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I actually got confused yesterday morning and I ended up coding a bit because I thought it was Monday.
@LucDanton lol
> coding on Monday
pff, Monday is when you get attuned to the rest of the week.
@BartekBanachewicz High lvl starts for me at python, and goes to the domain specific languages.
I bought an SSD.
woo connection pooling
@Xeo do it tonight
@paul23 and why is C# not high level and python is? What criteria do you use?
@BartekBanachewicz "feeling"
@BartekBanachewicz In python the line between "programmer" and "user" of a scripts quickly gets blurred.
@Xeo Depends. The end of the week is when I tend to take notice of whatever 'large' changes I feel are up next, which I defer to the start of the next week. So I can tackle new stuff with a fresh perspective while I stick to the more maintenance/routine for the end of the week to avoid Friday bugs.
and, well, you do need to go through compilation/main function in C# while you don't in python
so there is some level between them
@paul23 are you talking about the use of the program as compared to writing the program?
If I don’t do that though yeah then Monday is like coming in from a context-switch with no idea wth is going on.
So python is high-level because the user of the program is the programmer?
Am I not getting something here
@BartekBanachewicz I'm talking about that wret->test->write cycles become shorter. And that the user CAN EASILY start programming/modifying a libary.
Why does it become shorter?
@paul23 Why are write/test cycles faster in python than in C#? How is the 2nd part different?
@rightfold there's no compilation step with python
@rightfold You tell me.
@paul23 No, actually it's your job. You made a claim. Back it up or back up.
@FlorianMargaine wrong.
CPython compiles automatically.
sorry, no explicit compilation step
You can trivially build a tool that does that for C# as well (it's called Z shell and the syntax is mcs *.cs && mono ./Main.exe).
But in python I typically test probably line-by-line without first setting up full objects etc, and later quickly make things objects with getters/setters. While in c++ I have to setup an object correctly.
@rightfold that's totally going to handle projects with more than a single folder
In that case you need configuration with Python too.
@paul23 You can always use tuples in C++.
meh, you're playing dumb.. not going to keep arguing.
Also, C# automates a huge part of the test cycle which is finding type errors.
@Lalaland Of course - which would then imply using templates/generics for the rest and start thinking of how to correctly describe specific parts.
@paul23 I thought we were talking about C#, not C++.
and come on, none of you can argue that C# is faster to prototype with than python
@paul23 Using tuples doesn't imply using templates in your code.
@FlorianMargaine I am arguing it's not less prototypeable.
@BartekBanachewicz Like I said: little experience with C# in that respect, but from the code I've seen it's very explicit and looks to me closer to a low lvl language than what I'd normally use.
@paul23 what parts of it look closer to a low-level language?
@FlorianMargaine I don't particularly care about that.
What do you find explicit?
I mean I keep reading your opinions but I don't see anything I can relate too, because, well, they seem like your private opinions and nothing concrete.
But I can tell you that Python is highly dangerous for prototyping since you will eventually end up in protoduction because it's too expensive to rewrite your massive prototype.
@BartekBanachewicz Well the ability to "prototype" quickly in python.. Where you can actually still recognize the algorithms easily as you would've written them on paper.
@rightfold I know, I work on a python codebase
@paul23 That's not the answer to the question I asked.
@FlorianMargaine my condolences
(me too :'()
thank you
my condolences then.
I die a little every time we get a critical bug fix that any static tool would catch...
because sooner or later we're going to get to the point where C# becomes more low-level because it uses braces
@BartekBanachewicz Well it is the answer - I like seeing the mathematical description still in the code.
@paul23 Define "mathematical description". My Haskell programs have probably well more "mathematically based descriptions" than anything you've written in python.
Heck for me an ideal language would interpret latex as if it was computer code.
Things such as: [i**2 for i in mylist] give a good indication.
@paul23 already exists.
It's called latex.
@paul23 write a compiler :-)
@ArneMertz Can you give me 2 years of time? Sadly t variable is in our universe strictly increasing.
I want to write more Go code.
@paul23 C# also has list comprehensions.
IEnumerable<int> numbers = Enumerable.Range(0, 10);
var evens = from num in numbers where num % 2 == 0 select num;
@BartekBanachewicz Code I've checked didn't ever use them then.
a quick example taken from the internet using inline LINQ
@rightfold Why? Don't you find Go's lack of generics annoying?
@paul23 That's not the same as "the language doesn't have them"
also, you'd prolly like Haskell vOv
@BartekBanachewicz It is the same as "From what I've seen the language looks like...."
> tar: ./.ninja_log: time stamp 2015-06-15 16:14:06 is 4.990304247 s in the future
why am I deploying the Ninja log
this is stupid
well, that might be a good point to note that you should look at a the language in more depth before assessing it I guess
@BartekBanachewicz Time..
16 mins ago, by paul23
@BartekBanachewicz High lvl starts for me at python, and goes to the domain specific languages.
Like I said: C# & haskell are languages I still wish to learn
IMHO both are better than Python actually :)
But python is the de facto standard for any scientific computing at our faculty
I can only think of about one thing I don't like about Go and it's that you can multiply a duration with a duration to get a duration, but multiplying a duration with an integer is a type error.
oh surely it's used a lot
And if python isn't fast enough they hook into it with C(++)
Duratino type is horirbly pborken.
as is this keyboard
@paul23 That's probably because it has great libraries for that.
So there's very little incentive for me to learn haskell/c#, I'm interested into writing algorithms/creating mathematical descriptions that can be solved by computers.
Not in the actual programming
How do you make money with that?
Oh there's tons upon tons of money for that.
Yes, but how?
And actually this is a field that will grow more and more the better programs become.
Who hires such people?
Uh those who need to -say- create a model to test an aircraft.
I see.
> All root-null paths in the (RB or RBLL) tree have the same number of black nodes
This is an amazing property.
Or a model to test if a building stands or will break down due to it's eigenfrequencies.
I'd be the guy who works closely together with the programmers. Acting as a layer between the physicists and them. (Making problems numerical instead of symbolic only). - For smaller projects I'd have to program myself though.
@paul23 This is really much easier to do in Haskell or Agda than in Python
@BartekBanachewicz The standard used to be matlab - now moving to python quickly everywhere.
those are things for people adding numbers
not if Haskell and Agda don't offer the libraries that already implement 99.99999% of everything you have to do.
(i.e. numpy)
Or actually fortran is also used a lot
@paul23 if you want to do formal description and verification python hardly has anything to offer
Curry-Howard isomorphism anyone?
@BartekBanachewicz Well formal verification works by inserting well known-but highly dynamic equations into the system and checking the results.
^that's a 100 pages book in a single line nutshell ;P
"checking the results"
are you still talking about computations?
@BartekBanachewicz He wants to find properties of the input, not the correctness of the algorithm.
In programming language theory and proof theory, the Curry–Howard correspondence (also known as the Curry–Howard isomorphism or equivalence, or the proofs-as-programs and propositions- or formulae-as-types interpretation) is the direct relationship between computer programs and mathematical proofs. It is a generalization of a syntactic analogy between systems of formal logic and computational calculi that was first discovered by the American mathematician Haskell Curry and logician William Alvin Howard. It is the link between logic and computation that is usually attributed to Curry and Howard...
@rightfold yeah I'm starting to see that
You'd check the results of inserting a formula sin(x)cos(x) and see the convergence your dynamic system and how it behaves asymptotically.
@paul23 but that's hardly "formal" is it
that's formal more in a physics sense perhaps
Formal verification is an overkill if you can just unit test the thing
not in a mathematical sense
> if you can
@BartekBanachewicz Well the mathematical verification is done independently of the code typically
Hint you almost always can and even if you can't then it's probably an overkill anyway
@paul23 now click the link I've posted to you
By say a fourier analysis of an diract delta function.
@BartekBanachewicz dat Coq editor screenshot
@paul23 that's still hardly formal for me
it's just numbers
"the numbers are more or less the same"
@BartekBanachewicz sry no, I've got an examn on this topic this evening and I don't wish to dillute myself by other information that is on topic but slightly different and might cause confusion tonight. If the link is still findable I'll check it tomorrow/afterwards.
btw I could actually write the formal proof here, but that would require some better editing lol
IANAM anyway
My eyelashes are too long and now my top ones hook behind my bottom ones.
Still startled by the fact stackoverflow doesn't have mathjax
It's really annoying and distracting.
@BartekBanachewicz and YouANAL too, I suppose
really wish I was playing on high details right around here :<
the place looked great
it looked even better while moving because it was really a hill that overlooked everything
@AlexM. An archgriffin? There's ranking in there?
How badass it is compared to a regular griffin?
@BartekBanachewicz I like how tautological that is.
Q: how to get datasets name in google biquery

user3132353I create jdbc connection for google BigQuery as follwing Class.forName("net.starschema.clouddb.jdbc.BQDriver"); conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:BQDriver:"projectID"?transformQuery=true&user="client ID"&password="client secret"); then i get catalog name as follow ResultSet m_...

I want to make a joke like "is this part of the Google Gayquery products" but I'll get banned again
@EtiennedeMartel there are some "upgraded" versions of the usual kind of monsters but each have their own separate lore
> For any binary tree satisfying property RB 4 (root-null path property) and any node x, the subtree rooted at x contains at least 2^b(x) - 1 nodes, not counting x itself.

This is an easy lemma to prove. After all, if it was a full tree, all nodes are black, and the height of this tree is our assumption. Otherwise, a node is red, and it contains more nodes with height b(x) + 1. Simple
e.g. wyverns have royal wyverns
@Xeo it's the foundation of everything eh
other monsters are just old
e.g. old leshens are much more powerful than young leshens
@AlexM. What is this?
witcher 3
@buttifulbuttefly gay pun is a stretch
No you just suck at puns
@buttifulbuttefly XD
man I was so excited when I saw the news about the new doom
@AlexM. Back in my day, we called those "palette swaps".
it had words like "doom" and "speed"
btw @BartekBanachewicz once the actual code needs to be verified (other than the program as a whole) and be checked for mistakes the program will have grown so large that I won't be the programmer anymore. They'll hire a specific guy for programming to do the job better, and then I just need to understand stuff and be able to talk with the programmer. So once it moves from python to ADA I stop caring about details.
but then they proceeded to show controller gameplay :<
@rightfold I like it
What do you guis reply to headhunter messages on linkedout?
only to hunter2 messages
What are those little stars
> only to ******* messages
@buttifulbuttefly I don't
I mean I do but it's something like "not interested"
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, but c'mon. "There's an x with type a in the known set. When we take x out of the set, it will have type a". Like, d'uh.
@rightfold [Let] and [Gen]
@buttifulbuttefly "Negociations start at NNNk€"
Don't miss an opportunity
I know someone who does this, but I actually don't answer at all
Except if it's actually an interesting offer like from a real company
The Banach–Tarski paradox is a theorem in set-theoretic geometry, which states the following: Given a solid ball in 3‑dimensional space, there exists a decomposition of the ball into a finite number of disjoint subsets, which can then be put back together in a different way to yield two identical copies of the original ball. Indeed, the reassembly process involves only moving the pieces around and rotating them, without changing their shape. However, the pieces themselves are not "solids" in the usual sense, but infinite scatterings of points. The reconstruction can work with as few as five pieces...
you need stuff like this
Bananach Tardski
@AlexM. You can also play with a keyboard and mouse, you know.
@buttifulbuttefly depends on the message. On generic "I didnt read your profile but I contact you anyways" I don't respond. On others I do sometimes - got my current job that way.
> Can a ball be decomposed into a finite number of point sets and reassembled into two balls identical to the original?
> Unlike most theorems in geometry, the proof of this result depends in a critical way on the choice of axioms for set theory. It can be proven using the axiom of choice, which allows for the construction of nonmeasurable sets, i.e., collections of points that do not have a volume in the ordinary sense, and whose construction requires an uncountable number of choices
Also, with all these shiny new games coming out, I might have to shell out cash for a new GPU.
@Ell so turns out the "typical" axioms disagree with you
calling it a ball is a little misleading :P
I use write syscall to write to file descriptor. I found out that write also can write only part of the data and does not guarantee that all the buffer wrote to the file descriptor.
Their is a flag or something that make write to write all the data?? Thanks
I know I'm not the intended audience of that article though, I don't know anything about it
> Can a bartek be decomposed into a finite number of rants and reassembled in two barteks identical to the original?
> any two bounded subsets A and B of an Euclidean space in at least three dimensions, both of which have a nonempty interior
> Do not allow to vendor lock-in yourself (you become slave).
@Alon Check the return value of the syscall (number of bytes written), repeat until all bytes have been written
This is not Lounge<Syscall> though
@Alon I/O can't make guarantees about amount written. You have to loop until everything is written or something bad happened
@Alon no, use a high-level library instead.
@rightfold FREEEDUUUM
My teammate "left on an urgency"
Q: Enums in C++ - how does a function assign a value

udayI'm trying to understand a C++ code given here. Apologies if the question is too basic, but I am not a regular C++ coder. Here are two Enums defined in the code and a a few functions that operate on the Enums: ... enum Value { VALUE_ZERO = 0, VALUE_DRAW = 0, VALUE_KNOWN_WIN = 10000...

> I urgently CBA to work anymore
this would be my reason
There's a lounger that's gonna be leaving early too
I don't understand why dependency hell occurs
TIL I learned of the word "kayaktivist".
It's an activist that does its job with a kayak.
@Ell A depends on B v1. C depends on B v2. D depends on A and C.
Next level: kayhacktivist
@BartekBanachewicz what is the issue?
link bv1 and bv2
or install them both or w/e
@Ell you need both Bv1 and Bv2 to build D
why is that a problem?
Oftentimes v1 and v2 conflicts
@Ell well, combinatorial explosion
aside from v1 and v2 conflicting...
Because it's actually v1.1 and v1.2 and they have static config files or something
if v1 and v2 conflict, that is the authors bad really though isn't it?
shitty libs do that
I guess that's how it arises vOv
all because of shitty libs
you might need X depending on B1, C1, D1, E1 and Y depending on B2, C2, D2, E2 and they have their own cross-deps and it goes on
@Ell Yes, it is, but you're still fucked :)
fuck you @shittylibs
@Ell it's not easy to create a good library
@BartekBanachewicz That's called "debian"
code is shitty by default, always remember that
Linking two versions of the same library is a recipe for pain and disaster
it takes skill and experience to write good code and create good libraries
apt-get install <music player> -> proceeds to install postfix
The library doesn't have to be shitty for dependency problems
true story
You just need incompatible transitive dependencies
I feel like writing a package manager
> (of a relation) such that, if it applies between successive members of a sequence, it must also apply between any two members taken in order. For instance, if A is larger than B, and B is larger than C, then A is larger than C.
Package manager with good dependency resolution can reject package sets that won't work
But it can't fix the underlying issue
Hey anybody have experience with com and interop?
The old guys probably do, but I think you should ask on stack overflow proper
I need to get back to doing maths anyway
Q: Call C# Functionality from a C++ Native app without CLR

AshehI want to call some managed functionality from within my C++ DLL. I cannot use CLR. I have found a few examples of how to do this but I cannot get it to compile no matter what I do. The types are exposed, but it seems the functions themselves are not visible. I have compiled my C#.Net project w...

> TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™
lol is it rebus time again??
> regasm
/me rustles @TonyTheLion's jimmies
@Mr.kbok The old guys are experienced enough that they wouldn't admit if if they did.

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