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6:00 PM
How about an instruction
@Jefffrey What type would it have?
You know what type it should have: Instruction
What is the definition of that type?
newtype Instruction = Instruction String or whatever you want to store the instruction in.
6:01 PM
One thing that I hate is working on large personal projects. I simply don't have the actual time to do everything I plan.
@Jefffrey Eh, in some usable format.
so, have the themes been picked yet? @BartekBanachewicz
Which pretty much means boost::variant<PushModuleMemberInstruction, PushStringInstruction, CallInstruction, PopInstruction, ReturnInstruction, PushUnitInstruction, /* about a hundred more */> which cannot be represented by boost:;variant because of its stupid limit.
Maybe data Instruction = NoOp | Op1 Operation | Op2 Operation Operand | ...
C++ please.
6:03 PM
@райтфолд it's maaybe as simple as the boost config #ifdefs getting it wrong for clang
Yes, it is.
have you checked? :v
Yes, there's a bug report for it.
so fix it :v
And it's fixed in the yet-to-be-released version of Boost.
6:04 PM
@melak47 Bartek is ded
So I can't use it yet.
@melak47 He should have picked the themes ~24 hours ago
> Boost 1.58.0
6:07 PM
> Current Release: Version 1.57.0
@Jefffrey louncecpp page said themes would be picked 24 hours before the start, which is 2015-03-21 at 17:00 UTC, which was ~ an hour ago
Misread then
@райтфолд alright, sorry, then merge this commit :p github.com/boostorg/variant/commit/…
I just discovered double ten = four += six is legal
six, four and ten should really be const :p
6:11 PM
Cool, Boost gets small_vector.
@DonLarynx Why wouldn't it?
@Jefffrey I think its interesting
I should really implement in-memory streams.
In mimori
6:16 PM
@StackedCrooked rxmarbles.com
In minor
That's a nice tool for checking out the things he's talking about.
I'm kind of tired for some reason
yay marbles
(I don't understand.)
haha "hunderd"
6:18 PM
instead of "hundred"
So Dutch.
I could also define an interface with functions.
One for each instruction.
And call that from the decoder.
6:20 PM
Then I don't need an instruction type.
Jump instructions can then call bytecode.seek before the next instruction is decoded. :P
I see.
Yeah, that's nice.
The term "backpressure" is all over the place lately.
> subtrahend. 1670s, from Latin subtrahendus numerus "number to be subtracted," from gerundive form of subtrahere (see subtraction). A number subtracted from another. For example, in the expression 4 - 3, 3 is the subtrahend.
Better is: subtractands. 2000s. Modern simpler usage.
6:24 PM
But I really need an in-memory stream for this.
I've been using ::pipe but pipes aren't seekable AFAIK.
Amazing how everyone uses pipes for transporting fluids, except programmers use them for transporting bytes.
6:27 PM
@StackedCrooked Why does he sound like a drunk duck?
maybe he is a drunk duck
nah, just a Dutch person.
wat a diss.
your larynx seems to be performing well
at least in writing
this sickness is killing me, my nose is 100% closed.
6:31 PM
@khajvah Oh, I have sinus problems.
What you can do is stick your nose under a faucet and slowly pour water into one side.
Pressure your nose while the water pours into one side and tries to fall out of the other nostril
Something interesting is (assuming that the operators have been defined for this class) is that the line SquareMatrix m4 = m4 will run but won't output anything when the Show () method is run, and SquareMatrix m4 = m4 + m4 will cause a runtime error. This is all due to operator precedence.
This should cause you to easily snort your snot out but may be painful depending on yur situation
@Cinch How do you rotate your head 180 degrees?
Rx is an abomination.
What you really need is threads and blocking bounded queues.
6:32 PM
@khajvah No you tilt it so that one side can have it go in
It's 90 degees
@DonLarynx What are you talking about?
+ is clearly above =
A troll with grandezza attitiudes:
@Cinch good observation. What does this imply?
Q: Why are my comments removed?

Neil LunnI think the tile poses a reasonable question in this context. There is nothing "offensive" or "non contructive" that was stated by myself in the context here. I have merely tried to "lead" a poster of a question to post something that results in a more productive response to the question form t...

Fuck themes
6:34 PM
@DonLarynx This implies that you must call the operator+(lhs, rhs) or class.operator+(rhs) before the class.operator=(rhs) applies
I cannot choose.
@Cinch At no point here is operator= involved.
make the theme candy
@DonLarynx You probably broke Rule of Three/Five
Also, use std::vector
6:35 PM
@DonLarynx No, it isn't.
@milleniumbug 1201: vector subscript out of range
Themes picked: "Fuck"
@milleniumbug Sorry, what?
@DonLarynx That's your current problem.
@milleniumbug No, he didn't- at least, that's not required here.
6:36 PM
Isn't it -> initialize -> add -> assign?
I should really generate this code.
@Cinch No.
Then what is it?
So there are not going to be themes?
The theme is that there are no themes.
6:37 PM
T t = x; is pretty much equivalent to T t(x).
@Cinch T x = something; doesn't call operator=. It calls the constructor.
so if you do T t(t), then obviously t is not initialized in the constructor argument, which leads directly to UB if you do anything with it.
@milleniumbug: no. Operator = works from right to left, so m4 is basically a nonexistent object.
so both of his samples are just plain UB.
@DonLarynx Er, no. T x = something is not an assignment.
@DonLarynx Oh wait a minute I get it now; how can you initalize something from the things that still needs to be initalized?
6:38 PM
@DonLarynx Read what I said. T x = something; DOESN'T CALL operator =
It's like self-reproduction with time-travel--doesn't work.
Ah, I see now @NeilYoung already was banned again for this action :) ....
@Cinch You can't
6:39 PM
am I randomizing them from theme gen
Um std::thread or pthreads?
because some people said that me picking themes isn't ok
strictly, you can, but only under very special circumstances and if you explicitly intended to do things that way
@BartekBanachewicz You're late.
ok whatever stuff I'm randomising from the seed is 192813
@Cinch I know alright
6:40 PM
@Cinch Neither, they're both shit as hell. But std::thread is technically exceedingly slightly less shit.
@Cinch Don't use low-level crap.
by 1:39 hrs
not too bad come on
So what should I use?
or better
@Cinch What are you doing?
6:40 PM
@BartekBanachewicz It's already 8:40 am where I am COME ON
you're vastly too inexperienced for concurrent programming so don't bother
Q: How can i use apropriate the lock mutex function , For three threads in C++?

ntosisi have a question about threads but i think that is difficult to explain, so be patient. I have three pthreads in a C++ program, One to fill a buffer, One to copy the buffer and one to process the buffer's data. fill buffer1 ----Copy buffer1 to buffer2----process the buffer's 2 data I use th...

I'm looking at this guy's Q.
Text Input Action Game
it's all terribly designed and implemented from the start
@BartekBanachewicz Are you serious?
6:41 PM
Looks like I just walked into an interesting conversation.
You taking that?
It's official: Marmalade themese are REPLACEMENT, FALLING, TEXT INPUT ACTION GAME. Remember, you just need two. We start 1700 UTC tomorrow.
@Cinch random is random
Oh no.
sorry :D
btw games of "shooting letters down" are suddenly perfectly fine :D
Is there something like std::copy that takes two iterator pairs?
6:42 PM
like typespeed
Oh god no I am not ready.
And copies the max amount of elements possible?
wtf is replacement and falling?
@Blob it's up to you how you understand the themes
Room owner please pin.
6:43 PM
Replacement + Text Input Action Game seems promising.
@BartekBanachewicz We're supposed to use all these themes?
@Cinch imho falling + text input is just a perfect description of typespeed
@Nooble 2
make a typing of the dead game
6:44 PM
@BartekBanachewicz Gotcha.
I have an idea with spells.
@Nooble I think you only need two.
well, I like the themes. They aren't terribly hard, would make it easy for CLI participants, but still leave a lot of option for more creative design
@райтфолд isn#t that one of the C++11/14/17 copy overloads?
@Nooble 2
6:45 PM
@Puppy do we need a private mean of communication (well are you still in)
Okay I choose replacement and text input.
@BartekBanachewicz How does this work? Never heard of game jams.
@melak47 Not that I know.
@milleniumbug you write something in any language using those themes then send them to me so i can submit in your name
@milleniumbug Get familiar with themes, think about the game you want to make, and tomorrow 17-23 UTC everybody is going to make their own game
you have 6 hours worth of dev time
6:46 PM
@райтфолд hmm, but some std functions were changed sometime to also accept a 4th iterator...just don't remember which one :D
@BartekBanachewicz wolfeinstein@gmail.com
So, I'm now aware that only the copy constructor is run in the line T x = x. No operator= is performed here. The right-hand value is passed by const reference to itself. When I call .Show () I get "The matrix is" followed by nothing (normally I get nxn zeros, where n is at least 1).
@melak47 Copy was on the list, I think
@BartekBanachewicz Ok I get it
6:47 PM
@Puppy I IM'd
ooh, I read Failing, not Falling. fail :D
Ahh implementing a memory stream is so difficult.
char* read(char* begin, char* end) {
    return std::copy(data.begin() + offset, data.begin() + (end - begin), begin);
@BartekBanachewicz Can we start writing a design document?
This should work, except for buffer overflows.
6:50 PM
And it doesn't change the offset.
@райтфолд No circular buffer?
@Cinch yep
Why the fuck would I implement a circular buffer?
@райтфолд So angry lol
6:50 PM
design is ok
but no coding
@BartekBanachewicz Ahem. RESOURCES?!
setting up IDEs and projects and repos is also OK
i.e. Music, Art, etc.
@Cinch nope.
well if you're going to steal from opengameart it hardly matters of course
Real LIFE music making?
6:52 PM
Well I know you're great with music, but the point is to make a game in 6 hours :)
@BartekBanachewicz How will this be enforced?
the themes are published now because a lot of people complained they can't come up with anything
@Nooble it won't.
I count on your honesty.
I'm not funding a prize because most of the people didn't want it IIRC
I remember something about having a repo.
6:53 PM
you can fake commit dates, but... well, yeah.
If you cheat, fuck you.
are there curses on windows?
@Cinch Windows is cursed.
@Nooble lol
@райтфолд Baka?
I don't answer single-word questions hth
@Nooble baka = idiot
@райтфолд Really?
@khajvah WTF these people.
Wiz kids everywhere and I'm sad to not be one.
@milleniumbug Oh.
6:56 PM
Fuck me.
@Cinch Neither is that dude.
@Puppy Website's wiz to make me feel like that.
I really hope that website is a joke
> Unbreakable encryption.
@Nooble ...
Actually, is that even possible?
6:58 PM
> Limitless compression
@Cinch No.
"Shadow is able to compress a 7 gigabyte movie into a mere kilobyte."
Yeah, thought so. How else would you decrypt it?
@khajvah ...
Nice trolling.
6:59 PM
@khajvah Have fun decompressing that.
@khajvah Any movie can be compressed into a title and name.
Troll website confirmed.
The decompression is looking it up on Pirate Bay and downloading it :D
Wow I just got trolled.
6:59 PM
@milleniumbug exactly :)

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