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One is 6USD.
@thecoshman don't trust wikipedia on that
Current - Receiving	20.2mA
Current - Transmitting	18.2mA
@BartekBanachewicz how did you guess
Hey all, I have some weird behaviour and I'm not sure if I'm on to a possible bug in VS 2015 RC. If I have a class with a custom c'tor (but no copy/move assign/c'tor), I get different behaviour for the default c'tor depending on the way how I define it: MyClass() {}; vs MyClass() = default;
The latter generates wrong behaviour (only in Release mode weirdly!). In clang both behave the same. That should never happen, should it?
ffs, our ci is getting worse. It's nor failing to even compile code
@Ela782 you have UB
What's "wrong behaviour"?
watch batteries get 200mAh @ 1V, so around 70mAh at 3V
also SSCCE or get out
@Ela782 Why don't you post a question on stack overflow with the code in it?
so you should get 3 hours of continuous operation out of one
"wrong behaviour": Instead of initialising as empty class, all the members have some values. Funnily, values from another class
That's expected.
but the transmissions should be done in short bursts really
Why don't you init the members yourself?
I just thought I'd ask here first because it would take quite some work to work out a minimal working example...
@Ela782 What are the members?
For example, int members have no sane default values unless you initialize them yourself.
sleeping when not riding (taking close to 0 power) and say every 30 seconds during the ride for one second, that's 30 times that or 90 hours of riding
struct X{ int a; X() = default; };
X x; // x.a == funny value?
^ that the minimal repro?
90 hours of riding isn't that much
@BartekBanachewicz which really isn't that good... cycles, sure, motor bike... not so good.
the members are a std:vector (which should be empty - it's not), and a few cv::Mat (which should be empty too)
@BartekBanachewicz Er, what?
Oh, motorbike.
oh yeah, it's not constantly drawing power to transmit
@R.MartinhoFernandes on one battery
mmmm I could imagine it being powered by a magnet on the bike frame actually
so I don't init the values, because they should get default-inited correctly
like the bike computer speed meter
(which they are on clang)
@Ela782 If the vector isn't empty, something is very wrong somewhere else in your program.
90 hours of cycling is a lot. It's at least a thousand miles.
probably a buffer overrun
ah sure, just stick three in series to hit 3V and also get plenty of Ah
@R.MartinhoFernandes might be well over 10kkm on a motorbike
Well @fredoverflow it works on clang, and also if I do MyClass() {};

It only behaves weirdly when I use MyCLass() = default;
But they should be completely equivalent?
@BartekBanachewicz could do, or some sort of internal dynamo thingy
@BartekBanachewicz On the front wheel it wouldn't be troublesome to draw power directly from the dynamo, I guess.
Maybe I should install another dynamo in the back wheel :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes except dynamo is on the frame, whilst the sensor is on the wheel
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't think shimano makes them.
@thecoshman No.
they stick the roller brake with the planetary gearbox in the rear wheel
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh? hub based dynamo?
@thecoshman those are the modern ones.
only cheap crappy bikes use the wheel-attached ones nowadays
@BartekBanachewicz I see...
@BartekBanachewicz wait... you mean only crappy ones are fixed to the frame?
lmao now it's too cold for tshirts outside :'(
So I guess I'll have to create an MWE then. But just to get things straight, MyClass() {}; vs MyClass() = default; should always be equivalent, right?
@thecoshman yes?
it would be great if nature could find some equilibrium at 25 deg instead of switching from 35 to 20
this is how a modern one looks like
@BartekBanachewicz and that fits into the wheel hub?
@thecoshman that is the wheel hub, bub.
right in the middle?
@BartekBanachewicz yeah
just got a little lost in translation back there
@FlorianMargaine Probably to meet his god, which is a fried chicken
@chmod711telkitty of course
different angle
this is a shitty one because no disc brake mount
how does power hook up to that then? a pin either side?
@thecoshman look at the right side of the photo above
@thecoshman That'd be so stupid.
hey this is pretty cool
/cc @CatPlusPlus and Ethernet on mobile phones
My question would be why boost::iostreams::copy(in, cout); codeline would print out various things ? It is just a copy command. what would be different if I had boost::iostreams::copy(in, abc); instead of cout there ? — Hiesenberg 3 mins ago
The cluenessness is very thick there
this is a charger/adapter for Chromecast that also drives ethernet via the USB port
I wonder if it would work with mobile phones
USB-Ethernet things already exist.
@R.MartinhoFernandes why not literally a pin, but a power teriminal
@BartekBanachewicz oh, the first photo
oh, so that bit is 'floating' so it spins freely from the hub... so it can no spin relative to bike
how do you fit one of those? do kids these days put spokes into their own wheels?
be vary wary of C style casts they may not do what you expect them to do. Rather use the safer (and more explicit) static_cast whenever possible instead — Mgetz 1 min ago
@thecoshman lol "these days"
you need new spokes
take off the tyre, unscrew old spokes, put new spokes to a hub, screw, center the wheel, put back the tyre
if you don't know how, give it to a bike shop vOv
anyway, well a human on a bike produces awfully little power anyway
my motorcycle's power generator has about 50W IIRC, but bigger bikes can have 400-600 and more
Human brains can generate a lot more though /cc matrix
a human on a bicycle typically outputs less than 100W when riding
conclusion: humans suck
those in-hub dynamos produce 2.4W or 3.0W basing on model
well for now I'll just use an ever-growing cache
great idea
@rightfold let me test it on my smartphone which has 256mb RAM
lol 256 millibits of RAM
lol it's megabytes silly
you noob
@khajvah you're the noob here now
"mb" clearly means "millibits"
256MB is 256 megabytes
no just no
you're wrong hth
have you ever seen anything anywhere written millibits?
RIP English but you get the question
yes, you wrote it just before
4 mins ago, by khajvah
@rightfold let me test it on my smartphone which has 256mb RAM
ah, this is pointless
@khajvah capitalization is important
Of course I could have inferred it from context
so fucking what
there is no context where exists millibyte or milibit
It might exist one day
megabytes is MB
I don't say that I drive my ugoobod to work despite it's obvious from the context that I mean "motorcycle"
ok you won
good job
small victories feel nice
It is @StackedCrooked's birthday today.
I'm finding this question and its progress stupid. stackoverflow.com/q/31234536/1233251
> At a fundamental level of nature, nutrition is really just vibrating strings of non-local energy.
This logic can be used to explain anything
@sehe Get fundamental enough, and all your friends will leave you.
@sehe lol
mmm Hero Session looks nice
a camera could be a nice motorcycle accessory actually
mmm expensiveness
Hero 4 is only marginally cheaper
@sehe At a fundamental level of nature, logic is really just vibrating strings of non-local energy
OTOH Session has a new mount so accessories might not fit
@BartekBanachewicz can't make toast tohugh
also morning all
@thecoshman that's why engines vOv
yeah imma buy this Session camera at some point
would be cool to have ride videos
> The AOT compiler translates Intermediate Language (IL), the low-level output from .NET compilers, to C++ source code. The runtime library provides services and abstractions like a garbage collector, platform-independent access to threads and files, and implementations of internal calls (native code which modifies managed data structures directly).
Woah. Why have I not heard of this‌​ before
you did but you glossed over it most likely
I talked about it w/ others here a long time ago
il2cpp that is
not that specific article
Oh. I just realized that you might have completely missed the point of my answer. "Why would copy... print out various things" - Answer: It prints the contents of the file. "Various things" are the contents of the file. That was my answer. — sehe 17 secs ago
Just realized at what fundamental level the OP was clueness
@AlexM. I did gloss over it. Thinking it has roughly the same applicability of mono --aot. But I now read with emphasis on "cpp code". That might not be useful, but sounds interesting
@StackedCrooked that's a good way to ruin a birthday.
Well, it's exciting.
@BartekBanachewicz That's plenty enough to run whatever you might want to put on a bike.
(You can always add bottle dynamos if you really want more for whatever crazy reason.)
@R.MartinhoFernandes those terrible inefficient headlamps consume 2W
@StackedCrooked use Boost.Coroutine.
lol someone plagiarised a question from Programmers.SE to farm rep. /cc @Mysticial
@chmod711telkitty Thanks :)
@Borgleader wow, at least he could change the description
0/10 plagiariser
@Jefffrey Actually it was just a typo.

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