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@Warezovvv Also, don't use cplusplus.com.
@EtiennedeMartel :)
Referential transparency, purity and immutability are things of value. Especially in essentially functional worlds like SQL
In the context of inserting a row, now() and similar functions are deterministic, in that in the same moment in time (or same date) they provide the same value. But I know you'll go bring up this page, where it says that given the same input a deterministic function will give you the same output, and here there's no input, so now() is not deterministic.
sehe, is there a way to swap a reference in C#?
> This page describes a feature introduced by the latest revision of the C++ standard (2011). Older compilers may not support it.
Wow, much up to date.
I need to sync two instances, thinking about hax
@JohanLarsson What would be the trouble there? var tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp;?
@sehe No idea what that is.
They are settings classes, I want to swap them out globally
@sehe They sure are in certain context. Not in this one.
@Jefffrey Bartek and Rightfold
@JohanLarsson Same.
using reflection to copy all properties from a > b will be so gross
@sehe he he
@JohanLarsson swap(ref a, ref b), where swap is a generic function that you wrote yourself already
@sehe I'm explaining poorly
@Jefffrey Did you implement it? Because I'm not convinced stupid Mysql engineers are just making your life miserable because they enjoy it
@milleniumbug Same as what I said, but with pretty paint. It's not what he wants, so let's hold off on the polishing
@sehe PostgreSQL has what I'm looking for IIRC, and MySQL is known for being terrible at adhering to standards. I don't think MySQL engineers are trying to make anybody's life miserable. I think they made mistakes in the context of a highly complex software like MySQL, and those mistakes make the alternatives much more appealing.
There you go. I'll subscribe to that
Unfortunately, my sexual attraction towards Postgres can't be fulfilled, due to university requirements.
But that's off topic, I guess.
as well as how the on the fly package installation works
Actually, attraction (sexual or otherwise) is far more interesting to discuss than particular grudges :)
you add \usepackage{listings} and when you try to compile it asks you to download the package
@sehe ;)
@Jefffrey I certainly hope now() is not deterministic. Be kind of pointless if it was
@EtiennedeMartel btw. What is better to get reference?
Determinism is determined by the context.
@Warezovvv cppreference.com
@Warezovvv The aptly named cppreference.com, of course.
You could see the system environment to be an implicit argument to the now function.
And anyway, I still don't see the problem with non deterministic functions in default values.
I think they used the same optimizers for insert set generation as for query result set generation. Which makes sense (think bulk insert into?!)
@Mr.kbok yes
Yeah, I can see that, but the tradeoff here is that many times you want to default a date or time or both values to when the row was inserted. For example when posting a tweet (time of post), or posting a question (same), or registering a new account (registered since) or submitting a bug report (github) or anything date or time related.
And forcing the user to provide a trigger and/or make every date or time value a TIMESTAMP is suboptimal.
@BartekBanachewicz The mighty Bartek has awoken!
@BartekBanachewicz Are you playing factorio?
@Jefffrey I'd counter that with (a) every example can comfortably be implemented using TIMESTAMP. If you fear the excess resolution is going to cause bugs, make a view that extracts only the DATE part
@Mr.kbok ask @Jefffrey
Right now?
I'm free in a couple of hours if you want
Not now.
You guys have a server?
That's fine
@Jefffrey (b) in many (if not all) cases you want control anyway. You don't want to create a signup at 23:59 that, because the commit goes in past midnight gets another start date, IMO. I'd say you have the "last modified" TIMESTAMP - that's almost like a "record version". And all the rest is application logic, not "automatic" time columns
@Jefffrey how long is couple hours
it's like
10:30pm already
> "make every date or time value a TIMESTAMP" is caricatural. If you always want them defaulted, that's tantamount to saying there is no information in the fields. (for similar reasons, I suspect, MySql only supports the "auto-update" hack on a single TIMESTAMP column per table)
It's okay I'm doing the campaign anyway
I'm bleeding
I typed that before you said "bleeding"
I've been touching things and they are prolly all in blood now
The iced tea I made is delicious
Best idea of the week
@BartekBanachewicz TMI
it's my blood
@BartekBanachewicz Aparrently, not so much now..
@BartekBanachewicz Matthew 26:28
@Mr.kbok I host it typically
@sehe I don't think it poured over any particular sins
@fredo project is a bit late, customer is still happy, progmatic are happy.
@Jeff do you know Sicily well?
gf wants to go there in october
You made a 2nd account just to ask the same question ? — Borgleader 2 mins ago
@Borgleader somehow I'm not surprised
@BartekBanachewicz phew. that was close
Bugger, my mother has to change her maiden name again. :-( https://blog.lastpass.com/2015/06/lastpass-security-notice.html/
just use 2FA
Lastpass supports like every 2FA provider on earth
also FFS THPS5 isn't coming to PC
is this a fucking joke
I really have to buy a PS3 now
Or you can just quite ---smoking---- playing all the newest games
I don't really play the new games
I mostly play retro stuff
but THPS has always had a warm spot
@BartekBanachewicz THPS is the kiddie pool
whatever that means
@FilipRoséen-refp So?
@BartekBanachewicz It's a Tony Hawk game released after THPS3. It's probably gonna suck.
Skeet is still a wonderful fellow. I like that guy. stackoverflow.com/a/30850736/451600
@BartekBanachewicz it also has "warm spots"
And yellow spots
@wilx you seen it yet?
All I can say is that that was an awesome episode
So awesome.
Evening folks! I found this new magician here:
You've got heavy, deep introspecting crystal balls dude. Where did you buy those? Could you leave me a contact address please? — πάντα ῥεῖ 4 mins ago
I knew it was coming :)
Agreed. Sometimes sharing troubleshooting experience is just what you can do — sehe 6 secs ago
Just noticed what a shipwreck the question is
> I can't comment on the node* &head, because I've never seen that before.
What an expert.
@πάνταῥεῖ I have just updated my comment (that was in response, obviously; who do you think upvoted that comment :))
@sehe Retracted my downvote, but "... because I've never seen that before ..." in conjunction with "sharing troubleshooting experience" is seriously arguable. — πάντα ῥεῖ 1 min ago
Anyhoops. I submitted an answer not dissimilar myself just earlier: stackoverflow.com/a/30851631/85371
@VermillionAzure Go
Sorry, I finally wanted to put this as an answer, but closing happened earlier: "Why, when I send the same pointer twice to this function , .... does it cause a run time exception?" It actually doesn't inherently. That code wont provoke any runtime exceptions, unless root is an invalid (dangling or nullptr) pointer to dereferene. The error is elsewhere. — πάντα ῥεῖ 35 secs ago
@VermillionAzure Lo
did you guys miss me?
brb crying tears of disappointment and betrayal
@nick Yes
But it's within epsilon of my representational format. So I can't represent the amount better than 0
whew, i had my hopes up for a second there
@Ell Nope. Been busy.
one day the jabbascript chat room will surpass the Lounge
how does this make you feel?
@nick I have enough knives to not need to worry about that ;)
@Xeo I don't know about that
but it's really fun to use
like programming a document
had lots of fun today with it
@nick hasn;t it already?
@Ell: Downloading. It will have to wait until tomorrow evening, though.
i don't think we do monthly meetings or canonicals
@VermillionAzure in greatness or message count?
lounge still has like a million more messages
@nick ambivalent. Let them go there !
@VermillionAzure we also do talks in the javascript room (make a vid talking about some kind of tech)
i say "we" in the loosest sense of the word, as I haven't participated in that
"we" create viral parodies on YT
heh good point
and by "we" you mean Andy :)
@sehe good point
@nick very much :)
oh wow
my earphones broke
great opportunity to upgrade
@nick from 11 to 12 dollar earphones, got it
are you in the market for some over ear headphones?
@nick stop trying to sell me beats
In ear monitors master race.
i recommend the sony mdr-7506 studio monitors
you can pick up a pair on amazon for 80-90 usd they're great
@nick I have a laptop at home
and I have a desktop at work
and no I haven't tried beats, they're quite overpriced imo
@nick screw earphone they're earphones as long as it's not a walkie-talkie in my ear i'm good
once you try a good pair of headphones you'll take back what you just said
@nick i have
and i still don't care
i need to pay rent
fair enough
@Nooble what you got?
@VermillionAzure You should get an SSD. Because I ordered one and I'm excited.
@nick AT EP3.
@nick so many flags :/
That is, in fact a tiny cock
@Nooble I think I have obne
@BenjaminGruenbaum wait are you serious? i'm being flagged again?
@VermillionAzure Get more.
Yes, it's at 6 flags, I invalidated
@Nooble I have a laptop
Once again, I can't really...
praise jesus
@Nooble nice do they have good bass?
Is it a decent laptop?
Now 8 flags @nick
Enjoy your break (probably)
alright guys i might as well have lunch
sorry to all my sensitive friends in the lounge :)
@nick Yep.
Wait, can't we just get a mod to invalidate the flags? @BoltClock ?
TBH, I think there's someone in here that's either easily offended by certain language, or is just trying to troll.
aww... too late
Enjoy the break.
@Mysticial It's usually lightness. When flag data was public but people didn't realize it it was almost always lightness.
@Griwes hah rainbow tables didn't fit in my tweet anymore. Also, with current software cracking, rainbow tables are hardly ever useful anymore (especially in the light of frequent use of salted schemes)
Rainbow tables were a '90s thing
...partially because of salts :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not surprised at all.
Which was kind of the point there :P
@Griwes yup
So, my mostly insignificant exploit got 20k views and 80 stars, better than expected.
I'd agree
It's not insignificant though.
Firefox rolled a fix out in 3 hours, I'm impressed.
It's also not very erm... sophisticated, hard to explain/fix etc. It's relevant enough once it's published
Also, this one guy opened an issue and asked me if I work for the NSA
@BenjaminGruenbaum Makes oodles of sense. Script kiddies be like "I CAN HAZ"
I love armor stands.
@sehe to be fair, most exploits I know of are pretty short and are under 10-20 LoC to demonstrate - this one has no real business potential though - crashing browsers is nice but the cost for the server here is very big (sending gigabytes of data silently) so I doubt it's anything practical
@BenjaminGruenbaum Like I said. Script kiddies be all over you. Good thinking to actually check. Next time consider responsible disclosure :)
(in this case the fix is so trivial, it's always responsible enough, but just as a matter of principle)
Now on Safari...
@BenjaminGruenbaum If you can crash it, you can (a) probably make it misbehave otherwise (b) make people do things for you (avoid sites, visit other sites to solve issues etc., serve them adds to "fix firefox" or similar and benefit from the frenzy)
@sehe well, there are other affected parties that are affected by something similar that is not published yet and not included in the repo - it's not more sophisticated but like you said - if there is actual potential for harm it's best to open the issue as a hidden issue and not share the result anywhere.
Cheers for that. You're doing good stuff here
What exploit?
I don't really have a choice on that one - I'm pretty sure it's illegal to show something that has the potential to be used for crime in a reasonable way.
@Rapptz Excessively large favicons crashing browsers
This here, nothing too impressive, just weird :D
internet isn't for faint hearted
How did you find it?
favicon.zip.bmp at 16kb I'm sure it can fool a win95 system.
Daedalic Entertainment präsentiert gerade #ValhallaHills auf der E3 der Fachpresse. http://t.co/bDDkP55kLp
@Ell @Ell I saw a tweet saying someone's favicon was actually a backup of their site and I figured that if it can be 60mb there probably isn't a size limit.
time for sleeps
I just realized I'm naive.
star bait taken
Yay, I can use my laptop again.
primitive robot
> Ask David Karp a question
@R.MartinhoFernandes is the mail workers strike over
The nice thing about David Karp is that he actually looks like a Magikarp.
I'm bootstrapping everything now.
user image
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm adding your wallet saga to my application's loading screen gibberish. "Losing wallet..." "Getting replacement ID..." "Mail workers strike... trying again..." "Withdrawing money..."
@rightfold lekker ananas
Wie spreekt er hier geen Nederlands?
mijn oma
ze spreekt niet hier
En zo plat, da verstoadenie eej
Spreken nederlands hier is onbepaald gedrag
Nice try. Actually. Well played
evening fellers
@Xeo is that you guys?
@Xeo you guys sure love viking themed things
We do indeed.
Crap, I still haven't gotten any work done.
why isn't your game discounted on gog :<
it's the summer sale you guys
Because it's not out yet?
I mean the older games
Oh, dunno.
!Cultures is being discounted atm
The old Cultures titles are -75% / -80% on Steam right now
they're on steam?
@Xeo can I raid villages as a viking?
whats your game?
@AlexM. Been there for a while.
holy shit I didn't know
fuck gog imma get them on steam
and have lots of viking families with viking babies
hmm the first cultures doesn't seem to be available
just Northland
gog has them both
Northland and 8th Wonder of the World
I was after this gog.com/game/cultures_12
I only played cultures 1 years ago and would've liked to replay it
ah, I guess those aren't on steam
@CaptainGiraffe You mean naïve?
w/e I'll get the new ones and see what's changed
price is really tiny, huh
@Jeremy "crying in corner" "starting over"

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