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hmphf it's cold outside
is this supposed to be summer
I should have changed my nickname to "Grexit" just for giggles
Hi Guys i have one small question can i ask?
I love how Greeks threaten how bad it will be for the EU
@MuhammadRaza Once you have read the rules :)
@MuhammadRaza which are here loungecpp.net/the-law/newbie-hints
@BartekBanachewicz no, that was last week
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh right, storing it there I presume
Yes i know but this is i think simple question. I don't understand what is different between INT and int?
yummy baguette
@MuhammadRaza Which INT?
@MuhammadRaza one is uppercase and one is lowercase
go in peace
Standard C++ doesn't define INT.
@MuhammadRaza Probably some typedef by some shitty API
One is uppercase and one is lowercase i know this i have eyes. But why two different? Any major different?
@buttifulbuttefly s/typedef/#define/
Yeah probably
@rightfold same thing :P
@thecoshman No it's even worse
anyway greeks had it coming
@rightfold Windows data type.
you can't vote for "give me free money" endlessly
It's not as simple
It would be great if Greek left the eurozone.
Even if only to annoy junker.
@buttifulbuttefly don't try to bring educated opinions to the lounge :P
@buttifulbuttefly well, of course it isn't
but Greece demanding its loans to disappear
IMHO this is not a duplicate: stackoverflow.com/questions/30908703/…
the other question cites C and its standard
it has nothing to do with C++ and there's a whole lot of other information in the one I linked above
It should be reopened.
I voted it, if someone could do the same I would be grateful
opencsw is a god send for these stupid solaris machines
also vote to undelete
In economics, an optimum currency area (OCA), also known as an optimal currency region (OCR), is a geographical region in which it would maximize economic efficiency to have the entire region share a single currency. It describes the optimal characteristics for the merger of currencies or the creation of a new currency. The theory is used often to argue whether or not a certain region is ready to become a currency union, one of the final stages in economic integration. An optimal currency area is often larger than a country. For instance, part of the rationale behind the creation of the euro is...
also interesting
@BartekBanachewicz as I understand it though, Holding Greece to those debts and forcing them struggle for longer longer can also be really bad for EU economy. It could work out better to lend them more money so they can sort some shit out to allow them to start earning money to eventually pay the EU back.
but that is of course a gamble
they won't start earning money until they realize how poor they really are
don't share a single currency between poor and rich countries, problem solved
The point is, it's not a simple as just forcing more and more austerity measures on them
euro is disaster
but the point is, people have to realize how bad the situation is
@rightfold good idea, now just grab one of those time machines and go back a few thousands years to warn people.
and what they are shouting right now is "fuck EU and Euro because we want our money"
@BartekBanachewicz oh sure, I'd agree that Greece, well everyone in EU, is trying to make it look less worse than it is.
i mean seriously have you seen the greece wage reports
they were getting money for free
Not bad, Amazon
@sehe nice
rotating keys
they would need to reduce pays like in half for a lot of people
is that like turning hunter2 into 2retnuh?
and people wouldn't like it
huh.. VM running at 3.1/3.9 GB of RAM... I don't think it'll make it cap'n
so the government has people on on side an EU on another, but in the end it's in those people to start producing net gain
@rightfold that's reversing keys silly
@BartekBanachewicz I think Europe has exploited the countries that couldn't really afford to be in a high-value currency; It has been very good for exporting countries. Now, these countries are "rescuing Greece" (which is actually rescuing their own banks from shadowy debts)
@BartekBanachewicz Link?
@sehe (don't hold your breath)
@rightfold no. That's reversing keys
@sehe yeah, from what I know, there's been systemic bullshit about who owes who how much
oh few, it just start to free some ram :\
This is touch and go stuff lads, will it make it? who knows!
Well, the point is, Greece has been "begging" to be in the currency union, so they're partly to blame. But the rest of Europe was all to eager to allow them because (a) short term profit (b) pushing political agenda (expand Euro zone to include Ukraine in the future)
w/e screw Greece. I'm more interested in boobs.
You can buy them in Greece. Lot's a people in ad-hoc service markets
I don't want to buy boobs.
@sehe oh funny, I've found something from 2011
I found more recent news in Polish media, but couldn't find anything in english
@BartekBanachewicz Anyone would ask that
This is a negociation, of course you ask for something unreasonable first
and what are they going to negotiate in the end
They just agreed to most of the creditors requests for a 35 billion € help plan it seems (signature pending)
speaking of the EU
this is my favourite speech: youtu.be/dranqFntNgo?t=8s
he'd feel well at home in the lounge
Yeah personal attacks are the shit
they're awesome
@BartekBanachewicz whoa. That's fucked up. If it's true.
It's pretty darn hard to tell.
I guess "If there's smoke there's a fire"
@rightfold wth // love YT:
> Nigel Farage was fined the maximun penalty of 10 days pay for that outburst after refusing to apologise. The equivelant to £2700. That was undoubtably the best £2700 ever spent to bring this cause to gain independence from the EUSSR. The British love the success of an underdog and this dog can bark very loudly indeed.

@sehe lol
wait what, 270GBP per day?
loved that
@sehe loosely related... ethanol fires are scary, invisible flames :\
@Griwes yep
@thecoshman takes notes
let's make a C++
What's a C++ do?
I'm supposed to leave in 1h to Paris and I haven't packed anything
What's to pack? Just grab phone, money, charging device, done
Does anyone here know how to make parted create a partition at the end of another?
@buttifulbuttefly You're going to Paris for the national day? That's some admirable patriotism
@Mr.kbok Je suis pas Français je suis Breton
@Jefffrey Hello Thomas.
That one time I went to see my distant family and some dude said "I don't to to France very often"
@buttifulbuttefly ah donc t'es louche
@rightfold Hi
@buttifulbuttefly o_0
I finally had to create a Google+ account. gg google
@Mr.kbok I did post on my FB "I'll be in France from the 4 to 9, then Paris from 10 to 12, then Brittany until the 19". Subtle.
@Jefffrey now you can hang out with us!
> implying
@buttifulbuttefly so much implying wow
argh I missed it
does r9k use bloom filter
Man I don't think btrfs supports swap
I don't think rhdygm supports tsmd either
I'm pretty sure VB.net supports multiplexing btrfs via linux kernels though
@buttifulbuttefly can I join?
@Mr.kbok you need to use emacs via sendmail
@buttifulbuttefly How's the market in China? I heard they floored the equities
@StackedCrooked Nice
@BartekBanachewicz That won't do, there's too many tcp/ips in the emacs server
I knew a guy who would talk like that
I mounted over my live usb
$reboot now
> reboot: command not found
new expansion for BG EE siegeofdragonspear.com :O
@AlexM. this just made me hungry
@AlexM. I wonder if we'll get a 5e campaign for that too.
@AlexM. too bad they fucked up EE as much
ignoring all the mods and stuff
a lot of advertised fixes in EE were already in place when running BG1 campaign on modded BG2 engine
@Mr.kbok Bumped back slightly it seems
Lots of restrictions on who can sell right now
@BartekBanachewicz he looks like a plumber, not a hacker
@Ell swap space?
of course not, you partition of some drive for use of swap, you don't run it in the same FS
@Ell iow "Pull the cable scrub"
@thecoshman given optimal burning conditions
@Ell unmount it? (-f -l if needed)
@rightfold not really funny is it
Damn it
Right now, I'm being faced with refactoring the code I've been writing for a month but...
I'm going from a basic parser to what's more like a full-blown parser-intepreter-compiler system and it's going to be terrible.
Or better. idk. Thoughts on overdesigning?
probably making the problem harder than it needs to be
@thecoshman That's what I thought at first
All I have to do is make a reactive drawing system based on 2D points and tags
But they keep telling me to do things like draw parallel lines and close curves and tangents and the scope keeps expanding
@VermillionAzure use a declarative parser
@BartekBanachewicz What exactly is this
@VermillionAzure something that looks more like an EBNF than imperative parsing code
@VermillionAzure I don't understand how any of those are relevant to what I said.
@BartekBanachewicz ditto for me and your terms
ever heard about Parsec or Boost.Spirit
I have a basic state machine that directly translates these points and metadata into drawings but...
It's starting to bloat and it's not gonna be able to stretch and do parallel lines in its abstraction
@BartekBanachewicz No, parsing isn't the problem.
It's the design of the entire automated drawing system that's flawed... and now I have to redesign it
I'm just wondering if there's a better way to do it.
Right now, I have this abstraction where I convert everything into raw drawing instructions and then go from there...
sounds like you are not respecting open-close principle
@VermillionAzure that's what I do as well
Removing en_US locale was a big mistake
@thecoshman sounds about right
@thecoshman that's not a principle. That's a vague suggestion
It's frustrating though...
But right now, I think I can convert my states of the parser to output instructions rather than drawings but...
@VermillionAzure maybe your intermediate instruction format isn't flexible enough
@BartekBanachewicz No, this is the proposed design I have in me head
The current design is basically 1:1
take input, convert to abstract form, render
which I think was a mistake, because not everything can be drawn with two points--take 3-point arcs for example... :|
yeah, you need something lower then
@BartekBanachewicz But I think my main question is closer to actual instruction optimization strategies related to compilers:
data DrawRequest = DrawRequest {
    vertices :: [Vec2],
    texCoords :: Maybe [Vec2],
    origin :: Mat4,
    vertexLayout :: VertexLayout,
    transformation :: Mat4,
    pipeline :: PipelineDescription
} deriving (Eq, Show)
@BartekBanachewicz No no no no.
that's how I keep an abstract instruction
This is AutoCAD and Lisp though.
My problem is more this:
the idea translates easily
I need to directly make changes to the intermediate format...
so like, you have something that can take <line start=... end=... /> and you convert that to some sort of ~thing~ that can be dawn latter... and you want to add in like <circle location=... radius=... />?
@thecoshman I guess I better just explain how it works
2 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@VermillionAzure maybe your intermediate instruction format isn't flexible enough
@BartekBanachewicz No, let me explain (I can't go much lower level with the intermediate format anyways)
There are N points I need to draw, with indexes from 1:N, possibly with gaps.
Each is assigned a field code, like "Rock wall"
Say this FC is "RW"
Now, you'll have additional "modal" or "Modifiers" to indicate what to draw
usually, it'll go something like this:
1: RW Begin, RW, RW, RW, RW Close
And this'll turn out to be a polygon or something.
When you translate to intermediate form, it'll be LINE, LINE, LINE, LINE, LINE
But, say, now we need to change one of these points to be a curve
Now, when we have 2000+ points, it will take a long time to iterate and rewrite each intermediate instruction if we parse in one direction
So, my question is, how do I narrow down the range of instructions/points to modify in a timely fashion while still retaining the semantics
Keep in mind that some commands rely on prior ones, like drawing the 2-point arcs with a prior point AND the tangent angle.
come on @Cinch. Your stream of conscience thing is way beyond productive again. If you want to share notes, do a wiki page on your github. Or a google docs for that matter.
@sehe good point
Fine, let me get to the meat of it---
When compilers need to recompile, or if I were to design a compiler like this, how might I implement the optimization where I modify only the parts of intermediate form code that need modifying in place? This applies to more than just my language--it could also be Lisp or C++.
I think I'm going to use chromium
@VermillionAzure you assume it applies, but it might not be true
stop making assumptions
@VermillionAzure you know what source files produce what modules
are you this cinch guy or what
@BartekBanachewicz Yes.
he was like making idiotic assumptions all the time
@BartekBanachewicz I AM Cinch.
and then wondered why things never work out the way he anticipated
he was such a dork
@VermillionAzure oh
@BartekBanachewicz Go on. :|
@BartekBanachewicz s/wa/i/
@Ell These are drawing instructions, though, not modles.
@VermillionAzure I was kidding :P. Focus on your problem, you don't need to solve every problem in CS ever
your intermediate format isn't flexible enough
What I'm asking is if there is a method for optimizing modifying intermediate bytecode/instructions in-place for languages.
see and that's the XY problem
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, you're right...
I think I just need to think harder...
there's no such thing
@VermillionAzure sort of... AFAIK if you modify the source, you just have to follow through to propagate changes to everything that needs it. But that requires that for any change, you can work out at least what the immediate effects are
go read about existing systems. Educate yourself.
@VermillionAzure think smarter, not harder
@thecoshman Same thing in my book. I don't think like I shit (wait a minute...)
@VermillionAzure hint: they are not
@BartekBanachewicz Wait, there's no such thing?
@BartekBanachewicz n1
@VermillionAzure as "thinking harder"
@BartekBanachewicz Oh, I see.
@VermillionAzure No such thing
How long is emerge boot-config supposed to take? :3
@BartekBanachewicz Also, thanks Bartek
You're being unusually nice to a Cinch
Oh it just finished
@Ell how long did it take
Off to Paris, bye guis
@buttifulbuttefly Oui oui
@buttifulbuttefly s'amuser
@buttifulbuttefly have fun
Oh feck I didn't make a /boot partition :(
That's a pain.
you're such a hacker Elliotte
was preparing for interviews
Hey guys
1 message moved from Algorithm
Now I can't unmount filesystem. Hmm
Is there a way to do a switch for a range?
hi any C users here?
use if
TIL about detroid
@BipinBaburaj no, why would we use that shit?
@rightfold: haha ! was preparing for interviews bro!
@BipinBaburaj no.
I'm not a bro hth.
@sehe dunno
@rightfold: okay sister :)
I'm not a sister either.
so uhhh
does anyone wanna try out me demo?
We don't have the same parents.
i did not mean in that way man!
neither did my plonk list
well! i never wanted to offend you :D
why did you make yet another account cicada
do you ever run out of them
@VermillionAzure Sure
okay let me push
@nabijaczleweli Careful, it's x86-64 Windose
@VermillionAzure As long as I can compile it v0v
It's just a moving square. With acceleration and velocity
I just came up with a neat idea for it though
everything in one function
who needs abstraction
hey braket do you have experience with WebSocket in Haskell?
@VermillionAzure It's x86, I'm able to run it natively
@nabijaczleweli It's quite lame but I think it's the farthest I've gotten in terms of playability

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