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I did not expect their SDK to be so... complete O_o
it has prebuilt binaries for everything and a proper documentation
they must've spent some time on this
Essentially, we would need to issue a warning if dynamic type of expr in Base x = expr is not Base. That's halting problem.
You can issue a warning at runtime.
On the other hand, I would argue if you have polymorphic objects at all, you shouldn't provide assignment operator.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Who's Spock?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Got it, but what did bartek do to make the mods unhappy?
@AlexM. the company is german
I know that
And this is where the "abstraction inversion" guy would agree with me.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What problem did you solve by using slicing? If I may ask
@Fanael the live long and prosper guy
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'm fucking sad now.
@Fanael This is the moment where you say you were joking.
@Borgleader I'm not joking. /cc @LightnessRacesinOrbit
get out @Fanael
@LightnessRacesinOrbit No.
aaaaaa I can't mixin both PackratParsers and RegexParsers
> RegexParsers
class CROCCAT_Talk
	CROCCAT_Talk(void);  /* default constructor */
	~CROCCAT_Talk(void); /* default destructor */
lol those comments
well the documentation looks great so I'll forgive their rather ugly code
it's very inconsistent in terms of naming
nothing looks the same like anything else here
@LightnessRacesinOrbit just dont, please
except I can't see the black in that one
I think someone's been manipulating the brightness levels of the photo as it goes around the web
to induce this effect
I think if you stare at it long enough the colors burn into your retina a little bit causing it to look different. I've seen it as black and blue as well
my first pizza order at mr. Giuseppe, they send it to the wrong address :\
in the other corner of the city
that BMW they deliver with it better be fast
What is the purpose of the line if (temporaryname == temporaryname);FredOverflow 38 secs ago
their experiment to switch from goat-drawn carriages to motor vehicles has failed
are switches on the spacebar and backspace normally different, they feel different
gotta google
They probably are, if they aren't I would be disappointed
And don't ever say that C++ isn't intuitive or that it makes your computer program hard to read. :droll:Lightness Races in Orbit 8 secs ago
Shit, Leonard Nimoy is dead.
@AlexM. space tends to have a big click
They make it so the spacebar makes more satisfying click.
@EtiennedeMartel dude
Why did nobody tell me?
@EtiennedeMartel I did. 50 minutes ago.
Ah, right, there's a starboard there.
Let me read it.
Oh, shit, Spock died.
@AlexM. I'm disappointed there's no /* public members */ comment next to public:
> default destructor
@AndyProwl nah the rest of the comments are ok
/* TALK FX method -- set specified zone to effect and RGB colour */
void	Set_LED_RGB(BYTE bZone, BYTE bEffect, BYTE bSpeed,BYTE colorR, BYTE colorG, BYTE colorB);

/* TALK FX method -- restore user LED colour at end of program */
void	RestoreLEDRGB();
Can someone tell me what the deal with using block comments are?
Those comments are smells IMO
They could be removed if the functions were better named
I'm more interested in the private bits here and how they refer to keys internally
do I have to backwards engineer this dll or sth to figure out how their compiled code works
I have no info on it to do that extension thing Cat told me about some time ago
Also Hungarian Notation and inconsistent naming conventions ew
@Pris what do you mean?
@AndyProwl nah they're okay
Q: I have issues using the SDK with a third-party compiler instead of MSVC++, can you help?
A: Please contact [email protected], we will try to help.
I wonder if they actually have issues with non-VC lol
@AlexM. Why do you need to know how their compiled code works?
inb4 because it doesn't
@LightnessRacesinOrbit their SDK seems to only let you manipulate lighting
but they obviously have to interface with the hardware in the compiled code
@AlexM. then that is all you are permitted to do
I'm curious if I can do more
lol fuck you and your rules LRiO
I do what I want with the hardware I buy
If you break API walls you're gonna have a bad time
It's for your own good
It's not so much me saying you are not permitted to do something: it's me saying that you should not be permitting yourself to do it, if you want to have a good time
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I see block comments used waaay more often than line comments in C and C++, like its an unspoken 'standard'. But block comments seem worse because you can't nest them. Also they allow inlining comments with code which also seems like a bad thing.
@Pris block comments are fit. can't explain it
don't care much about nesting.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit aw cmon, the user-made alternative for Corsair keyboards is open source and people didn't die from doing too much with their keyboards :P
inlining comments with code is not a bad thing
well okay it is a bit sometimes
other times for temporary cases it's damned useful
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well, depends. If the comments can be removed, the names are good enough. If they can't (as the second comment seems to suggest), they aren't. But that's just my take of course.
I much prefer thinking of my code in terms of text than in terms of lines, if that makes sense
I've seen stuff like this: void F(int arg /*blah*/, int arg2 /*bloop */);
Also Set_LED_RGB vs RestoreLEDRGB wtf
oh wait what
are you sure you're not thinking of void F(int /*arg*/, int /*arg2*/);?
Feb 23 at 17:42, by Lightness Races in Orbit
and what is with that appalling function name inconsistency?
I'd never be able to forgive myself such consistencylessness
mixing snake_case and CamelCasing should be a criminal offense
and mixing them inconsistently should be double offense
well it wouldn't matter because I'd propose death for the first offense :p
i have some really nasty breaks in my code for keeping it within a certain column length though so i shouldnt judge
@Pris Line comments don't exist in C89
Oh, Sepp Twatter: 2022 World Cup final must be no later than Dec 18. Great! Air fares and Hotels are traditionally so very cheap just before Christmas:(
Fortunately they do in C99
I think someone once wrote a blog post on adding line breaks because it upset them so much lol
lol it's been 25 mins since the pizza guy called me to say that he got the address wrong
fuck me
it'll get cold
@MartinJames lulz
@MartinJames yeah they're well cheap in the run up to a Summer World Cup eh
if anything, it's in Qatar that you don't have to worry about Christmas
This is interesting.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well, obviously the World Cup could never be allowed to fuck up a Muslim festival.
class A { def foo() = {} }
def x: Nothing = throw new Exception
x.foo() // x has no method foo(); even though its type is a subtype of all types
@MartinJames wot
@райтфолд um
@райтфолд erm, it makes sense?
@FredOverflow I was ranking names of students that was entered by the user. And at the end of the program I will post who has the name that is alphabetically first and alphabetically last. if(temporaryname == temporaryname) was made to start the iteration. — Omicron 16 mins ago
I think it should accept any method calls on expressions of type Nothing.
They can never be executed anyway, since there are no values of type Nothing.
@райтфолд For what purpose?
inb4 wah wah you dont understand type theory wah wah
Man, I love the song. Also, I love how the women/singers are dressed. Pretty damn cute.
it's likely that in practical implementations, the bottom type's 'inheritance' of all other types is notionally 'private'
exactly for the reason you give: there are no values on which to invoke such a function
in this way, you catch at compile time what you would otherwise moronically have to wait until runtime to find out
fuck me this shit with the dress is getting out of hand
better undress then
where is my pizza :(((
don't say pizza
someone stole it together with your underwear
what a disappointing first order
is it my imagination or did you order it 3 hours ago
idiots should just let you order online if they're retarded enough to get the address wrong
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ~1 hour and a half
maybe you're retarded enough to say it wrong
I said it right m8
4 hours ago, by Alex M.
whoa, these guys make Chorizo pizza
you sure waited a while to order
nah that was just me noticing them
yummi yummi
now that's a pizza
I have no idea how they got the address wrong
@AlexM. Did you order by phone?
there's a huge difference between "hoe-reah" and "moo-resh"
why do we still use addresses
@FredOverflow yes, I figure something went wrong there
Also, this is hilarious :D
why isnt everything codified to lon/lat
@AlexM. You should always order via Internet. Then the only guy who can fuck up the address is you.
same reason we don't use IP addresses for all websites, @Pris
@Pris What alternative do you propose?
@FredOverflow How so?
@FredOverflow Or the driver copying it down
@FredOverflow want
2 mins ago, by Alex M.
idiots should just let you order online if they're retarded enough to get the address wrong
@Xeo dead simple to cook
they didn't allow it
I mean their site didn't
Don't have the ingredients here :<
There are arguably more ways for an internet order to go wrong, because there are several more points of failure between you and the delivery driver.
The only benefit is address given in text form rather than verbally
@FredOverflow a series of numbers and letters that can be decoded to lon/lat within an accuracy of a couple of meters
@Pris So, like, an address.
my pizza :(
it's not here
last time I order from these guys
why did I switch
People can get the geolocation of an address wrong because its name based. Think about two streets with a similar name for example
I don't understand how people can be happy when other people get born. Are they that sadistic?
quit your whining. I habitually wait an hour and a half for delivery food
I'm not even rural
When it's the same temperature as ambient air, is it still classed as a pizza?
"OMG so awesome! Another horrible life has begun!"
though I do sympathise in this case cos he got it wrong then lied to you
you should phone right now and tell them to cancel it
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I waited 1.5h yesterday :<
either they will go "no no no just wait 5 mins i promise" and he won't fuck around any more
or you will have lost nothing but a cold pizza
they were so busy
@райтфолд who says it'll be horrible? that kid might have the most awesome life ever
@Xeo They should not have taken your order, then.
Web order
I mean, they do have a PSA that delivery time might be over 45 mins on busy days, but 1.5h is double that
@LightnessRacesinOrbit too hungry
@Rapptz Jesus Christ. That's way too long for an SO answer. What on earth was the guy thinking?
@AlexM. Get in your car and drive to the pizza place.
@AlexM. they do not know that you do not have alternatives
@Pris Don't you think delivering Pizza to 7182818214159265 is a hell of a lot more error-prone than delivering Pizza to Evergreen Terrace 742?
well I do
@MartinJames His pizza is not at the pizza place
but that means having to wait another hour
@BartekBanachewicz woah, that Doodle thing is really open...
@AlexM. that should not factor into it. it matters to you but it is irrelevant to your dealings with them.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Nobody ssems to know here it is, except 'not inside Alex'.
@MartinJames it's in a car
in the car is a driver
in the driver is a goat
in the goat is confusion
in the confusion rests all your hopes and dreams
cheers & hth
Well, that's perfectly clear then.
So after another week of Python I can say that in Python, "spec" stands for "speculation."
The documentation is so lacking it's depressing.
OK, I'm gonna cook a kiev and chips. I wonder who gets to eat first?
that's mean
/me puts dinner on
not really - i should cos i'm hungry but i cba cos i'm hungry :/
@LightnessRacesinOrbit My feelings right now.
I should also go buy something to eat, before I make dinner.
Otherwise there's not much to make
yeah, told them to keep it
However, grocery store closest to me closes in 10 mins
I have plenty of stock, at least
also pub in an hour tho
I'll order one from the guys that don't fail me
By the way, I never have Pizza delivered. Way too unreliable. Instead, I go fetch it myself. It's only about 2 minutes from my home.
@AlexM. and what did they say in return
NASA's new space suit concept design looks so ridiculous
and I don't wanna cycle to the grocery store that's farther away
@LightnessRacesinOrbit "alright, have a good night"
guess I'll just starve today or something
fuck me it's been 2 hours
@AlexM. twats :/
not even an apology?
I thought you'd get a "it'll be there soon" and a "have it for free"
@FredOverflow since I want Java interop, what should I do about null?
@райтфолд live with it
black spacesuit. yeah, makes sense.
I'll order another from the usual guys
Require an import and call it unsafeNullDoNotUseThis?
and use the price difference as a tip for the delivery guy
who's always on time
For the null literal.
there is a very good reason that spacesuits have always been white
Oven is on, kiev is in.
someone's lying to you
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Its white/grey but it has reflective bits
@Pris it's black!!!
@райтфолд If you hate Java so much, why do you want Java interop, anyway?
don't start this again
(import mill/crap)
(foo crap/you-should-probably-be-using-Option-instead)
@Pris Not a good idea to have a big glowy spot on the front.
@FredOverflow I only hate Java the language. The nice thing about Java is that everything has already been implemented.
It'll make us easier to shoot by the aliens.
Halogen oven is up to temp. I'll put peas into a jug ready for nuking.
@Xeo Sorry I have flash blocked by default so I didn't know it did that
@Xeo and the twenty million unrelated "related" links. and the jquery comment section that takes a 9GHz octocore CPU to run
web 3.0 is absurdly shit
I can't take this seriously at all
They look like god damn charlie's angels
pioneered by the sort of hipster management twats who gleefully declare that they're "pushing the boundaries of technology" and suggest that it's a good thing to get as little out of contemporary computers as possible
@Pris ahahahahaha
@райтфолд It's just implemented in a crap way and to use it, you'd have to use Java.
@Pris I like how the one on the left has a symbol on him that looks like "PRAISE THE SUN.'
Now everytime I think of Astronauts I'll think of the Sunbros.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit when you say that... use this font sansbullshitsans.com
OK, kiev turned over and jug of peas on plate in microwave. 60 secs on full power for initial warmup.
> Leveraging the synergy of ligatures™
kiev turned over?
they joined the Russian Federation or something?
ok, so, another one hour wait for pizza
@LightnessRacesinOrbit try the test box...
at least it will be remotely warm
@Mgetz -1 Replaces "agile" but not "Agile"
@Mgetz I wrote "I wish to leverage the XML cloud going forward" but only "leverage" got replaced
Now I just have to use High Impact Beginning Characters to get around the ligatures.
I feel like if aliens saw the suit they'd be like "This species has hipster designers. Avoid at all costs"
@Pris NASA seems like a good video game company.
@AlexM. You remembered to order from someone else, yeah?
very funny :P
shit no i'm gonna have to eat
Waaaaay better
@Pris yes it looks like that could hold loads of utilities and protection and air
[sigh] Vlad helps feed the C vampires with C++ hints:
> So I expect you're getting a StackOverflow Exception.
(kinda appropriate for this site)
"hehe le funny joke XDDD"
pretty sure C doesn't throw exceptions too
Kiev is golden, so fold over foil. Chips are in on top.
@AlexM. Some of them do.
Ooh nasty - a puppy bite.
you make it sound like anybody could avoid being bitten by my superiority
@Puppy Well, you are very brave. It can be dangerous to be agressive around vampires, (or impalers).
@LightnessRacesinOrbit a chick from there called to apologize and tell me that I can get a free pizza from them whenever I ask for it lol
@MartinJames They can't catch me
@AlexM. lol 'whenever I ask for it with a standard deviation of half a day'
not sure I'll ever order from there again anyway
@AlexM. haha nice
@AlexM. get the one then gauge their speed and flavour
Downvoted Vlad for non-thread-safe static.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit meh it feels wrong to just call to get my free pizza
"remember? you promised me a free pizza."
@AlexM. Next time you pass the place and are hungry, call in. If there is a queue of customers, so much the better - they won't want a loud argument while you explain their terrible service.
maybe they'll spit in it or sth
Somebody make me some food :<
Also, I should prolly start organising this code, putting everything into its proper place - I got a 500 line playground mess.
make your own food you lazy bum!
But I got a playground to clean up!
OOP C++....easier by a factor of 10^3 than OOP Java
didn't even struggle with this assignment 1 bit
OK, that was good. Kiev maybe slightly overdone, but still a good meal. No longer hungry, unlike some other Loungers.
> MyClass (MyClass other)
How is that an infinite loop?
@DonLarynx What is it
A copy constructor
You pass by value, which causes this constructor to be called in order to call this constructor.
The compiler should warn you about this. (as in, I'm surprised if it doesn't)
a.cpp:7:17: error: invalid constructor; you probably meant 'MyClass (const MyClass&)'
  MyClass(MyClass){ std::cout << "lol\n"; }
Time to play video games.
So I can escape from reality.
@райтфолд drugs are so much easier and effective

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