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@MartinJames Crusts, gimme crusts plz!
@πάνταῥεῖ Gone:)
@MartinJames ^ :.(
@πάνταῥεῖ It took him about 15 secs to clean the plate.
I'm a lamer I know :-P ...
Considering to bake a frozen pizza myself now, argh that late ...
@πάνταῥεῖ Sorry, But I was really hungry and had to eat something.
Who's Bailey BTW?
@Jefffrey Reasonably young, hot, female (oh, and since it's come up before: yes, definitely human).
@MartinJames ^ I was imagining a fat cat actually ;-)
Morning guys
@AlexM. After some more tries and losing I decided to just suck it up and go back 40 minutes to the last save even if I have to repeat most of the baron bullshit. I'd rather have fun and stuff than go through this.
@πάνταῥεῖ Nah. Fat dog. That pic is old, Bailey is now 40kg.
@MartinJames Looks like some guy named Joel.
@Rapptz why you don't use F5 to quicksave is beyond me
spam F5 often
all my saves are quicksaves
I use a gamepad
we've been over this
Save scumming
Save cumming
@Rapptz you deserve your fate
Can't you drop difficulty for a while?
at least you get to see cool stuff
yeah but difficulty lowering is lame
I'd rather be a loser than a difficulty lower-er
like ciri's powers that for some reason you're only allowed to use after some point in the story
the warping becomes even more badass
no wonder ciri > geralt
also I encountered the stupid bug you mentioned
with no particle effects
had no idea where Yrden was
yep it only shows up when you load a lot of times
it's silly
and it doesn't go away after another load
it seems to go away after N loads, randomly
but the game looks really bad until it goes away
restarting fixes it anyway
do you know how to skip the load game cutscene thing?
where they sum up the story?
Load screens tend to not be skippable
@JerryCoffin I don't think you mentioned female before
@Rapptz nope but the game is loading in the background so you don't need to anyway
I figured that was the case
I wasn't sure because there was no loading indicator.
I realized I have a lot of level 4 contracts started
(I'm level 17 or so)
time to explore Velen while the Baron's castle burns
you know at the point where you play hide and seek with the bunch of kids in the swamp
I thought to myself
"I should go do secondary quests and come back 100 days from now"
imagine the torment the kids would go through
being forced to remain hidden for 100 days
"Geralt will find us any minute now boys, any minute."
@Rapptz hint: apparently it's a good idea to finish Gwent-ing with the baron before his quest ends
haven't read why
I didn't do it
well if I go to the Baron
his castle is burning
and I'll have to fist fight him
don't think I'll have a chance to Gwent unless I go further back in time
you're far away from the end, you can still play
still cant kill the royal griffin
lol nabe
OT: When a bug breaks the entire tool, how is it called? I guessed "breaking bug", but that doesn't show up any results on Google.
I did the fist fight
and decided it's better to solve this first and just avoid the botchling
can you get per application power usage on linux?
how does that work
@ŠimeVidas bug?
severe bug?
@ŠimeVidas It's called showstopper
in games a bug that breaks your game completely is called a showstopper bug
Thanks ^^
can't you argue that any bug breaks the entire tool though
a tool works correctly if any part of it works correctly
@Rapptz Well android has it, so i thought linux might
I can't think of a situation where you can say "there's a bug in our tool but the tool is not broken dont fix"
Showed up for me
@πάνταῥεῖ Thanks. I wouldn't believe it at first, but it's legit.
@CatPlusPlus oh. yeah. that.
@Borgleader I don't think it works that way
I mean you can measure the power pulled by each components
@AlexM. Bad output in certain scenarios is not the same as no output in every scenario :)
> TIL In 1915 A millionaire named Cecil Chubb bought his wife Stonehenge. She didn’t like it, so in 1918 he gave it to the nation
And I guess you an estimate per application power by doing CPU power * CPU load
@Borgleader I don't know how Battery Manager works
@AlexM. Ungrateful ho
I wish I could find the statistics on the number of collisions between drones & birds per thousand hours of drone flying.
@Ell he dumped her ass for his new true love
the nation
always appreciating gifts
@Rapptz probably measures CPU load and which apps have how many time slices, plus is can guess more or less which apps are using which other hardware bits.
I know "screen" has it's own power usage
I had a question, when I run pkill on my terminal, it kills the process but still states the error "Operation not permitted" why is that?
Apr 14 at 22:50, by Jerry Coffin
@nick I demand a sacrifice of at least one virgin. Since you're new here: young, gorgeous, human and female. Actual virginity optional.
@chettyharish what process are yoy trying to kill?
@Rapptz looks like what i need
It is likely there are multiple, one might be running as root so you don't have permission
I am creating a process on a server using ssh.
then I am killing it using another process.
What is the proces
Its a C program file which carries out many ssh's
What is the process you are killing?
The name of it
I remember how fun hide & seek was.
a.out is the executable
So you are doing pkill a.out?
I am actually doing -> ssh serverName pkill a.out
the pkill executes correctly
but I get Operation not permitted error on my host which is doing the killing
inconsistent permissions
but how does it work then?
It doesn't.
@chettyharish With a little log file browsing and optionally some program output, you could find the source of the problem
with what you've talked about, all anyone could ever know is that you've done something with insufficient privileges
hmmm okay, I will try to look into more details
just strace your program really
Should I take this guy's money
for the Shrieker contract
the kid's dad died.. not sure if I should feel guilty taking this
you've done worse things in your life anyway
like playing W3 with a gamepad
I'm off to sleep, nite :D
(I only take money from the merchants who give me contracts)
(not from normal folk)
I took the money
it was 245 crowns and I'm poor
@AlexM. when I grow up, I hope I'm as good as that developer
@Rapptz That's 12 dollars in my country
@AlexM. If I can not see him, he can not see me. It makes perfect since.
Turns out HTML5 videos are terrible, so I had to switch back to Flash.
HTML5 videos: 80% CPU usage. Flash video: 16% CPU usage.
Talking about terrible and outdated technologies.
@Jefffrey but flash gets you stds
@Jefffrey no repro
no repo
I need to test this
HTML5: 2.6% CPU usage, Flash: 3.2% CPU usage.
There's no difference for me.
That's playing 1080p @ 30FPS.
That's on an i7-3770K running at a stock 3.5GHz.
@Nooble That's your problem. An i7-3770K processor running at a stock.
@Mysticial Heh. I usually run a 700MHz overclock on it, but two days ago I tried to repaste it. I cleaned off the thermal paste with isopropyl alcohol and went to get that tube of MX-4, except it was empty. So now I'm stuck here on a stock Intel cooler until some Arctic Silver 5 gets delivered.
I couldn't find MX-4 with free 2-day shipping, so I thought AS5 would be practically the same.
@Rapptz Do you still read the stuff on my blog?
So I decided to run Y-Cruncher
And the stock cooler is kinda.
Deafening right now.
You should be glad it isn't Haswell.
Oooh 144 seconds.
I haven't heard my CPU that loud before.
@Mysticial why
I ran benchmarks with the latest GMP yesterday (first time I've done so in like 4 years). And I made this graph:
It doesn't look like GMP is developed anymore. Since they haven't moved one bit in 4 years.
I'm debating whether or not I want to publish that graph.
> Blue Gene/P, an IBM supercomputer designed to continuously run at 1petaFLOPS, has found the billionth decimal digit in pi, according to a report by The Australian IT.
The calculation has long been considered impossible to complete; some have estimated that it would have taken a single CPU 1,500 years. But IBM's Blue Gene/P solved to the billionth decimal digit in just a few months, working with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and IBM Australia.
And my CPU did it in under three minutes?
Moore's Law
This was done four years ago though.
Something's not right.
1 billion digits was done way back in the 80s.
Yeah, this article must be faulty.
Other sources say Blue Gene/P calculated the 63 trillionth digit of Pi squared.
Not the billionth.
63 trillionth bit probably
Wait, 63 trillion'th bit is still too small.
That's doable in a few days on my desktop.
It says 63 trillionth bit.
You were right.
Pi squared.
That's a harder problem.
PCMag is just completely wrong.
Your partner is 58 years old?
Shigeru Kondo.
I thought he was like mid 30s at most.
They somehow took "63 trillionth bit of pi squared" to "billionth decimal digit of pi".
epic fail
> It was midnight in Japan when the computer reached five trillion decimal places. "I was alone in the room at the moment... I know this is nothing but self satisfaction," he said.

His mother and wife who live with him were sleeping at that time and later showed "no particular feelings" despite his sense of achievement, he said
this article
I saw that. It was hilarious.
They probably got tired of the power rationing and the expenses.
How much power was the machine drawing?
No idea. But based on the specs, I suspect it was probably close to 2kW/h.
That's like a hair dryer running 24/7.
I'm eating trail mix for the first time in my life
the mix of salty and sweet is weird
> I predict a douche will ask the following "question":
durr hurr derp what do you think of Rust
Gotta have a douche plugging Rust whatever the topic, however tenuous the relevance.
is that your comment
cause obv it'll be downvoted
it's just as off topic
@Rapptz no it's not
what a brave man
god this tastes so weird
> Rust for Python Programmers (lucumr.pocoo.org)
the prophecy right here
Just stormed in to say...
Good night.
@buttifulbuttefly what do you think of Rust
Only good things.
@Rapptz Trail mix is designed for hiking on trails - usually you need sugar & salt @ the same time.
god of ice cream
It's not designed to taste good.
@Jefffrey just stormed in to say...i hope those ice cream chips eat you and you turn into a big ice cream
@chmod711telkitty most things that look and feel good aren't designed to be good for you
Pull requests welcome!
I have a feeling this was a deliberate design decision
but thanks to that my thing went from 1 API call to 101 API calls
they made number of downvotes always return 0 too
so I have to use upvote_ratio
> Measure-Command { python smashbros_statistics.py }

Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 3
Seconds           : 28
Milliseconds      : 522
Ticks             : 2085225023
TotalDays         : 0.00241345488773148
TotalHours        : 0.0579229173055556
TotalMinutes      : 3.47537503833333
TotalSeconds      : 208.5225023
TotalMilliseconds : 208522.5023
@Mysticial It must be perfect then?
@wilx I guess... :)
Btw, that graph is - lower is better.
@Prismatic I wish tough love made better relationships.
@Prismatic WTF?
@buttifulbuttefly ooOOoo
The Luc-tier jokes are spreading
Luc is slowly ascending to meme-ness
How are you lads?
could be better u_u
aww, why is that so?
Turned in for the interview
Nobody opens the door
Nobody picks up the phone
What now
How long should I wait?
@BartekBanachewicz 15 minutes?
Are you sure you are at the right door? :)
@BartekBanachewicz Your interview was scheduled for 0800?
The sign say offices 4.22.6-4.22.8
@BartekBanachewicz Wow. They must be busy if they have to conduct interviews outside 'conventional' working hours.
I am calling the 4.22.7 labeled "office"
Tried 6 and 8 too
Then I called their phone
@BartekBanachewicz: They must be some startup whose people wake up at 10 am. at the earliest who overestimated their waking up capability and the greatness of their hangovers. :D
@BartekBanachewicz Wait a bit longer, then leave a note, (to prove you were there) , with your mobile number, and go to nearest cafe for breakfast:)
@wilx LRiO works there? :)
A note
How am I supposed to leave a note
Do you literally mean sticking a piece of paper to their door?
Also fuck cafes I got work to do
@BartekBanachewicz Yes.
Heading straight to my workplace after
@BartekBanachewicz One of those physical, paper things. Is there a recepetion desk for the offices?
Yeah, at the ground floor
@BartekBanachewicz You could leave a note there.
Maybe I could just leave a message there
5 minutes more and I'm getting out of here
@BartekBanachewicz: Or you could write an angry email to them. :)
Not angry. Sleepy, more like
I woke up before 7am to make it
@BartekBanachewicz lol. I wake up at 6:30 everyday.
I typically wake up around 7:30
And this is the second day and the second interview in a row
@wilx I was up at 6:15. A tiny hole in the curtains and blinds blasted a laser-like beam of light directly into my eyes and woke me up:(
@MartinJames What an unlucky sleeping position. :)
I consider this highly unprofessional
Wasting my time before I even got hired
@MartinJames @BartekBanachewicz and @wilx you guys are amazing :p especially you @BartekBanachewicz
I have learned to choose bedroom with a western facing window long time ago.
@wilx Yup. Imma blocking off that void with heavy tape until autumn.
@yanivx I am. But why do you think that? :)
You get more sleep in the mornings that way ...
I just went through the chat details the and found your suggestions funny yet witty
I also gave interviews and am waiting for my offer letter since 2 weeks
:( Silly HR refuses to pickup the phone :/
You got me excited then I realised that you are not speaking with me.
@BartekBanachewicz Yes, it is:(
@BartekBanachewicz Also, little excuse there days. You get stuck in traffic, train breaks down, you get out your phone and call/text/message to explain, apologise, reschedule.
Hi there
Urgh I'm so shitfaced
@Rerito I'm a little hungover. Drinking time-zones:(
@BartekBanachewicz It is.
@BartekBanachewicz money
consider what you might be making there if you get hired and if it's sufficient compensation for one lazy jackass interviewer :)
@MartinJames Rum hungover here
@Rerito I have a 'normal' non-exotic beer hangover.
I drank til oblivion :|
@MartinJames left a note and left. Thanks for the tip
Also in other news my gas tank is bigger than I thought because it just ate 9 liters, and I think I have a gearbox oil leak :/
I have to wipe it off when I'll head home and see how much and where it appears
@BartekBanachewicz Good luck. Mebbe they'll reschedule and buy you a meal or summat as compensation. Interview in restaurant.. :)
also ffs they apparently called me 15 minutes ago
god damn it
didn't notice because my phone was in my backpack
@BartekBanachewicz Your fault. My phone is usually on visible place or in my front pocket.
@wilx front pockets aren't convenient on a motorbike
why are std::vector objects so big
@BartekBanachewicz Call 'em when it's convenient for YOU. You were available for them as arranged and they didn't turn up. That's it - you already did your bit.
when I do sizeof std::vector<unsigned> it is like 2411
@MichaelMitchell BS. What platform?
@MichaelMitchell You're doing it wrong. The size should be 3 * sizeof(void*) = 12 or 24 on most implementations
std::vector<unsigned> qc;
size_t sz = sizeof qc;
printf("%ull\n", sz);
this yields 2411
perhaps I am doing it wrong
imma try clang
@MichaelMitchell vOv
@MichaelMitchell LOL, thats twenty-four followed by two lowercase "L".
@MichaelMitchell Yes, you are using a wrong format string. You probably need to use %zu.
im idiot
that is hillarious

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