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Whatever. I have a rasteriser to write. In Java
show me the Expr one
Pretty much the same idea.
so where in that is the field for the type of the expression?
just for example
or for the function call expression, what function is to be called?
@DeadMG Use spirit. It comes with all kinds of examples on how to create recursive AST datatypes. A very very trivial example of that can bee seen in this answer I posted last week-ish:
A: Boolean expression (grammar) parser in c++

seheHere is an implementation based on Boost Spirit. Because Boost Spirit generates recursive descent parsers based on expression templates, honouring the 'idiosyncratic' (sic) precedence rules (as mentioned by others) is quite tedious. Therefore the grammar lacks a certain elegance. Abstract Data ...

Spirit won't eat my tokens
besides, I already have Bison
Much better samples in the Spirit samples, though (scheme, minimal C compiler IIRC)
@DeadMG Wut
The function to be called is the first Expr here: Expr `Call` [Expr]. The type of expressions is not there. The assignment wasn't supposed to do the stages that need that :)
@DeadMG You mean, you tried Spirit Lex?
But it can be easily added if you want to.
@sehe I already have a lexer and I'm happy with it. I'm not going to throw it away to use Spirit.
@DeadMG That's a rational argument (not). I'm pretty sure you can't Bison from Haskell
I'm not using Haskell
You don't need Bison in Haskell.
@DeadMG No need. If you can iterate your tokens with an iterator-like interface, you are good to go. Spirit Lex is only one example of a lexer that you can use.
@DeadMG I was getting the impression you were soliciting advice from the FP gurus
I do have an iterator-like interface, but I couldn't find any examples of how to use such with Spirit- I asked a question about it but the only response I got was "pretend the token type is an integer"
besides, ultimately, I think I'm happy enough with a custom parser
@DeadMG Linky? I'm pretty interested in proving this thing can work
@DeadMG I would be too, especially if it's a language design issue. However, I don't see (at all) why mapping to ASTs should pose problems. boost variants, recursive_wrapper to the rescue? Unless, of course, you wish to roll all that by hand too
it isn't causing me problems
I just dislike C++, it needs partial types
19 mins ago, by DeadMG
I don't see how you would represent an AST in any way that would not effectively boil down to using inheritance
@sehe That was in Haskell.
and I'm pretty sure that recursive boost::variants does boil down to using inheritance
I'm not too dissatisfied with my current AST code, although it needs changing
@DeadMG Nope. You can use static polymorphism all the way. See that linked answer for an idea (stackoverflow.com/questions/8706356/…)
the problem is that I want to have my LLVM/semantic code in another place
Other then where? An AST should just be an AST.
make_recursive_variant instead of recursive_wrapper!
than in the AST
@DeadMG translation "My problem is unique" - go away, stop trying to help me :)
my AST needs to be more than that
@CatPlusPlus No real difference. recursive_wrapper seemed to have limitations when I tried it. Don't recall details right now
I'm not going to roll an effectively identical tree to be the semantic view of my program, it's just an AST with semantic stuff added
@sehe It's a bit cleaner.
also, it needs some concurrency stuff in it
@sehe What? Everyone has their own requirements for their own problems.
@DeadMG Oh, that. Of course. I want to note this is getting a bit vague IMO
@DeadMG Ok, I'll leave you at it. I don't mind; too much anyway
Is the comma out of place?
what comma?
@RMartinhoFernandes FTFY
here's the thing
It's overloaded.
@sehe I'm still having trouble understanding that sentence. Don't worry, it's probably me.
@CatPlusPlus Killer timing :)
I don't like Bison because it can only deal with POD values, and that makes the AST representation nastier than it has to be
and I also don't like Bison because, ironically, it's syntax blows
to the point where I considered using a program to generate it's input
Ok, when you need a compiler compiler compiler, things are getting weird.
I know
We're going full meta.
it would be a compiler compiler compiler compiler, as my compiler is infact a compiler compiler
so technically, Bison would be a compiler compiler compiler
@DeadMG ah, the reasonable guy comes to the fore
data Compiler = Compiler Compiler
@DeadMG Gosh.
@CatPlusPlus Infinite types FTW.
@DeadMG I think infact is lacking the r
what, infract?
What's going on?
compiler infa*r*ct?
at least I managed to insert an r into a place that makes it into an actual word :P
Infactr? Is that like foldr/foldl?
@sehe What?
In medicine, infarction refers to tissue death (necrosis) that is caused by a local lack of oxygen due to obstruction of the tissue's blood supply. The resulting lesion is referred to as an infarct. Citing: *The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Updated in 2009. *The American Heritage Science Dictionary 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Company. *Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged. HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003 Causes The supplying artery may be blocked by an obstruction (e.g. an arterial embolus, thrombus, or athero...
there's no such thing as "infarct"
@DeadMG always the eloquent.
@DeadMG There is!
> The resulting lesion is referred to as an infarct.
I don't think that my compiler is dead lung
@DeadMG oh really. That must be my non-native disadvantage then
@DeadMG Not yet. Just you wait
well, it can be very dead but I doubt it's dead lung
GCC "Dead Lung" 5.0.
@DeadMG Who said "lung" You can have a dead heart if it goes without oxygen for a relatively small amount of time
well that's the name of my IDE then
"Dead Lung"
An infarcted heart.
And when it's dead, i'm sure it is dead long.
Infarted pants.
fuck a whore, I'm so tired :(
So Long and Thanks for all the Fish
ate six dozen too many cookies
also from rargh anger ealier
ok. that's is getting full meta. Compiler compiler compiler compiler induced heart infarction
was gonna go to bed early
am failing already :(
@TonyTheLion tropes?
@sehe well I did get into those, but then I started listening to music, and got lost in youtube videos
Me too. 1st schoolday and with the wife out of the country ... I better make sure I hear the damn wake-up sound from my phone
So lung and thanks for all the dead.
I used to play drums, and was watching good drummers playing...
@TonyTheLion yeah. Youtube can be mildly interesting. On the second monitor.
@TonyTheLion Lemme guess, you got to "that part of YouTube" and realized you were wasting time.
@TonyTheLion I had the same happen in the pianists-variety last week. I tought the kids how to sleep in to about 12am the next day.
@RMartinhoFernandes oh no, I already realized I was wasting time reading the 5th TVTropes link
@sehe hahah, that's easy. Didn't know anyone had to be taught how to sleep in to midday
@TonyTheLion Still, allegedly, you should write up a small article on how to escape from tvtropes using the youtube escape route. Apparently, youtube is somewhat less lethal to productivity
I do that absolutely no effort whatsoever
@TonyTheLion The kids are 4 and 5 years old
@sehe Isn't 12am like, midnight?
@RMartinhoFernandes 12:28am actually (damn got to keep updating this)
(I'm not trained in this AM/PM nonsense, so I wouldn't know)
But googling seems to indicate midnight.
12 am is midnight, 12pm is midday
this whole time thing... is relative anyway
fully trained by the Brits I was :P
ok. so I meant, 12pm. noon, for you brits
@DeadMG did I insult your British nature?
I'm tired and angry
expect a slew of uncreative insults
12㏂ is midnight and 12㏘ is noon. Damn Unicode.
0 is midnight and 12 is noon.
@TonyTheLion nah, that's just static. I think it is a rare form of tourette involving the keyboard
everyone wearing their ignore helmets?
@DeadMG lulz :P
I know
to pool or not to pool identifiers?
premature optimization...
this is what he needs :P
@sehe oh fapping is?
@sehe If someone flags that, I'm sure I'll end up suspended.
@sehe Correctness advantage, personally.
@RMartinhoFernandes why the FUCK would anyone flag that?
Dec 21 '11 at 16:02, by R. Martinho Fernandes
> Premature optimization is like premature ejaculation – you don’t think it will happen to you, but then it feels good in the moment, and it just does. Afterwards you get terribly embarrassed, and you don’t want to talk about it when someone calls you out on it.
when I come to generate LLVM IR, it'll make my life easier
I already pool strins
:2312265 No, it's okay. It's just that if it gets flagged, people will see it out of context, and assume offensive.
@TonyTheLion Hopefully, no one will.
@sehe I'm not dutch
It almost happened once when I explained GFY to someone, by posting nothing but "Go Fuck Yourself".
@RMartinhoFernandes i was just in time to unstar. You see, I'm a considerate guy.
@TonyTheLion I figured. However, the fapping monster looks like an oliebol
@TonyTheLion My sincerest condolences
@sehe a fapping oliebol?? Woah.... imagination transcends
@TonyTheLion Nope. It was your visual imagery
@sehe oh thanks. Couldn't have been born in a worse place really
@TonyTheLion Aw. That's insulting about half the worlds population.
@FredNurk how do you know Oliebol anyways?
no, wait, I need non-pooled identifiers!
@sehe euh, only 11 million people out of 6 bn
@DeadMG yea WE GET IT, move on
@TonyTheLion Come to think of it. Belgian - does that have an actual meaning still, or should it be Wallonian / Flemish these days?
@TonyTheLion Why did you reply to Fred Nurk's message from last year?
@sehe Belgium is still one country
skip to 30sec
@RMartinhoFernandes oops that was a mistake :(
@TonyTheLion No I mean the Koreans, Qatarnians (?), Jemenites, Somali, etc. (I'm trying to stay away from french/belgian colonies as good as I remember them)
@DeadMG If you add #t=30s to the URL we don't have to skip by hand...
@sehe lol
I need help with an skiddie that just tought StackOverflow was for him: stackoverflow.com/users/1054022/sekulicd also what should be done with his question: stackoverflow.com/questions/8782364/… ?
The Flems... LOL
@TonyTheLion The blemish
shoot the poof
@sehe oh, so you really do have a problem with Belgians then?
@sehe, you're from Holland????
I thought you were American... (for some reason)
@fabianhjr "Since you are going to use this for malice" Where did you read that?
@TonyTheLion Absolument
Of course

Is it Holland, The Netherlands, or both?
Holland or The Netherlands is the same thing
they all speak Dutch with this horrid accent, that I can't stand from miles away
@fabianhjr Apply Hanlon's razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
@RMartinhoFernandes he is asking for a procedure to change a password[randomly] and setting forwarding to another email[like his]
@TonyTheLion uhoh. Not quite. It's actually Holland the province, and The Kingdom of the Netherlands which includes a few stray islands (I think) and used to include some colonies back when.
Dutch has accents?
To me it all sounds like gibberish.
you have no idea
Never considered the concept of "accented gibberish" before. Hmm.
> Your understanding of computers and programming is minimal yet I am going to help you.
well, Portuguese is as much gibberish to me, as Dutch is to you
That's because you're silly. Portuguese makes perfect sense.
Unless it's from Azores. That is truly gibberish.
yea right
On TV they put subtitles on people from Azores.
That's how bad they speak Portuguese.
they put subtitles on here for people speaking from a different province within Flanders
@TonyTheLion Actually, the main difference is that Dutch is gibberish in a lot more parts of the world than Portugese (except for South Africa, perhaps)
cause the accent is so damn different
@sehe true
my life is gibberish... am I complaining?
Yeah! We're like, in the top ten or something.
@TonyTheLion Yeah they do that in the Netherlands too, but I think it is both silly and megalomaniac
I prefer English anyways
gets me further
Yeah. Like, way on top of the chat statistics of
... epic Lounge<C++>. Yay
@sehe actually, if I spoke in my dialect on TV, not a soul (besides those living in my province) would understand a single word I'm saying. In the region I live, it's especially very bad
we're notorious for our accent :P
Third time the epic fail.
Markdown doesn't work on multi-line messages. :P
@TonyTheLion What dialect is that, or would you 'rather not tell'?
oh I looked into MP3 compression today, turns out even more difficult then JPG compression
Markdown 19 : 0 users that insist on using Markdown on multiline messages.
@sehe well, not on here
Well, I don't care. It should
`just work`!
It won't.
@sehe It doesn't work by design.
I hate markdown
@RMartinhoFernandes Hehe. Important!
so @FredNurk made a comeback?
@TonyTheLion You stole DeadMG's line
@TonyTheLion I hate your mother
@TonyTheLion No. You just somehow linked to a message from last year.
See, revenge is dealt swiftly
@DeadMG I'm sure she gives a fuck, NOT
@RMartinhoFernandes lol
@RMartinhoFernandes now he will be mad at me for pinging him
ah well
@sehe I don't steal lines, I borrow them whenever I see fit
I'm going to do a shocking thing and go to bed at a vaguely sensible time
oh wow
which is?
I can't believe that.
@TonyTheLion Tomorrow at 22.
@DeadMG promises promises
I don't have time for sleep.
I am saving my fucking work right now
yea right
you're either pasting a block of text and submitting it - why would pasting a block of text preclude the notion that it might contain markdown. I know a logical fallacy when I see one
@sehe ask Jeff
@sehe Oh, you're trying to make sense of that? Stop wasting your time.
ewwww I went onto Meta...
I really don't give a rat's behind, but since you posted the link, I figured it must be important
@TonyTheLion You feel dirty now?
It says there's assumption.
It doesn't say why anyone considers it a good idea.
@CatPlusPlus Well, there's Assumption Day for those.
no, he's just a bot, he posts links whenever the statistical correlation between what is being talked about and the thing he has in his database is above a threshold at which time he cannot do anything else but post a link.
(fucking typos)
@TonyTheLion Come on, I'm not that simple!
@sehe yea I feel disgusted... Meta is a disturbing place :P
turtles all the way down
I'm off to bed. Beating DeadMG to a dream, I bet
@RMartinhoFernandes well my math sucks, and this is the best I could come up with at this time. Next time I might add differential calculus and sound a bit more profound.
I think the link is off
v.normal.normalize(); Fuck yeah vectors.
@CatPlusPlus WTF?
The bot failed. Time to go into maintenance
@RMartinhoFernandes Hehe, my google fu was quicker this time
@RMartinhoFernandes Vertex normals!
@CatPlusPlus Ah. I was thinking v was a vector.
what is the point of normalization anyways?
@sehe Damn copy paste.
I never got my mind to understand it
So it has length 1.
@TonyTheLion Wut? "Copy & Paste" ?
like the DCT coefficients in jpg compression are normalized. Why?
It's overloaded term.
Every term is overloaded in this field.
44 mins ago, by Cat Plus Plus
It's overloaded.
wow, that's why my term overload resolution comes up with ambiguous more often then not.

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