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"rvalue for *this"
@Rapptz You mean l-value?
it's the coined name of the feature.
@Rapptz What is that 'feature' called?
Is that C++14?
11 not sure
And why shouldn't we just std::move *this then?
it's just for overloading right?
Q: What is "rvalue reference for *this"?

ryanerCame across a proposal called "rvalue reference for *this" in clang's C++11 status page. I've read quite a bit about rvalue references and understood them, but I don't think I know about this. I also couldn't find much resources on the web using the terms. There's a link to the proposal paper o...

C++ is getting covered by a layer of a layer of a layer of s***.
@Rapptz is this anywhere on cppreference?
It's now almost impossible to not write s*** code.
@DeanSeo ?
it's easier to write good code in C++ than ever
@orlp Yeah I love C++ too. I just felt like I had to say something like that.
@Rapptz also it seems to be called a ref-qualifier.
@Rapptz Ugghh... TOO LONG.
@orlp Trying to make a joke about referees.
It's hard for non nativies to catch up.
Done reading. Seems that the ref-qualifier is a sexy one.
@orlp ambiguous
class method ref-qualifier
I prefer "rvalue reference for *this" because it's the common name used to check if a feature exists in MSVC, Clang, and GCC.
@Rapptz s/, Clang, and GCC//
@thecoshman affirmative
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ ɪs ᴅᴜᴍʙ loungecpp.net/the-law/newbie-hints [c++] [c++11] [c++14] [c++-faq]
Extra fun comes from fonts that don't support smallcaps very well dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/26824/ShareX/2015-04/…
My C++ class' TA's mini-guide to inheritance: drive.google.com/file/d/…
Q: 🍌 count is wrong in "More to go" for comments

tchristWhen you go to add a comment, the text incorrectly reads: enter at least 15 characters However, it does not enforce this, as only 8 characters are required. This can be readily demonstrated by adding a 🍌 character one at a time. Characters Message String --------...

^^ /cc @R.MartinhoFernandes
AlexM. wants the 🍌.
good morning
Good morning.
We just broke into a closed area to steal cardboard from the paper trash container.
so hardcore
Now we have signs!
> Also, not sure why so many people assume I'm a man. I am a woman. We poop too. Of course, our poop sparkles and smells like a walk in a meadow of wildflowers.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Could be a bad thing
@R.MartinhoFernandes You're hitchhiking/travelling/something?
2 days ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@orlp Well, after much discussing and much googling we decided to hitchhike to Amsterdam.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Then I hope you a good luck!
Still all high paying jobs. :o
I'll take C#
@Cinch yay all those memory leaks
Why isn't C at first place
@khajvah why isn't sky green
@Nican the drop at PHP is satisfying
Why is C
@khajvah I am going to guess a bunch of embedded programmers doing grunt work for hardware industry.
@khajvah you misunderstood the question. It wasn't "why is the sky blue".
> Why is
> Why
@Nican but... but it is more interesting than objective C
Cat learned a new trick.
so, has Rust stopped being esoteric yet
@khajvah I would love to live in the ideal world as well. Where interest and advancement in technology correlates to value.
I don't see how C fits in that
MSVC's generating code better than it can consume.
@CatPlusPlus neither does the shitty iphone development.
It feels... so shitty to get a grade you didn't want.
Is it a failing grade
@Cinch well, I always want As but I usually get Bs and Cs
@khajvah I have an 87.9 and not an A.
87 is barely B+ in most cases
(Spoiler: the answer is 'it doesn't matter' regardless)
Boo hoo get a job
Inappropriate, sorry.
@CatPlusPlus "boo hoo get a job"
Become an objective C developer
@khajvah I wish.
It is not a rocket science, man
@Cinch lol
Ugh and the average was 82.86 with a standard deviation of 8.36
@khajvah How does one even work as a contracted developer in school?
first you actually have to know stuff
Find a contract, do a contract, get paid
@CatPlusPlus Like it's that easy
Or make a product, sell a product, get paid
make a shitty iphone app
I think I'll just take my chances with piggybacking with DevLeague for now
@Cinch yeah, it is that easy, once you are competent
You can sell anything for anything
like turnips
@BartekBanachewicz Well I'm supposed to have an internship lined up but the guy didn't respond.
sell your soul to PHP
beh internships
More like slaveships am i rite
the worst part of an internship is being an intern I suppose
The guy in question being one of the co-founders of the two companies I'm somewhat involved with as well
@BartekBanachewicz It's a startup.
lol internship at startups
@CatPlusPlus Dunno, I thought I was getting pennies, and after a year or so I realized how little other interns earned so
they just want somebody to work for free
@khajvah It's paid.
@CatPlusPlus ahahha yeah get on facebook for a sec I'll write you something privately
@khajvah Who doesn't
I've already talked with the guy; they're pretty flat.
@Cinch how much?
@khajvah No idea. The other company I worked for; I don't think I'm allowed to say.
@Cinch they don't know you are here
@Cinch You can, of course. :P
otherwise, they wouldn't hire you
@khajvah Doesn't matter; I respect the company enough to abide by their legalese.
And I respect what they're doing.
well, what's is the point of not allowing employees to post their salaries?
@khajvah Salary hikes, perhaps. Idk. But they have an experienced business guy at the helm in my opinion.
@BartekBanachewicz roger roger
@BartekBanachewicz ikr
This would work better if I had boobs, I'm sure.
Either way, I'm sure all the real American companies have better people to pull from... Like UCLA sniff
@Cinch if you consider yourself worse than the students at UCLA or MIT or HARVARD, then yes
@khajvah That's not what I'm referring to, man.
I was accepted to UCLA but couldn't go because the money wasn't there.
@khajvah Trying to prevent the rebellion and chaos
@Cinch ah ok :)
@khajvah I'm... not bitter. But I'm sort of disappointed I couldn't go.
> Spraypainting Phalluses On Potholes Is One Way To Get Them Fixed
@R.MartinhoFernandes how far have you gotten yet
Holy fuck how much can I humblebrag somebody slap me.
@BartekBanachewicz You. Slap me with the almighty fury of Haskell.
@CatPlusPlus right
@Cinch This sounds like a porn plot
@Cinch fuck unis get monads
Welcome to SO. Do you have a question? stackoverflow.com/toursehe 9 hours ago
slap me babe slap me
@Cinch coinsider it done
@khajvah Oh my god this is too appropriate.
No place is good for immature 16 year old so there's that
Also that's kinda redundant
@CatPlusPlus Meh I seem to do fine enough such that people forget my age. I think I'm partially a bit too peppy and inconsiderate though.
(Who knew? #cinch-so-considerate)
I was immature 16 year old kid when I went to study abroad
after a few night outs I became mature
> partially
Why are you making startups at 16
@CatPlusPlus Which startup are you referring to?
Is this a weird US thing
@khajvah you become mature after setting up the washing machine for the first time
@Cinch The one you talked about like 2 months ago
@CatPlusPlus Oh you remembered? How sweet.
@BartekBanachewicz oh, then I am not mature yet
A riddle: how do you know someone has made a startup?
Why? Because I'm in college and I deem myself capable of trying?
They'll tell you
What did the lawyer say to the other lawyer?
"We are both lawyers."
I'll be helping making one I guess
@CatPlusPlus I mean, do you have a problem with it?
@Cinch Believe me: all of us believe you about trying. In fact, I'm sure I'm not alone in finding you extremely trying at times. (SCNR).
@wilx ello mate
@Cinch It's a weird thing to do at 16?
@CatPlusPlus @BartekBanachewicz Nice.
@CatPlusPlus But is it a bad thing?
@Cinch considering that you will fail, yes it is a bad thing
@CatPlusPlus I have to agree. It should be done first thing in the morning, not in the afternoon like that.
Failing is not really a problem, unless you're throwing literally every bit of money you have into it
@Cinch Too early to drink the Kool Aid.
We're pretty much running 0 cost at this point.
Business hint: you need money to run a business
@sehe was going to ask if you get there from that dick-spraying article
@CatPlusPlus It doesn't take too much money to tutor somebody.
@Cinch cue wilx/thecosh/bartek saying "you're time isn't worth anything"
There are running expenses
@khajvah right.
@CatPlusPlus We've set it up so that there should be only trivial expenses in the start.
i.e. renting public school rooms are easily overtaken by how much we can charge.
The website? Less than $100 a year.
@Cinch The real question is, what are going to tutor?
@khajvah High school math, in the beginning.
I have been polling for tutors for the past year and we have a few potential clients.
@sehe Actually I matured up when I went to USA to work do slavery.
@Cinch God did not create high school math at that time.
Once we start advertising at the high schools, I'm sure they'll be people who are interested.
Running Wordpress takes more than 100$ per year :v
@CatPlusPlus uh huh.
'course it does
"How much money does it take to compile my program halp"
lol is it another startup that uses Wordpress
You'll see the first time you get a barrage of 0day-running bots
@BartekBanachewicz Most likely. I'm not a web programmer (yet)
I have a feeling that me and Cat have a telepatic connection today
Give me money
@khajvah sounds more reasonable already
tf is ticking???
what is the wordpress cost? Isn't it just hosting?
@Cinch so, naturally, you are doing web programming before you become a web programmer
@khajvah pain and misery
@Cinch (hint: click the link again)
@khajvah You can't hope to just put a thing online and hope it'll stick, especially if it's your business thing
Operations expenses add up
isn't wordpress just drag and drop shit?
you get bonus points for every shitty extension you install
@khajvah yes and no.
This is so descriptive of the way in which I broke my daughter's fishbowl. And very much of how we're now upgrading to an aquarium ad-hoc
@khajvah yeah, and the more shit you drag and drop, the more it stinks
Configuring shit is the trivial part
@sehe doooooont liiiink tooo images
@sehe was the fish bleeping
Anyways, yeah, we'll probably be doing... stuff...
Fish alarm did
It was just a thermometer that broke. I thought I'd clean it with good hot water (get the fats of without detergents). Water was too hot. :S
And now we're finding that a 70l aquarium requires a bit of work. And preparation.
Nothing insurmountable but the fish will be in their salad bowl for a few days
@sehe Oh, you're a dad.
That's cool.
Don't act surprised again
Meh. How many do you have?
Sehe is the gendalf of the lounge
@khajvah Okay, I doubt he's that old.
No, he is wise
@khajvah Isn't Saruman supposed to be the wise ?
Saruman is a scumbag
(that's a cool contraction for "wise is sehe")
Yeah but his name is "Saruman the wise"
A wise scumbag.
The best evil people are wise evil people.
Now I want to watch LOTR once more
What for, to fall asleep in the middle?
@khajvah This would be the perfect time to create a LRiO joke
@khajvah Read it. Then read The Silmarillion. Then go to bed.
> 1728 pages
@JerryCoffin Read it. Then read The Silmarillion. Then went to bed.
@StackedCrooked Next, the C++ Standard, Elvish edition.
@R.MartinhoFernandes so erm... what exactly does your birthday mark the anniversary of? When you powered on? When you unit came of the production line? Time since last reboot>
@JerryCoffin if you read The Silmilarillion, the bed will form where ever you are. No mortal man can read that and stay awake
@Bartek literally at the start. Just took the train and walked to a service station.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I NEED CONTEXT!!!!
back to work
also hi :D
@thecoshman As I recall, it's pretty....uneven. I found some parts quite gripping though.
@JerryCoffin my friend braved unfinished tales once... he's not normal
@R.MartinhoFernandes derp
fuck me those 'l's are slippy
lol, amazon knows noting about me, bloody €2k screens
like I have that sort of money to spend :P
@thecoshman I've never actually even looked at Unfinished Tales, but The Silmarillion came out shortly after I'd first read LOTR, and was completely enthralled, so I had to get it. Pretty sure my copy is from the first printing...
I watched a 3-hour seminar about The Silmarillion last week.
@R.MartinhoFernandes they just read the first chapter?
I watched a 10 minute summary once
@CatPlusPlus that would be a reading of the contents of the appendixes :P
@CatPlusPlus Seems to me like that would lose everything interesting about it.
I've rented it out once but never got anywhere, so can't really say I was interested much
shit I think the only ISP I can get is Orange
@CatPlusPlus From what I can recall, the beginning is pretty slow and highly...abstract.
now I'll be the one living in a swamp
@BartekBanachewicz At least you can eat.
oh hey, maybe I can get some local ISPs after all
50 Mb - 40 zł (€10)
100 Mb - 50 zł (€12)
300 Mb - 70 zł (€18)
@BartekBanachewicz Are those monthly usage limits or bandwidth limits? 50 Mb/month seems pretty puny, 50 megabits/second would be quite acceptable.
I don't know what backwater village you'd have to be in to have usage limits here
@JerryCoffin bandwidth
@BartekBanachewicz 300 Mb/s for €18/month? I'd take that in a heartbeat.
@JerryCoffin sadly, this particular one doesn't cover my area
almost nothing does :/
@JerryCoffin they also offer individually priced optical connections
@BartekBanachewicz Time to move then.
@JerryCoffin duh, I'm moving to that area.
it's on a hill, surrounded by the forest
@BartekBanachewicz So since you're moving anyway, move to where you can get a fast connection.
@JerryCoffin I didn't pick the place.
I inherited a flat and we're nearing the end of renovation
@BartekBanachewicz move
@BartekBanachewicz nearing time to move you mean
I'm moving there when we're done
actually on friday
we've already got some things there
g'morning champs
@BartekBanachewicz no, sell it and move back to civilisation
oh, look, here's an ISP that offers static IP as a standard
I've really got hung up on the idea of getting a wqhd res monitor... but the price :(
@BartekBanachewicz imo not that big a deal
@thecoshman the area is really nice, it's just the internet connections
I'd be impressed if they offered IPv6 as a standard
ffs of course I'm out of range
god damn it
@BartekBanachewicz Invest in fibre connection to the nearest skeleton uplink :v
@CatPlusPlus I wanted to do that.
@BartekBanachewicz that's like saying "I'm not racist, but black people should rot in hell" <-- watch that get flagged ¬_¬
@BartekBanachewicz but...
well, I wanted a DOCSIS connection straight up to the main link
@thecoshman lol but that takes being an ISP
@thecoshman I asked about the price, and they said "no"
at least one ISP did
which is fucking annoying, they got a link for some politician to a city nearby
@CatPlusPlus ISP's are nothing special, they just have $$$
which is way further
@BartekBanachewicz oh, cable :P
@thecoshman I estimated the cost to be about €1k
I would even pay that probably
@BartekBanachewicz so it's an investment :P
but the fuckers don't want my money apparently
Cables is one thing
@BartekBanachewicz he'll be turning a blind are to some things for sure
well I'm not giving up yet, if that doesn't work I'm going to ask for a 10GbE
I have a legal business running, I can negotiate terms as a business
@BartekBanachewicz just run some network cable into town and rent some shitty place there :P
You need then get an IP block and find a BGP peer and have better equipment than a shitty SoHo router
@BartekBanachewicz you do? what's that?
@thecoshman well a way to do taxes, for one
I'm sleepy
I don't know the english terminology
but in essence I function like a one-man company/business
But if I go to sleep I'll wake up at goddamn 18 again and this will all repeat
@BartekBanachewicz you need a business to do taxes? or you'r using it to dodge taxes?
@BartekBanachewicz oh so your dodging taxes :P
@thecoshman I'm not dodging anything, just paying them in a different way
@CatPlusPlus woah! if you can work out how to sleep to a younger you, you could sell that tech for big money
I give up some privileges of a regular employee, mind you
Like being an employee
@BartekBanachewicz Is that the private person business thing, or an actual corporation
@BartekBanachewicz ... are you using it avoid paying vat on shit like computer hardware, as it's a 'business expenditure'?
also, we call that a 'sole trader'
@thecoshman mhm
because you know, you'r one guy
@CatPlusPlus the former
@BartekBanachewicz so dodging taxes :P
oh fuck your wording. yes.
@BartekBanachewicz That sucks, you can't even have a funny company name
rip what's the point
@CatPlusPlus I can, but it still has to have my name in it
That's what I said
like "<<Bartalex>> Bartek Banachewicz"
Also you're liable with your own money so that also sucks
@CatPlusPlus meh, a minor gripe
does <insert name of the real company that you work for... fairly sure it's not Intel any more> hire a contractor through your company then, and get stuffed with you?
@BartekBanachewicz Dealbreaker

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