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@Ell Finite element method is perfect for this!
@Ell Space partitioning
Anyone watched 'UnReal' yet, or is it too complex and orthogonal for the Lounge?
So long as you approach the gravity by a continuous function in the domain. Which means taking slightly incorrect/different formulas to remove the singularity at distance = 0 from the object. This would add a truncation error, but as you refine the grid you'll lower it so the method will converge (as it is also stable if you make delta-x smaller than delta-t).
@LucDanton Don't think so?
it kinda sucks
@fredoverflow Btw be careful with the big O notation in these fields. They tend to be used differently here. (O(dx^2) means it converges squared with the x-stepsize, so a higher rate of convergence means less calculations etc).
@paul23 dx^2 is what exactly?
actually should be delta-x. The (x) stepsize of your simulation.
@paul23 I was gonna say, that looked like the incomplete designator of a derivative :P
And you'd say: error = O(delta-x^2)
@paul23 Which literature do you prefer on complexity theory then?
@Columbo What do you mean by "which"?
@paul23 Ups. I meant, well, the books. Which ones.
I didn't say that using big-oh for complexity is wrong, I said be careful.
@paul23 I didn't refer to that, I just generally asked what specialist books you (if any) have read on the subject, and which ones you prefer.
I'm asking because I'll try to get some, in addition to my current book, over the summer.
Uh haven't read any book about this. Like I said: these are only from course notes of several courses (oh and reading dozens of resarch papers about it).
@paul23 Ahh, okay. Thanks.
(I'm too lazy to read earlier messages.)
nvm I can variadically pattern match, sort of
Haha, my sister had this conversation today:
> 'Are you alcoholics?' 'No, we are drinkers. Alcoholics go to meetings, drinkers go to parties.'
mmm borrelen!
@LucDanton Still too lazy to read the above - what are you doin'?
@paul23 Oh. You're an engineer.
@Columbo I try to be one yes.
@paul23 I noticed how you omitted punctuation there, very efficient
@Columbo Efficiency before anything. That's why we say "b'vo" instead of "bravo" when describing something well done. Less letters and faster to say!
@paul23 Do you say "p'is" instead of penis?
That would give the phrase "takin' the piss" a new meaning
That wouldn't make sense you know - pronouncing it makes it sound similar to "piss"
@paul23 That was the joke y'ow
A'way I'm off to f'x b'gs cu l8r
Well don't hit me in the things I learned during my initiation!
Actually, on a serious note: In the solutions for past papers I looked into, the examiner used thro' instead of through
Fuckin' kindergarden, Further Pure is
@Xeo apropos of nothing, I used to have tuples::apply and the same for variants. I changed it to tuples::zip_with and product_with. Currently investigating a (partial) zip_with for variants.
Obviously there could be a tuples::product_with as well but I’m not writing it until I need it, if ever :)
@LucDanton You mean, a cartesian product?
Yielding pairs?
@neminem Whoever voted this up likes t̶o̶ ̶w̶a̶t̶c̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶l̶d̶ ̶b̶u̶r̶n̶ flamewars — Borgleader 1 min ago
turns out it was vlad
inb4 i lose rep :P
Quantum psychology.
I think, therefore I might be.
Who uses thro?
@FilipRoséen-refp hi :)
@LucDanton Not very elegant, but having some fun with folding packs: (min) coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/92b743771987d0fe
@Ell how are you this fine evening?
@FilipRoséen-refp I am well, just finished eating a quorn spaghetti bolognese. How are you?
@Xeo for some reason I fail to establish a connection to coliru, but I sure am interested in what you put together - mind pasting it somewhere else too?
Most of that is meta-utility boilerplate that should be available in every nicely stocked meta-kitchen sink
@Xeo I wanna see it!
you know any other place that has clang head?
What was the name of that other webcompiler thingy (that had Vim bindings n stuff)?
@Xeo I'm mostly interested in the code, so online execution is not a must - but I reckon rextester.com has clang available (not sure about the version though)
TIL that Visual Studio can open FBX files.
*googles FBX*
TIL what .fbx is
@FilipRoséen-refp I guess - not that there's anything to execute, really, except the static assert: ideone.com/zvjDjJ
@Xeo Wandbox`?
@Xeo looks very similar to tuple-zipping actually
@Columbo that one!
Wandbox is pretty good.
@LucDanton is what it was supposed to be :P
just not super generic (tuple interface etc)
well, meta-tuple zipping
I meant the unpacking of the column projection part specifically.
try that, @FilipRoséen-refp
@Xeo something must be up with the routing from uni to the outer world since I fail to connect to ideone.com as well (can't establish a connection to okta6.ideone.com)
so erhm.. that kinda sucks
I will just route the traffic through some other host, hold on
@LucDanton Well, I'd kinda expect the two to basically look the same, except for <> vs (), tbh :P
@FilipRoséen-refp That's weird. Is there a site-filter in your Uni, and it screwed up perhaps?
since it's the same algorithm / operation
just on a different level
@Xeo IIRC there was a SO question about zipping tuples, which I failed on really badly :(
I suppose I ended up unpacking the head and tail projections myself
@Columbo I have no idea to be honest
@FilipRoséen-refp Can you access xkcd? :PP
never experienced anything like this before
I can't in my college hehe
@Xeo I tend to base my meta stuff on simple list operations, so I mimicked a list transposition algorithm.
@Columbo surely, and I honestly doubt that they would block coliru by choice, or accident
@FilipRoséen-refp Ah, they trust their students. Not bad.
I couldn't access GMX the other day, I was going nuts about it
oh, maybe it's some problems with ipv6 vs ipv4
that would make sense
The IT services desk doesn't like me in the slightest :D
@LucDanton Hm, I don't think about it that deeply. I just check what it's supposed to be in the end (non-variadically, the comment) and just go from there.
I’ll rewrite into 'double' unpacking asap.
@Xeo 'deeply'? lists? :Þ
@Xeo can you put the code on codepad.org while I try to sort out this mess?
If we could protect packs from being expanded in one unpack operation, you could scratch one of the helpers.
I don’t see that happening.
@Xeo Just as a side-note, std::tuple is kinda heavy. Whereever your compiler's performance might get into play, I'd use an own type_list template.
@Xeo nevermind, tunneling works
and if we had the ...N thing, you could scratch the other
Oh btw., IIRC there was a proposal for fixed-size parameter packs. What happened to that?
@Xeo I don’t recall what that does.
I was eagerly awaiting its implementation
@Xeo Whoops. Nevermind. I thought I saw you using tuple, but you used an own template.
@Columbo the author is a good friend of mine, do you want me to ask him?
@Xeo Have we ever done actual timings to compare e.g. the naive, linear search pack/list access to the get that piggy-backs on overload resolution btw?
@LucDanton Builds indices pack inplace, allowing direct expansion
@FilipRoséen-refp Wait, can't we see the results/progress of all proposals ever made in some list? Hmm, not AFAIK. Yeah, I'd be nice if you ask him
I need a function to take 2-5 types, but one instance of each only
It is constructing a programme from shaders BTW
okay, now the example is correct
I think this will be an interesting problem fore to solve
gah, no
Let's try that again
Meh maybe I'll manually generate combinations
using type = pack<pack<get<Ps, ...Min>...$Ps>...$Min>;
// =>
using type = pack<pack<get<P'0, 0>, get<P'1, 0>, ..., get<P'N, 0>>, pack<get<P'0, 1>...>...>;
that's the correct one.
It’s not a matter of 'expanding in X unpack operations', how the unpacks interact has to be specified one way or the other. If you have two loops, you can nest them, zip them, concat them, interleave them etc.
@LucDanton Not that I remember.
But since I don't actually use all this stuff, I don't care too deeply. :P
@Xeo kinda neat, quite far from how I would do it - nice!
@Xeo Yeah, hence why I stick with the dumb list stuff. So I don’t think I will actually go with double expansion, since my meta::at_t is naive.
@fredoverflow but how? every entity effects every other entity/
Or are you saying "don't bother if it is near zero"?
@LucDanton fix it to be not-naive!
@Xeo Without a useful model of meta computation costs, I don’t see the point.
It's more fancy :D
The meta stuff I touch once or twice a year. Keeping it simple (nearly mapping one-to-one to a dumb FP program) is important for when I revisit it.
> [Glitch] Haiyore! Nyaruko-san F - OVA (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).mkv
Nobody subbed this one, so why not? I guess... if you don't like my shitty encoding, use a better video.
@Xeo So that goes against one of my goals then.
it's here
yeah, my stuff is write-once, read-once.
@Xeo I decided to give that up when I did the second variant rewrite. Too time-consuming :)
Well, I never have an actual use for it
I just don't do enough of that stuff to really be worth it
also, it's fun to reinvent it differently each time
Right. I do use my variant, and in the past some errors were… annoying to pinpoint (when upgrading GCC etc.).
like with the pack folding
I so like that
Dang I hate making promisses " to do something in my spare time before xy"
And the tuple stuff I use all the time, almost all of it, too.
I really should stop doing that lol
I wanna write a generic version that wraps any binary function and folds a pack over it
Now I need to hurry and fix things in 3 hours
@Xeo For tuple zipping I compromised by leaving tuples::column<I>(ts...) an actual tuple algo.
I forget the actual name though.
@Xeo Well, if you want a challenge my motivation for shying away from using apply as a catch-all is that I noticed you can possibly zip/product over, say, a tuple and a variant. Obviously an algorithm to zip (resp. product) over a variadic number of tuples and variants intermixed is the next step :D
nah, sounds too hard :P
> You didn't get the chance to work with Tesla.
You didn't get the chance to work with Einstein.
Now it's your chance to work with the Inventors of .NET!
Get in touch: *email address*
@AlexM. Lol
Who is that even aimed at?
implying .net is like the next best thing after working with tesla or einstein
@Ell software developers I guess
I took it off linkedin
it's by a romanian company probably doing projects for microsoft
what kind of lame company hires HR that makes such postings
"You didn't get the chance to write software for the international space station.
Now it's your chance to write web scrapers for SEO businesses!"
@AlexM. I'd prefer to work with Hawking or even Bhor over those two :P.
@paul23 that sounds like such a bhor
how can my linuxswap partition be 7.89GiB in size, with 16.68 GiB used? is swap space zipped?
@Ell depends on the implementation. Also, in the case of C++ the grammar is so context sensitive that it's not very typical in any regard
@melak47 You can have several swap partitions
but I don't :/
You got one for free - in the cloud.
NSA sponsored
@melak47 post output of free; blkid; mount if you want (or ask on Super User with the same info)
lshw could contain info too
if NSA gave me free storage
I'd definitely store my porn there
I doubt they give enough for that.. (At least for me that would be the case)
@melak47 cat /proc/swaps too
(kde partition manager says I have 16.whatever GiB used)
I wonder how XML became used for data interchange when it is designed as markup
@MarkAmery too each his/her opinion. I'm not gonna argue here. It's good that people care about the quality of answers to older questions too. — sehe 1 min ago
@melak47 perhaps show it too (why the partition manager? Do you have cat /etc/mtab too?)
pizza on the way
@melak47 zram exists, TIL askubuntu.com/a/78186/17941
@sehe That's kinda neat.
Given double convert(std::string in), and some_object(double one, double two) //constructor and these typedef std::string::const_iterator si; si first; si_second; //initialized elsewhere from some_string the line return some_object(convert(std::string(some_string.begin(), first)), convert(std::string(++first, second))); is not guaranteed to evaluate the first construction parameter before the second?
@sehe Next you’ll tell me that swap on the cloud really is possible.
Of course it is
DBRD or ISCSI. Nobody needs to know
@caps There are very few guarantees. Now is a good time for std::next.
@LucDanton :( C++03
Well then you’ll have to +1.
So, std::next is different from operator++ in that it will be evaluated in the correct order?
@sehe Ah, yeah.
@caps It’s non-mutating. It’s +1 for any iterator, not just random-access.
It my_next(It it, size_t n) { It r = it; std::advance(r, n); return r; }
> my_next
is the previous called my_ex too?
It was a joke response to the pizza guy
@AlexM. Especially for you: dream come true
lolz, Clang folding expr bug GET
@sehe Why not just ` std::advance(it, n); return it;` is it because, if it is for some reason a & it will take the parameter by ref and modify it, instead of making a copy?
@sehe thank you based polar bear
@Xeo bugging expressions
@caps oh yeah, there. I was pointing out you need the wrapper function. But yeah, it can be wrote more succinct
@sehe template<typename Itr, typename SizeT> inline Itr next(Itr it, SizeT n = 1)
@caps why would I include the rote work; the point was the code, not the templating (you can do it!)
@sehe I'm asking for confirmation that the SizeT template is not a terrible idea, not criticizing your work.
@sehe ok, I guess it's a bug in partitionmanager. usage of the swap partition (last partition on the disk) seems to always match the previous partition. If i view just the properties of the swap partition it says "Used: --"
@caps I think it's better to use size_t. I'm not sure advance supports negative offsets. Otherwise, ptrdiff_t
@caps The default argument is not terribly useful.
@melak47 ah. Brillant. Someone should take up FP
@sehe en.cppreference says std::advance is template< class InputIt, class Distance > void advance( InputIt& it, Distance n );
Oh. Copy that.
@LucDanton Maybe not, but it's useful enough to me. :shrug:
@sehe Because advance is a sort of a relaxed +=, it performs --it for negative offsets.
@caps I agree :)
@sehe Interesting thing is, std::next is defined as template< class ForwardIt > ForwardIt next( ForwardIt it, typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIt>::difference_type n = 1 );
@LucDanton Hey now. :) I'll cross the compilation bridge when I get to it.
@caps that's one overload, it appears; but yeah; I think you know enough now.
There is no compiler issue. Fix your stuff.
@caps Hmm, a little bit inconsistent with the STL-algorithms.
12 mins ago, by caps
@LucDanton :( C++03
@LucDanton oops; yeah that, although you can default the template param too
@sehe Nope.
@LucDanton or not :)
I don't have a need to keep my c++03 awareness fit
@LucDanton Err, pardon
@sehe Luc is right. "Default values may be specified only in primary class template declarations"
@sehe jftr It sucks that the star-button is so close to the reply arrows, I misclick too often
6 mins ago, by caps
@sehe I'm asking for confirmation that the SizeT template is not a terrible idea, not criticizing your work.
@caps I know this. I think it's about the fact that it's a function template, here
@caps What is this about?
@LucDanton :S
@Columbo It's about crappy c++03 state of affairs
You are.
Okay, that wasn't too hard. I wonder if the 0 for foldl is a codegen bug. I hope it is.
Are they worth more $$$?
I know I'm juggling with rvalue refs there, but that should be fine since it all lives for the lifetime of the expession, and the final one is copied / moved.

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