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"not great, just good"
@MomotapaLimpopo I am not sure. What do you want to do?
YouCompleteMe is alright though
use ... eclipse (rofl)
How often do you normally sneeze?
I might be turning into a hypochondriac.
I have the same feeling
about myself I mean
but I think that's normal when things objectively start going wrong
@AndyProwl you can use shared pointers or a message buffer that acts as an owning closure
Nom nom lemon benzydamine
Actually, I can't be a hypochondriac if I don't go to the doctor when I should, right?
What's the opposite called?
I don't think it's about going to the doctor
Might be a difference between a hypochondriac and doctor-annoying hypochondriac
@Mgetz I'm very much open to the possibility that there are better alternatives than unique pointers. I've been in a while (is_it_wrong()) { brainstorm_hard_to_avoid_shared_ptr(); implement(); } cycle for way too long now.
I have to accept that I'm incapable of coming up with a better solution
Accept the inevitability that the code will suck, and that requirements will change 5 minutes after you finish implementing your perfect solution anyway
@Ven You are assuming we can't have hunches from experience. That's very much subjective.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think you can be hypochondriac and still feel uncomfortable about seeing a doctor
Can I create a template class, do some template specialization on that class, and allow the user to only use the template specialized classes? Something like:
template <typename T>
class A { ... }

template<> class A<X> {}
template<> class A<Y> {}

And then when using class A in code, only be able to instatiate on classA<X> and class A<Y> ?
I don't get why my code prints things in the wrong order
@sehe I'm sorry then. The point was not to dismiss your trying to help, it was just that – I literally pasted my code into coliru, and it worked. That's why giving you a working example wouldn't have helped
@AndyProwl there are no good answers. Personally I favor using co-routines, if there is an unambiguous transfer of ownership. You can pass the co-routine as a closure with the objects you need it to own, or you can create a fixed size or thread safe container that will buffer the parameters for it.
@Ven Remember, we would not "just" have thw working code. We would also have the side channel info that it's possible to have /very/ similar (if not identical code) fail on a different toolchain/compiler/machine/deployment
@CatPlusPlus I don't mind changing my solution when requirements change, but I do mind having what I fear to be a sub-optimal solution even for today's requirements
@Ven Did you ever copy it here?
> That's why giving you a working example wouldn't have helped
@AndyProwl Why?
Stop assuming or stop bothering us. ^
Do you not have enough shit to worry about
@CatPlusPlus Because it is sub-optimal
So what
Who's counting
I don't like that. I'm counting
You need more pragmatism
If people care about something it's the end product, and that's not even a given
I tend to try and improve what can be improved in general
"it works" isn't enough
ironically I'm having problems with printing things in Haskell
I ran out of time, patience and strength to improve anything
I just want the fucking thing to be over
@R.MartinhoFernandes ok
@R.MartinhoFernandes mm that sounds nice actually
Dead and forgotten
it's just a debug log
@jalf Wow, unplonking you did not last very long.
@BartekBanachewicz lolwut
and I'm not even sorry
well I could introduce a TMC for logging
@CatPlusPlus I understand that part
aka MonadWriter LogType
Use Debug.Trace or whatever
unsafePerformIO is not for IO, despite the name.
"trying to start a mudslinging match" etc don't be a cock
I was directly responding to a comment with an opinion
still unable to give up perfectionism though
this code runs in IO anyway
it's window creation
it's probably a psychological defect
@AndyProwl Write some jabbascript
but I think it makes me a better programmer in the long run
@AndyProwl We're all nerd
I don't get why it prints in reverse though
No, it just sets you up for more misery
Window creation failed
Opening Window (4,5)
Speaking from experience
jabbascript is in the stack of all the things I don't have time to learn
@AndyProwl A while back I sorta fixed mine by having this idea that things are not perfect unless they have some flaw. That shifts the issue to making sure you get the right flaw.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I will give it a try
@AndyProwl You don't really need to learn JavaScript tbh
Nobody does
@khajvah yup
OK back to my shared pointers
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've long suspected this
god this sucks
finally a good video explaining why the USA political system is terrible
@sehe sure, I'll do that next time. it's true many people in this room could've hit that. in this instance, it so happened it wasn't related to the code - as I had guessed - but rather to a broken (in early access) tool.
@AndyProwl if they're shared, they're not really yours are they
> Find types on NuGet. Copy-pasting code from StackOverflow has never been easier: When you have a type or namespace used inside your project that can’t be resolved to referenced libraries or packages, ReSharper can now search for this type or namespace in the NuGet package gallery
@Ven dude. Are you half implying it's solved? You could just have said so
@sehe Good point
Back to our shared pointers
@sehe I said it was!
I missed that.
@sehe I said "it was actually clion that was broken"
I engaged when you came back with a sigh
it prints after closing the application actually
wtf laziness
@Ven Oh. ISTR that was in a message with more than one conjecture so I assumed it was just your lead. Sorry
@BenjaminGruenbaum now I get what you meant
@sehe and I should've pasted code either way
@sehe or even -- shouldn't have tried clion. or cmake.
@orlp clue's in the name
@LightningRacisinObrit ?
@sehe Why? Until recently I rarely complained about my health. I've had the morning sickness for years and barely mentioned it until it got really bad lately.
I don't think hypochondria is defined as talking much about your worries. It's worrying in the first place?
@Ven now now. Don't be bitter. It's the tools
@sehe I'm bitter about my tools
@sehe Yeah, I barely cared for years. Just accepted it as part of living with me, like all the cuts on my fingers.
A: Sorting class members in a template class in C++

erol yeniarasI want to add a quick explanation since you said you`re inexperienced. std::vector::reserve sets the minimum size for your vector therefore in your call container.reserve(3); the vector can be greater than or equal to 3. Therefore when you call: sort(container.begin(), container.end(), st...

@orlp "USA"
@sehe But how did you suspect it?
@sehe yeah I think so
@LightningRacisinObrit I still don't get it
nice there's a symbol for ℍ
yeah it's ℍ
double-struck capital H?
In mathematics, the quaternions are a number system that extends the complex numbers. They were first described by Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton in 1843 and applied to mechanics in three-dimensional space. A feature of quaternions is that multiplication of two quaternions is noncommutative. Hamilton defined a quaternion as the quotient of two directed lines in a three-dimensional space or equivalently as the quotient of two vectors. Quaternions find uses in both theoretical and applied mathematics, in particular for calculations involving three-dimensional rotations such as in three...
lol Google treats it as "H" in a search. ffs
@R.MartinhoFernandes I dunno. Hunch. I'd include the worries about wellbeing (stress) too actually. Anywyas, forget I said anything, it's not changing anything anyways
@LightningRacisinObrit TBF we use the same system in the UK
@TheForestAndTheTrees yeah cos a bunch of dicks voted against AV in the referendum
the AV group's media campaign of "why this is better" wasn't enough to combat the FPP group's smear campaign of "hurr durr hurr cant do maths more complicated than 1+2 so system must be shit hurr durr hurr lets go have some carling hurr durr hurr burp im a cunt"
@LightningRacisinObrit you see AV takes money from the NHS and kills babies, or something
BUT at least we don't have a risible "electoral vote vs popular vote" system in which the common man's vote actually has basically no effect whatsoever on anything
land of the free, lol democracy, etc
that's right kids. you don't actually have a vote!
suck on that
Does the electoral college differ regularly from the popular vote? or is it ceremonial, like the Queen / Lords?
that's a good question
would be interested to find out
even if it tends to track of course it is still broken on principle
@LightningRacisinObrit Well of course kids can't vote :P
@CatPlusPlus I think I solved it. Looks like it works every time when run in release mode. Added a comment for that.
@Nooble they can in a free country! like Koala land!
Koala Lumpur
@LightningRacisinObrit Koala Lumpur best Lumpur.
@orlp Nice channel. Thanks.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you didn't know CGP grey? he indeed has a great channel
too late
mr. robot
holy shit the premium ticket is so expensive compared to normal esl-one.com/csgo/cologne-2015/tickets
but I want the stuff :(
more expensive than a hotel for 5 days lol
> the incredible atmosphere of the largest CS:GO event
Nobody showers?
is there a sc2 event there?
@Ven ESL has SC2 events too yes
I think
yay, intel extreme masters and the wcs
Can't you like watch a stream or whatever
@CatPlusPlus lol
I don't get ESPORTS
@CatPlusPlus I wanna go somewhere this summer so I thought about going there and also visiting the city
hence why I want to stay more than 2 days
@AlexM. I love how it's almost €200 more expensive, and one of the added features of the package is "free drinks & food"
yeah not sure what exactly they give you for free and how much it would cost otherwise
> hey for €50 I'll give you free drinks and food
should be "unlimited"
> fuck man I love free stuff ... you've got a deal!
lol I just got what you said
Compared to one drink costing 50€
sneaky when applied to morons
yeah good point lol
I'm not that smart
incoming vinegar
the goodie bag is an ESL branded rucksack and a t shirt
nothing too fancy I guess
meh I think I'll just get the normal ticket and use the 200 - 40 eur to buy something nice from a mall
as long as you can get more than 50 euros worth of drinks and food for free, 50 euros is a fair price though
used it as a waypoint when initially figuring out how to get there
thought it looked familiar when I read the article yesterday
@AndyProwl it's probably portioned to cover all the special ticket holders
maybe something like burger + coke/day
that's not a lot of food
I doubt they have unlimited supplies so you can just ask for more
there are some "all you can eat" places
There's always hard limits but lol if it's just something as pathetic as that
But then again it's an event for nerds
but damn it's still expensive I mean
They'll buy in people*5 Coke cans and check usage for a while
the special ticket is 1000 RON
hotel is 200 RON/night
then either buy people*0 or people*10 next time... etc
flight is something like 300 RON (two way)
lol RON
Re-Open Nominations
no it's just my currency :(
silly Romanians
Franks are a much more stable currecny
@thecoshman USD, bruh
dollars my arse
CZK ftw
@AndyProwl it does by a cheap pint, can't argue with that :P
time for my daily remembering that I still haven't got tickets for uncon2.0
me neither shite
at this rate, want to share a cardboard box?
actually I don't think tickets are a problem, accommodation is more urgent though
@thecoshman cheap and good!
I feel like a beer now
@AndyProwl could always take a more spacious spot on the streats :P
@BartekBanachewicz import Debug.Trace (trace).
Let's see what booking.com says about London
stupid work, prices are listed in sek! that means NOTHING TO MEE!!!
Booking.com is written in Perl, so be careful.
@AndyProwl lol, I was trying that too
at least the tube network is really good, so you don't have to be city centre
@райтфолд it did the job for last summer's holidays
I'm going to trust it once more
I more or less always using booking.com
I'm too lazy to root around for a fierce deal
which raises the question, when exactly should I get there and out of there
Well, it's a Dutch company, so it's obviously good.
11th-14th sounds good
@райтфолд and booking.com has done a lot for perl :)
What are you going to do in London?
looks like 3 nights are going to be expensive
Hello guys :D
maybe I should stick to 2
> 4 years of hardcore development experience with Perl and other programming language
What is hardcore development experience?
any perl experience.
reading Perl
@райтфолд watching porn while working
oh wow, so, boost allows to iterate on a boost::optional. that's amazing

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