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9:01 AM
ooooh and new R# 9
so many new softwares
@BartekBanachewicz how many softwares do you have?
and I'm just stitting here writing C++
@райтфолд why?
it's so great new GHC is so great
I want to write Haskell
time to clean up my laptop for Haskell dev
@BartekBanachewicz filter is redeclared over and over again for the different collection types.
@BartekBanachewicz Remember to use purified water
It's there for [], for Set, for Map and for Sequence and you cannot use it polymorphically.
9:03 AM
I can't write a function that uses filter and that works on all of these.
@gha.st hahah
I have to reimplement it for each of them.
@райтфолд wut
@BartekBanachewicz what wut?
map should be on Traversable too now, no?
9:04 AM
powersOfTwo = filter isPowerOfTwo -- only works on lists
It should be as generic as possible.
Also see transducers.
map should be in Functor. Traversable is luckily a subclass of that.
Luckily we have fmap, but unfortunately not ffilter.
Which is definitely possible to implement, though.
9:07 AM
There's no reason to make such functions less polymorphic than they could be.
MyPatience* pt = new MyPatience();
@райтфолд I see
Here's a Haskell thing (scroll a bit down to "Refactoring his Haskell code"): conscientiousprogrammer.com/blog/2014/08/07/…
I just saw this Perl 6 pearl: [Zeqv] |@s».ords
Makes CMake files with include(FindPkgConfig) is pretty bad.
9:15 AM
@MarcoA. raw new goddamit
Waakt what's this
Oh my god.
pkg-config for Windows? Anybody use this?
It seems kind of bad for Windows dev + GLEW
Welp on the upside whenever somebody uses pkg-config I'm a-ok..
@ParkYoung-Bae kbok.fr/mao
@BartekBanachewicz No, I can upgrade
I hate unique_ptr so much
I wish it was a thing I could punch
9:24 AM
@sehe It's a guitar.
@Mr.kbok Merci
You all suck. Life is horrible, programming is shit.
@sehe lol
@Pris what
Oh hi @BartekBanachewicz
@BenjaminGruenbaum 7.10!!!!!1111oneone
9:24 AM
@BenjaminGruenbaum Shut up
You shaddup
Kids, calm down.
@Mr.kbok great
the backend release will prolly still use 7.8
Also, you guys have weird power outlets in Urope.
At least ours look like little faces.
9:25 AM
@EtiennedeMartel where are you?
In Urope
Can someone help me with libintl?
I can't find a premade Windows binary for it
It's too old.
@Rapptz will probably help
@BartekBanachewicz Currently waiting my ass out in Schiphol.
Still 4 hours before my flight fucking hell.
Where you going sir
9:27 AM
yeah I'm having a problem with compiling libRocket -> CMake wants to use pkg-config -> have pkg-config but need dll files -> need to get libintl -> need to get a newer version
@EtiennedeMartel you can get to Amsterdam, eat something and go back
@EtiennedeMartel which Bergen?
The only one that matters.
Protip: "Bergen" is Dutch for "Mountains." Be sure not to crash there.
9:28 AM
(I'm talking about the city in Norway)
(A city surrounded by nine mountains. How about that)
@райтфолд Nice
Hell DLL hell exists on Linux.
what are some useful books for calculus?
@edition G. M. Fichtenholz, Differential- und Integralrechnung
@edition ...
That's a ridiculously broad question
9:29 AM
I like that one best
I personally use University Calculus by Hass Weir Thomas
@Cinch devil > /dev/null, repent yourself
All books are terrible--the professors are what makes the classes.
@edition The Bible
@Cinch bullshit
9:30 AM
That's what I just said
@BartekBanachewicz At least in my experience.
I understand C++, but not calculus. why?
@edition Because higher level calculus is a different field and song than C++.
you don't understand C++
@edition if you learn one, you'll forget the other
they're exclusive
9:31 AM
thanks for the suggestions.
@edition So you think you're going to learn calculus from a book?
if you learn C++ you will also become incapable of having a girlfriend
> 0..* Z+ 0..*
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 ...
Even numbers! :D
oh my god wow
This guy has notes for basically Algebra through Calculus IV.
@райтфолд are you a wizar
If only there was a super-light Calculus book.
With all numbers from 0 to 4
9:33 AM
Like < 10 pages.
@Cinch Calculus is a huge field
Basic calculus.
thanks heaps.
9:34 AM
@Cinch I just missed your link, no need to spazz out
@edition Also, don't watch the Calculus in 5 or 10 minutes video on YouTube. It's too fast paced and doesn't help new people.
@BartekBanachewicz Yes, and I:
@Pris Of course not. I'm totally not being passive-aggressive.
> (<W I> Z <A R D>), <A B E A R D>
@edition Also don't use heaps. Use the stack..
9:35 AM
Also there's a power outage here.
@EtiennedeMartel In many places in NL currently AFAIK.
I was the only person in school who knew C.
@райтфолд Yeah, that's what I heard.
My laptop's battery is about to run out and now I can't charge it
@edition Me too. And Haskell, C++, D, Go, Clojure, Scala, ...
9:37 AM
it was depressing.
@EtiennedeMartel goodbye hockey player
Thankfully I brought a book.
@edition Do you know the syntax or actually know C?
Figured I should read Dune.
Pretty good so far /cc @R.MartinhoFernandes
@EtiennedeMartel First and 2nd are ok, but it rapidly goes downhill imho
9:38 AM
You have to know C in order to know the C syntax.
Yeah, well, I have this tendency to suck at classics. Got lot of stuff to catch up.
well, I haven't used the assembly features of the C language, per any compiler yet.
> Only when the TBR is reached (i.e., there is a greater torque difference across the output shafts than can be supported by the TBR) do the output shafts turn relative to each other, and the differential unlocks. This characteristic results in a relatively free torque movement between both outputs of the (centre) differential, within the limits of the TBR.
Thus the static torque distribution of the T1 Torsen in a centre differential installation, rather than being 50:50, will mirror the weight distribution (both static and dynamic) of the vehicle due to the traction available at either (fr
this is complicated
@EtiennedeMartel Read Foundation yet?
@edition C doesn't have any "assembly" features.
Inline asm was perhaps meant
yes, sorry.
9:39 AM
@BartekBanachewicz It's next on my list.
@ParkYoung-Bae I don't think it's in the Standard.
@EtiennedeMartel good :)
What isn't helping is that I only read when I'm traveling, and I don't travel often.
Maybe I should travel more.
Buy a boat
Well, power is back on, and everybody is cheering.
Hey guys.
I have pkg-config on Windows.
How can I ensure that it finds OpenGL?
9:45 AM
@EtiennedeMartel sorry father, it won't happen again
@sehe For the record, I use "kids" to refer to anyone who isn't an owner.
@Cinch sacrifice your first born on the altar of autotools
@EtiennedeMartel Yup. I know
Anyone aware oof any concept libraries?
@sehe Hang on I need to choke the chicken.
choking the chook
github is under attack! All hens on deck!
"At this time we're fully operational but we're still mitigating the ongoing DDoS attack and there may be intermittent connectivity issues as we continue working on the problem"
A DDoS attack !?
Okay I'm done.
I managed to compile libRocket's samples...
librocket looks interesting...
@edition It does... except when you can't compile it.
And then you try to compile GLEW.
And then GLEW is ugly with it's non-OS agnostic package finder.
pkg-config is hard on Windows.
9:56 AM
who would DDoS github?
So is the rest of GNU, sadly.
I've never used pkg-config on windows except under cygwin. And that wasn't hard /at all/
@sehe Try doing it without cygwin.
I just tried it. It's hell.
Yeah from Google Code.
Migration of projects appears to be heavy.
9:59 AM
This "latency sensitive" protocol is terrible
@Cinch Which compiler are you using?
It's like, urgh
@rubenvb MinGW-w64.
Also, funnily I was able to migrate someone else's project from google-code to github the other day /cc @Mysticial
Don't tell me to use Cygwin.
10:00 AM
@Cinch Then use MSYS2 with its built in packages.
Oh well I'll complain later
it has loads of binary libraries.
@rubenvb Don't tell me to use MSVC.
@Cinch Read again.
You can't get work done because the site that hosts your decentralized version controlled source code is down? That sounds right.
10:01 AM
@ParkYoung-Bae Complains about latency, introduces latency in the complaint
@rubenvb void read(){ if (!understand()) { read();}
Time to poison minds.
Happy 12:01 AM
From a friend from C++ class.
@Cinch Well if you want to bitch about a problem and not use the solution to said problem, feel free.
@rubenvb I'm sorry, it's like saying the solution to all of your problems is to move to Linux. That's just not a viable solution for many people.
10:03 AM
@райтфолд physics for lobsters
@EtiennedeMartel lol
@Cinch it's a sfw chat
@sehe Well...
flagging is also worthless
It's not explicit or anything.
10:04 AM
@Cinch tell that to my coworker who just passed by. I'm not even clicking anything. Oneboxes are intrusive and not always fit
@sehe well then
Ah shoot.
Can't delete so.... Uh
@Cinch How is MSYS2 linux?
And how else do you want to fix pkg-config?
You're already using MinGW-w64, so the step is quite small...
@Cinch You handled that well
Oh boy, I'm sure glad that mysterious malloc memory corruption error disappeared
10:20 AM
uhoh. for "no reason"?
@Mr.kbok It's... impressive! I have some problems with the input though
Well, everything has a reason. It all started going wonky in between turning a bunch of fixed std::vectors into std::arrays and then adding a custom deleter to a unique_ptr in a container. Now it just works... ugh. I guess I'll valgrind it up to make me feel a little better
Nah, just sweep everything under the rug.
when javascript code grows complex I find it timewasting to remember what type an attribute was referring to (i.e. was it a class? was that class wrapped? and which class was that?)
perhaps I'm just a noob with this stuff, but being used to knowing things at compile-time I find it quite stressful
has anyone ever experienced similar feelings?
Every sane developer ever
10:30 AM
@ParkYoung-Bae Yeah the keyboard sucks
@Mr.kbok Superb animation though
Need a way to skip tutorial when relaunching
This weekend I will get the factorial function to work. :D
Yeah, I thought about that too. I think I'll make a fixed version w/ the keyboard, and a fast respawn when you die. Also maybe different kind of enemies/weapons, shouldn't be too hard
Also the "you won" screen isn't centered lol
10:32 AM
Which means implementing parameters, integers, comparison and arithmetic.
func factorial(n: Int): Int { if n < 2 { 1; } else { n * factorial(n - 1); }; } absolutely gorgeous.
When developing in C++, are most of your compile attempts successes or failures?
@Mr.kbok And blue sky with clouds!
@Pris Failures obv, otherwise what would the point be
The point of what?
Of compiling
10:35 AM
@Pris It depends. With visual studio you get the wiggly lines so most of the time when I compile it's already all right
@ParkYoung-Bae I meant more like in terms of skill level; someone good enough can probably write without having a lot of compile errors
@Mr.kbok It is either syntax error or visual studio actually compiles implicitly, so you still compile.
Perhaps I should implement seek and tell.
@khajvah sure.
@Pris Oh, yes, definitely
But I'm not sure it's proportional
Anyway time to go home, weeeekend
10:40 AM
Still have 4 more hours
5 hours for me
I got to work quite early today
also forgot to brag, I passed theoretical exam for drivers' licence with a score of 100%
If everything goes well, I have.. 2 more hours or so
I am fucking color-blind, I won't be able to pass those tests
@BartekBanachewicz woo
I passed mine too last week but I don't have the score
@Mr.kbok Was there a color-blindness test?
10:48 AM
@Mr.kbok now the hands-on tests eh
I'm scheduled for 17.04
hopefully I'll be fucking able to drive my own car
My god.
That was a pretty long ban.
@khajvah what
@BartekBanachewicz Good luck & best wishes..
guys I am probably missing something. Any idea why the first version is ambiguous? ideone.com/e3YTx1
@BartekBanachewicz Scheduled in one month.
10:53 AM
@sehe It's my most voted answer.
@Mr.kbok This kind of stuff
@EtiennedeMartel How far are you?
@BartekBanachewicz phft, big deal, so did I :P ¬_¬ how many questions?
@khajvah Puppy is hiding..
@EtiennedeMartel Might be very disappointing.
10:54 AM
@R.MartinhoFernandes Right after the bit where they meet their first worm.
@khajvah I see what looks like a dog.
@EtiennedeMartel Leto and Paul, you mean?
@rubenvb Whhat do you mean.
I don't see shit
10:54 AM
@khajvah Yeah it's a yellow dog.
@khajvah Ah, no, it's a theoretical test. You have to go see the doctor separately.
@ParkYoung-Bae really? I thought it was jut for fun mostly
I need to book lessons :\
@Mr.kbok good, I can bribe doctors
I should implement my networking API in terms of netcat!
call it webdog
10:56 AM
Can you use like, Boost.Asio with Unix pipes?
@thecoshman 20+12
hmm... overload string operators so you can pipe text "myString" | std::cout
@BartekBanachewicz o_0
two tests?
20 Yes/No + 12 A/B/C (singular choice)
Also the A/B/C ones have only photos, where the Yes/No ones can have videos
10:59 AM
@thecoshman should be > not |.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ahahaha. Somehow I expected it to be ~150 so I actually didn't read the first few (oops)
std::istringstream echo(std::string const& string); :D
Then | to copy from istream to ostream.

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