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my eyeeees
I didn't want to say it
It works.
If anyone knows of a way to make a regex look less ugly though let me know
That's a pretty trivial regex.
> [^!]+)!
Needs more .+?)!.
@райтфолд Yeah that's what I thought too..
it's even named for each part
haha {0,1}.
If I have a vector of pointers to a class (class A) and push class B which is inherited from class A, how do I then call a class B function?

std::vector<classA*> inventory;
You're really bad at regular expressions.
Thanks for the compliment.
@Eejin dynamic_cast<classB&>(*inventory.at(0)).f()
{0,1} is equivalent to ?
I know
[^@]+@ is better written as .+?@
~ isn't special so you don't need to put it between brackets.
@FilipRoséen-refp Its a good idea. We should plan something for next year :p
PRs welcome
: isn't special so you don't need to escape it.
@Rapptz You want to hire staff for PR? I didn't realize that you owned/ran a company of such size.
hmm, there's something somewhat amusing about chatting over the Internet from a machine I RDPed to over the Internet...
@райтфолд The regex is not fully mine btw.
All the authors are bad at regular expressions!
I don't want to do any work
@Rapptz You can ignore pattern whitespace to make things more readable sample
@райтфолд It says it needs to be a polymorphic type but I am not quite sure what that means. I looked it up but didn't become any wiser ;/. I am basing it of this post: dreamincode.net/forums/topic/…
@JohanLarsson Oh I know of this.
@Eejin Your base class must have a virtual destructor.
Also, don't read that page. Buy a book instead.
have any of you tried out the new unreal tournament
@Rapptz I could not tell from reading line 11 :)
rather I should say
you reminded me that it existed
iirc it's re.VERBOSE in Python
you can add comments too
like # this does whatever
In the meantime I will watch this:
@райтфолд Nope.
@Rapptz So how would you like to solve it? Have a file that gets parsed by the API, and then a level below that where you hand the API data structures and information you can create with whatever method/deserializations you want so that it generates the right ninja file?
No I was thinking it was just
execute a python script and then you get the ninja file
.+?@ added more backtracking to the regex
damn you spirit::qi for being so powerful and difficult to understand
just write a parser yourself it's easy
did that, not really going to cut it
@райтфолд Thanks I managed to get it working. I'll look into buying one of those books. Any personal recommendations or are any of the top listed fine?
All books on the list are good.
They're grouped by level IIRC.
Many internet resources on C++ are very bad.
@райтфолд every other language on the planet has internet tutorials that don't suck: C++ however... is in a different decade
I've never seen a good web tutorial for any language
I'm excluding online books.
I've seen a couple of good ones.
Python tutorial is fine
wouldn't know
@Mgetz using spirit you still have to make it... (I agree that it's easier that way, but de gustibus)
@райтфолд interesting:
> The goal of Metascala is to create a platform to experiment with the JVM: a 3000 line JVM written in Scala is probably much more approachable than the 1,000,000 lines of C/C++ which make up HotSpot, the standard implementation
@Mgetz luckily we have Cinch to save us
@sehe oh I know, I'm just not sure where to start
A million lines of C/C++ code? No wonder Java is ripe with security issues :)
@Mgetz at the start!
i read that view are generic UI objects which can't talk to models? I didn't understand why generic objects can't talk to other objects
@sehe qi::rule<It, irc::message(), Skipper> start = ??
Not bad
just use regex like me
@androidplusios.design yeah we almost would. not. have. noticed. you suddenly barged in with a completely unrelated topic. smooth
TBH that IRC RFC is giving me the jeebies. who the fuck comes up with those productions:
  params     =  *14( SPACE middle ) [ SPACE ":" trailing ]
                =/ 14( SPACE middle ) [ SPACE [ ":" ] trailing ]
   middle     =  nospcrlfcl *( ":" / nospcrlfcl )
   trailing   =  *( ":" / " " / nospcrlfcl )
@sehe yeah it's an insane grammar
@Pris I'm down, let's make it happen!
I mean, I did read RFC5234 for good measure, but that is still mind-rot-inducingly bad
I'll be thankful whenever someone writes a decent implementation of an ircd that is connected to this chat
currently on the phone, and as always I hate the UI
> whenever
so, you anticipate this happening with some regularity
@sehe At least it's easy to translate to something like Spirit or Parsec
@Xeo absolutely not. The thing I quoted will first have to be translated into something humanly understandable. I tried this for about 3 minutes.
subway time is reading time, peace out.
@sehe huh
If you meant in general, augmented BNF is nice for implementing, I'll grant you that
@Xeo Come on, WTF are they trying to express there
1) After extracting the parameter list, all parameters are equal
whether matched by <middle> or <trailing>. <trailing> is just a
syntactic trick to allow SPACE within the parameter.
Doesn't exactly make it clearer either. At least it's a hint that "yeah we know the rules are an ugly hack, don't worry it's actually quite simple"
@райтфолд do you have anything more low-level?
@sehe Sounds like the problem that arises when the bureaucracy prescribes a hammer, but you have a screw.
I think the penny dropped, just now, though
ooh a penny
can I have it?
money is always good
No. It's mine. I'm gonna revel in it.
if I say please?
it's the magic word
@sehe I think the original RFC is a bit easier to read
dun dun dun! Indeed
@Mgetz Oh yeah, that's the one I used
@Mgetz Yup.
I'll probably just use that one... and just be less precise where necessary to be correct for the new one
I haven't encountered any issues thus far.
but I've only had this bot running for 6 months
or 5 months
not sure
@Rapptz [^@]+)@ => .+?)@
I already tried.
20 mins ago, by Rapptz
.+?@ added more backtracking to the regex
@Rapptz Oh, sorry
hmm apparently I've been down this road before that doesn't bode well...
why are you rewriting HexChat
because I'm insane?
but why
because? Honestly does it really matter? It started as an experiment... and spiraled out of control from there
I see.
This is when I learn that HexChat is written in C.
I would have done a clean-room implementation
you've been working on this for a long time lol
@Rapptz I may yet in Qt. The biggest issue is the text display
how is text display an issue
Because text is complicated
@Rapptz the whole right aligned nicks
and MIRC colors
mostly the former
The latter is easy
But the former is easy too imo
That's the most trivial part probably :v
I imagine it's just two text boxes.
Yeah you just need to recalculate the layout on the fly
@Rapptz nope, because you'd have to dynamically resize on the fly
easier to use a webview or a text layout as best I can tell
Should be easy with proper grid control in either GTK or Qt
but WTF do I know
also you have line sync issues then
and a huge problem with text selection
If you want to use a webview then it's probably better to forget about both Qt and GTK and just use Chromium
E.g. atom-shell or something
@CatPlusPlus eeeeew javascript
Eeewww cplusplus
I'd rather write JS
Anyway other languages compile down to JS so that doesn't really matter
regardless I need to head out, so later
Also you can have UI running in atom-shell and backend done in whatever
I've become a Helpdesk. =/
The destroyer of tickets?
I wish. It's direct by-email support.
At least with a ticket I could close as WONTFIX.
@CatPlusPlus How can any language compile 'down' to JS? JS is just a pile of text shite.
The same way you compile down to anything else
You take one thing, process it and spit out another thing
CPU bytecode isn't in any way special
Some people like to differentiate and call it transpiling but really it's just plain ol compiling
C++, Typescript, Coffeescript, Livescript... there's hundreds of things that compile down to JS.
And you misspelled like 3/4 of them.
@CatPlusPlus ...except that it can be executed directly by the hardware?
@MartinJames So can JVM bytecode or Lisp
So what
That's not relevant to the compilation process
@CatPlusPlus Your CPU executes JVM directly? It's instruction set must be interesting.
Compiler targeting JS and compiler targeting x86 assembly (hell because neither C nor C++ compilers really generate the final bytecode anyway) looks exactly the same
Codegen specifics aside
I suspect we are on different pages. PageFault..
@CatPlusPlus Well that's allright then...
@MartinJames There are hardware JVMs.
@райтфолд There are?
@MartinJames That's the same difference as between compiler targeting x86 and compiler targeting ARM
The pipeline stays the same
@sehe Oh my god I have gotten a mention
@MartinJames I'm not going to repeat myself.
@Cinch sure thing. This one's free of charge
Alright, gonna rewrite the object model stuff in a rather nice way.
Without a base class.
@райтфолд I was asking, (somewhat indirectly), for a link? Neverrrrrmind, I'll Google it tomorrow.
A Java processor is the implementation of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in hardware. In other words the bytecodes that make up the instruction set of the abstract machine become the instruction set of a concrete machine. These are today the most popular form of a high-level language computer architecture. == Implementations == Up to now the following Java processors are available: picoJava was the first attempt by Sun Microsystems to build a Java processor aJ102 and aJ200 from aJile Systems, Inc.. Available on boards from Systronix Cjip from Imsys Technologies. Available on boards and wi...
@райтфолд OK, tomorrow, I will look it up. Too pissed/LRiO for now:)
@райтфолд Have they not managed to do this yet?
Like for market?
Some ARMs do it at least partially
Anyway, point is, machine code is just a language like Java bytecode and C++, and they can be interpreted by any Turing-complete system, be it a JVM, an Intel processor or Minecraft.
@Cinch Read the article maybe?
Assuming the necessary space constraints, of course.
@райтфолд It has no mention of industry relevance
And I haven't seen a Java processor mentioned for anything until now so...
Welp anyways happy Good Friday
Holiday to run away from school today
@Cinch complicated chips don't usually happen by accident
@sehe Yeah...
Okay, now that I'm done with my messaging system + Lua...
Now what?...
I think it was Pong...?
or that
@Mr.kbok rape!
@MarkGarcia and your mom
wat do
2 mins ago, by Cinch
I think it was Pong...?
@EnglishMaster you look so much like someone I know... Mmmm.... what was it.... Caputomo Tapioca... nah. Not rodents. Momotapybara, I dunno. Are you brothers though?
> Need an underage Japanese girl for scale.
But Pong.
I think that'll be good
@SEH You're exceptional. :)
But structured
@CatPlusPlus I didn't think LRIO grew that big
@CatPlusPlus Those boobies.
"It all happened so fast"
It's mesmerising
@sehe That big? He's shrunk:)
Okay so I'll be implementing Pong with my sad little framework
...I just read through Boost.Signals2
It seems really different.
I feel good.
How might I make an event queue multithreaded?
or maybe synchronize time across threads?
why are you worrying about multithreading
you should focus on knowing single threaded stuff first
@Rapptz yes
but I am interested in knowing a bit of how it all goes.
look up concurrent queue
> Part of the reason that we're reluctant to take patches to how npm deals with git dependencies is that every time we touch the git support, something breaks.
@Cinch That is not a concern
Time becomes an issue in distributed systems
@CatPlusPlus i have a small event queue framework
but @Puppy insists on using signals
Threads share the same physical host and therefore the perception of time
but how can i ensure that the queue is popped in order?
In what order
in a certain order
i.e. say I queue a group of units in a certain turn order
or need to trigger things in a certain order
Queue is already ordered
But how can I make sure that the threads pop it in the right order
i.e. say I want a certain thread to reach the queue first
Uh, by probably not using threads
Partitions happen
Not sure whether I should store the current fiber in a thread-local.
@райтфолд Let's play minecraft
But minecraft is nice.
Damn, I'm sleepy and hungry. Way too late to order something, and way too sleepy to cook now.
I'm thinking of an interface like this for the interpreter: gist.github.com/rightfold/0e99480d409fc18efdbe
It's very abstract and decoupled from everything, which is nice.
Anyone tried this? jessevdk.github.io/cldoc
The output is really ugly.
And doesn't respect the browser's back button lol.
Breaking the back button is harder than not breaking it.
@Jefffrey How's your snake thing? Did you give up on the jam?
I wish I wasn't so tired all the time :(
@Borgleader SetPixelFormat (for wgl and window setup on Windows-OpenGL) can only be called once for every Device Context (HDC). But in order to get the OpenGL functions, I have to call SetPixelFormat and then use that with wglCreateContext to be able to use the drivers and call wglChoosePixelFormat. ... I can't find a way to only use SetPixelFormat once on the underlying device context with the thing I want. :/
I'm too tired to play properly
Arrgh. I wish OpenGL wasn't such a tit.
but not tired enough to fall asleep
I feel best saturdays and sundays when I can pull off 13+ hours of sleep
but who the hell can do that every day
@ThePhD The bootstrap window can be hidden anyway
But you shouldn't need to call it more than once unless you're doing something weird
@CatPlusPlus I call it once to allow me to use the OpenGL extended functions for picking and choosing functions (the ARB extensions for ChoosePixelFormat that automatically rifle through a list of attributes that does more things than PFD can handle, like supporting sRGB). The second time is the "real time".
I didn't want to have to create a dummy window because, since I'm taking the Window as an argument, I don't know how to make an HDC that mirrors the properties of the window / hwnd I'm being given to create the thing on.
(And I don't know if there's some subtlety like "this dummy window differs from the original window you made and OOPS you're trying to use an invalid format now!")
You have to recreate the window to reset the pixel format
It's once per window, not once per context
Oh nice C++17 might have a ContiguousIterator concept.
@CatPlusPlus True that, but right now I'm just doing regular, plain ol' initialization.
Also, uh, I found this.
Maybe I can cheat and just create a clone HDC and use that as the target!
No? :c
> If hdc references a window, calling the SetPixelFormat function also changes the pixel format of the window. Setting the pixel format of a window more than once can lead to significant complications for the Window Manager and for multithread applications, so it is not allowed. An application can only set the pixel format of a window one time. Once a window's pixel format is set, it cannot be changed.
Also setting the memory DC pixel format wouldn't do anything to the window anyway
So just creating a dummy Memory DC that's similar tot he original won't work out for just trying to query stuff...
Man. This is shit. :/
Pixel formats don't change based on the window

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