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8:00 PM
oh well
@Puppy yeah
@Puppy ye
more importantly
it will increase the surface through which the pan can heat the water
@Puppy assuming content is liquid
8:00 PM
@Blob he's cooking cats, so yea
assuming content is evaporable
@StackedCrooked everything is.
@Blob not true
@orlp hm?
@Blob a lot of molecules break down before evaporating
8:01 PM
@orlp :|
He's cooking quark–gluon plasmas.
And Bose–Einstein condensates.
No, Bose–Einstein.
i can't tell if you guys are experts in literally every field or google stuff on the spot.
8:01 PM
is that some super fancy relativistic sound system?
Note the en-dash.
go f yourself
A Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter of a dilute gas of bosons cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero (that is, very near 0 K or −273.14 °C). Under such conditions, a large fraction of bosons occupy the lowest quantum state, at which point macroscopic quantum phenomena become apparent. This state was first predicted, generally, in 1924–25 by Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein. == History == Bose first sent a paper to Einstein on the quantum statistics of light quanta (now called photons). Einstein was impressed, translated the paper himself from English to German...
@Blob the latter here (not for orlp, i think)
No idea what it is other than a state of matter.
8:02 PM
water has sooo many states lol
@orlp you were the one that cared in the first place :)
@sehe about dashes?
@orlp so does the USA.
@orlp yes
Sorry for stealing your joke sehe.
8:03 PM
I missed it
@sehe I don't recall
Oh well. Disregard. Bit miffed about your lash out then
it was meant jokingly
maybe it sounded more serious that I intended
go hentai yourself
8:06 PM
@orlp Apparently :)
TBH it was in response to rightfold.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it's ok, you don't need to apologize
8:08 PM
@Blob ok sorry
wrong input box?
@Blob is it not allowed to be sorry around here? sheesh
@райтфолд ?
check your apologize privilege
8:08 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it's ok, you don't need to apologize
oh shit run
feedback loop
@sehe DUO wants all my money but they have no IBAN anywhere, motherfuckers.
Unable to comply; the warp core ejection system is offline
checks for online room owners
8:09 PM
itt LRiO neurosis
CrackedStooked is an owner
@райтфолд oh that's interesting. But I never worked on a website. That's pretty fail. If it's true :)
@StackedCrooked it's a lower-case i
@StackedCrooked very. single. fucking. day.
8:09 PM
Wait, hese isn't an owner?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ok, sorry
@LightnessRacesinOrbit he's sorry, lightning
@orlp He resigned.
@sehe I can see my debt and I can change some settings regarding the termijn.
lol hese
8:09 PM
@StackedCrooked oh. that's mean
@sehe hese why did you resign?
But there's no option to pay everything at once.
> Wilt u uw volledige studieschuld in één keer aflossen, bel ons dan even. Wij berekenen voor u de exacte hoogte van uw schuld en vertellen u hoe u het bedrag het beste kunt overmaken.
8:10 PM
I noticed a user with 6K rep who never accepted any answers to his questions... this seems like a good strategy for increasing rep, since people are more inclined to upvote answers that aren't accepted. do people really follow crazy strategies like this?
@sehe was in response to LRiO :P
the rep quantity probably has nothing to do with it
Who else is going to keep fightrold in check?
What is this? 1948?
8:10 PM
the guy's probably just an asshole who doesn't accept answers.
@райтфолд what do you mean?
@райтфолд it says you can pay everything at once
Nov 6 '14 at 22:57, by sehe
@Nooble So this is why I'm not an owner anymore. You're plonked. Take your petty wars to another room, next time
@orlp I have to contact the fuckers who want my money.
So there you have it. It's @Nooble's fault.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Thank you kind sir.
@StackedCrooked I know. I thought you had the spacing wrong on purpose. You know he loves abuse of interpunction and redundant spaces :)
8:11 PM
@райтфолд duh?
Well then, automatic per month it is.
you pay more due to interest then
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I've always been plonked by you.
@райтфолд No. You don't. You want to contact them because you want to pay less/be free of debt
@orlp that's not very interesting
8:12 PM
do you really want to do an automated transfer without a phone call involving thousands of euros?
@Nooble You have never been plonked by me.
Koalas are awesome. How could you plonk a koala?!!?!
@orlp I did.
that sentence ,its wrong.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ...what
8:13 PM
@JDiMatteo Heh, I'd never thought of it that way. Do you really think it's deliberate?
@Rapptz I simply posted a link to an existing chat message posted by another user
Yeah I get that.
Sep 28 '14 at 17:36, by Lightness Races in Orbit
@Nooble I've plonked you therefore I can't read your messages
@Nooble Haha and you believed it?
8:14 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit No :D
I didn't believe it, I just thought it was a funny message from a long time ago.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit im sorry
8:14 PM
you're right — I missed the context
Ugh, I can't copy my IBAN on my bank's portal.
Is LRiO on some kind of weird drug?
@райтфолд Some developer sat down and said "I BAN that feature".
It's like, why are all money-related web services so incredibly terrible?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit boring old tricks
8:15 PM
> We are writing to inform you that we were recently able to confirm that there was unauthorized access to a Slack database containing user profile information.
2 hours ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
slack hacked
Wait so, sehe resigned because what?
I got that email too
@Nooble To generate attention.
I don't understand why hese resigned
8:16 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit OK SORRY
@Nooble Good question.
at least we still have Zapptr
@StackedCrooked :)
8:16 PM
I found that the tax people's pages are full of how you can pay them, but not how you can claim back overpayments
Orbits Races in Lightness, why are you always sorry?
It's almost like they want to make it easiest to get what they want
@Puppy i feel like you've said this before.
@orlp stop it, plor
8:17 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Zapptr made me do it :(
@sehe I don't want to contact them. I just want to give them all my money and be done with it.
@Blob I don't think it's just a feeling.
I don't see why any interhuman interaction is needed for this.
@Blob Happy Tax Season.
@Puppy Overpaid tax should be returned without having to ask.
8:17 PM
@райтфолд I think once you do, your are
@Blob I have done.
@райтфолд because human interaction is cheaper than setting up a system for the handful of "pay everything at once" per year
@StackedCrooked Yeah.
@StackedCrooked I concur but unfortunately that would be too simple for the government
Oh right, this is a government system.
8:18 PM
besides, they don't want you to pay everything at once
@BartekBanachewicz lol, Haskell's GLFW crashes if I set the OpenGL version hint to 2.2
Oh boi
That too.
Or the next tax should be deduced with the amount that was overpaid.
They want two things:
1) You paying more interest.
2) You to realise those fuckers are taking your money and feel miserable.
@райтфолд It's because most systems predate reliable computer infrastructure, and creating new infrastructuren is infamously unsuccessful at government level
8:19 PM
> infrastructuren
I can see it happening already
And because the majority of cases cannot be automatically determined by a single system
itt LRiO speaks Dutch
"Are you _sure you want to pay back your entire loan of -8000 at once?"_
@StackedCrooked lol
8:19 PM
@StackedCrooked I speak plenty of languagen.
We do our taxes electronically.
@orlp lol 8k
Sorta kinda.
@orlp "Hi! It looks like you're trying to fuck yourself over. Would you like help with that?"
We e-file them.
8:20 PM
It's only 1k-odd. It's not that much.
@райтфолд Actually. The belastingdienst has always been overzealous in exactly compensating every bit of interest accrued (and owed)
@райтфолд I'll have it if "it's not that much". Cheers!
The interest is very little, since they gave me this money in the first place. :P
@райтфолд did you work next to your study?
@orlp No, I don't study anymore.
8:20 PM
@orlp btw formatting fail
@райтфолд did
not do
No, I didn't.
@райтфолд then either you lived at your parents, or you didn't live at all
nobody apologises in this room, except me
@orlp Yes.
8:21 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit my student debt was about 20x as much
@sehe 20k? :v
well, if you don't work next to your study
you have to eat and pay rent somehow
@райтфолд Well. It was Hfl. but yeah quite a bit into the 20s. Inflatie correctie would bring it to similar values now
@sehe how long did you take to pay it off?
@райтфолд My student debt is in the region of 20-25k
8:22 PM
Speaking of which, I should check my current loan. I got a payrise recently.
@orlp Many places give student loans.
@Puppy woot that's shitloads
Nooble for Room Owner!
normal here in the UK.
8:22 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit that's exactly what I mean
@Nooble +1
@Puppy yeah if you're 12
@райтфолд it's not for people that don't live with their parents and do not work
grown-ups have 10k student debt max
I still have a good 2k on mine -.-
if you study for 4 years without having a job to the side
@orlp I cleared it as soon as the (then)-CFI started asking for the money. I didn't want to deal with downpayments. It hurt. A little (it was everything I'd ever earned and saved in those years). And then I forgot
8:23 PM
that should be taken care of though
In my country enrollment was around 500 EUR per year. and ±300 EUR for books.
@orlp I work!
@orlp I paid mine off at graduation thanks to having a job on the side. Then I started another degree and fucked it all up again.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol
@LightnessRacesinOrbit :)
8:24 PM
I get more money from the government than my study itself costs
but the real cost for me is living, and opportunity cost
I really like Nooble. I'll be disappointed if he turns out to be a Braket sockpuppet...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I apologize! Seriously, there's enough stuff I've posted that's worth to apologize (including all of those sexist or otherwise political incorrect statements I made).
20000 student debt over 4 years = 416 euro per month to live off
@orlp I did work. But I had basically no parental portion of the Stufi. That meant I was "graciously" allowed to loan it all. o.O That works, but begets quite the debt.
@πάνταῥεῖ I don't believe I've ever accused anybody in here of being sexist.
8:25 PM
Bank fuckers lowered interest from 1% to 0.9%.
@sehe The interest is so low (~1-2%) I loan the maximum every month
which is 500 on top of your study grant
@orlp That was considerably different around '98
lol I love this comment
Sep 3 '14 at 19:55, by Lightness Races in Orbit
The site is dissolving into a pile of composted leaves, and the devs' response is to launch a sexist employment campaign that sends free, indentured workers to a for-profit business, then to launch a TV channel??
I'm so funny
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I've been accusing myself so (and I know it) :-P ...
8:26 PM
Well, actually, if the interest I get from the bank is higher than the interest I pay to DUO, paying per month is beneficial.
@orlp Ah. That way. Prolly true. I was referring to market interests
Especially since the amount of money differs greatly in the good direction.
@orlp My sisters had it much worse, because when they studied they wouldn't get the father's part (divorce) but he refused to "refuse payment" formally. That meant they couldn't even get the extended loan.
@sehe sure
@sehe but I loan using stufi
8:27 PM
@райтфолд ? That seems to be in reverse
@StackedCrooked Mine has one on Haskell.
@StackedCrooked belchen...
lol I found a subreddit dedicated to LRiO
@райтфолд I wish I had one on Haskell.
@Rapptz lololol im sorry
8:28 PM
@sehe Why? If I pay 1k to DUO and have 1k on bank, and DUO interest is 1% bank interest is 1%, I should pay as late as possible (i.e. at the end of each month) instead of instantly.
What's in it for you? You don't get any speaker fees, but you get to work with Joel and SO team., sounds too pompous bordering on arrogant. By the way, who is Joel? A Nobel Prize winner? Why is it a "privilege" to work with him? — Happy Sep 7 '14 at 16:07
@StackedCrooked It'd have been really boring for me, since 1) I'd still be the guy in class who already knows everything and 2) it's a short absolute-beginner's course.
@райтфолд that depends on how both parties calculate interest
@Rapptz huh really
8:28 PM
@райтфолд I dunno. Seems if you have a higher interest on a debt than the interest on savings, it makes sense to prefer having less debt over having more savings
@sehe I didn't say that.
I said the reverse.
Actually, if my loan interest is < 0.5%, and inflation is 1%, should I ever pay?
@райтфолд Ok. I said "seems to be". I take it you weren't very clear. Or I can't be arsed to go back an re-read it for the 2nd time
Once the bank interest gets negative I'll pay the debt immediately and take all my money off the bank and put it in a sweaty old sock under my bed.
@райтфолд bank interest will never go negative
sounds like a fractional banking fiasco
> Een bank die dat voor consumenten doet verdient niet beter dan een bank run. Daartoe oproepen doe ik niet, want dat is verboden.
I should become an American so I can have all the debts I want.
@райтфолд you don't ave to be an american to do that
can you make money with debt?
@StackedCrooked sure
8:34 PM
I could sell it for profit.
@StackedCrooked Money is debt!
@StackedCrooked That is the business model of entire divisions of huge banks.
Nice try, though.
> Bank run begins: customers begin to withdraw their deposits
No shit.
8:36 PM
You don't pay to have someone else gamble with your money for their profit
I should start a kickstarter
I should kick a startstarter
@orlp kick a startstarter
"Give me your money and I will give 99% of it back after one year of investing with it."
8:37 PM
@orlp Kickstarter require tangible results ;p
Does somebody know why I get : MyApp.exe has triggered a breakpoint ?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit oh and you'll get a sticker
8:37 PM
@SJD Because MyApp.exe has triggered a breakpoint.
I mean, what are the most common mistakes that rise that kind of exceptions?
@SJD Setting breakpoints.
@SJD Far too numerable to list here.
I heard Google knows a lot.
8:38 PM
and it sends me here: retval = HeapFree(_crtheap, 0, pBlock);
if (retval == 0).. etc
@SJD Pull out your debugger and grab some data!
Should ask xir.
@SJD Looks like a double-free.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you can also by the "deluxe ripoff" kickstart package, where if you pay >$10000 I will offer insurance up to $10 free of charge
@orlp vors
8:38 PM
already debugged.. but get this this one..
@SJD pBlock was already freed (or NULL).
Damn it, Steve. This is not a good answer. — Jefffrey 45 secs ago
@Blob ^
> I have this peace of code
8:39 PM
@sehe Anura
I want world piece.
please bin
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Don't worry, I code in peace.
1 message moved to bin
> Does a harddrive get heavier the more data it holds? (self.askscience)
and people used to bitch about me instabinning stuff
@SJD That is not proof of anything. Perhaps you called deleteList before. Perhaps your data structure is mangled. Perhaps you have memory corruption.
8:40 PM
@Rapptz no, it gets ever so slightly less heavy, assuming the drive initially is filled with all-zeroes
electrons have negligible mass
As entropy increases a tiny amount of energy (and thus mass) is destroyed
@Puppy this is not instabinning. there were messages exchanged. Multiple
@LightnessRacesinOrbit okay.. I'll investigate more.. thanks.
8:42 PM
@Rapptz forgive me, energy is not destroyed
it's released as heat, which dissapates
Landauer's principle, first argued in 1961[1] by Rolf Landauer of IBM, is a physical principle pertaining to the lower theoretical limit of energy consumption of computation. It holds that "any logically irreversible manipulation of information, such as the erasure of a bit or the merging of two computation paths, must be accompanied by a corresponding entropy increase in non-information bearing degrees of freedom of the information processing apparatus or its environment". (Bennett 2003)[2] Landauer's principle asserts that there is a minimum possible amount of energy required to erase one bit...
i don't understand people who think i++ is better than ++i. clearly ++i > i++
@orlp vlievoeter
@orlp dissipates*
@Blob lol
@BartekBanachewicz Not a single OpenGL module from 2.3.x to 2.8.x included compiles for me.
> Showing results for ***dissipates***
> Search instead for dissapates
fu sparkdown
bus in 22 minutes. shower time.
cos getting ready for the day 12 hours late is cool, kids
Dat awkward moment when you're watching softporn and your attention is drawn to the color matching and material of the kitchen where the photoshoot was done.
8:55 PM
Mill website is perfect.
It doesn't exist.
It donut sexist.
aaaa how do I make a sphere out of a cube in Blender
8:56 PM
You'd think "transform > to sphere" but no that does precisely nothing
Nice consistent margins!

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