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@EtiennedeMartel Often
Sometimes it feels like I never bloody stop
@Puppy ...
@user3424423 What?
@user3424423 Just ignore Puppy. He's a troll.
I never noticed before, but Half-Life is quite a bit harder than Half-Life 2
partly because Valve are dicks and made tough enemies teleport in to random places
HL3 is the best
2015: youtube takes 100% of CPU usage
Hello, its nice to meet all of you!
I'm sure you'll regret it by the end of it all
Finally building Flexiglass on Ubuntu
Such a pain
im addicted to c++!
The makefile is uneven for Linux and WIndows
You can ship things. I think it's sort of assumed you know that to optimize you have to pass the relevant options. It's not really a good idea to default to the local machine as it would not run on any other machine in the deployed landscape. Then again. Install gentoo. The OS where your expectations are met — sehe 5 secs ago
@CyberGuy haha
@CyberGuy I am now Cinch++
thanks to C++
@CyberGuy Is it your first programming language?
@Cinch who won that linked list challenge ?
@EtiennedeMartel yes
@khajvah Bartek, duh.
@CyberGuy You'll grow out of it.
@Cinch good, I was about to put my money on you.
@EtiennedeMartel when ? : (
When you'll learn a new language.
i know more of them
Or you can be like @райтфолд and never grow out of it.
c++ best for me, im a software engineer with +3 years of experience
@khajvah Why bet on something that is pre-destined?
@CyberGuy It was... mydestiny...
@CyberGuy -1 here
what is -1?
you downvoted me ? : (
@CyberGuy C++ is a bit like smoking in that regard
signed integer sir
@Cinch are you saying you have -1 years of experience or that you're trying to downvote him?
I have -1 years of exp
food's here
no apology grumble grumble
@CyberGuy signed integer is still an integer
@CatPlusPlus Tell your new compatriot @CyberGuy how beautiful it is to write C++ code.
but integer is not a signed integer
Damn it why is raise.c not here on Ubuntu?
isn't that a Microsoft internal EH file?
No it's glibc
I don't care and I'm busy
well if it's glibc then why the fuck would you need a source file?
An integer (from the Latin integer meaning "whole") is a number that can be written without a fractional component. For example, 21, 4, 0, and −2048 are integers, while 9.75, 5½, and √2 are not. The set of integers consists of zero (0), the natural numbers (1, 2, 3, ...), also called whole numbers or counting numbers, and their additive inverses (the negative integers, i.e. −1, −2, −3, ...). This is often denoted by a boldface Z ("Z") or blackboard bold (Unicode U+2124 ℤ) standing for the German word Zahlen ([ˈtsaːlən], "numbers"). ℤ is a subset of the sets of rational and real numbers and, like...
are you trying to build glibc from source?
for (T x = 1; x <= 5; ++x) // what a ugly magic numbers!
@Puppy no
depends on the context.
what's wrong with that?
But my program is crashing because it can't fnd glibc
In most cases it's perfectly fine
@Cinch Your program should not need a source component of glibc to run.
@Puppy ikr
I was supposed to have fix it...
clearly you failed.
@Cinch Why would you include that in the first place?
@khajvah It's not me
It's shared_ptr
It has to do with the destructor of my class
> "It seems like the authorization checks are made by triggering callback functions on the auth-object supplied," Kvarnhammar wrote. "For those of you who are not Objective-C programmers: Guess what happens if you call methods on a null reference–or to use Objective-C language, send a message to nil? Nothing! :)"
null object anti-pattern strikes again
So I'm looking at the bottom of:
> V. Why Do You Answer?
They are missing one very important choice.
You can guess what that is.
There we go. :D:D:D:D
Do you think it would be possible to make a language, only supporting value semantics and unique ptrs?
Something is wrong with my implementation of my shared_ptr self-reference
@DavidKron Certainly possible. Useful is another matter.
@DavidKron Haskell has only value semantic
Without shared references nor gc
@Cinch That sounds like a completely broken concept.
The shared_ptr is trying to deconstruct this itself
is it because what you aimed to do is fundamentally incorrect?
So, I was just looking at the top 5 C++ questions...
I didn't know that the book question was so popular.
@Mysticial "Demonstrating my expertise will benefit me" is halfway there
@fredoverflow srsly
Im pretty sure i would like mutables tough
@Jefffrey My favorite is #4 though :)
> I am the developer of some family tree software (written in C++ and Qt). I had no problems until one of my customers mailed me a bug report. The problem is that he has two children with his own daughter, and, as a result, he can't use my software because of errors.
How is this not funny?
@fredoverflow I guess it depends on your religion. :)
how the fuck does something like stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/4379952 get through
with only approves
while my shit gets random disapprovals
@Mysticial No wait, I confused it with this one:
Apr 26 '12 at 5:14, by Mysticial
Q: Throwing the fattest people off of an overloaded airplane.

IvyMikeLet's say you've got an airplane, and it is low on fuel. Unless the plane drops 3000 pounds of passenger weight, it will not be able to reach the next airport. To save the maximum number of lives, we would like to throw the heaviest people off of the plane first. And oh yeah, there are milli...

I remember that. Good stuff.
@fredoverflow Reminds me of this database design evolution rant: qntm.org/gay
> There are various objections to expanding the conventional, up-tight, as-God-intended "one man, one woman" notion of marriage but by far the least plainly bigoted ones I am aware of are the bureaucratic ones. To be blunt, the systems aren't set up to handle it.
@fredoverflow Oh I see
I bought a cup from mccafe
it's like this but dark brown
do i get any points from reviewing posts?
> Note: By popular demand, this problem is now known as "Y2gay".
@Nican lol
but once I went from 0 to 100 reviews faster than the guy who had 90 reviews already
and it felt good
(on gamedev.se)
I solved my problem!
I was literally leaving nothing for others
@fredoverflow The comments are pretty good too. :D
It turns out if you want to keep a shared_ptr reference to an object within itself, you need to make sure you pair the allocated object shared pointer with a null-deleter function-object
@Cinch Don't do that because it's a particularly stupid thing to do.
@Puppy But I want to have weak_ptr references later
therefore I kind of need a shared_ptr...
And the weak_ptrs do need to go out of context should the original object be deallocated unexpectedly
I can't do a linked list but maybe I can do flexiglass
@fredoverflow I actually cannot believe that the #3 question has so many upvotes
what is flexiglass?
it would be a lot simpler to simply allocate your own proxy object that points back to the instance.
actually it wasn't 100, it was 1000
and it seems someone took my place now gamedev.stackexchange.com/review/first-posts/stats
@khajvah My first real GitHub project I'm using to learn Git and GitHub and library creation
then have a bunch of shared_ptrs to that.
@Puppy Um...
I have an event_queue though...
... and?
@vsoftco Maybe it got linked on reddit?
I could have the queue do that but the queue is not the central figure
the scheme is irrespective of what object is being weakly pointed to.
@Puppy I still want the Listener to own its own reference the object
also, you could just allocate the thing on the heap in the first place.
@fredoverflow possible... first I though it was an April's fool kind of question, or a joke
@Cinch You shouldn't own a reference to yourself, that's just broken.
@Puppy But the reference needs to be valid as long as the object is alive and if and only if it is alive
It makes sense, to me, to couple it with the object itself
that does not require the use of shared_ptr.
Since mutliple queues can reference the same listener
@Puppy But my queues hold weak_ptrs
(or will)
then change them to not use weak_ptrs.
@Puppy It's a design decision
Previously, it would probably access a null location if the object went out of context or was destroyed
which you should make correctly in the first place.
That's not good.
the better question is
why the fuck are you letting the object go out of scope whilst there are still events queued to be fired on it?
@fredoverflow although I agree that allowing spaces before/after prefix/suffix operators seems a bit odd, since it allows you to write stuff like x --> infinity
@Puppy I don't know
"My message silently failed to arrive" is a pretty shitty situation.
An event might trigger a destruction.
The destruction might make other events irrelevant
aright, good night people
that's the event's problem.
i.e. a unit is destroyed
or wait, better yet
Damage to a destroyed unit doesn't matter
that's why you don't randomly queue up events.
just fire them right away.
@Puppy I could but I want to observe all events
It needs to be able to be visible across systems
you will observe them when they fire on the relevant object.
but more to the point
just because a unit is killed does not mean you should destroy the object that represents it.
i.e. an Achievement system needs to look at all events to decide which achievements have been unlocked
Do I look at all signals and slots or funnel them into a more central place?
Having hooks to multiple systems manually can be ugly
well, it really doesn't.
the achievement system only needs to look at events that can trigger each specific achievement.
@Puppy But how does it know whether these events were fired?
it listens to them, how else?
@Puppy And if we have a large number of achievements, how do we observe any achievement being met at one time if the requirements are spread across all or many systems?
If we need to check for all possible combinations of events, how do you do that with many subsystems?
you don't need to check for all possible combinations of events.
each achievement only needs to listen to the events that can trigger it.
the number of achievements is more-or-less irrelevant.
But how do you plan to get the events in the first place if all the systems are coupled by signals and slots?
@Puppy No, but the spread of the event type requirements are
it's either we bind to the listeners dynamically, intruding on the event-firer's architecture, or we can have the events be observed by the achievement system through an external queue that many can observe and opt-into
@Cinch Are what?
better yet, I can still have signal-slot-like functionality with only 1-sender, 1-listener queues
@Puppy Well if I have 100 achievements
and 10 types of events
but the 100 achievements are all satisfied by unique combos of the 10 and include all 10...
How do I make sure that any of the 100 are satisfied at any time?
then that's what you get for making so many complex achievements.
@Puppy So "shame on the designer!" then?
more like
That's not how systems work--they're tailored to the users...
You build to a spec, not the other way around
imma go home tomorrow
it's true that it's more than possible to design an architecture that makes some requirements easier.
but I note that you do not have 100 achievements or 10 types of events.
and furthermore
it would not require an external queue to observe all events really.
@Puppy "How do you know that?"
@Puppy Well we still need some sort of thing to hold events to observe
Doesn't matter what it is, it just needs to work
you don't need to hold them at all.
I think I'm also catching a cold :(
you only need to observe that they have been fired.
that's a completely different thing.
@Puppy In my system, events have meta information that may be relevant
pardon me for jumping in without context, but: can't each event subscribe to the subset that it cares about, and then whenever any handler fires, check if the other requirements are already satisfied?
i.e I have a damage events but an achievement is triggered by a damage done over 1,000 event
then the achievement just keeps a record of how much damage is done so far.
you presumably have some kind of data store tracking things
@tzaman You mean listener?
every time a damage event is triggered just add it to the total.
@Puppy Exactly
otherwise your user will have their achievements wiped every time they re-launch the game...
@Cinch Not in-memory and certainly not with a giant queue of events.
@Puppy That's the domain of the achievement system
I'd rather just observe events from the outside instead of having to put sensors in all my subsystems
right, but that still doesn't require actually queueing them up.
It's like, if we need to monitor a human, do we stick needles into his brain to see if he's distressed or do we have him ring a bell if needed?
depends on what information you need.
sticking needles in certainly has a lot going for it in some circumstances.
But I wanted to go with the general case because it's an interesting experiment
Remember, I'm a <1 year programmer who's trying to learn more
right, and I'm trying to give you the benefit of my experience here.
which is that you're spending a bunch of time on a useless system which it's overwhelmingly likely you will never need and simply gets in the way.
the "general case" is often not worth solving.
and even if it is, first you'd need an accurate picture of what the general case actually is.
and in the general case, people do not make thousands of highly complex achievements.
I don't care; I need to learn programming
I have learnt so much by doing this
the most important thing you could ever learn is to not write code you don't need.
Yummy, fish sticks and potato croquettes.
I've learned how to use Git a lot better and learn about using smart pointers are useful use cases. I've made static and shared libraries and learned about building
I just tried to convert lbs into RON instead of kg
I think I need some sleep
@Puppy For production, but I'm a noob who needs to take a walk around the block first man
before you walk around the block, you should first determine if you actually need to walk around the block.
@Puppy ...
walking around the block is a useless activity if you need to find the keys you lost in your bedroom.
I can't even do a linked list in an hour man.
doesn't matter.
what matters is #include <list>.
job done.
determining what problems you actually need to solve is the first step of actually getting anything done, regardless of what you're doing to try to get things done or whether or not you can actually do the things.
@Cinch Don't worry, the linked list will take even longer than an hour to traverse.
@Puppy Well I wanted an event system for my hypothetical game
figuring out how to do the things is simple once you know what you actually need to do.
I have an event system for my hypothetical game now
you had one before you started- boost::signals2.
@Puppy that's not what I wanted
but is it what you needed?
I have what I want and I built it and became better for it.
I'm not complaining
you became better in a way that currently doesn't matter in exchange for not improving at all in a way that really counts.
We have some classes where you dive pretty deeply into linux toolchains
shared_ptr is just a library that you can pick up any time.
(cross compiling and emulation of kernels)
but the course material is excellent and explains exactly what you must do
you can literally copy paste every command and get it to work
yet somehow most of my class gets stuck every other command
the proof of the pudding will be if you never play the game because you can't find enough time to finish it and never implement any achievements.
@orlp lemme tell you why that is
enlighten me oh mighty rightfold
First of all, they don't pay attention to detail, so they ignore important aspects like casing and whitespace.
whitespace should not really be important.
you can copy and paste from a pdf
I'm use Unity if I wanted to just do the game

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