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I merely don't think it's an example I want to take inspiration from
you just don't get how it works, but you say it can't work
@DeadMG The worst that can come out of it is that a user that uses an operator without checking its precedence will use parentheses, or be bitten by it.
@RMartinhoFernandes Heh, not sure about that one. There exists a formula somewhere though
And that's exactly the same that happens with builtin operators.
I say that it won't work for me in my language
which I do know a considerable sum about
Either you know the precedence, or you check it, or you just add parens.
so in case the author changes the precedence tomorrow, you basically have to use parens all the time
@DeadMG Er, that's a breaking change. So what?
Use a library from an author that isn't a jerk.
@RMartinhoFernandes That's going to be a problem for WideC
The same thing happens if the author changes a million other things.
well, you know what? I'm getting worked up over nothing
it would be trivial to provide several input grammars
I have no reason to stick to one single grammar
nor, indeed, any reason to assume that my user(s) will be stuck with whatever I choose
Lisp doesn't let you change the grammar.
It's sexps all the way down and shut the fuck up.
Now you got me thinking, I realized I have no idea what's the precedence of many special operators I use.
well, logically, I allow you to read from files at compile-time and I allow you to create semantic objects at compile-time, so you have all the power you need to invent your own grammar
I know * comes before +, and function application is above everything.
and I also guess that logically, special operators is nothing different to keywords and identifiers
Everything else is just blurry.
. is on one side, $ on the other, with : in the middle
I wouldn't be able to have separatorless grammar
@Pubby Oh, right, $ is lowest. That one too is hard to forget since it's sole purpose is to be the lowest one :)
Q: C# classes translated in C++

user1074030What is the code from C# translated to C++? Its about class translation I know how to use classes in C# but I don't know how to use them in c++. Namespace ComplexProgram{ class Complex() { int RE, IM; public Complex() { RE = 0; IM = 0; } ...

it would sure be nice to have to have less symbols in my grammar
but i liek separatorless :(
@Xeo I think kfhkjghdfkjgh is a good translation.
Produces a pretty similar result.
There's a static missing before Main, huh?
Oh, and the () after class Complex are wrong..
And so many other things...
Namespace is an undefined identifier.
Yeah, kfhkjghdfkjgh seems like a good translation
And yeah, that too.
Maybe we should downvote @Kerrek's answer since it's not a perfect translation.
What is the reasoning behind everything inside a class, such as in Java/C#?
Basically, "everything is a class" was a design goal of Java.
One that they fucked up from the start with the schizophrenic type system.
But one they still hold nowadays and you'll sometimes hear as an argument against lambdas.
Lol, I broke Eclipse.
I had a breakpoint, and wrote more code, and now it can't be removed.
Wow, as if that was a great achievement.
You should put it on your CV.
Saving time and all that.
"I'm so awesome I once broke Eclipse. And yeah, that means I have the patience necessary to open it."
Oh wow, Eclipse supports COBOL
is MSVC's __int8 the same as char?
Yes, and no, you should not use it.
You could try it...
Can I overload on some typedef of __int8 and char?
> The __int8 data type is synonymous with type char
... or read the docs.
or that
Just face it, what you want is nowhere to be seen.
why do I have a random Notepad window with just "expression" written on it?
@rubenvb No, because C++ typedefs are weak.
I should fork Clang and distill my own language from what was originally C++
Factor is cool.
you know
I don't even know why I'm wasting my time on this
I'll worry about overloading arbitrary operators lter
Haha, so you got interested in it :)
shut up, bitch :(
I thoroughly ignore everything you say
and fart in your general direction
yeah, I'm bringing out the heavy hitters now!
@RMartinhoFernandes How so - a lambda is not a class?
@KerrekSB Not in the same sense as an anonymous class is.
What use is anonymous class?
Emulating lambdas to a certain extent.
Basically, they let you provide inline one-shot implementations of interfaces.
@RMartinhoFernandes Hey, cut it out :-)
I need to maintain mod-5 correctness of my reputation...
Ha, mine is mod-100 correct!
@RMartinhoFernandes Is it really?
Damn, what have you done?
@KerrekSB You bastard! You upvoted me!
Now this is something for you
@RMartinhoFernandes Surely you have no way of knowing that?
@KerrekSB Yeah, right. I have an incredibly strong suspicion.
If I was a vengeful person, I'd downvote you now.
Five times.
@RMartinhoFernandes I struggle to think of a worse reason for a revenge downvote
also, I like Monty Python
Although I am getting comment-spammed now.
@DeadMG Who doesn't?
@RMartinhoFernandes I was joking - can't you just check someone's profile for "Activity"?
@KerrekSB No, votes are anonymous and don't show up for outsiders.
@KerrekSB Woah, some did downvote you.
It wasn't me, I swear.
@RMartinhoFernandes Now I wouldn't know, would I :-)
epic contradiction
I thought that downvotes would show up in the reputation tally, but apparently they don't
the joy of code- Java programming
@KerrekSB You could have noticed a sudden drop of 1 in my rep.
@DeadMG now you can finally learn some code!
@RMartinhoFernandes I was looking for that before, but I think downvote costs aren't listed in foreign profiles.
I am a coding master
@KerrekSB Any idea what the comments from the OP mean?
second to none in my epic skills
(Don't worry, I don't actually suspect you!)
@RMartinhoFernandes no! I'm totally baffled!
you know
I want to go and look at my algorithm on cstheory
@DeadMG Do you ever feel joy, though, or is it just that the terrible voices in your head come and go?
but those guys were such fucking pricks
@KerrekSB I only have two states: angry and sad
@DeadMG You, sir, definitely must be introduced to Scottish whisky
although just like an electron, I can be in both at once
angry, sad, and drunk is an even worse combination
@DeadMG Schroedinger's C. Where all booleans are uninitialized.
@DeadMG What about delightfully uplifted?
alcohol never delightfully uplifted me
the only thing it did was remove my inhibition about physically bawling my eyes out
@DeadMG I thought I remembered you saying you didn't drink.
which is why I don't drink
But I could be confusing you with someone else.
I don't drink
but I did once
And that one time, you overdid it.
I drank many times
@DeadMG It's fun!
although that one time was a bit of a wakeup call
@DeadMG I was not serious of course :)
They cancel each other out.
Wait, @Kerrek did you just go and fix my mod-100 correctness?
drinking is not fun
@KerrekSB I just got 100 rep in upvotes, in like, one minute.
@DeadMG I don't think I was suggesting "getting drunk". Just a tasteful dram of Islay whisky, to... "take the edge off", as I tell the kids
Wel having a headache the next day is not.
@RMartinhoFernandes No, why?
I'm at 27300 now.
Someone just +95'ed you!
I bet 100 rep I won't have them tomorrow, once the anti-fraud thingy finds out.
The erstwhile change (whether by me or not-me is immaterial) was a mere +5
"Our fraudulently beloved leader"... I'm curious about the anti-rep police
They will think I won a bet!
I'm almost at 30k.
Now here's a new:
Q: Semicolon after double slash in C

fofoI have a question about comments in C language. When we write for example //this is the first step This means a comment. But when we write //this is the first step; Does this also mean a comment?I mean when we add semicolon after double slash, does this mean a comment or main part of the ...

over 50k for me
@CatPlusPlus Meow.
@KerrekSB Moo.
@KerrekSB lol
@RMartinhoFernandes It amuses me that such questions get upvotes. I mean, yes, it is a legitimate question, but it feels funny.
I get really surprised by some things people get confused over, like this.
Ah, Win32++ guy has now come to "obliterate the point". I'd love to obliterate something. Just anything.
Nobody mentioned line escaping.
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah, really - I mean, what's stopping you from trying it yourself I always wonder
Why would anyone?
OTOH we tell people that trying stuff by compiler is not a proof how stuff works.
What part of "// makes everything after it until the end of the line a comment" is that complicated?
Unless he's learning from a crappy source, which, given the amount of those out there, is likely.
@CatPlusPlus Yes, that's true, but I wonder at what stage you become worried that something that works fine for you like that might not be correct. If you already think it through to get to the doubt, wouldn't you also be able to take one more step and look it up?
@CatPlusPlus Well, at least put your results in the question, to, you know, show some research on your behalf.
I have more an English language / naming question. I'm working on a puzzle game in which blocks can be dragged in different directions. For the directions i have an enum called Directions. Now how should the directions be called? "up" or "upwards"?
@Nils How about NESW?
I like SNESW more.
Yes that would be an idea..
Or GameCubeW.
GameCube? Like Nintendo Gamecube?
Upboat, downpoo, leftcat, rightdog.
At least "snesw" has a nice pronunciation. "Snazz-Wee"
I would have gone for "sness-wuh"
Hm, NESWii?
Where is @sehe - here's a Qi question... brrhhh. That stuff makes my skin crawl.
I would just say "snes double u"
Of course, in British English most letters are silent.
So it'd be "Snoo", or maybe "Soughe"
I think that the British English person in here would know the British English pronunciation?
Of course not!
That doesn't make any sense.
I'm pretty sure Russians are the most qualified to talk about that.
because James Gosling is fucking dumb
Btw have u guys been reading hacker monthly?
"Turn Math into Code"
what is the probability that I have been reading some random obscure thing?
minor, at best
What's "hacker monthly"?
@CatPlusPlus I believe it was dropped from 7 because no agreement on features and syntax could be achieved.
I have two functions that differ only in a function they call inside.
And return type.
Some people wanted too little (no captures), some wanted too much (non-local returns), and then they could not agree.
This language is so ugly.
At least I have try-with-resources now.
@NightLifeLover Should be able to infer the C++ from the Java. And C from C++.
@Nils I follow y-combinator, I guess that's part of Hacker News. But I don't read print magazines.
@CatPlusPlus Anonymous inner class doesn't solve it?
You can also have it digitally, I have it on my iPad
It'll be even uglier.
Anyway, it's easy to turn math into code. Use Haskell.
Translating that stuff from Java to C++ would be a good exercise I guess.
Or maybe not that much, hm.
@RMartinhoFernandes There are Haskell examples..
Anyways I have never looked at Haskell before..
The final assignment in one of our Haskell classes was a prover for the kind of laws we used in class. If you implemented all the features in the assignment it could have solved the written exam for you. Sadly, you couldn't bring it to the exam.
CRTP for the fucking win
Where's the CRTP?
@CatPlusPlus Is that for the CG class?
Curiously Retarded Type Polymorphism
by the way
I know you all already know this
but holy fucking shit, I hate my course and my university system
it's fucking pathetic
no wonder our economy is going down the fucking pan
I didn't see that one coming.
I was totally expecting "I'm a Geniusâ„¢".
Anyway, what happened this time?
I have exams
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah.
the fuck is the point of exams?
I'd never do any fucking thing without Google at my side
So you're going to fail.
It sucks.
has my university stepped outside it's own fucking doors in the last two decades?
8 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
The final assignment in one of our Haskell classes was a prover for the kind of laws we used in class. If you implemented all the features in the assignment it could have solved the written exam for you. Sadly, you couldn't bring it to the exam.
We had an assignment to coax the computer to solve all our class exercises, and then we had to do it by hand on the exam.
It's silly.
just another example of the fucking stupidity of such things
@DeadMG ouh come on. Had to do exams too, nobody likes them.
no, there's a difference
I don't like my grammar
exams are plain fucking stupid
what is the point of testing anybody's ability to do anything without the sum of human knowledge at their fingertips, which is how they exist practically all the fucking time?
I remember my Physics exams, they were like
"Did you remember the equation for this relation? Great, you win!"
All such exams I had we were given a paper with all the formulas.
not us
Oh, did you know that in C++, arrays are pointers? Interesting.
Yes but schools have to do some quality management. So how would you test if the students actually learned something?
Not that it helped produce good grades in general, but I suppose it helped prevent massive failures.
students should be asked to prove or explain relationships
not just use them or posit their existence
relationships that they have never been taught, specifically
@DeadMG "I love you." Is that positing that you'd reject without proper explanation?
Well if you are unhappy you can try to change the school, depending on where you are do a master at another school.
@KerrekSB No one loves @DeadMG.
@Nils I wish.
for a start, all the fucking universities in this country are the same
and secondly, they're all fucking full up
Where do you live? In Fuckupistan?
I'm not even sure that I believe that love exists, let alone the infinitely slim probability that I would actually encounter such
@Nils Apparently.
@DeadMG Oh dear. Well, it's a reasonable position, I suppose, and many people share it.
OOouhh :( doggy needs a girlfriend..
He needs a bitch.
however much I'd like to suggest otherwise, I doubt that having a companion would make the education and business systems in my country of origin any less fucking stupid
Well @DeadMG unless you are held at Guantanamo Bay you are free to change university.
to what?
I didn't have so much a problem with the exams at my school.
I'd have to move out the fucking country to find one with a place that might offer something different
not that I'd be against that
maybe I should try some of those sweet Scandinavian countries, they're supposed to be great for everything
or Switzerland :)
And high suicide rates.
England is fine too
@Nils That's where he lives.
that's where I'm from
ah and you call the universities there retarded?!
@DeadMG I'm very curious which university you're railing against, though of course you may want to keep that confidential.
in case you hadn't noticed, I attend university there right now, in my third year
After all, this chat is logged by Google for eternity
a friend of mine did "creative computing" at the University of Coventry (I think) and he was highly satisfied with the education
"Creative Computing"? WTF is that?
that doesn't mean he can get a job with it
I could get a degree in arse licking, but I doubt I could be a software engineer with it
@DeadMG I think the worst part is that you probably could.
if I could, I wouldn't be here
I'd be off arse licking
What, you would consider getting a degree in arse licking?
@DeadMG he has a job
was just wondering why I suggested arse licking as a degree topic
@Nils Do you know what "Creative Computing" is? You made me curious now.
It sounds like some artsy crap, but with "computing" in the name.
And googling gets me an Apple store somewhere.
@KerrekSB cheers, taking a look now
you want to search the university of coventry website for it
Oh, I missed that part.
I don't think the major is vitally important... You can get a software job as long as it's a technical field, you have relevant experience, and you know your stuff in interview
I don't even know what a major is.
well, I have a surprise for you
my country's education system doesn't even have majors
so I'm not sure that your experience is relevant
major is the field of study... Math, CS, EE, etc.
well, my CS degree sucks donkey dick
and I have nowhere else to go
it's kind of like being a slave, really
"Do this irrelevant, useless shit or do manual labour for the rest of your life"
But programming is just typing stuff on a keyboard. That's manual labour.
not the same
my brother dropped out of his maths degree and he washes pots in a kitchen
I know, I was cracking a joke.
This is the IP address for the entire nation of Qatar.
Yeah, I ended up there once.
but it doesn't match the IP given by whatismyip.com
@DeadMG Well in my experience focused and concentrated learning helps to succeed in exams. You should consider turning of distractions like SO or this chat.
I think someone linked it from a meta-SO question about IP-blocking.
@Nils My experience is terribly different :)
@Nils chatting here has more educational value than the exams
@sbi You linked us to the one for your IP, I think

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