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this ova was the best
nyaruko best anime
So. Thoughts? /cc @LucDanton @FilipRoséen-refp
Oh, that commented-out one shoulda been a foldl1
@LucDanton Boring, no fold expressions!
@LucDanton template<typename ForwardIt> inline ForwardIt next(const ForwardIt& it, typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIt>::difference_type n = 1) { ForwardIt r(it); std::advance(r, n); return r; }
@caps Even for C++03 I’d stick with doing the copy with the parameter. That being said, it’s not a big deal.
@LucDanton Oops, apparently I can't scroll.
@LucDanton That's what I wanted to do, my concern was that type deduction might decide that ForwardIt is a container::iterator& and increment the original.
@MartinJames centerfold?
@JohanLarsson Ewwww!
@caps Deduction is fine. A user can do next<decltype(it)&> or similar but that might as well be Machiavellian.
@LucDanton I feel like that result function is not quite right. The fold_type will always be an rvalue, won't it?
@Xeo I noticed that. It should indeed forward.
@LucDanton So you're saying that if a user has, for some reason, a container::const_iterator& my_ref_itr; and they do next(my_ref_itr) it will drop off the &?
@caps ForwardIt would be deduced as container::const_iterator in this example.
@LucDanton Interesting. Why not the & (pretty sure Scott Meyers gave a talk on the nuances of this in the last year or two. I watched part of it)
You can play with e.g. template<typename Int> void next(Int i) { ++i; } to get a feeling of how things work.
@LucDanton So, you leave the folding part to the user. Any particular reason?
@Xeo I think I tried to be minimal because I can’t use it atm, no GCC support.
All those operator%[=] overloads tho...
@caps I can’t speak for the designers of the language that set it up like so, but keep in mind that expressions don’t have a reference type. So what would deduction use to decide on const_iterator& vs const_iterator?
Keeping in mind that this is pre-decltype C++, where value category as a concept was only nascent.
@Xeo When your editor is a hammer, then I forgot how the metaphor goes.
you know what I hate
when the labs you have to do for something are artificially made more complex with things that are not related to the course
because otherwise it'd be too easy
Some 95% of lab tasks are nonsensical when you take the real world into account.
this is for doing a GUI in winforms and showing stuff
it could've been something simple like adding two numbers
but no
Surely that can't possibly be overengineered?
you have to do manual division to find out the first n decimals for k/m
this is just busywork
Some 95% of the real world is nonsensical once you take the lab tasks into account :P
@Griwes at least that's what I'll choose
there's also even crazier things
like for an int N, finding out all of its representations as sums of ints
why even
The only labs I liked were the logic circuit (and then FPGA) ones, and the ones that I could pass by showing the teacher a thing that was enough to prove that I don't need to exercise with these thingies, since I know how they work already.
lol there's even something with polynomials here
@Griwes ooooh fpgas Worked a lot with VHDL and those last year
Like, I wrote a big(ish?) project, I've started to walk the teacher through it... and 50 lines later, after casually noting "you can't partially specialize function templates" I got the best possible mark. :D
at one of my first exams ever I went in the 2ndary date
I was the only guy there
and the prof wanted to get on with his business
"yeah... looks good. here you meant to say <stuff>, not <other stuff> right?" "yup, my bad." "ok great, I think the rest is good too. 9.8/10, bye."
took 20 seconds or so
I cannot reproduce your findings. Cf. a much improved but essentially unchanged version that actually looks like C++: Live On Coliru (Let's not mention memory leaks for now) — sehe 48 secs ago
Gah. What happens when there are no proper questions at times of boredom crastination...
@AlexM. Wait you do an exact study and there are enough girls for a 2nd examn time to fill in? - That's heaven!
I was the only student there
girls are abundant here tho
@AlexM. Tell me where is "here"?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Seems a bit weird imo
@paul23 people usually have their location on their profiles
Bartek, PhD is closer than ever
The uni interview went really good, but they are kinda fiddling with the schedule so but I'd prolly start... Next year. But they want me, kinda, and I could do my MSc there
@AlexM. They do? Do I? - goes checking his own profile - I do!
this is the first pizza that I order from these guys
it's pretty good
Well it's just 2000km away from heaven :)
@AlexM. Looks nice
> Russian billboard advertising contraband hides when it recognises cops link
Leet creds: achieved
@sehe link needs to be fixed
Stoopid murkdown
@sehe I love how the police officers are actually saluting each other in that movie.
Though I wouldn't be surprised if the russian government actually hacks the ads to check who looks at those ads. So they can prosecute them.
Well, it's a pretty obvious affair (see the vid)
It's just a way to get viral advertising. Very well played
(I wouldn't be surprised if the officers are actors too)
> This new headset from Thync can alter the wearer’s mood by using a smartphone controller to send tiny pulses to the brain that either calm or energize the user. tcrn.ch/1EVSSFB
imagine this
I don't think that's cool.
@AlexM. the gvmt hacks your headset to make you feel what they want!
That's like saying speed or meth is cool
Actually, that's mostly improbable in the near future, but on a smaller scale that kind of manipulation is scary.
@caps eh I was thinking about rewriting brains to get rid of disorders and stuff
@AlexM. That's scary too...
I know what I'll do. Instead of wasting time on absolutely crummy questions, I'll roll a parser in spirit X3
@AlexM. Oh. Just that. Carry on. You can have my kids for trials
@AlexM. And it's definitely not gonna be abused, not at all...
it's just sending pulses
you guys please
shut up naruto
nothing wrong with taking a glance at the future
live in the present
- Rapptz 2015
Living in the near future is a much more responsible idea
somehow trying hard not to think about what things could be sends me all the wrong signals
I should get back to my lovely manual division :'(
@AlexM. is that what they call it these days
how do you divide two numbers with decimals again
My right hand is with the manual division.
I need paper
Tablet + scalpel or whatsitcalledagain
did you beat the wraiths
I'm trying to do as many secondary quests as I can before heading to skellige
I stopped playing Witcher 3.
(I'm playing Splatoon atm)
@sehe haha wow
that is great
but that song plays after the wraiths
wtf I forgot how to divide two numbers :'(
when you kill the fiend with the baron & co.
@AlexM. literally?
like, arithmetic?
@Ell like I'm trying to remember
I think you multiply the remainder by 10
and add a decimal after doing the division again
6 | 4
4   1.5
that was fast
I have good memory
out of curiosity
do you remember how to divide 10 / 4?
@AlexM. Act 1 doesn't end until the main quest line makes you leave skellige again, so you have plenty of time
@Rapptz yes
10 | 4
8    2.5
@melak47 I see
I might speed up skellige then
@Rapptz 10/4 = 5/2 = 2.5/1 = 2.5
I can't do division either
I can divide polynomials but not regular numbers
I haven't had to do this manually since high school
so I usually just do it polynomially and set x=10
maybe 10th grade
how about 2x^2+3x / 2x
that's what we've got ALUs for, right :D
that's 5 years ago hmm
I don't think that one needs long division
I just do integer division. 10 / 4 = 2
it's wolfram
> 2x^2 + 3x / 2x
x(2x + 3)/2x
2x + 3 / 2
I'm basically an expert
@AlexM. So... Middle school? We were doing it last year.
@AlexM. x != 0
@AlexM. nop
nop what
2x^2 + 3/2
@AlexM. No OPeration
you messed up
it's x+3/2 (x != 0)
A: C++ boost::regex_match strange behaviour

seheregex_match only matches full input: documentation ⚠ Important Note that the result is true only if the expression matches the whole of the input sequence. If you want to search for an expression somewhere within the sequence then use regex_search. If you want to match a prefix of the ch...

Bah, took me 3 minutes
not 2x+3/2
@Rapptz wut how?
how is that x+3/2
It depends how you read it
you didn't paranthesize or sth
@sehe atch_continuous ?
we were doing top / bottom in the previous examples
@caps edit glitch (adding those ` is tedious)
2x^(7/2) where x != 0
@sehe I figured as much
(2x^2 + 3x) / 2x -> (2x + 3) / 2 -> x + 3/2
assuming x != 0
I have no idea how you get to x + 3/2
I wanted to install kubuntu side by side. Instead I wrecked the BCD, which turns out to be impossible to fix since you can't mount the stupid 100MB boot partition thing where it resides.....
I showed the steps above.
why is my input different
I mean why does it make a difference
Is there a pre/postfix for chars to make them unsigned chars?
wolframalpha doesn't do implicit multiplication correctly there
it's interpreting it as [(2x^2+3x)/2]*x
Parens: the answer to life, universe and everything
@Rapptz so I stopped at (2x+3)/2
couldn't you have said so at first
always simplify bub
you could do that too, with your communication
I'm thinking of making an FAQ for these poor guys about this game
it gets tiring to see the same questions over and over
@AlexM. You never done manual division on functions for example?
I haven't done math by hand in 2 years and when I did that it was nothing about dividing two integers to calculate their decimals
I vaguely remember things like taylor's something
anyway it's in the past
exams passed
A: Design patterns criticism sources

John MorrisonI am sure that design patterns help to structure educational courses on programming techniques but I don't think it helpful that they become a lingua franca in the software industry. They can be counter productive as a way of communicating design because they force the design to conform with esta...

> I don't think it helpful that they become a lingua franca in the software industry.
Design patterns as a lingua franca? What is that even supposed to mean?
I'd like to become a lingua franca
Every language has to support them?
@fredoverflow I think he means that they should be adopted by all teams on all projects
or something
anyway how can a design pattern become a language
@Xeo I ran that snippet on my MSVC built clang...and it prints three random-ish numbers :v
I need to buy more nyaruko merchandise
Try changing fold_helper's value to just T
this? constexpr T get() { return fwd<T>(value); } no effect :D
the member
T value; instead of T&& value;
ah that works better :)
I could swear that should be fine, life-time wise.
oooh, wait, no.
I see
your "bug" case also prints 2 for me. (built minutes ago from trunk, but already outdated :P)
Guess Coliru's Clang is a bit out-of-date after all
@Xeo That is one of the things that drove me away from C++. Templates and remembering when I could pass by reference, use move sematics and when to use which smart pointers.
I just didn't pay attention. I thought I was deducing the result type from one thing, but it was from another.
var decimals = DecimalsFor(2, 7, 25);
string decimalsStr = "";
foreach (var dec in decimals)
	decimalsStr += dec.ToString();
one pointless college project done
a bajillion more to go
@paul23 So... expert tools you don't have to write yourself and trivial rules are what drove you away from C++.
@AlexM. what kinda "project" is that :p
Together with typedefs and arbitrary const-correctness. It started to annoy me.
That doesn't speak too well about your skills at this "programming" thing.
Pretty awesome talk
@paul23 lol
@melak47 the first lab of this course
4 more to go
then I have other courses
How did you all cram 3 messages in between my combo
I really couldn't keep up with how I named what, especially when I had to mix english in my native language
sorry :p
@paul23 eww
(english for posting online for questions on SO)
@Ell :D
@paul23 1) don't use non-English anything in code, 2) ???, 3) profit
> "Let's build a toy Spirit X3"
> It is easy.
Also you are indeed pretty bad at this programming thing.
@Griwes 0) being dyslexic I don't have an easy way to find enough correct names for variables in english.
@sehe Yeah. And I really like the way to do rules without virtual calls, it's pretty amazing.
I quite often run out
@paul23 lel
@paul23 It's verbibols
@Xeo I'm just glad mine builds anything at all. previous build just crashed and burned trying to compile anything whatsoever
Yeah, if you're dyslexic, then you have verbibols, not variables.
@Griwes I haven't actually looked at X3 yet. I'm good with constraint
@sehe I did look at it, but haven't tried to build anything, err, working out of it.
I have my goto toy project to migrate
@sehe Also: Bryce Lelbach is on a holy mission to purge Spirit Classic from official Boost releases. :D
About time
But indeed my true strength is not jamming code, but writing algorithm...
On paper
Apparently an important place that actually blocks it right now is... wait for it... Boost.PropertyTree.
You told me before
Using arrows, boxes, circles to describe what I want. Much more natural than all text to me
Did I?
I did in a few places, apparently I lost track of them.
May 25 at 10:01, by Griwes
But PropertyTree still depends on it, so... :D
I checked it then. I could hardly believe it
@paul23 Imagine a project with a thousand lines of ordinary code. How are you going to convert this into a "graphical language" without it looking like an impenetrable spiderweb?
@fredoverflow I have no idea
May 25? That was... really not long ago. How did I forget that?
@Griwes Would be a nice dick move to rewrite the PropertyTree backend parser(s) with X3, and contribute a PR
@Griwes I'm flummoxed too
@fredoverflow add an indirection spatial dimension
How come we have no 3D UML standard yet? :)
@sehe "Starting from Boost release 1.60, PropertyTree is now C++11 only."
@Griwes Woot. And dafuq. Basically means C++03 compilers are dropped on the floor hard, IMO
@fredoverflow OIC now.
Well in 3d cad/cam it was also solved by allow you to zoom, and have subspecies that you can ignore when looking at the big picture.
^ (let's add that it's never intuitive and always a pain. Almost like VS projects/solutions)
@sehe Err, that'd be a consequence of rewriting the Classic parser in X3.
@Griwes Oh. I though you quoted it (don't use quotes unless you're quoting, please?)
In my experience, UML becomes useless after maybe a dozen classes, tops. And UML does not even show you any behavior, just some abstract "design".
fucking hell the prof also included /bin/ folders with their contents for these
@sehe How do I mark an imaginary quote then? :/
@AlexM. prebuilt binaries! how nice :)
TIL that if f(n) isn't in O(g(n)) it's not necessarily in Omega(g(n))
As you would. [Ahahaha: "blablablabla" o.O]
@fredoverflow I'm not truly a programmer, so I couldn't care less in most applications about the details.
no one is truly a programmer.
Ye I'm probably the black sheep here.
Are you suggesting a graphical programming language or not?
@DonLarynx Except rightfold
rightfold is the RL version of spock
Ugh, circular dependencies got me before I got this thingy to actually do anything.
specialized in computers
Time to deheaderize the code.
@paul23 Don't make this into a racist thing now
@fredoverflow No I suggest nothing at all, I just stated that I first always draw on paper before programming.
That's almost always a good idea.
And it's usually best to leave it at that.
And that there is my forte - I've been commended by friends that my drawings are very clear and show well. Yet my code writing is ugly as hell and -especially- uses variable names that are misleading.
remembers me about constantly for a full month mixing up "aweful" and "awesome" when I was 12 year old and on holiday in england. Man I god weird looks.
Huh, I just noticed I don't need the fold.1 versions
You're a natural technical writer
prof: "The sorting algorithms I've given as examples are written in C++, turning them into C# shouldn't be hard."
void main (void)
 printf ("\n    sirul inainte de...\n");
he also seems to do that C thing by declaring all variables inside a function at the top
... wow
@LucDanton Would you consider this (see main comments) a bug? The dump shows that the result is a copy, so life-time shouldn't be an issue anymore.
@AlexM. does he also do this?
int start;
int end;
int parents[];
just had lots of crashes
What do you people think about Nim?
hippy language
@melak47 does that even compile
I certainly hope not :D
more original than I want a videogame pc
> dude hes the porn enthusiast
I found this funny
also, why would you write a compiler that compiles to C?
oh I just discovered ellipsis operator in python with numpy slicing. SO many portals are opening to me now!
Why can't C++ have this kind of container power (slicing indexing etc)
@khajvah Platform independence
this sorting algorithm perversion is meant to teach the concepts of delegates
everything is just so badly written
I'm glad I'll only meet this prof once
@AlexM. lol clrscr, this code must be decades old.
@fredoverflow no, but I suspect the prof is
@paul23 "awful" has no e inside it.
...or the professor I guess
Doesn't it stem from "awe"?
@fredoverflow but "aweful" does.
CumOnMyTits emailed me again
she's online, apparently
Who doesn't check in code for a month?
not him
not after that
@fredoverflow People who deserve to lose a month's worth of work.
I find excitement in committing changes
I commit whenever something nice happens
and push when something bad happens?
@melak47 I still don't know very well how svn works but it seems I can't commit locally only
so commit == commit + push
@AlexM. git commit -m "A dog wagged his tail."
@fredoverflow 30 days without committing? When I'm really coding, I rarely go for 30 minutes without a commit.
@AlexM. svn has no concept of local repository.
@AlexM. did I read svn?
we use svn at work
I'd have liked to use git since that's what I've been using at home but I got accustomed to it
With google code stopping and sourceforge dieing slowly I wonder when SVN dies too.
I can manage with the basic stuff (committing and solving conflicts and w/e else sprouts)
we had a consultant who ~teached us, in an arrogant way, that in the real industry checking in more often than every 14 days is wrong.
But isn't it the main advantage of git that you can have local repositories - so it would make sense you can't have a local commit in svn?
@fredoverflow I'm forced to not commit until Monday, since my changes might break E3 version and we kinda forgot to set up a stable branch for that....
@JohanLarsson wow
@paul23 It's undead, so it will only die with stake through the heart or a silver bullet to the head.
@fredoverflow lol
Well, I do have my changes shelved (that is, saved on the server), so there's that.
I like the punk hair
@JerryCoffin python: import mythological_weaponry
skitters into Lounge
runs away
don't be scared
We have antigravity already, so I expect mythology also to be there ;).
@paul23 With Git you do have a local repo, but I wouldn't say that's the main advantage. At least from my perspective, the biggest advantage is being able to create branches, do work, and merge them back in without a second thought.
Today, I start my internship with a cancer center
And I'm supposed to be using R + Ruby/Python/Perl
so, eh...

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