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@DonLarynx Changes in entropy can be locally temporarily negative.
@R.MartinhoFernandes There was once a race of people who were always happy, because they were convinced that everybody lived in a universe that was a wonderful as they could imagine it being. Another race was constantly depressed--for exactly the same reason.
@JerryCoffin did Adams write that?
@JerryCoffin deep
@JerryCoffin You're suggesting we install mind controlling chips into the populations brain, that only allow for the imagination of slavery? Jolly fine idea, fellow, get on it!
@Blob I can't remember for sure. I was thinking of a different book (can't remember the author, but not Adams), but as I was typing it, Adams occurred to me, and I'm not sure where it came from for sure.
That way we get free labour, and keep the people 'happy'!
@orlp Welcome to the Matrix.
@orlp what's the point of the labor?
I'm depressed because either I'll never experience silence again or I'll experience too much of it. I don't care about the universe.
@Blob to serve the masters
@orlp to make the masters happy?
i thought we had mind controlling chips for that
@R.MartinhoFernandes Are you incompletely fucked?
@R.MartinhoFernandes You'll be fine.
You'll get used to it eventually
@Blob The masters never installed the chip.
Also it goes down slightly with time
@orlp why not?
they'd be happy
@Blob Because they installed chips that will keep them happy, but remain intelligent to continue the search for eternal life.
Besides with the progress of medicine there may be a cure within our lifetime!
@orlp why would they want eternal life?
Requiring resources gathered by the enslaved people.
@R.MartinhoFernandes nah bro. i went thru the same thing.
@Blob To be eternally happy.
@orlp My people
@orlp and we end here
Time to go to work brb
I'm late
@DonLarynx this corpse is who's?
random name
@R.MartinhoFernandes I had a while in my 20's when I had tinnitus really badly too. Then it mostly went away for a long time. I still have a bit of problem if I listen to music to loudly (headphones are especially bad) but that's about it.
fuck you all (not srs)
That's John Nash!
From A Beautiful Mind
fuck you all (srs)
Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence?
Fuck you universe.
Fuck you in the ear.
who's suffering from tinnitus?
the universe, after Robot's done with it
If you want some distraction I can recommend John Cage - 4′33″.
Great song, will get your mind off of your tinnitus in no time.
@orlp learned about that in my required "music" class
my second fav artist
4'33" is the worst possible.
It's all tinnitus.
I used to love 4'33".
maybe you have something in your ears
Mention it at every opportunity.
"It's my theme song. It plays everytime I enter a room.", I'd joke.
legend says
if you click on that image hard enough
it stops
@R.MartinhoFernandes RIP
Maybe Jesus got sick of your joke
jesus is dead dude
for like 2000+ years
He still lives on in my heart.
I do not approve of ritual satanistic cannibalism of ancient corpses
can I do git push <url> master
I've never actually tried
@orlp The Dead is Jesus? Maybe Jerry Garcia was, but Jesus was only one person, not the whole group.
@Rapptz nope, have to add remote
> The "remote" repository that is destination of a push operation. This parameter can be either a URL (see the section GIT URLS below) or the name of a remote (see the section REMOTES below).
I can distinctly remember trying this thing
git push --help
that's where I got that from
yeah I see that
maybe it was in a different command
How do you stop tinnitus?

Pretend it doesn't exist.
You get what you look for brahs
https://www.freesound.org/people/[email protected]/sounds/42364/
> Number 9 pool ball bouncing off a rail of a pool table. Recorded from my Nokia 6125i cell phone.
Someone else:
> Hmm. Sounds more like the 7 ball to me...
thats bullcrap though
@orlp Law of attraction isn't scientifically proven, but it works.
wtf. is there a big difference or are there pool-ball-sound-experts?
@DonLarynx If it works you can scientifically prove it works.
Otherwise it doesn't fucking work.
@orlp that's the spirit!
in science, you don't prove you're right, you prove the other guy is a fucking moron.
thus making you most probably right
Science is overrated
¬science ≡ bullshit
@Blob Plants can fly , proof: leaves can fly, and leaves come from plants, so by transitive property, plants can fly. also, switch the t for an e, which is permissible because t comes after e. also, Plants is a nice word.
who the fuck says flying is a transitive property
science ≡ probably not bullshit, but still
hell, define 'flying'
@DonLarynx You didn't properly establish the relation to use the transitive property
@orlp Pointer* p = new orlp; p->sendorlptobar();
is a brick 'flying' towards your head after it's been thrown by my hand really 'flying'?
or are you just seeing flying birds bricks?
Depends. Do bricks have wings?
@orlp not if you're Jerry Rice
@Blob You mean, do wings have bricks?
Either way, the answer is fuck no.
@orlp well, you can't prove it's always "no"
or at least i couldn't
looks like google images proves me wrong again
someone wasted their time
finding pics of wings and a brick
and putting them together in paint
life is a waste
and then uploading them
looks like a fly. wait wut
@DonLarynx it's a brick
Love this bartender. I can order a gin & tonic with almost no tonic.
just order a gin?
he wants some tonic
why are smart people crazy ----> why do smart people have tinnitus
@DonLarynx i don't have tinnitus
TIL I have tinnitus
or I'm dumb
pick both
@Blob use modus tollens now
@DonLarynx ok I'll bite
btw Robot I sent you a PR.
which one's modus tollens again?
proof by contradiction: the assumption "why are smart people crazy -> tinnitus" is false because it leads to a contradiction
A so B. Not B so not A
I'm so bored.
> 2. extremely enthusiastic.
i like
that definition
@Rapptz codegolf.SE
Noun: blob (plural blobs)
  1. A shapeless or amorphous mass; a vague shape or amount, especially of a liquid or semisolid substance; a clump, group or collection that lacks definite shape.
  2. 1895: The Annual of the British School at Athens
  3. 1922, Virginia Woolf, Jacob's Room Chapter 1
  4. In astronomy, a large cloud of gas. In particular, an extended Lyman-Alpha blob is a huge body of gas that may be the precursor to a galaxy.
define: orlp
404 orlp not found
> a spot of color.
Sorry for being a whiny bitch fools.
I must admit, I do reflect light.
Fuck you phone.
Are you Officially Drunk™?
The universe really is out to get me.
You are out to get the universe, it's just doing counterterrorism.
Nah. I barely touched my gin and little tonic.
@orlp US-level "counterterrorism", it seems
Ok I can feel the gin now.
(i) Banning song... Ok.
I love how you can ban songs from playing
ty Pandora
can you ban 'artists'?
like coldplay?
just create a different station
@sehe thanks. had to use this because even "bolb" was taken on this site
hey guys
how much do you have to use iostream and iomanip in your jobs?
cause if its a lot i might just faurking give up CS right now. fuark iomanip
@DonLarynx not at all
disclaimer: i don't have a job
We barely use them.
I use std::ifstream etc more.
no programming job though
Yeah we use that.
But most of our files are binary so no iomanip
I wrote a pseudo-printf
I drank this too fast.
oohh, paid internship for c++ or python + OpenCV
gotta learn opencv
Or fast enough.
i think these companies expect 20-something year old college students when they say "internship" :|
The ringing is still there but I'm not scared anymore.
of course
who else is going to accept an internship lol
someone who wants to do shit to impress MIT (mit plis take me)
or at least to make up for my crappy GPA
it's over m8
i have a ~92ish average and i don't do shit outside my house (no extracurriculars)
so an internship would really be nice
@DonLarynx I don't think I ever use iostream. I don't even know what iomanip is. I use fstream when I'm saving and loading simple settings files. :shrug:
Ok. Officially Drunk.
That was quick.
I hate Java more and more every day.
Why even have the add method on the generic version of collection if it's not even allowed?
I think this is the first time I drank to forget. It didn't work.
silly you
I'm looking up sign language.
it works tomorrow
@R.MartinhoFernandes nelson_haha.jpeg
I am hungry as fuck
I never realized, black magic is racist.
@Rapptz eat food
I'm leaking again.
404 no food found
@R.MartinhoFernandes drink more
@Rapptz get some of mine
leaking as in peeing ur pants?
403 forbidden
Leaking out of my eyes.
@DonLarynx no, stool
I'm a crybaby
is this how to delete a dynamically allocated double pointer Student**list:
	for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfStudents; ++i){
		delete list[i];
	delete[] list;
I'm gonna call in sick tomorrow.
no, use `std::vector` and the following code to deallocate:
@DonLarynx more seriously, yes.
assuming it was properly allocated
I can't wait to never be in this class for the rest of my given life ever again.
name of the course?
I'll have another drink.
I broke my rule.
I hate myself.
@R.MartinhoFernandes :C
@Blob University Treadmill Bullshit: Let's do Java 110
what happened to robot?
Fear happened.
Fear is the mind killer.
/cc @EtiennedeMartel
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
wow, you're smarter when you're drunk!
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
@Blob cant do that in my class. we have to use new and delete.
I don't remember the rest.
@DonLarynx nice class. 10/10 education.
but to be fair
you should at least learn how to do it
before learning to avoid it
Gosh, why is starring the dumb things people say so hard on mobile ...
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing?
Think I'm missing a bit.
I don't like anything so far
@Cinch theme? the default one
Solarized sucks
I know it ends with "Only I will remain."
the default sucks
you suck
@Blob not for you
Fuck the Bene Gesserit.
@Cinch u w0t
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
@Blob /joke
robot, i think you should sleep soon
a singularity has been reached with the robot.
oh well
Nah. It's early
I've been worse.
Well without the ringing but drunker
Days seem a lot longer by 10am when you get up around 5ish
I'm not getting up today.
what's a good background music for pong
my Pong needs to be triple-A quality
Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence
Are you on holiday?
good enough. thanks.
I'll run out of battery soon.
I have a tab here, though, so I won't run out of booze.
See you tomorrow.
And screw the universe.
That includes yourself
Have a good rest
I wouldn't be so extreme in the wording
He's a reasonably sentient robot
I brought a spare battery.
Haha you're not getting rid of me that easily.
Feel free to plonk.
An unexpected turn of events
Occasionally I would be drunk at 2:30am but still get up by 7am. Not often though.
Rust fanboys are killing my already low interest in /r/programming and HN
Note to self: don't read those in the morning
Have you accepted Rust into your heart yet?
I admit I like a lot of its features
But I my interest is slowly waning out
Waning off?
You get it anyway
@MomotapaLimpopo Diminishing
Mixing 'waning' and 'wearing off' I think.
i'm watching someone make something in unreal
he's showing his design plans using mad skills in "pa int dot net"
VIM THEME: codeschool
I like it
it's fun
also @Blob paint.net is great
the vid's not in english
no idea what language it is
but i'm so glad this guy did it
@Blob y
he's teaching me a lot of crap related to making games in unreal that's not related to programming
@Blob link?
@MomotapaLimpopo its just 'waning', you don't need to follow it with anything
That's Polish
the subtitles get worse as the vid # progresses, but it's still completely understandable
@MomotapaLimpopo how would you know, Ugandian?
Polish is fairly easy to recognize among all languages.
"Oh look this word has a 3 w, 4 z and a couple of other consonants chained up together"
"Must be Polish"
Paint.NET vs GIMP guise.
Both are horrible abominations that should never grace the light of day.
Which one then?
hey everyone
But you said neither.
It's still neither.
I mean, what do you use?
I use Photoshop CS6.
I do as well.
Although GIMP isn't too bad if that is all you have.
But that costs precious money.
How do I change the "beyondcode" color in vim?
i.e. after the final line of code there is a big blue space for codeschool
so I wanted to change that color
How'd Sublime Text go
@Rapptz it's okay
But it's pretty much like Notepad++
Not really.
Also it's weird license makes me fishy
Well for all the purposes I plan to use it for, it is
I have never tried Sublime and I am a hardcore Notepad++ fan
Rapptz sell it to me
30 seconds, go
Sublime Text is awesome, doesn't take ages to load like Atom. Or maybe I just need an SSD.
I just like it.
Notepad++ literally comes up in an instant
So does ST3!
It literally comes up as fast as Notepad
I'm not going to use the Beta
I use N++ for regexp text preprocessing more than for editing if truth be told
Sublime Text is absolutely wonderful.
I can't stand to use notepad, lines just don't show up
in RapphD, Apr 4 at 22:40, by Rapptz
By lines I mean \n
so bored
@Cinch I don't even know what this means.
@Cinch It's not Beta. ST2 is D E P R E C A T E D
For Windows I think ST2 is the only option.
Or I just haven't checked in a while.
Two phase lookup fucks my brain up
ST3 has always worked on Windows.
fuck you off by one (letter) errors
fuuuccucucucucucucuc u
@Cinch That would be NonText; :help highlight-groups
@MomotapaLimpopo RIP
So what exactly does ST have that makes it really useful for text editing
@Rapptz Really? When I downloaded it it gave me ST2 by default I guess.
You have to go out of your way to find it.
I'm just kidding about the deprecation and not beta.
But ST2 isn't developed anymore and ST3 is
So it might as well be deprecated
I'm gonna go download that.
I don't really care about builds being beta.
How does ST offer library suggestions?
it doesn't; it's just a text editor
not really two phase lookup
what is it then
i'm confused

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