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SUCCESS! #duetWITHnabijaczlewel
@VermillionAzure And you missed an 'i', gg
@nabijaczleweli At least they aren't trying free-verse. "Free verse is the most difficult poetry to write acceptably -- and therefore the most often attempted by those who cannot write any poetry acceptably."
@Jerry meh, I find girls annoying as well.
People are annoying in general
Generals are annoying the people
sehe, time for sleep now
I wouldn't say all people are annoying, just most of them are at times. I really hate those who says that they want to be loved, but then do all those selfish/retarded things to piss everyone around them in real life off
@JohanLarsson really :S
o.O What makes you say that
And you?
@sehe is impressed
We must be ready to write perfect code in five hours
Nope. Wednesday is my sub-weekend
But the kids will want to get to school etc. Like everyday
I think I might still have to do one more remedial teaching duty too. You're right
I might get some sleep
I'm gonna try now, bai
Sleep well
Starting our redis work now, ETA ~1hr given firmware patch time. Even power supplies need firmware love these days.
Plumbers are charging us $5600 for 5-6 full days of work ... & that's the cheapest we could find ...
it should say hello world, no hooo mooo :[
hello world no homo?
People told me I should specialize in something, I think that's a really retarded thing to do - if the industry I specialize in get into a recession, my income would become less than half of that of an aussie plumbers.
The best thing for a highly intelligent, able bodied, well knowledged person is to be versatile.
getting somewhere
The winner of this world is always the most adaptive ones
@Prismatic I see HOOOO MOOOO
@chmod711telkitty But the specialists make bank
Lounge C++
in the shittiest font ive ever seen :P
@VermillionAzure bank ... rupt
@Borgleader hey! I made that font from scratch, pixel by pixel!
It was actually fun to make... very charthartic
dat pun
@Prismatic but what is it on
@Prismatic Wow
That's really... What windowing system are you using?
MacOS isn't too bad, Apple always tries to rip people off if they can. But MacOS is actually ok.
A lot like unix
@R.MartinhoFernandes Want a Corvette to go with your half of a sofa?
Hey, is anyone here a PhD or master student?
I was a master student many years ago
but currently, no
How much do you know about publishing papers
you usually have to work with your supervisor on that
if you are doing it by research, you would have a supervisor
@chmod711telkitty How can I publish as an independent.
simplest way is to post it to the editor of the publication you want to publish it on, but there is a good chance your article would get rejected
@chmod711telkitty Ah I see.
it's just I wanted to try to do research on computer science education and conceptualization
Redis master swaps happening now.
@VermillionAzure Find a professor at your school that does that and work with them
If you aren't in school, go back
If those options aren't open, fat chance anything gets published
@Jeremy Hm...
Maybe I should start doing my own pre-research with reading papers and then decide
what are some places to start reading papers?
@VermillionAzure Don't know. Are you in school now?
@Jeremy Yes. I'm not a CS major, though.
@VermillionAzure Doesn't matter.
Find someone in the CS department that does that research, go to their office hours, and talk about your interest.
Or, if you aren't sure you're interested, send them an e-mail saying you're interested, and want to learn more. They can at least tell you what to read/what to do.
They're human beings, and they usually love what they do. They'll be happy to help out someone who is curious about their passions, too.
@Jeremy Hm. Good idea.
Are you in school too?
@VermillionAzure Not currently. SO is getting a Ph.D. now and I did some research as an undergrad.
Her parents are academics... given all our experience, the above is the advice I've heard a million times over.
@Jeremy Oh I see.
I'm kind of scared to go ahead because I know so little
I'll probably come off as an idiot like I do on here.
@VermillionAzure Don't be. Ask for advice while you're paying for it at university.
@VermillionAzure That's totally acceptable. In fact, expected.
Just be eager to learn and follow instructions.
@Jeremy Some of the professors seemed less than interested
@VermillionAzure We can talk about this out of lounge.
All right.
1 hour later…
Cave Johnson, we're done here.
2 hours later…
@Feeds Huh?
They are done here.
Apparently my local government thought that mowing grass at 7:30am is a great fucking idea.
shit I am late on Apple bashing
good morning btw
@nabijaczleweli that's a great idea :d
CMake s me crazyyyy
Good morning Vietnam!
Morning fortunate son
I wonder how I can gracefully handle a weird dependency tree of cmake targets
Like A -> B -> C and A -> C
@nabijaczleweli Dude, you are supposed to be on you way to work at that time already! :D
@wilx I 'm was trying to sleep
@nabijaczleweli It is your fault for trying to sleep at that hour. :D
@wilx B-b-but summer holiday! I don't have to go to school! I can would be able to sleep 'till 9am, ffs
@R.MartinhoFernandes Gratz!
@rightfold mornin'
@Rerito how is that weird? As long as it's an acyclic graph it's all equally normal
Theoretically, it's an acyclic graph so a topological order with the following good linking is great to solve it
like build C, then B then A
link B and C, A and C, A and B and woohoo
I'm betting two cakes that CMake handles the topological sort.
build them all in parallel
Because, if not, then what does it do
screw dependencies
I'm betting the same but I don't know how to tell him :(
In C++, you'd build C twice!
huh, why is it so hard to explain to a programmer that the browser automatically redirects moved pages?
Because you mentioned a load of irrelevant things
> Is a C++ reference just syntactic sugar, or does it offer any speed ups in certain cases?
Worst question of the day.
There is much more to language features than syntax and optimisation opportunities. -1 — rightfold 55 secs ago
@khajvah Just there. "a programmer", "a browser" etc. Also, "moved pages" don't exist!
hi every one
There's just a protocol with several HTTP result codes. Some of those tell the client to go elsewhere
@sehe which is what I meant by "moved page"
You meant it.
The art of explaining is to say what you mean
is it possible to push map object in side a vector..?
@sanjay Yes. Case closed
@sehe there is only one way to "move" page, isn't there?
@khajvah 3XX codes IIRC
so much badness in that thread
@khajvah Sending a HTTP redirect is not moving a page. That's mixing abstractions and that explains why you had a hard time explaining.
@sehe: is that msg for me
@khajvah And also, not. There are META directives too
> One huge advantage references have over pointers is that a reference can refer to a value in a register, while pointers can only point at blocks of memory.
@sanjay Yes.
@rightfold whoa
any link..that will be helpful
@sehe tbh, I explained http return code stuff but whatever
@sanjay You had a question and there's nothing to link about it. What did you want? en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/vector/push_back and en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/map?
@khajvah Ok!
I basically downvoted all answers and the question.
Q: C++ references - are they just syntactic sugar?

samofozIs a C++ reference just syntactic sugar, or does it offer any speed ups in certain cases? For example, a call-by-pointer involves a copy anyway, and that seems to be true about a call-by-reference as well. The underlying mechanism appears to be the same. Edit: After about six answers and many c...

The only post I didn't downvote was Yakk's answer because TL;DR.
stackoverflow.com/users/3837653/samofoz lol his questions are all about performance.
@sehe: i have a map like this --- std::map<std::string ,std::string> keyval;
keyval["letter"] = value;
keyval["is_actual"]= "true"; and my vector is -->std::vector<cocos2d::Value> optionButton = std::vector<cocos2d::Value>(); i want to add keyval object to optionButton
I'm really feeling the shame here ^^
@rightfold sam mo fozformance
@sehe So you know all about structs!
It means people I answer tag their questions with :(
no you're now a struct expert
@sanjay -1 not enough information. Go to Stack Overflow
and I will ask you all my struct questions
ITT sehe feeling SOcial conscience.
Why are you con-science? You filthy theist.
@sanjay Is std::map<> contextually convertible to cocos2d::Value? If not, go to Stack Overflow
@nabijaczleweli Just [SO], nab
you don't need to do it uppercase @sehe
[so] is fine.
@sehe Ooooh, nifty
@rightfold [TAG:WHO-CARES]
Your pinky.
I'll ask. Nope
> 5-Year-Old Reluctantly Lets Crying Mom Sleep In His Bed Again
> Ook is er een beroemd Brits onderzoek uit 2008, waaruit bleek dat er relatief minder gewonden vielen door doodsbange stieren die door veel te smalle straatjes rennen in landen waar ze geen doodsbange stieren door veel te smalle straatjes laten rennen.
At my desk not five minutes and already getting annoyed at people not using Jira
@rightfold kek
Jirassic Park
JIRA is awful.
Classic bad Atlassian UI design.
@rightfold It's better than other things I've had to use :(
@rightfold It's been made my worse
YouTrack is great.
people were allowed to add their own 'progress stages' so we have like three 'in progress' stages
Brillant! So Enterprisey
Even though that's been locked down now, they still don't seem to want to fix the mistake and remove some of that noise
Delete two, problem solved.
What is it with you people, you seem incapable of understanding what it means to work with more than ten people.
Just Delete two has to first be prefixed by ensuring they all mapped to the 'correct' one. It also results in most boards no longer showing these tasks as they are not mapped to the correct columns any more. Boards would need to have they admins sorted out again, as three years is sure to have resulted in most people moving on to other things. Sheer numbers make simple tasks a complete twat to sort out.
Easy with bulk edit.
oh even better
some twat has an alarm set and they are not even in
better a twat than a SWAT
Looks like and angry day for me
@thecoshman erm. what makes you think rightfold didn't get that? He was just not interested in conversing about it I'm afraid
fuck ten people
> angry day
return alert translations.survey.noQuestions if $scope.questions.length == 0
oh god this code is horrible
guys it's possible to write that defines as c++ codes? pastebin.com/pCZSPaWa
i'am noob, and nwebir
.... and you use facebook. 'Nuff said
@CosminIovan :(
@MarkGarcia :(
@CosminIovan what are you trying to achieve? Post that on Stack Overflow
@sehe ???
> i'am noob, and nwebir
@sehe OK :d
oh apparently somebody who was already on my plonk list (why not on yours?) dumped a question
Because we're not all weaklings :)
how can you get a plonk list on so
hello there
rightclick "ignore user everywhere"
@coincoin I don't know if...
@coincoin bonjour
@MarkGarcia did you mean the "not sure if..." meme?
goedemorgen @sehe
@sehe Definitely.
hum why would you have plonk list on so appart from the chat
now I have ignore someone and dont know how to get it back ~~
@coincoin Your profile -> prefs tab
thank you @nabijaczleweli :)
@coincoin In any way, that seems fine to me.
I signed the offer today
Day 0: 16% "raise" from what I wanted to earn
robot is homeful and I'm jobful
also, a month of vacation incoming because I start on 1st Sep
@BartekBanachewicz Well done
well over a month
40 days basically
gonna sooooo slack off
@BartekBanachewicz Go rightfold
I think I'll do the engine thing during that time
and perhaps code something
and prepare myself for the job because :toot toot: it won't be in C++
@rightfold Why don't you install Slackware
@BartekBanachewicz Oh no it sucks
What is Slackware?
@rightfold .. are you fucking kidding me
> Slackware is a Linux distribution created by Patrick Volkerding in 1993.
-1 not Gentoo
@rightfold Gentoo is obsolete shit.
Install TempleOS.
I know one guy who's really really good though, and he uses Gentoo...... hm....
@rightfold This "Gentoo", does it support Gnome 3?
It supports everything.
@rightfold oO
Wow, it even supports Windows?
@rightfold you just gotta waste your life on compiling everything
If you're a masochist then you can indeed install Gnome.
@khajvah WAIT
You have no prebuilt shit on Gentoo!??!
@Columbo You compile everything on Gentoo
no binaries
@Columbo lol
Did you install it yet? xD
@Griwes Never gonna happen, that
I'll stick with the system that breaks after every goddamn update, that is, Arch
> Skynet better be running on Gentoo, that way it'll spend ages recompiling itself.
my arch is fine
@Columbo Grab an Ubuntu and be happy vOv
Right now on Arch, CodeBlocks is fucking crashing every five minutes, my sound device isn't recognized and ulimit kinda doesn't work
@Griwes He will be considered as a noob in 4chan, though
there's binary distributions of some packages
@khajvah No-one sensible cares about what 4chan thinks, though.
@Griwes No, I need bleeding edge
And I don't mean @rightfolds vagina
@Columbo Grab non-LTS, duh.
Or debian testing or other shit.
@Columbo YOu can't have a perfectly stable bleeding edge system
Something with a sensible package manager anyway.
like arch
@khajvah I know but I'm trying
@Griwes pacman is neat.
@khajvah lolnope
@Ven do we want mutable variables?
Another option is to have something like F#'s ref and Haskell's IORef which have the additional benefit of closures being easier to implement.
I feel old being on debian stable
on the other hand, stability is probably not a strong enough word to describe my system
@FlorianMargaine That's the correct way to feel with that.
What kernel does that have? :D
3.16? lemme check
yeah, 3.16
That'd be not entirely terrible.
that's better than I expected
I wish the bleeding edge kernels for Ubuntu were in an actual PPA, not in form of .deb files to manually install.
Funnily enough the URL you get them from contains "PPA"...
looks like I can even apt-get install linux-image-4.0.0
but that may be because I have unstable for a couple of pinned packages
@Griwes I manage my package sensibly.
florian@debian:~/src/node/miaou/docker$ apt-cache policy linux-image-4.0.0-2-amd64
  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: 4.0.7-1
  Version table:
     4.0.7-1 0
        100 ftp.fr.debian.org/debian unstable/main amd64 Packages
yup, unstable
@FlorianMargaine 2.9
@khajvah ?
@FlorianMargaine it was meant for me
btw, pinning is awesome.
@BartekBanachewicz inb4 cabal
florian@debian:~$ apt-cache policy iceweasel
  Installed: 38.1.0esr-2
  Candidate: 38.1.0esr-2
  Package pin: 38.1.0esr-2
  Version table:
 *** 38.1.0esr-2 800
        100 ftp.fr.debian.org/debian unstable/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     31.8.0esr-1~deb8u1 800
        700 security.debian.org jessie/updates/main amd64 Packages
     31.6.0esr-1 800
        700 ftp.debian.org/debian jessie/main amd64 Packages
@Griwes I actually meant a penis.
but keep nerdin', yo.
lounge is all about nerdin'
man, this svn to git thing is more work that I thought it would be. especially when it takes like 6 hrs to clone :\ so I more or less only get one or two test runs a day
why are you using svn at all
also are you shallow cloning
moving to a project that set itself up with svn, no idea why, don't care why, it just was. Looking to drop svn and move completely to git
W00t! \o/
I think the slow clone is mostly down to it being hosted on a shit slow server
I have been able to log a line from C# application logging through log4cplus C API calling back to C# callback. :D
@wilx o_0 that's convoluted
@wilx C#->C->C++->C#?
@BartekBanachewicz do you plan to ever play factorio with us again?
@nabijaczleweli lol, yes, basically.
@thecoshman Yes. Somebody asked me if log4cplus could be used for C++ components with NLog being used for C# components, both logging into the same file. I sadly had to say no. So I figured using log4cplus as just a bridge between native world and .NET world could work. It does. :D
@thecoshman yeah, I guess. We were having guests over the last two evenings, hence I was absent in the interwebz
With a special appender, log4cplus can delegate all of this to C# logging library.
The worst part is figuring out the interop.
Hey guys. when's the next jam
@Mr.kbok When you grow enough strawberries!
I have basic log4cplus C API because somebody else contributed it to use in their mixed C++ and C source.
@wilx Wait for september for the delicious blackberry harvest
@Mr.kbok Are you a corporate hipster?
@MarkGarcia What do you mean?
@Mr.kbok I'd rather have an android then pick myself
Best C# logging library: public delegate void Log(Record record);.
@Mr.kbok >delicious blackberry
but, hipster?
> blackberry
sorry I ruined the joke lol
@Mr.kbok somewhere end of the month?
@BartekBanachewicz Cool. Let's do this.
I think I might take some free time of mine to wrap the last jam up (make screenshots and everything and such)
but we should do a shorter one this time
I think 4h should be ok
I'm stupid.
@sehe inb4 stars
If you follow the live stream you'll get why I'm stupid :(
so there is this russian freelance.com alternative and has a lot of people ready to pay good money for shitware
@R.MartinhoFernandes how much should a socket wrench set cost
@BartekBanachewicz have you svn-git stuff before by any chance?

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