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@Nooble If you invent such an algorithm I will definitely have fun
@Cinch That guy's website is the only thing good about it.
@Puppy Yeah I can't find any news on it.
well let's see
I wonder how I should do color text.
@Puppy I was surprised too, it is a pretty good looking website
he claims to have done variously the literally impossible and the may-as-well-be-impossible, in four different fields.
It's fake guys.
no shit
next you'll be claiming that water's wet.
@Puppy OF course it is.
Water is dry"
This can be a meme
That picture. It's black and white.
@Cinch There is in fact dry water.
@Nooble probably but I'm not a chem major so w/e
But anyone can be a Google major.
test/io/memory_stream.cpp:18: FAILED:
  REQUIRE( stream.read(data.data(), data.data() + data.size()) == data.data() + data.size() )
with expansion:
  "" == ""
Yeah, wonderful.
@khajvah Is this a prison uniform clothing?
Stupid char being treated as text.
T x = x should not be allowed in C++
@πάνταῥεῖ I hope not.
@DonLarynx agreed.
It's a useless statement.
@khajvah Also lol, 7 GB movie.
Did I miss something? Why 0 answers are above upvoted answers :o
@Mike Refresh
I wonder: is there a way to get cross-platform text?
refresh what?
Or you accidentally changed the sorting criterion.
Oh yeah. It was set to "active" instead of "votes". Silly me
@khajvah Did you post that to introduce yourself, I'm sorry then,
@Cinch Like any other thing that is cross-platform - use a third-party library.
@milleniumbug I can't find one for color.
@πάνταῥεῖ Yeah, I am the inventor of that genius algorithm
that's because coloured text is for muppets.
I must admit, considering baseball an actual sport is pretty funny
In-memory streams work.
Now I can write the bytecode parser generator.
In AWK. :3
@Puppy Ever played it competitively?
AWK is the best programming language ever.
If you have T x = x, including the conditional if (&x == this) //initialize SOME but not all member data fixes the problem
In the copy constructor
Dicks are good.
I love dicks.
@Cinch I must say that I've managed to spend my time more wisely than determining who can run around the field the fastest.
Alright, let's see how #line works.
@Puppy People get different things out of life. None are necessarily wrong.
@райтфолд I'm sorry; are you a woman?
are you saying that guys can't like dicks?
@Cinch Well, no, some are necessarily wrong.
@Puppy Well... I never said it was wrong.
I don't find gay people in real life all that often so yeah.
inb4 Cinch closeted.
> In fact, there's no reason you couldn't put your DICSS in the back-end
Oh so that's what pragma once is used for.
> I mean, unless your argument is "no one should ever make a dick joke" in which case, just close your tab and walk away
give this man a medal
Ooh, I'll make one of my characters called "Lambda" and have them capture stuff!
15 hours ago, by Jefffrey
You're late bub
@Jefffrey Yeah. I have followed the link in your post. I was only pointing out the comment.
@Jefffrey :D
@wilx What the.
Chipmunks stole your post!
Oh my god even the acronym is pretty bad lol
LOL is this seriously a thing?
@Cinch Dunno but it seems so far the library actually does what it advertises.
@wilx I think it's funny but I also think it's unprofessional.
Gives us all a bad image of "only guys that still are immature" or something like that.
@Cinch I agree about the unprofessional characterisation.
If that was my employee, I would seriously sit down and talk to them.
And their boss.
@Cinch BS. It at most gives bad image to the author.
@wilx Well, what about professionals from other industries that come in?
@StackedCrooked French?
@Cinch What?
It's Indonesian, actually. :D
If another random person were to walk in on something like this they'd get a bad impression.
This sort of stuff doesn't really fly on official stuff in other fields.
@Cinch If anybody is that retarded that he/she generalizes from a single instance, they deserve to be offended.
@wilx Personally, it takes only one bad apple to sour opinions.
It's true for a lot of people.
@Jefffrey don't know what the sexist part is but there's no way he seriously expected the pull request to go well
I mean if you think about it, what sort of company would let this thing go out? Forget PC, it's just sloppy and immature.
Sure, I like sloppy and immature too, but only where it belongs: places like Reddit or at parties.
Or, y'know, Lounge.
But on your own public repo? Make you look bad, gives about a 0.0001% bad impression on progrmamers.
But that 0.0001% adds up to big numbers once enough occurances happen.
@Cinch In that case everybody is a rapist/murderer/terrorist/pedophile/etc. There is one instance of a kind of crime for every single ethnic/gender/nationality/etc.
@wilx I'm sorry; what did you mean?
Look, all I'm saying is that there is a time and place for DICSS jokes and maybe it shouldn't be on a public repo hosted by a non-profit organization for the benefit of all.
@Cinch Everybody would have to be sour to everybody else.
i don't get it
@wilx Dude, that's the real world.
someone point me to the joke/sexist part/whatever
@Blob What do you mean?
DICSS, dicks?
but that's not sexist
@Blob The point is that the use of dick jokes is too obvious and a bit too raw.
@Blob Yes. That is what the SJWs see as a problem.
there's nothing too raw about dick jokes
humans have been making dick jokes evre since they invented jokes.
That's not the point though
is that also the "sexist" part or is there something else i missed?
it's completely the point.
The point is that it implies that the programmers will be the sort of people that enjoy that specifc tone and flavor or humor: brogrammers.
When in reality, the industry wants to do the PC thing and increase diversity.
I didn't know that one dude making a joke implied something about every programmer, ever.
@Puppy No, but that's why so many people +1'd that.
@Cinch Don't care what they think.
I get all of you have thick skin but that doesn't mean that you can't just do thing and expect people to take it.
if there's no other 'sexist' part then the offended people can fuck off
Some people are more sensitive than others. Some people have problems and experiences. Of course nobody means to offend, but some people are scarred.
The PC thing exists because people can't get over their own trauma.
if you're sufficiently stupid to decide that one dude making an obvious, if terrible, joke that's aimed at nobody, is a problem, then feel free not to work in this industry.
fun fact: if you try to make vagina jokes, you're also accused of being sexist, I would know.
@Puppy Rightfold's Vagina?
@Puppy Dude, all I'm saying that accidentally pushing the wrong buttons is not good for anyone.
And people's buttons are being pressed here.
@Cinch No, it is good for people. And it's not accidental.
I mean, it's pretty clear that that guy explicitly intended his entire repo to be a giant dick joke.
@Puppy Tell that the PTSD people, man. Don't you have some empathy?
not in this case.
@Puppy But it's not a joke. The library supposedly works, right?
if you have PTSD, I sympathise, but go see a doctor, it's not the job of the rest of society to tiptoe around and make everything non-offensive.
@Puppy Dude, society's purpose is to provide a framework for large groups of people to interact and live with each other.
Give a little, take a little happens all the time... even with jokes.
yes, and that framework does not involve sanitising everything so that nobody is ever offended.
@Puppy The opposite isn't good either, though.
> Will I better off default initializing the float value to 0 instead of 0.0f? Which one looks more professional and impressive? - GuptillGunther (link)
There is a happy medium that the majority of us agree on and the minorites will push us towards the center.
well, now you're talking about something completely different.
@Cinch People like you are the reason why the dude who looked like some rapist got banned from campus (or university?) because some rape victim was reminded of her rape by his similar looks. This is insane.
> Is this all a healthy male way of doing it or can any improvements be made?
healthy males.
there's a vast difference between "I make dick jokes with my personal time" and "I spend every working hour making inecessant dick jokes at all of my female colleagues, exclusively"
this github repo is just some dude making a dick joke.
it is not a problem.
@wilx I'm sorry, I'm the son of one of those people that have thick skin. But I realize that not everyone has thick skin and so I'm willing to help other people if they are offended.
@wilx Stop bringing up this shit.
In other words, I have more sympathy I guess.
lol rapptz
there's a limit as to how thin your skin can be before it's your problem and not mine.
and "Some dude somewhere made a dick joke" is way over it.
@Rapptz Request denied. Sorry.
@Puppy I have a problem because it is one droplet in the river of societal interactions and I realize that the Butterfly exists in social situations in all situations.
I'm going to start binning these things.
No you are not
I seriously am.
Therefore, I am a bit more delicate and deliberate with my opinions.
Calm down man. It's just people trolling/being stupid on the internet.
Every fucking day.
oh boy win10 oems must ship secureboot enabled
It gets annoying.
@Jefffrey Yeah, but even jokes have societal impact.
Everything has impact, big or small.
@Cinch Are you suggesting that I didn't consider my opinion before posting it?
I need something like Ruby's method_missing in C++.
Why are you even using C++
@Puppy No. It's just that I choose to be more PC for the sake of society, not myself.
lol if you can't compete legitimately, strong arm everyone into killing the competiton
@Rapptz: Is there anything more important going on? Have we interrupted your meditation? Was there anything else you wanted to discuss?
@Cinch Not all societal interactions are created equally.
@Puppy No, but all of them have impact somehow.
@Jefffrey Because C++ is awesome.
probably, it's simply not society's job to prevent them.
you guys should play some Postal 2
@Puppy It's my own personal agenda to change and influence society, so I make it my business, I suppose.
society does not exist to protect people from reality.
and "Sometimes, people make dick jokes" is a fact.
@Puppy Reality is what you make it, man. Reality is whatever you are forced or choose to live.
Don't joke about dicks. Dicks are serious business.
well, reality clearly completely isn't what you make it, since the vast majority of it you have exactly zero control over.
They're a necessary source of delicious drinks.
Oh, fuck it.
I'm not going to go explaining my way of changing society on SO.
@райтфолд i dicss see that one cumming
@Blob No. lol.
I find it quite hilarious that you want to benefit society, but then post a bunch of tutorials on a language you don't know filled with misinformation (at best)
@Puppy Puppy, I'm just making an effort. Why don't you post your own if you feel that you can do better and get my own site closed down, then? Anyways, I have a meeting to go to, so good day guys.
If you're gonna criticize, offer a better solution.
@Cinch Why is the first step necessary? You can close down any time.
@Cinch Making an effort does not imply a positive or good outcome.
and I have a better solution: simply don't write tutorials about things you don't understand.
tl;dr: don't like it? do it yourself or force me to close it down.
> @letsgetrandy Delete this repo now or I'll get the GitHub staff to do it for you. This is not acceptable.

Also you should stop doing programming at all because it's clear that you're a blatant misogynist brogrammer. If there's one thing we don't need it's more men in programming.
test/../src/instructions.hpp:6:6: note: candidate template ignored: substitution failure [with Reader =
      baka::io::memory_stream, Visitor = <anonymous struct at test/instructions.cpp:11:5> &]
template<typename Reader, typename Visitor>
auto readInstruction(Reader& reader, Visitor&& visitor) {
wat, how can that be a substitution failure?
Oh, because return type deduction fails.
sounds like a false dichotomy
> Is it safe?

Don't worry. DICSS uses a wrapper.
fuck this page is LOL
> if (consent == true)
@JohanLarsson subtle
I thought all repos can be forked @Jefffrey
@DonLarynx It's not that funny.
the initial name and concept was moderately amusing for a few moments, but then he had to start way overreaching to keep it going.
@Puppy That's true.
@Xeo @StackedCrooked If you're around, check out the Maid Cafe.
It's hilarious.
They're helping me bump up my notifications counter.
@Mysticial It could well be an int32..
@Jefffrey looks like poop with blood.
@Mysticial Nice.
I fucking love AWK.
What tool do you use for generating Ninja build files?
@райтфолд Get a room. It will be awkward.
crap i might've fucked up a usb
what's a partition table and which one should i use
it's not a "partition table"
> Invalid partition table - recursive partition on /dev/sdb.
@Blob It's @Mysticial table.
Oops, wrong room.
How about some goulash and potatoes?
@Jefffrey I want.
Give me now!
fuck you all, i shouldnt be hungry.
I'm hungry, you should be too
@StackedCrooked Yeah all of it
Great. You are a good man.
The correct spelling should be independant.
@Borgleader As a reward here's some Japanese commercials for you.
@Jefffrey Hmm, I have never done it with the carrot.
here's some burgers for you @Mysticial day participants:
whats the white stuff? is that an egg?
yo chat what's a good name for something that sends and receives signals?
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "Catch::ResultBuilder::endExpression()", referenced from:
      ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____8() in object_file.o
Sperm can be considered like an egg, yes.
I was thinking "Relay"
@Mysticial People are working very hard you know :)
@Pris wouldn't an antenna be more appropriate? a relay is like a switch, no?
OmniGraffle is great.
See you in few hours
@Krazer relay: to retransmit (a signal, message, etc.) by or as if by means of a telegraphic relay.
But you're right, an antenna is the 'thing' that does that, relay is the action
@Jefffrey no..............................
just .....no.....
disclaimer: i did not read the thread.
I do have 13 pages of new notifications in my SE global inbox. :)
Completely wrong. You don't need pointers here. Constructor initializer list can initialize objects without default constructors just fine. — milleniumbug 3 mins ago
@Mysticial You probably still broke a record.
And know you will forever feel anxious about not clicking that. Muahah!
I want more colour in my life.
I should buy colourful T-shirts instead of black ones.
And colourful room decoration.
@StackedCrooked just like regular commercials but with a side of wtf 7 kawaiiiiiii
@StackedCrooked 3nd???
Mill needs a logo.
I thought of a logo depicting a mill.
@Borgleader I'm a stupid Belgian. Don't mind :P
Python has a nice logo.
I like Clojure's logo.
Congratulations. — Malik Brahimi 7 mins ago
C++ doesn't have a logo. This must prove something. Something of which I'm not sure it's good or bad.
Oh right Fairy Tail ending 18 is also pretty good. Perhaps for a 4th or 5th place
It's not worthy of one.
Fairy Tail has so much fanart it's ridiculous.
F# has a weird logo.
But they got a nice pop song with this ending.
@райтфолд Is F# half empty, or half full?
I agree.
Half empty and half full are synonymous. Either is correct.
Damn, Log Horizon is coming to an end as well.
is keeping data contiguously cache efficient if we access the data through pointers to them also stored contiguously?
In the early days of StackOverflow, if you edited a post two times in quick succession you got a captcha. I'm glad those days are gone.
This time I want to write a generational GC.
@Veritas If you iterate over a vector<T*> in linear fashion then the CPU will figure out what you are doing and it will start prefetching the memory. But vector<T> (non-pointer) should still be faster.
@Veritas Oh wait. You mean you have both the pointers and the objects in contiguous storage? Then yes, it's gonna be fast,because you have good locality.
ScriptCraft is awesome!
yep that's what I was asking. Does each fetched cache line get stored until the cache is full and a cache miss occurs?
or well until you thrash it
A tri-color one seems interesting.
It doesn't require world stopping.
@StackedCrooked I have a hard time figuring this to be true. the cpu figuring how the pointer will be used.
I learned about this in a talk on boostcon.
However, the compiler cannot do this for std::list<T*>.
Because it doesn't know the address of the next element until the current node is dereferenced.
that lemon pie was tasty
but totally not worth it
Heh, it would be helpful if the processor manufacturers would clearly state the kind of lookups and prefetches they are doing.
around 18:00 19:15
^ Very Extremely educative!

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