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@milleniumbug Now if it were not monolithic, only the part that crashes when you do that would have to be restarted.
The rest could just continue running.
Concurrency can facilitate decoupling!
uh fucking VS
what's the hell error
I'm new to logging.
Do you add codes or IDs to log records so that you can find all occurences of a certain event?
@rightfold What about not crashing instead.
Just add stack traces to logs.
I totally don't get this error
@milleniumbug Requires more work for the programmer. Stuff will crash anyway. But not everything has to crash with it if you decouple enough.
@Ven Can't work for identification.
Breaks after refactoring.
Oo tutorial on how to open iphone 6
so easy
but need to buy a set of tools (tiny screwdrivers) from ebay first
@wilx oh my, glad I'm not the only one
AU$2.75 ... easy
@rightfold Yeah, that's OS's job.
@milleniumbug I agree. Then spawn lots of processes to do different things.
apple tried to charge me $400, looks like I could handle it for $2.75
@rightfold think of it this way, "It's late at night, you get a call from the boss, he's emailed you 100GB of log files, you have to use that to work out exactly what went wrong in the system and how to recover it. What are you going to be cursing yourself for not logging?"
So only the part that deals with the keyboard will crash (and will work again after automatic restart), but you can continue using the browser.
@milleniumbug Rightfold is right, to make a robust system, you should be able to handle any component not being up as you expected.
@thecoshman lol emailing log files.
@rightfold vOv It's your boss, being sane is not part of his job
Point is, how do you look for similar log messages?
Say you log that user has logged in. How do you find all log entries for that event?
@rightfold in that case, probably log a session ID with everything to do with that session
@thecoshman Which is a fine suggestion in general, but in my example there's another issue altogether.
@thecoshman That does not give me all log messages about users having logged in.
There's some serious abstraction leakage here.
@rightfold but shouldn't all "user logged in" logs have the same string, along the lines of "user X logged in"
generally you would be logging the time and source of the log message too
Human-readable text matching is fragile.
Old news:
eBay and PayPal will be separate companies soon.
They used to be one company?
Time and source don't facilitate identification since they change all the time.
logs are for humans to read, sounds like you want some sort of event recording system.
yay fixed the bug
you probably need to be logging the 'process' id as well, so you can follow all the logs along a given process. But depends on your system.
I thought of adding an identifier to every log message.
A lot of what is 'good logging' depends on what your needs are
std::clog :P
clog urself
@rightfold Fine, you can do it, and it won't crash now, which doesn't mean you should sweep the problem under the carpet.
You take insurance and don't get into trouble.
@BartekBanachewicz do you know idris?
@Ell This question needs context. No, I have not written in it seriously and practically.
(++) : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n + m) a
(++) Nil       ys = ys
(++) (x :: xs) ys = x :: xs ++ xs -- BROKEN
^I don't understand how the type checker knows that the length doesn't equal n + m in this example
when's the next game jam
> Jihadists hate us for our 'obsession with sex', says theologian
In three minutes.
They're jelly
jelly jihadists
26 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
the problem with dependent types is that the understanding typically sits right in the middle of "useless and trivial" and "impossible magic" :D
@Mr.kbok I am still thinking about making a separate Haskell category perhaps alongside :S
@Ell Can you figure out the type of xs there?
@Ell Because it's n+n-1?
@Ell it reasons that the type of x :: xs ++ xs is Vect (n + n + 1) a
@BartekBanachewicz right, but aren't we defining ++ just now?
so how does the typechecker know the length of xs ++ xs when we haven't even defined ++ for non Nil yet?
@Ell well, if (++) : n -> m -> n+m, then (++) n n : n + n
@Ell That's just regular recursion.
@rightfold Usually, logging libraries allow you to get file and line and often also the function name. You do not need special IDs.
Oh yeah of course.
@wilx not stable across refactorings.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Thank you
@chmod711telkitty What is that?
I do not think functionally yet vOv
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, no. For one, it’s polytypic.
guys, anyone familiar with std::make_heap?
@rightfold How is that relevant. You have source control to get the right version of the source.
@LucDanton I mean the computation of the type.
@LucDanton errrm Vect (S k) a? whatever that means >.<
@SeçkinSavaşçı No.
@Ell I can only repeat my recommendation about starting with at least solid understanding of basic Haskell.
literally nobody ever is familiar with it.
even the dudes who specified and implemented it don't know a fuckin' thing about it
@BartekBanachewicz A Haskell jam?
they just pulled it out of their ass really
@BartekBanachewicz I'm not trying to learn idris proper, I'm just a bit curious about dependent types
@SeçkinSavaşçı As much as you will when you'll read the cppreference.
@Mr.kbok mmhmhmh
@rubenvb I broke a button :x
it's amazing how you can pull bits on a hard drive out of your ass, but somehow they managed it
@Puppy They know their shit.
@BartekBanachewicz I think jamming is hard enough as it is
So I am going to fix it, elite DIY style!
Crowbar, best jamming tool.
@Ell For [0] which is really 0 :: (xs@[]) then you’re typing xs :: Vect (S k) Int.
@milleniumbug I've already read it.
Actually I think for jamming to be enjoyable, technical issues must be completely out of the way
So you probably can't expect me to jam in Haskell before at least one year :p
yeah don't limit the jam to one technology
people want a new game jam?
@SeçkinSavaşçı Yeah, we too.
@Ell (++) isn’t defined on the value-level yet, but the type assertion above gives it a type. (And (++) itself is not used in its type, so the type-checker doesn’t need the value-level definition.)
@wilx you can't tell whether to log entries are related by that.
I'd have thought that the experience of the previous jams would have taught them their lesson
Information is lost when changing code.
Or, you may have more luck changing dramatically the format
@Puppy I thought it was fun.
@rightfold What do you mean by related?
@Puppy I think your game was ugliest but fun
@LucDanton I see, the latter half of that sentence made it clear
... which one?
Thanks :)
I'd do it in a different way this time though
why don't we do robofighting jam
@wilx Say I have some log statement in my code. It gets executed, producing a log entry. Now I refactor the code, moving that log statement to a different function. It gets executed, producing a log entry.
I always always wanted to do that
would need a robo arena first ofc
Now there are two log entries which have the same origin.
This is useful for counting how many times a certain event occurs.
@BartekBanachewicz I think this is a popular one robocode.sourceforge.net
So tag logs with program version?
When it's because of an error condition, this can aid in deciding how important it is to fix the error.
I don't care what code the message comes from.
I don't see that as being meaningfully aided by having to give every logging site a special ID
I care what message it is.
@rightfold Well, the log entry should contain enough information to be usable. The refactoring scenario is handled by source control. If you have ambiguous entries, you should disambiguate, .e.g, by adding line numbers or function name to the log output. I honestly do not understand what you are trying to say.
more likely you just can't be arsed to write any logging because it's a pain in the arse to make 10,000,000,000,000 special IDs
And why the message is there.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I always wanted to write my own :S
I know I know
this turns everything around
anyone that has access to the latest version of vc++ that could help me out with a little something? (testing a workaround I've written, in blind, since I don't have access to it)
@Puppy the potion thing?
If I give every log statement a unique ID, I can move them around and their IDs stay the same, and I can trivially track all their executions.
@FilipRoséen-refp no
It's just a pity Robocode is local.
I have not yet found a proper ID naming strategy, though.
@R.MartinhoFernandes whaat
@Puppy I have seen this happening here on one product. It was PITA to add new logging entries because all had to have unique IDs of <3 letter module identifier>-<3 or 4 digit number>.
@rightfold They already have a unique ID- file, line, version tuple.
The robots run on the server.
Instead of say, using sockets.
@BartekBanachewicz that's... not a jam at all
Or HTTP or something.
@Mr.kbok i know I know
@R.MartinhoFernandes suck
That's why it's not language-agnostic.
@Mr.kbok You could make it do some curious things
sockets were the first thing that came to my mind
fuck robocode then
@BartekBanachewicz But I thought it would be fun to create a Lounge AI challenge, ie make a wargame bot
@R.MartinhoFernandes extreme suck
@BartekBanachewicz It's Java and .NET, though, which does give a lot of choice.
@Puppy Again, those change when refactoring.
@rightfold The message of the logging entry, the function name and file and line numbers provide good enough telemetry, IMHO.
The jam to make a RoboJam software suit.
Version control can't tell you that "this statement moved to there".
@rightfold True, but you only have to care if you actually have a need to, and if you're refactoring code that produces a logging you really care about then the semantics of the two log statements are probably not identical anyway.
eh I dunno I'd like my own arena
Get cracking.
ultimately, what it boils down to is that in your strategy, you have to manually track every logging statement, every time.
whereas for me, I only have to do that if I need to cross-reference logs between versions.
so I do much less work in total
@Mr.kbok I have a half-started project to make a Diplomacy bot, with some NLP thrown in.
@BartekBanachewicz Let's lay down some trivial specs for a trivial game, write a server, provide a cross-language api (rest or something) and jam away
@R.MartinhoFernandes What's NLP?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Natural Language Processing.
No Little Ponies
To do the actually diplomatic bits.
Negotiate and shit.
@rightfold You check the logs produced by program of version X against the source code in version X you have in your repo, duh.
oh, nice
@Mr.kbok Hate could be used for vis. I think big command intervals like 1-second are nice because then everyone can play realtime via the internet. The api could be HTTP or just raw TCP
@rightfold You never have so many ambiguous logging statements that grepping through the sources for part of the message string would not help finding it.
@milleniumbug how do you check they're related?
@BartekBanachewicz HTTP should do fine since the payloads are not gonna be large.
@R.MartinhoFernandes and I already have a Scotty setup in Potato Empires ready to take
@rightfold What's with the relatedness again? Why would you want to check it? You have the version control and the product version number.
+ it could serve stats
Related = has same ID.
@rightfold You store the program version number in your logs? Not sure what you're asking.
Why = I want to count their occurrences.
lol actually
We could make a potato empires AI jam :D
@rightfold facepalm
HTTP is agnostic-er because you can even just curl shit if you're a whacko.
@Mgetz Yup.
@Mgetz Corruption in FIFA? No way.
except potato empires is turn based and not realtime so dunno
@wilx the irony that it's the US doing the charging here is amusing
not as interesting to watch
a nation that could more or less not care about FIFA
@Mr.kbok we'd need to design the arena first I guess. Talk about what could you do.
lazers? move around? shield? scan?
@BartekBanachewicz If you really wanna do it, start with discrete time.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I am thinking Combat Mission style
@BartekBanachewicz It's easy to change the simulation once you have infrastructure running.
"command window", "battle window", repeat
@rightfold In the logs? Well, you use regexp or create a small Perl parser script for it? Again. In the same log of the same version, you should have enough telemetry (file, line, function name) to distinguish the statements.
@milleniumbug how I can tell that log messages are related when they come from different versions of the software.
> Blatter has for years acted as a de facto head of state. Politicians, star players, national soccer officials and global corporations that want their brands attached to the sport have long genuflected before him.
I mean, I dislike Blatter as much as the next guy, but this is not reporting on facts, but anti-Blatter propaganda.
This robojam sounds fun
I can work on vis.
The server could be separate actually.
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, or you could upload binaries if you trust the participants
Anyway, my problem isn't how to tell the messages apart, since I already have the solution to that problem (IDs).
My problem is how to decide what those IDs should be.
@BartekBanachewicz Just make a spectator client type that gets all the output, but has no input to give.
Like if we really don't give a shit we can have a jenkins job that outputs a log
@Mr.kbok meh, everyone could host their bot on heroku
Numbers are difficult to remember and coordinate.
if it catches on I'll put overmind to it
Yeah but then no tcp
@Mr.kbok Doesn't change the fact that HTTP makes it language-agnostic.
I can host overmind if people will want to
@R.MartinhoFernandes true
it is plenty powerful to run all of the bots
A hierarchical system similar to domain names comes to mind.
we can restrict to 256MB ram for example
@Mr.kbok I'd start with HTTP anyway
I wonder how to make an ever-running simulation with scotty though
perhaps just on another thread
and send updates via TQueue
this should work
> How to convert Unicode into English
what is scotty?
Haskell web framework
@Ell the one that beams you up
@Ell Haskell's Sinatra
I see
> pingfs aims to be a filesystem where the data is stored only in the Internet itself, as ICMP Echo packets (pings) travelling from you to remote servers and back again.
@milleniumbug To the cloud!
Don't use the cloud. Be the cloud.
so is @BartekBanachewicz writing the robo server?
and we are writing clients?
meh, I think the platform should appear before the bots
And spectating via web browser?
hm, if we want a browser client...
it would need to update in realtime I guess
that means websocket
I'll just let you get to it :P
arena design first
also I am not going to write the server alone duh
even if it will go via ws it needs a web viewer
@BartekBanachewicz You most likely are if you're doing it in Haskell.
We have more active haskell users than any other language except C++
#2 is probably C#, not Haskell.
We have less proficient haskell users than any other language though
Active != Proficient example: me
Many people have merely dabbled in Haskell, but even some of the ones that are proficient with it are not active (me, Cat).
I can do fold*, map and filter.
the part that takes actual experience are the monad stacks used for scotty
and stuff like Wai
sehe you answers are best as always — tantra35 41 secs ago
the game logic is pure, raw FP.
Well, I just stated what I think is the real position of the room when it comes to that. You can take that into account however you feel like it.
i uh
I don't want to force anyone to use haskell obviously
that will probably require yuo to write the server alone
but then again if the active users want to turn into proficient users there's bound to be some usage in the middle
I had my friend with 3 months of programming total being able to fix a bug in potato empires after 30 minutes of haskell introduction
After I saw it with my own eyes I concluded it's only a matter of whether you want to use it or not
@Ell I might as well only do the design of the arena and just participate vOv
> In short, we are living in the aftermath of an alien invasion. antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2010/12/…
I am so awesome.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What the actual fuck
@rightfold pray tell us why
That's what you get for not outsourcing dam construction to the Netherlands: nbcdfw.com/news/local/…
@Jefffrey I think it's a reasonable description of the state of affairs that enables the incidents in Prismatic's link.
(There's some very good discussion in the comments, too)
How wrong am I with my answer?
A: IPC through a SHM for C++ and concurrent memory accesses

wilxI would suggest using C++11's std::atomic<> for the MREADY member. Or at least issue std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_acq_rel) after the assignment.

...about the fence.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Maybe I've read it wrong, but is it praising communism as opposed to those "evil" corporate people that are sending us to hell?
@Jefffrey No. Communism is just mentioned as the single antagonist that eventually failed.
Communism as an alternative paradigm died, and then this one took over unopposed.
Note that merely opposing does not imply it's not "evil".
I don't know. Sounds too black and white to me. "Corporations are recognized as people, but they don't have human goals". They actually do have human goals: get rich and powerful. You can't get more human than that.
I know you're a cynic.
Doesn't make everyone one.
I'm not. Do you want to be poor? Do you simply don't mind living under a bridge for the rest of your life?
@BartekBanachewicz You have a point
It would be cool if there was a small util out there for c++ that you can use to compare different sort strategies to find the fastest that worked with STL containers liks std::sort
@Jefffrey That's a false dichotomy.
Those trips that you make, that make you happy. Those cost money.
Yes, love is awesome too, but that happens at random. You don't try to efficiently "buy" love.
Communism is fun in Minecraft.
I should make a banner with hammer and sickle.
@Jefffrey So what. It's not being rich or having naught.
@R.MartinhoFernandes True. I'm presenting the lowest bottom that you can reach without money. And I think that we are all deeply scared by it. And it's scary. That's why we work out ass off not to get there.
@Jefffrey Yes, but that's basically a desire for survival.
All successful organisms share that.
So what's the problem?
Is that cynic?
You know. I might be wrong, but sometimes it looks like you are more interested in winning your argument by trying to find as many logical fallacies as possible; without actually trying to listen to what other people are trying to say and have an open mind about that. And that's what in turn makes them aggressive.
@Jefffrey I just point fallacies because they don't help further discussion.
Right. So is that your definition of cynical? Seeing everybody's desire for survival as opposed to beautiful snowflakes everywhere?
@Jefffrey No, a cynic is just someone who believes everyone acts exclusively out of self-interest.
And that's not true?
When you said that you can't get more human than wanting to get rich and powerful, that's what it sounded like.
@Jefffrey That is my opinion, yes. I see people acting out of care for others, or out of a sense of ethics or morals, and so I can't agree with cynicism.
You can say that eventually all of those are just a way to make you feel better, I guess.
I do too. Not wanting people that you care about getting hurt is pretty selfish.
Dunno how true that is about voluntary bodyguards.
I had a similar argument with one of my teachers who was kinda religious once
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, that's my point.
I mean, there's not much self left when you're dead.
He said how helping someone out financially with no reward is completely selfless
But if it makes you feel good is it really self less?
And going against morals that I've been taught is really difficult for me. So I take the easy path into following them instead.
We always do stuff out of self interested. I think that we are designed to do that. Does that make the world terrible? Absolutely not. I don't associate selfishness with any negative behaviour.
@Jefffrey That's every cynic's point. Still we can see Stross's text in that light. Corporations don't have such diverse goals that may eventually make more for others than for them (i.e. those goals are not actually in your interest when viewed rationally). They just have "growth, profitability, and pain avoidance".
I guess that's the different between me and you.
@R.MartinhoFernandes And "growth, profitability, and pain avoidance" don't describe your goals in life?
@Xeo They feel good about having a mission or a job. There's several reasons.
Because they sure describe mine.
Sorry, I can't continue this. I'm anxious now.
External factors; not related to the discussion. I was actually enjoying it.
Me too.
robot is being watched by evil corporations as we speak
@Prismatic Google?
@Prismatic I'm scheduling a date.
Meaning I'll just panic for several minutes and then send a reply.
@Jefffrey I don't mind continuing later if you want.
Good luck with your date man.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol, I don't know if you remember, but the portable, networked computer in your hand can make voice calls. Yes - actual two way audio communication!
I had started a google interview process
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
but then abandoned it because of personal reasons
@MartinJames "Regular" voice calls upset me already. No way.
don't be anxious
first round: hangout, second round: hangout, third round: on-place
I suppose they retired the helpout stuff
not sure..
microsoft style: 1) Skype 2) Skype 3) On-site
kinda similar except the communication system : P
@MarcoA. 1) Skype 2) Battery flat 3) No signal
@MarcoA. My company's: 1) pub 2) site tour.
@rightfold they were used for alignment instead of spaces vOv
@R.MartinhoFernandes CAN I APPLY?
I just want the first round, I'll make it count
dating a girlfriend: 1) skype 2) skype 3) on-site 4) skype
5) restraining order

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