++ is just as high-level, but he also already needs a webserver interfaced to the same DB. So it's a matter of one platform vs two.
@KillianDS huh, i could understand eclipse -> c.b. is it about also doing java?
@Potatoswatter aha, missed that part. In that case I would even go further and try to make the GPS device send POST requests if possible :). But indeed, @JohnMerlino try to at least reuse the framework of your webserver.
@AlfPSteinbach I just missed some methods like "implement function stubs", include resolving, basic refactoring, more configurable auto formatting and I ran into autocomplete issues with the c::b parser on any larger project. CDT is far from perfect, but up until now it does the job. And I stay away from java as far as possible :P.
@AlfPSteinbach: oh hi
oh hi bye :)
sry i'm just short visiting
oh busy guy
@AlfPSteinbach: no worries, just wanted to say hi since long time no see
woo! Got my fixed point class to work! And it's only 18 times slower than float!
Why should it be any slower? All you are doing is bitshifts back and forth.
@EthanSteinberg Bitshifts are slower than no bitshifts ;v)
(But yeah, there's probably room for improvement on 18x.)
SCIgen is my new favorite thing.
> Figure 2: The 10th-percentile popularity of the partition table of our system, as a function of energy.
I have the templation to turn one of those in for a school project.
@Potatoswatter The multiplication was 18x. Multiplication was harder/slower than expected on a 32-bit OS.
See how far it goes before the BS is uncovered.
it's 5.9x slower for addition.
@Maxpm - lmao SCIgen is a riot
@MooingDuck C, C++, and most high-level languages are unsuitable for extended arithmetic because there's no access to overflow flags and multiplication producing the high-order result.
@EthanSteinberg My friend suspected that his teacher didn't actually look at small assignments, so he handed one in with answers such as, "I had pizza for dinner last night!" He was supposed to respond to a current event.
@Potatoswatter I'm aware. For reason I can't stop myself from trying about once a year though
Unless you use the asm keyword, of course ;v) — which most other languages do not have, for what it's worth.
@Maxpm My senior year my teacher didn't return any of our homework until the last week. I noticed I got straight As. One of them I'd turned in dead-wrong because I couldn't figure out how to do what he wanted.
@Potatoswatter Huh, I guess you're right. I kind of took asm for granted. Not that I ever use it, but I'd expect the language to provide some assembler functionality.
@Maxpm all we need now is a CPPgen for writing nonsensical, but runnable code for us...
@Maxpm Basic? Java? Javascript? Lua!
You don't even need a generator. People seem to give away that nonsense code all the time.
@kfmfe04 cplusplus.com?
@Potatoswatter multiplication is implimented as long long(this->numer) * long long(rhs.number) / long long(denom). So ASM isn't going to be that much faster. (denom is a compile time constant)
Oh God, this SCIgen...
> The architecture for HorridBogy consists of four independent components: stable algorithms, voice-over-IP, the UNIVAC computer, and amphibious information.
@Maxpm clever, but the code there doesn't even compile ;^P
@MooingDuck LOL. As long as long long is in fact longer than the alternative.
amphibious info - dang - how cool is that?! lol
VoIP on the UNIVAC, lol
@Potatoswatter I have backup code that works for any type, but in my tests isn't any slower. (For a int on a 64-bit OS I'm sure there'd be a difference though!)
Somehow SCIgen is still more coherent and factually accurate than some marketing people.
> Thus, the methodology that our methodology uses is unfounded.
> Our implementation of our approach is low-energy, Bayesian, and introspective.
> The rest of this paper is organized as follows. To start off with, we motivate the need for massive multiplayer online role-playing games. To fulfill this intent, we use game-theoretic communication to validate that vacuum tubes and replication can connect to fulfill this goal.
@EthanSteinberg Make it a single line.
> In this section, we explore version 9.5, Service Pack 9 of HorridBogy, the culmination of minutes of implementing. Since our approach is based on the principles of wired machine learning, hacking the collection of shell scripts was relatively straightforward.
Stupid markdown
@Maxpm OMG, that actually sounds like something that could have happened.
@Potatoswatter Mmh, yes, quite. But detailed performance analysis is necessary. We should carry out an emulation on the KGB's underwater testbed.
> We removed 25 8MHz Athlon XPs from our atomic cluster to consider our human test subjects.
Hey, how did they get access to our plans?
> Our approach turns the knowledge-base communication sledgehammer into a scalpel.
@EthanSteinberg That's beautiful.
my life is ruined
my code doesn't link anymore :(
@TonyTheLion Uh oh. Have fun debugging that.
I've irradiated my pretzels. :(
Quick question: Is unique_ptr and shared_ptr safe for arrays?
Do they call the appropiate delete[]?
@EthanSteinberg yes
@MooingDuck Ruined? Enhanced.
@EthanSteinberg shared_ptr needs extra care.
@Maxpm only if you want to be a superhero
unique_ptr<T[]> does delete[] correctly. shared_ptr needs a special deleter (default_deleter<T[]>() should do fine).
What's the point (ha) of all these pointer wrappers, anyway?
Another quick question: Is std::shared_ptr guaranteed to be thread safe? I know the boost version is thread safe.
@Maxpm to make it harder to make mistakes
@Maxpm Pointers are silly.
A: Does std::tr1::shared_ptr do mutual exclusion?

R. Martinho FernandesIt is up to you to ensure correct access to the data the std::tr1::shared_ptr points to. That data is yours. It only matters to the std::tr1::shared_ptr when it's time to delete it. Regarding the std::tr1::shared_ptr object itself, you have the following guarantees: you can safely read from th...

So what happens when a copy is being made while another shared_ptr is being deconstructed?
Ah, no. All the bookkeeping is thread-safe.
@EthanSteinberg *destructed.
So all they do is call delete for you?
> you can safely mutate different instances of shared_ptr from multiple threads, even when the instances are copies (sharing the same reference count or whatever);
@Maxpm and prevent double deletes and other UB, yes
@Maxpm shared_ptr does more than that.
Seems a little silly to have so many wrappers for just that.
@RMartinhoFernandes only in the details.
@Maxpm Well the main benifit is that it can safely and deterministically call delete for you. Makes the rest of the logic much simpler.
@Maxpm there's only two wrappers that we use, one for non-sharing, one for sharing.
@EthanSteinberg Right. It's silly to have all these wrappers just for that.
@MooingDuck What happened to auto_ptr?
@Maxpm deprecated, don't use it.
@Maxpm There are two wrappers.
Really? Huh.
You are forgetting weak_ptr.
3 wrappers.
@EthanSteinberg weak_ptr is not a smart pointer.
@EthanSteinberg yes I am. Three.
@RMartinhoFernandes eh, ish.
Okay. So what's the benefit of having separate unique_ptr and shared_ptr types?
@Maxpm unique_ptr has less overhead doesn't it?
One is for shared ownership, the other for exclusive ownership.
@RMartinhoFernandes Well, yeah. But why do those things need to be handled differently?
@Maxpm Why do we have both const and non-const types? Similar reasons. Catch errors at compile time.
@RMartinhoFernandes that doesn't really explain why they're seperate.
@EthanSteinberg Okay. So use unique_ptr when you can (analogous to const) and shared_ptr when you have to?
"The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be." -Douglas Adams
@EthanSteinberg That's awesome. You've just ruined my productivity for the entire day.
"I saw `cout' being shifted "Hello world" times to the left and stopped right there."
It also has the classic :
> If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution. — Robert Sewell
you know, I see Java mentioned more in this chatroom than C++
@JohnMerlino If you want answers to C++ questions, try the Java room.
There are 294 pages of search results for "C++", but only 70 for "Java".
Science wins.
the Java roo link you sent takes to c# room
@JohnMerlino shhh
Anyone in here speak Hindi?
Apparently, not.
@Als was here earlier.
3,560 results, 842 results, and 5 results respectively
@MooingDuck I got 12!
I should send that to my old compsci teacher.
1 result.
hi, which ide do you recommend? , Dev C++ [updated ver 5.1] or Codeblocks ?
not dev c++
someone else ?
codeblocks > dev c++
for windows I'd pick VS though
even the free edition
ppl, anyone knows some good site with opengl game sources and tutorials?
mm why?)
@RMartinhoFernandes my reasoning there wrong? stackoverflow.com/questions/9037940/…
@MrAnubis it's not compiler dependant for one
@KillianDS , thanks will check it out
@MrAnubis oh, the answer?
@MooingDuck yes sir :)
@MooingDuck you went already?
@MrAnubis I'm having some trouble understanding what you mean... :S
People join OPENGL chat room if intersted.
ogl sucks donkey balls
@DzekTrek didn't know there was one :)
we have just created one
@DzekTrek Link?
(or send me an invite - I can't see it on the list of rooms though)
@RMartinhoFernandes :( , where is the problem understanding?
@DzekTrek I can't see that room either ;)
@MrAnubis you have more commas than periods
The wording is confusing. It seems like you understood the issue, but the phrasing is confusing.
@RMartinhoFernandes I'll work on damn wording next time , lol ildjarn is also confused from my answer
This is the room of OpenGL :)
@RMartinhoFernandes Thanks for looking and helping on answer , @MooingDuck thanks to you too :)
@DzekTrek no you got it wrong, you're in wrong room I guess :D
The OpenGL room is called "Room for Oddant and Dzek Trek"? I can see why nobody could find it.
There, have fun.
@RMartinhoFernandes you're done with john skeets book?

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