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9:00 PM
@Cinch You have no idea about libc++ vs libstdc++, right?
@Griwes Maybe you somehow configured it to use libc++ instead of gnu?
@Pris What? How.
@Puppy I'll continue this conversation when you've learned the difference between "that's stupid" and "I don't like it".
 Expected type: Hate us gs1 ()
   Actual type: Hate us gs ()
I don't like stupid things, and I dislike ranged-for because it's stupid, so in this case both apply equally.
9:01 PM
I built a libc++ variant before, but with clang, and that was long ago and I cleaned the checked out repository after that, and run b2 clean.
I... don't know that to say, Dear Compiler. Your kind remarks are so very helpful
@JohanLarsson Nope. I'm just a bit ashamed of the gratuitous committee bashing that seems so bon-ton here.
@Griwes Yes.
Please tell me?
@Griwes Does it call gcc or g++? If not the latter, why?
9:01 PM
keep adding numbers to my type variables for no reason
@sehe how are the designers of C# and F# compared to the others?
compilers putting numbers in type variables are as bad as people putting letters in algebra
@Pris The thing is, they also reference libstdc++!
@Puppy What I remember from your arguments before it went a bit like "ermagad they made it easier to write loops; you shouldn't be writing loops". What else was there, again?
9:02 PM
@BartekBanachewicz eh.
Does having a base widget class make sense? hmm
Well, I can live with doing -lc++abi on gcc's command line, but it's bullshit.
Do that instead!
@Pris Please don't implement interfaces by forcing me to inherit a specific class.
9:03 PM
Why are there two different libraries with C++?
@Cinch No.
@sehe Well primarily that they wouldn't have needed ranged-for if they had actually fixed iterators, a solution that would have solved the whole problem instead of only a tiny tiny fraction of it.
Or yes.
I am not sure.
But aren't they virtually the same thing?
Because this question makes no sense.
9:03 PM
And libstdc++ seems to be more stud.
Because there's heaps of them, not just two.
> more standard
How about you shut up for a while until you've learned few more things, @Cinch
@Griwes Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...
...How about I try to compile Lua 5.3 today then?
@Puppy Well too bad they didn't have you on the committee to break all code in existence to plug Wide
9:05 PM
@райтфолд 24 minutes and 19 seconds? nnnnnoooooooo
@sehe Not sure why you'd bother tbh.
@Rapptz I didn't say it will happen
> gcc.link.dll bin.v2/libs/wave/build/gcc-4.9.1/release/threading-multi/libboost_wave.so.1.57.0
griwes > ~ > .boost > (3913b6b) $ ldd bin.v2/libs/wave/build/gcc-4.9.1/release/threading-multi/libboost_wave.so.1.57.0
// ...
libc++.so.1 => /usr/local/lib/libc++.so.1 (0x00007fddacf84000)
It's a big man's lesson :v
Meh, markdown sucks
9:06 PM
@Griwes No.
Or is it the chat?
Probably not
every :: Time -> Hate us gs () -> Hate us gs (ScheduledEvent us)
every interval action = do
    t <- UnsafeHate $ gets lastUpdateTime
    return $ RepetitiveEvent t interval action
how can be one gs not equal to the other
I specifically named them the same
it's the same type
@Griwes That ship has sailed. Currently you have to inherit a class, implement a static function because said class uses 2-phase init AND you can only build it with a special make_xyz factory function.
Really I don't know how I could make the setup any more painful
9:07 PM
@Pris Fuck that API and whoever designed it.
@Pris lol kill it with fire
@Griwes o/ hi there pleased to meet you
Order them not to touch an electronic device again.
yo its not even that bad
yeah it's even worse
9:08 PM
it is
Oh you also have to define your base class as a public member
using base_type = BaseClass
it's a textbook example of "how to not write c++"
At this point I honestly hope you are trolling us.
/// * The base object class for slots. Any class wishing to use
///   slots to connect to signals must inherit Object
9:10 PM
Yeah I just checked with SFML
lol Object class
are we in 1990s again
@Griwes Is that so bad if I instead require the object to inherit an interface?
Yo, okay, just hear me out. I needed to do that to allow for lifetime management of lots
you needed that because you took broken assumptions and made them into code
I've been trying for a way to do this without having the listener intrude on the object is attached to.
9:11 PM
@Pris lol
Oh and also you have to use a special key in the constructor so you can't create the object without the factory function
are @Pris and @Cinch the same guy
@BartekBanachewicz No.
because both seem to have literally 0 clue
@BartekBanachewicz Well how would I do this?
9:12 PM
do what
@BartekBanachewicz I have an event queue
TQueue Event
I want my objects to read from it and then fire off once they find the correct event.
I have defined two different classes, Event_Sender and Event_Receiver to do both.
mapM_ act . filter isMyevent $ queue
@Cinch Why on earth do you have an event queue.
that shit is only used for IPC.
regular events do not need a queue.
9:15 PM
@Puppy I have an event queue
@Griwes That makes sense
Hey wait
how do I post code online?
There's some sort of site to do it besides coliru but idk
you don't if it's bad
The Internet rejects it
@CatPlusPlus Are you an OO programmer again
@Cinch Use coliru or ideone
9:16 PM
@Puppy What do you consider a regular event?
Object Oriented Cat
@Griwes Trait based interfaces work as long as you don't plan on storing heterogeneous types.
Oh no I have to extend a class ;_;
If you end up doing the latter it fails miserably.
How am I going to live with that
9:18 PM
what does "a rigid variable bound by a type expected by the context" mean?
my EventAction is existentially quantified over gs
then I have data ScheduledEvent us = OneTimeEvent Time (EventAction us) | RepetitiveEvent Time Time (EventAction us)
but still it barks at me when returning such an event
What's the type of the function you return it from?
13 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
every :: Time -> Hate us gs () -> Hate us gs (ScheduledEvent us)
every interval action = do
    t <- UnsafeHate $ gets lastUpdateTime
    return $ RepetitiveEvent t interval action
Okay guys
for unity, should i learn C# or go through the process of making a c++ dll and crap?
I'm pushing my Event_Queue code to Github.
9:21 PM
does RepetitiveEvent constructor ignore the fact that I unify the gs?
@BartekBanachewicz No idea I have.
@Blob Why would you bother with cplusplus
I should write a JSON parser in Mercury. There doesn't appear to be any yet.
Honestly, now that I think about it, I should use the move constructor for the event queue.
9:22 PM
@Cinch lol .dll in repo
@CatPlusPlus 1) i sorta like it, and 2) i know it (unlike c#)
@milleniumbug I don't give anything.
It's a raw push.
@Blob you don't know it
I'm still unsure about how to provide the correct interface.
you just think you do
9:23 PM
i know parts of it*
@Blob isn't the c# interface to unity botched
If you can see, I have an Event_Receivable pure abstract class that I use for the interface.
@Pris what
But require most objects to inherit from it seems awkward.
@Pris i downloaded it a few hours ago. no idea.
9:23 PM
what the fuck is going on here
@BartekBanachewicz I heard its neutered and sucks
Unity is built around Mono
it's a miserable cesspit of bad suggestions and terrible opinions
for like a while
@BartekBanachewicz At which line is the error exactly?
It's an old version of Mono but trying to use native code will just take longer and produce shittier results
9:24 PM
learn c# it is, i guess.
    Couldn't match type `gs' with `gs1'
      `gs' is a rigid type variable bound by
           the type signature for
             every :: Time -> Hate us gs () -> Hate us gs (ScheduledEvent us)
           at src\Hate\Common\Scheduler.hs:51:10
      `gs1' is a rigid type variable bound by
            a type expected by the context: Hate us gs1 ()
            at src\Hate\Common\Scheduler.hs:54:14
    Expected type: Hate us gs1 ()
      Actual type: Hate us gs ()
Also I was unsure about how to hook up objects to the receiver.
@райтфолд ^
@Blob Learn F#.
9:25 PM
@райтфолд useless to me
This seems pretty terrible.
@BartekBanachewicz What is the definition of EventAction?
type EventAction us = forall gs. Hate us gs ()
@Blob use unreal -> code in c++ -> ?? -> profit
@Pris i heard unity was ezpzer
9:27 PM
@BartekBanachewicz That's not the same gs.
@Pris dose comments
Actually no idea, ask on Stack Overflow.
@райтфолд what's not the same
@Pris yes, as if coding C++ made you more productive
or something
Just wait for Mill.
@BartekBanachewicz well well. superiority complex is flaring up a bit
9:28 PM
and there it goes for helpful rightfold
why have I bothered
@BartekBanachewicz I was thinking about it more in terms of you have access to everything in UE4, whereas Unity just gives you a limited API
@sehe my code doesn't work and I'm pouring my annoyance over those poor souls in this chatroom :/
@Pris and? It's not like you're ever going to need those features
I'm thinking of postfix for, given, if and while.
func reverse(s: String = %_) { … }
for list("abc", "def") { outln(reverse()) }
outln(reverse()) for list("abc", "def")
Guess what it is (solution: github.com/VermillionAzure/SDL_Pong)
9:30 PM
:\ I can't work out why my std::map.find() is not actually finding things I know to be present
Like in Ruby and Perl and CoffeeScript.
@sehe a green rectangle
@BartekBanachewicz k.
@sehe a pong wall?
@sehe the wall of Pong.
9:30 PM
@райтфолд very good
@BartekBanachewicz even better
The filename said so.
I trust filenames as long as they match ^[a-zA-Z0-9._/-]$.
@райтфолд Just.A.Dolphin.Lol.exe
Who's VermillionAzure
Cinch, I suppose
9:31 PM
he starred something of mine recently and I've been wondering
ok so I'm just bad at coding it seems
I can't solve this
I just can't
I'm too dumb
my usual flow when solving a problem I can't solve is to break it up or otherwise transform to an easy problem
in this case I just have no idea what to do
@Rapptz Me.
every time I change something to do what I want it breaks
@BartekBanachewicz Will your experience with reaching the limits of your knowledge lead you to be less judgmental and harsh on your fellow loungers
lol of course not
Not likely
9:33 PM
Also, recursive for loop seems to be a very good idea.
@Pris fyi he wasn't judgemental; he just doesn't know when playful can hurt
@sehe Well since you brought me name up.
What do you think?
(Also there's another VermillionAzure around on the web and it's not me. Figures.)
yeah @Pris in case you're wondering I don't really mean most things I say when I'm annoyed and drunk, sorry.
Pretty mediocre
@Cinch I have no clue. Am I supposed to read that? I'm wrestling boost graph a.t.m.
9:34 PM
@Cinch lol
I was being sarcastic
@BartekBanachewicz I mean most of it is me.
But there's like this one profile that's not me.
Maybe I could ask ekmett for help
9:35 PM
@Rapptz Yeah, see?
he'd descend from his fire chariot
I'll be posting a Code Review so that you can all get points..
@Cinch would exceed maximum answer length
@BartekBanachewicz vOv I'm stuck with a map.find() that doesn't seem to want to find things :\
9:36 PM
@Rapptz lol no #pragma once.
include guards
@Rapptz wth
A: Combining multiple states in StateT

ertesIf you want to go with a large global state like in your case, then what you want to use is lenses, as suggested by Ben. I too recommend Edward Kmett's lens library. However, there is another, perhaps nicer way. Servers have the property that the program runs continuously and performs the same...

@BartekBanachewicz post many answers
I think this answer is the light in the tunnel for me
Unremittingly excellent answer! — AndrewC Dec 18 '12 at 7:28
It's apparently Unremittingly excellent
whatever that means
@thecoshman are you hashing
    class CoordHash {
        template<typename Tag>
        std::size_t operator()(Coord<Tag> const& p)
            std::size_t seed = 0;
            boost::hash_combine(seed, p.x);
            boost::hash_combine(seed, p.y);
            boost::hash_combine(seed, p.z);

            return seed;
@BartekBanachewicz The code is pretty damn broken and messy.
But the idea and concepts I need to fix.
It's easy to add references and copy and move where you need to.
get rid of global mutable state first
match f() { case a(_) => 42; case b(_) | c(_) => %_ } where %_ refers to the result of f(). :D
9:40 PM
the first thing you have to realize about your global state is that it's not global
@BartekBanachewicz What's global?
@Griwes what's transmisogyny?
@BartekBanachewicz A made-up word.
Apparently this joke "offended" someone.
@Cinch everything that starts with g_
9:42 PM
@BartekBanachewicz Oh yeah, that.
> transmisogyny in the hobbit
That's old boilerplate code I kept to see if my proof-of-concept worked.
The focus is the event_queue.
@Cinch that's like saying to your mother in law when she remarks that the house is a pigsty "Oh yeah that. Well, the focus is on the doormat"
9:44 PM
Q: Flexible generic event system that binds to objects

Cinchhttps://github.com/VermillionAzure/SDL_Pong/tree/master/src I have been trying to create an event queue system using SDL. I've been trying to use this for Pong. The game is not even finished yet, but I stopped work to examine how my event system is organized. Event_Queue - This is the heart of...

So goodnight and I will return twice as deadly. Oh, and #gamergate? I still plan to #KillAllMen. Not changing that goal ever.
@Cinch I don't get how you can complicate that that much
OOP considered harmful
@Griwes lol
@BartekBanachewicz The focus was on flexibility.
@Griwes twice times 0 is still 0, hopefully
@Cinch see that's your problem
@Cinch good job. the focus was on ... including the code?
9:46 PM
the focus should be on "I want a pong game"
@BartekBanachewicz The game I have in mind needs flexibility in design.
@Cinch the focus was on "what-else-can-I-yagni"
I'm thinking of creating deep interactions between subsystems within the game.
@Cinch this doesn't mean anything. It's a hot air defense
If I create a restrictive messaging system that cannot evolve, it may cause limitations on design.
9:47 PM
@Cinch decouple that from the engine, maybe
@sehe This isn't even the engine.
This is just a generic messaging system with unfinished classes tacked on.
well. the "whatever handles your events"
"Engine" is by definition a violation of SRP.
It's simply an Event system.
There is an Event_Queue to hold events..
@райтфолд An engine has a clear responsibility: engining.
9:48 PM
An Event_Sender class which will be the ONLY class to send Events.
@Cinch ...together with Terrible_Case.
Game engineer.
@Cinch Except you don't have thousands and thousands of people that have code that'll break when you post a new version of your game.
Who the heck uses that case?
It's your game, you know what to break.
9:48 PM
@BartekBanachewicz ¬_¬ no... but as far as I've read, you're key only needs to have operator< or you provide a comparison function... this std::map now if that matters...
Eiffel uses EVENT_SENDER. :)
@milleniumbug Sorry, what?
The point is to decouple the data from the messaging system.
How can one be as clueless as @Cinch? It seriously escapes me.
@Cinch IOW, once you can find a limitation, you can easily remove it.
Because you don't need to support the API.
@milleniumbug Explain?
9:50 PM
@thecoshman well show your comparison function
My phone is causing intererence with my piano.
@BartekBanachewicz x < rhs.x || y < rhs.y || z < rhs.z
Everytime my phone gets close the piano, the piano starts making a trilling robot beep boop zap sound.
@thecoshman what the
9:52 PM
@thecoshman That is not a SWO and not a valid comparator.
@thecoshman lol
@Cinch Everybody makes mistakes in the design. The point is that these mistakes can be fixed. Sometimes, this is not easy (consider external libraries - once you commit to a thing, you need to support it, even if this was a stupid decision, and you can't simply remove a thing). This is not the case here, as this is your code and can be refactored at will.
@milleniumbug True that
@thecoshman std::tie(x,y,z) < std::tie(rhs.x, rhs.y, rhs.z)
Let me write and example and push to the repo.
9:52 PM
union Creature {
    common(age: Duration) # field that appears in both variants
    Human(sex: Sex) # actually Human(age: Duration, sex: Sex)
    Tree # actually Tree(age: Duration)
@BartekBanachewicz o_0 what is std::tie?
@Puppy o_0 fuck damn it, it's not is it.
Also, lenses instead of prisms will be generated for the common fields.
9:55 PM
@BartekBanachewicz well fuck, do the right thing and shit works. fancy that :D
@райтфолд interesting
well so
my favorite chatroom guys
I need to sober up and process that answer tomorrow
so I suppose I'll leave you to your business
Or rather, not sure about prisms.

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