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@DeadMG No. He linked to the one for the IP of Qatar.
WTF are you smoking?
@sbi WTPF? The entire nation has one address?
2 mins ago, by DeadMG
This is the IP address for the entire nation of Qatar.
@DeadMG You shouldn't smoke that.
Isn't heroin like, administered with a syringe?
I didn't realise we were running that short. Also, if anyone I'd imagine the gulf nations would wind up with most of the world's share of IP addresses...
According to whois, the address belongs to one "Faisal Babu". Is he some type of king?
Or at least a : public King...
Oh, a second owner is Khaled Abu Mallouh
Maybe no one else has access to the Internet in Qatar.
@RMartinhoFernandes That's very likely ;-)
In Iran, Facebook is now haram
It seems that soon all the IPs from Iran will be liberated for the free world to use.
@KerrekSB What's "haram"?
@RMartinhoFernandes "haram" is to Islam as goto is to C++
Holy site?
goto is a holy site in C++?
Are you smoking heroin too?
> The Arabic language has two separate words, حرم ḥaram and حرام ḥarām, both derived from the same triliteral Semitic root Ḥ-R-M. Both of these words can mean "forbidden" and/or "sacred" in a general way, but each has also developed some specialized meanings.
This one:
One word with possibly completely opposite meanings? Wow.
Haraam ( ') (often haram) is an Arabic term meaning "forbidden". In Islam it is used to refer to anything that is prohibited by the word of Allah (God) in the Qur'an or the Hadith Qudsi. Haraam is the highest status of prohibition given to anything that would result in sin when a Muslim commits it. Its antonym is ' (allowed). The religious term haraam, based on the Quran, is applied to: * Actions, such as adultery, murder or homosexuality. * Objects, such as Masjid al-Haram and Masjid al-Nabawi in context as two haram (stricted) mosque. * Food and drinks, such as pork and alcohol * S...
@KerrekSB An upper limb?
@RMartinhoFernandes The chat paster broke the link! Damn unicoders again
@Xeo "Sacred" and "forbidden" are slightly related.
@RMartinhoFernandes Like apples!
Apples and what?
@RMartinhoFernandes Snakes, I guess?
If something is holy or sacred it's probable that a lot of things are forbidden about it: you can't touch it, or you can't speak it, or something.
I'm still bamboozled by the way SO turned "haram" into "arm". That's a first.
This is fucking brilliant:
I wasabout to say that looks like the London Underground map
but that's not the Lunderground
@DeadMG Yeah, and that's not an accident.
Mmm, burgers.
Q: Thi is a Challenge ! Executoin Time to be 2 seconds at maximum

RichieThis question is a big challenge! I have to make a C++ program out of this question. The question is easy itself, but the main problem is the execution time limit at the end the question. Since their can be n number of combination to the input of K and N. I want to know how to solve it. We are w...

Sounds like a copy-pasted IOI problem.
And poorly at that.
His other question isn't much better.
So many pointers.
Arrfgh, my eyes. Why did you mention his other question? You're mean.
Q: Can you use 3+ OR conditions in an if statement?

RedmastifI tried to test this myself before asking on the forum but my simple code to test this didn't seem to work. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Enter int: "; int number; cin >> number; if (number==1||2||3) { cout << "Your number was 1, 2, ...

At least he tried first.
I'm evil.
The Evil @Cat.
Also, if he's going to IOI with #include<iostream.h> he's bound to fail.
Poor sod.
you guys will never guess what I did today
Jump out of a window naked.
got a job?
lol, euh no
got one already
wrote Java code?
quiet you
Damn, I thought it was a good guess.
@FredOverflow euh, I ain't suicidal yet
I went horse riding. I hadn't done it in over 10 years, man it was awesome :)
Coming from you, I expect a subtext.
something like "And when I was done riding the horse, I fucked it too!"
Wink wink nudge nudge.
oh jeez, euh no
I'm not into bestiality... but it seems some people in this room are dreaming of it
And then Tony is the pervert.
crickey, seems like I cannot say anything in this room without someone thinking I mean it in some sexual context... What have I done??!!!
@CatPlusPlus dangerous link
> Men are not people! We are disgustoids in human form.
I went through a lot of danger to quote that.
I managed to kill the tab before I read further. And I didn't click any link accidentally.
otherwise you might have ended up in the endless void of links that is tvtropes
so shall we talk about Objective-C?
You killed it.
@CatPlusPlus You linked to TVTropes.
Oh, right.
I killed it.
Because I'm evil.
@TonyTheLion Heeeeelp meeeeeeee~.....
@RMartinhoFernandes so you did click a link?
@Xeo uh oh... another one bites the tvtropes links
The problem is, I thought I went through all TVTropes links already. Seems I didn't. Or I forgot. Or I don't care because they always get me laughing.
Damn, 3 minutes in and 8 tabs already
@Xeo I feel the same about Reddit. I always think I've already clicked all the links
@Xeo Reading all of TVTropes is not a good protection. You end up rereading it anyway. It's hopeless.
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah, I noticed. Multiple times.
@TonyTheLion I clicked just the one for All Men Are Perverts. That's where I got the quote from.
I never caught on to tvropes. Your advice is helping me steer cleer from it
I still don't find TVTropes as addicting, not sure why
I guess I"m not literate enough to get it :(
You guys are probably dead.
It's fun to look for tropes in your shows/books/whatever.
hmmm, I don't watch many tv shows
neither do I read story books
@RMartinhoFernandes Honestly, all those links to it ever posted here, all ended up on pages that looked so ugly they could be right out of one of those non-sensical urban-dictionary (clone) sites that have been around for decade(s). It's just a major turn off, and besides, my browser has shortcut keys for closing tabs as well as mouse-combo's that are not error prone.
I think TVTropes just killed this room
@sehe Ha, as if shortcut keys for closing tabs helped.
The problem is not closing the tabs. The problem is that reading them takes a long time.
It's about text. What else do you need there?
And generates more open tabs.
so you guys click the links as you are reading the trope? Then read the next and click all the links there?
@TonyTheLion Yep.
@TonyTheLion None, whatsoever. I just watched a full hour of TV, and it's because (a) the wife is out of the country (she's on auto-zap normally) (b) my kid's ill (I want to be able to hear him clearly - the computer is bit further from the sleeping rooms). That was the first bit of TV in ... weeks.
And I'm considering buying a second TV set because my wife has been practically begging for one in the bedroom for ... forever. I just didn't like the idea of having TV intrude the bedroom as well :)
@CatPlusPlus The worst thing about that comic is the fact that it links to TVTropes.
@Xeo Cue someone's response "Huh, I never noticed that!" followed by three hours of silence.
@RMartinhoFernandes Huh. The turn-off factor is so high with me, that I auto-close the tab before my eyes start bleeding onto my keyboard
@sehe I guess you were lucky in the gene game, then. Maybe your survival instinct is stronger than mine.
@RMartinhoFernandes Maybe we just don't want to survive in this situation?
@RMartinhoFernandes I'm quite sure it is not that. Perhaps, I'm a lousy hunter, genome-wise :)
> @R.MartinhoFernandes All C++ array are C++ objects indeed, but there are C++ pointers which are not C++ objects, namely all pointers which are the result of evaluating an rvalue. – FredOverflow 1 min ago
What is TVTropes?
@Fred: I'm confused. Can you (or anyone here) elaborate on this?
@RMartinhoFernandes The pointer new int(42) is not an object.
The pointer &x is not an object.
The pointer p+0 is not an object.
> TV Tropes is actually a path that mirrors our desire to fictionalize and narrativize our lives.
Sounds profound.
@CatPlusPlus Reading the first few paragraphs, and I still have absolutely no idea what the site is about :)
It's about tropes and pointless trivia that you will never, ever stop reading
@FredOverflow It's about wasting your time.
And that's why it's awesome!
@nil I have no idea what a "trope" is.
So where do I start on that site? :)
@KerrekSB: I helped with that Qi question by the way. It sucked. It took me... about 15 minutes to get to the straightforward question. :( Sometimes it does make my skin crawl too. But it had a lot to with the methode position de la question par monsieur cHeWeE-_-
> It can mean specifically a literary technique, plot device, or stock character, or more generally a stereotype.
Pick a book or a show you like.
A literary trope is the usage of figurative language in literature, or a figure of speech in which words are used in a sense different from their literal meaning. The term trope derives from the Greek (tropos), "turn, direction, way", related to the root of the verb τρέπειν (trepein), "to turn, to direct, to alter, to change". Rhetoricians have closely analyzed the great variety of "turns and twists" used in poetry and literature and have provided an extensive list of precise labels for these poetic devices. Some examples include: * metaphor * metonymy * irony * oxymoron * hyperbole * lit...
@FredOverflow You can start anywhere. It's harder to find the end.
And then it goes exponentially from there.
The porn tropes are scary.
> There are certain places one should expect to find a black, lacy Ann Summers bra. The glove compartment isn't one of those places. When someone does find it there, hilarity may well ensue, or a strange face at least.
(what's that name supposed to mean anyways? mocking english accent trying to say 'mon chérie' in French? shairee -> shewwwweee -> cHeWeE-_- ?!)
I don't get it, is this supposed to be funny or just informative?
@FredOverflow Dammit! You linked to a trope I never read about.
Also it's notable for not requiring any notability.
Oh wait, I think I get it now. TVTropes is like the Design Patterns of television, yes? :)
Silver screen, animation and written media too.
And comics.
I found some fun webcomics through TVTropes.
Can I devise an ignore rule that just ignores all messages containing 'trope' ?
@CatPlusPlus TVTropes managed to take away weeks of my life just by mentioning Irregular Webcomic somewhere.
That thing is loooooong.
Girl Genius, Gunnerkrigg Court.
@DeadMG You mean Order of the Stick?
why yes, I do
Yeah, Order of the Stick, too.
@DeadMG The parts where they lampshade lampshade hanging are awesome.
I generally like it
although the author is irregular as fuck
I think it's mentioned in the trope page somewhere (not going to open to check.)
@DeadMG In contrast, Irregular Webcomic works like a clock :)
You haven't seen The Noob if you think OotS is irregular.
"Dear Amazon sales,

I'm inquiring as to the status of my order of a stick. Can you give me any estimated shipment date yet?"
I think you just ruined my life
someone mentioned PornTropes
damn you all!
@FredOverflow See, there, out of curiousity I followed that link (because I noticed it had the word Brain in the URL!)
Now, I find myself on an ugly page, with a single non-sensical sentence about a lacy Ann Summers bra. That isn't in the standard, nor does it trigger any associations with programming languages I once had affairs with
So... I click on the vid link (this being tv tropes, I venture, it might be about... videos?)
No, it's not about videos.
uh oh, have 5 tabs open already on tropes...
Apart from the fact that the vid link is 1355 characters long (YES) on the seventh (7th!!!) http redirect I get served a download of realplayer.exe (697Kb). That's enough to make me remember tvtropes === lifelong ban from my browser.
That's not the reason you should ban it, but banning it is a good move.
@sehe I'm sure the OP will appreciate it! :-)
@KerrekSB Yeah, apparently he was too embarrassed to post the (French) compiler message :)
22 mins ago, by sehe
(what's that name supposed to mean anyways? mocking english accent trying to say 'mon chérie' in French? shairee -> shewwwweee -> cHeWeE-_- ?!)
@sehe Ahh, oui oui, the French Compiler...
pour l'ordinateur, naturellement!
The creator of Eiffel.
@FredOverflow My neighbourhood electricity hub doesn't like overloading either
@RMartinhoFernandes Good thing RealPlayer.exe is completely safe (r.virscan.org/19165f589f459c69a957aa184ee53832) ; ahem
Oh, Eiffel. That language with even weirder naming rules than usual.
@FredOverflow Overloading is super useful. Without overloading, how could anyone ever destroy any doomsday device?
@CatPlusPlus Wasn't it Design By Contract that sets Eiffel apart?
@sehe Yes, but D also has it.
Dunno. It looks like Pascal.
Of course, Eiffel is a lot older than D :)
@FredOverflow About 12 years, from my own petty memory
D is also 12 years old.
Or thereabouts.
@RMartinhoFernandes What? So basically Alexandrescu jumped ship just after publishing his C++ thriller? Traitor!
Why would you name your language after a famous tower monument in a big French town?
@TonyTheLion Or after an architect that isn't as famous as his own creation.
Well, who wants to name languages after stones (perl, ruby etc)
PERL was an acronym, I thought
something to do with reports
Who wants to name languages after typos? (Perl)
@DeadMG Pratical Extraction and Report Language. That was a backronym.
@RMartinhoFernandes That's not a typo. It's called 'compact syntax' or TIMTOWTDI
@RMartinhoFernandes You must be right. That's why it is...
'Ruby Gems' but 'Perl... Hacks'
today I made the...?
"There is more than one way to do it." It's Perl's motto.
Also known as Tim Toady.
@RMartinhoFernandes See, they obfuscated the name, to prevent perl from becoming so popular that it got a kernel-level implementation and the linux kernel would have become stranded like a whale
Oh. dang, it still has :)
Really Perl was named that because Larry found out about the already existing PEARL language some time before he published his own Pearl language.
He wanted to name it after some Bible shit.
@DeadMG There's also Tim Toady Bicarbonate (TIMTOWTDIBSCINABTE): There’s more than one way to do it, but sometimes consistency is not a bad thing either.
Perl folks are not good at acronyms.
@RMartinhoFernandes Running my concordance now for the following list: BM, crap, defecation, discharge, dung, excrement, excretion, fecal matter, feces, feculence, flux, go to the bathroom, manure, number two, shit , stool, waste
The Parable of the Pearl (also called the Pearl of Great Price) is a parable of Jesus. It appears in only one of the Canonical gospels of the New Testament. According to the parable illustrates the great value of the Kingdom of Heaven. It immediately follows the Parable of the Hidden Treasure, which has a similar theme and the parable has been depicted by artists such as Domenico Fetti. A version of this parable also appears in the non canonical Gospel of Thomas 76. Narrative The brief Parable of the Pearl is as follows: Interpretation This parable is generally interpreted as il...
Ha, found it.
the parable of me sticking my dick up your mother's ass
Python folks are quite good at lists: `python <<< "import this"`
> There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
> Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
@DeadMG Gosh, where the heck did that come from?
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh, that shit
because I hate Parables
and religion
Larry Wall is a very religious man.
I wish that I could burn all Bibles
I read an interview once where he said God told him to create Perl.
@DeadMG You hate zealotry, obviously :D
@RMartinhoFernandes Obviously, God wanted to keep people busy. Make crap, not war?
The tooltip on that one is awesome.
@RMartinhoFernandes "img title"
It's not alt text.
by the way
I'm angry
@sehe It's not the alt text.
Alt text is displayed when the image cannot be.
@DeadMG We noticed that. See the starred messages, I think
if I want to implement WideC then I'll have to code more C++
The alt text on that one is "Lisp"
what a disappointing feeling
You can use a different language to implement it.
@RMartinhoFernandes True. Fixed
not really
LLVM is C++ only as far as I know
and I'm sure as hell not going to compile to JVM or CLI
besides, C++ is the best of a very bad lot
name any language better than C++
That's not a language.
Okay. Haskell.
I don't mind functional programming
I just can't see how it applies to whole programs or modules, instead of small parts of that functionality
It's perfect for parsers and compilers.
Especially if you want cheap parallelisation.
Parsec is the best thing in the universe.
I can totally see lexer and parser as functions, yes
but I can't see an AST built functionally
Why not? Each compiler stage is a transformation from one thing to another.
Parsec is awesome.
because an AST is not a function, or a string, or an int, or something like that
it is a complex tree structure involving many different variable types
You need to expand your horizons.
From string to token list to parse tree to AST to SSA to final code.
Right, because functional programming cannot deal with recursive types.
Oh wait.
I don't see how you would represent an AST in any way that would not effectively boil down to using inheritance
Functional programming is actually better at recursive types.
I've never seen any code samples that would effectively deal with it
and I'm fundamentally uncomfortable with things like pattern matching
@DeadMG So you hate religion. But you want to burn bibles (that's even superstitious) and you are sure of hell?
7 mins ago, by DeadMG
and I'm sure as hell not going to compile to JVM or CLI
and I'm actively very unhappy with things like lazy-evaluation
and garbage collection
You can use eagerly-evaluated functional language.
Make all the things strict!
OCaml is fairly good, if you look past the operator weirdness.
enforced GC?
But OTOH it doesn't have Parsec.
RAII, GC, doesn't matter.
I don't use RAII
I use a memory region allocator
and it matters to me because I can't control a GC
So does sane GC.
I'd only use it if I was desperate
@DeadMG boot strap it. You can write a simple version in python, ruby, factor or even Java (HAHAHAHA) and then write your real compiler in WideC v1
It's called bootstrapping
You don't need to control GC.
the real compiler can only work if it can interface with C++ to call into LLVM to generate the code
Mono's C# compiler was bootstrapped on MS's C# compiler, factor was bootstrapped on a little bit of C etc.
and since CLang will only bind to C++, as far as I know
that effectively limits my options to C++, C++, and C++
GHC has LLVM backend, AFAIK, so there's bound to be LLVM bindings for Haskell.
@CatPlusPlus I need to control all the things.
Write in assembly, then.
On a bare metal.
Here's the data type for AST statements from some parser I wrote for university: ideone.com/aBRMK
that's a strawman argument
You can even control floppy disk drive motor!
And then kill it.
control means re-writing it if I want to
But still!
not re-writing just because I can
@RMartinhoFernandes That looks like BNF grammar
@DeadMG That was cut and pasted straight from the code.
It's Haskell, not some stuff to be preprocessed into Haskell.
But there is no way AST could be represented in a functional language!
that's a straw man, again
I never said it could never be done, only that I couldn't see how it could be done
which are quite important distinctions
Now you see :)

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