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@AMostMajestuousCapybara On my local box it's nvidia-opencl-icd-331, ocl-icd-libopencl1:amd64, opencl-headers. These are not available on the EC2 instance though
The only related thing appears to be ocl-icd-opencl-dev or sumtin' but that would uninstall the cuda packages gotten from the nvidia repos
@JerryCoffin +1 didn't understand for a good 2 minutes.
I am not familiar with Amazon EC2 (what distrib is that?), but you would need to install at least opencl-headers and the NVIDIA ICD. If it's not available as a package, it also comes with the CUDA SDK.
It's PaaS a.k.a. Elastic Cloud Computing. Here: aws.amazon.com/ec2/pricing
Q: Getting offset and back with aligned pointer in Visual Studio

Paulo TorrensI'm porting an application to Visual Studio 2012 (in C++11), which currently compiles and runs correctly on gcc on several platforms. When I tried to run it, something odd (at least to me) happened. After some moments I isolated the problem, and came up to this: // This one succeeds assert(jump...

@JerryCoffin idgi :(
@AMostMajestuousCapybara should be installed. Any recognizable headers to look for?
What do you guys think?
@sehe I had one of the free instances for 6 months :)
@Nooble They introduced free-tier year(s) after I started using AWS so I'm not eligible, AFAICT. Also, the GPU (cluster) instances aren't exactly free tier
@Mysticial What does a football player (especially offensive line) do during the game?
@EtiennedeMartel Whoa, Raymond Chen swooped in.
Yeah, just saw that.
> My Program type is aligned (I've written my own allocator)
@sehe Right. Also, don't the GPU instances get expensive? I mean, if you're running it 24/7...
I'd say, he dun goofed
@sehe Yeah, aligned on what?
@Nooble Everything gets expensive 24/7. No, it's 0.65$ per hour, I think it's reasonable for a few days
@EtiennedeMartel Also, alignment really shouldn't matter on intel
@sehe opencl.h or cl.hpp
Also check /usr/lib/OpenCL/vendors (or lib64)
@AMostMajestuousCapybara looking... (I love how the thing is still plenty responsive even though it's running 8 cores at ~90% load and the GPU at 100% utilization)
@AMostMajestuousCapybara I've got cuda sdk in export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64 (lazy copy paste) which is a symlink for cuda-6.5
Also look for libopencl.so
ubuntu@ip-xx-xxx-xxx-xxx:/usr/local/cuda$ find | grep opencl
Why do you want to run OpenCL when you have CUDA btw?
Slated to be faster.
I'm trying to repro this bug and it's disappeared on me.
@sehe Whoah, there's something wrong with their CUDA implementation then!
Over the day, Vlad had fallen back to his usual behavior on answering LQ questions all the way:
Well that wasn't the reason he spent a month in the penalty bosx
I might misremember the 2x but it was significant (at least 1.5x). Here's a diag warning from JtR:
Loaded 1 password hash (sha512crypt-cuda, crypt(3) $6$ [SHA512 CUDA (inefficient, please use sha512crypt-opencl instead)])
Node numbers 1-3 of 4
@AMostMajestuousCapybara No doubt! I'm not going to fix that now though
Yes yes of course
I was just hoping to have an easy way to tap into the opencl implementation
@JerryCoffin I know, but I still didn't get it. :(
@sehe Just find the headers and the lib, seems like you've got the headers already :p
@AMostMajestuousCapybara no lib though :(
Did you install CUDA from package or from NVIDIA's website
mmm. Found /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-libopencl1-340_340.29-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb
Any /usr/local/cuda/lib/libOpenCL.so?
(Do you know what GPU this is? They don't all support OpenCL)
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Both. The .deb from nvidia's website. Basically: paste.ubuntu.com/10399986
I don't really think I have any more brain power for my lib's architecture. I'm giving up and saying I want to call shared_from_this() in my constructor: Should I...
1. Go through and make all my constructors private and use a factory creator function?
2. Use a 'hack' thats kinda gross but lets me use constructors like normal?
3. Outsource my work to India
@Pris 3. Obviously
@AMostMajestuousCapybara paste.ubuntu.com/10400004 (Grid Kepler 520)
I don't fucking get it.
The error's just disappeared.
@Pris Seriously though, in my experience it really comes down to maintainability and readability. Are you going to be modifying this that much? And if so, will it be apparent what's going on?
Fuck. What did SO do to my inbox and rep notifications?!?!
Oh nvm, they're back.
@Mysticial During the game, he blocks. After the game, he tries to be more of a character.
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Ah. Should be usable: paste.ubuntu.com/10400037
@ScottW Racist!
Yeah K520 should support 1.1
@Mysticial Whew. The suspense!
Do you have clinfo
Can I run it simultaneously? Lemme try. Might need to suspend John
Yes it's just diagnostics
@JerryCoffin Oh...
clinfo: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libOpenCL.so.1: no version information available (required by clinfo)
E: -30
@Mysticial Okay, it wasn't really particularly funny.
I think this means clinfo is from the ubuntu repos?
Yeah your OpenCL install is borked
@Oldfrith Well 2. is not hard to understand, but its just dumb. Like 'what the hell is wrong with you' dumb. 1 requires me to rewrite all of my code to protect constructors on everything if I want consistency... save me india
@Mysticial I am kind of surprised the question is still open. Linking here mostly seemed like an only semi-lame way of drawing enough attention to it to get it closed quickly...
Did you check for the vendors?
@AMostMajestuousCapybara :( I hate when that happens. Anyhoops. First encounter. I love I can leave it running without worrying about overheating on AWS (my local system is completely fanless)
@AMostMajestuousCapybara What do you mean
16 mins ago, by A Most Majestuous Capybara
Also check /usr/lib/OpenCL/vendors (or lib64)
or /etc/OpenCL/vendors maybe
@Pris It's really up to you. If your codebase isn't too big and/or you like refactoring, go for 1 then. Otherwise, do 2, and comment it well.
Or look system-wide for nvidia.icd
@AMostMajestuousCapybara did paste.ubuntu.com/10400037 not answer that? (the word vendors is missing)
@Pris And consider making a sacrifice to the dark lord cthulu for help?
@sehe I'm sorry this is blocked at work
-> containing "libnvidia-opencl.so.1"
I feel like a total noob. I'll probably leave it as is, and get the hang of things by just going through the motions more often (perhaps varying the tutorials/installation methods a bit). In the end I'll probably realize what was wrong
How many libOpenCL.so do you have? There should be one by NVIDIA somewhere
Windows: Use BitLocker. OSX: Use FileVault. Linux: You think you're too smart for my advice what does it matter. Android: Enjoy Guantanamo.
@AMostMajestuousCapybara should I dump that past in the chat o.O
Can get another room
Good point. Sec
@sehe Ubuntu has a built-in encrypt my home folder feature though
(I imagine other distros do too, but i have no experience with them)
I don't think Swift meant that Linux is hopeless!
Is accessing an object while its executing its destructor UB?
Unless you're accessing it from another thread.
@sehe Linux isn't hopeless. Linux users are.
Then you're just batshit insane and deserve everything that comes your way.
@JerryCoffin I don't even think that's what she meant
dat pun clap
Oh god.
@sehe Probably not, but it seemed funny, at least to me.
:D I know you're a sucker for dem slam dunks
@Fanael I don't know WTF happened, but the bug I described to you went away. I even reverted my code to my old build and it's still working. I don't even know what to say about it anymore.
Prolly a stale .obj
Maybe? But when I was having the problem I did full rebuilds just to make sure.
Unless the clean / build was all just a filthy lie.
Gonna try with another project
Juuuust to be safe.
Think you can Heisenbug me?
@ThePhD Tomorrow, it will be irreproducible.
..or maybe yesterday.
> error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static struct Furrovine::Vector<float,2> const Furrovine::detail::vector_base<struct Furrovine::Vector<float,2>,float,2>::One" (?One@?$vector_base@U?$Vector@M$01@Furrovine@@M$01@detail@Furrovine@@2U?$Vector@‌​M$01@3@B)
Saving it here JUST IN CASE it tries to trick me out.
ITT we're a derpstorm's scratch pad
@sehe For Phantom Derpstorm's Phantom Bugstorm.
will undoubtedly close soon, but a worthy cause for anybody who has extra time:
Q: Did I get the updated C++ FAQ links right?

Marshall ClineCan you check the links in the C++ FAQ? I updated all of them :-) Context: In an awesome collaborative effort, Bjarne Stroustrup, Herb Sutter, Andrei Alexandrescu, Pearson/Addison-Wesley Publishers and I each contributed great info to create a new C++ Super-FAQ. A few minutes ago I changed the C...

The amazing Kreskin Coffin even knows when Feeds is going to post a link soon!
Let's get him on here:
Q: Did I get the updated C++ FAQ links right?

Marshall ClineCan you check the links in the C++ FAQ? I updated all of them :-) Context: In an awesome collaborative effort, Bjarne Stroustrup, Herb Sutter, Andrei Alexandrescu, Pearson/Addison-Wesley Publishers and I each contributed great info to create a new C++ Super-FAQ. A few minutes ago I changed the C...

Why can't I repro this in a Minimal Example?
@ThePhD HahahahahaHaisenbug
@Borgleader You're the worst kind of person. :c
@ThePhD You have an intermittent build bug?
> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\lib\OLDNAMES.lib : warning LNK4272: library machine type 'UNKNOWN' conflicts with target machine type 'X86'
@Pris Apparently.
Okay, fresh rebuild of everything again. Maybe this'll solve it.
@AMostMajestuousCapybara poor rodent, I have this feeling that your parent account is gone for good unless you beg for help from the community managers
you have parent account, your rat doesn't
dajdadwadawkd Still the error!
You gotta, you know, try fixing it, man!
So I know the line in the one project that's causing the problem.
But if I try that line in another program there's no error...
@ThePhD Excellent.
@remyabel "Godwin's law" I've been entitled a nazi often enough, to counter that now. — πάντα ῥεῖ 4 mins ago
Here and elsewhere
Would this be enough to retain Vlad from giving an answer?
Well, did you try something? Where are you stuck. We'll not give you ready made solutions or off-site link recommendations (besides Vlad maybe). — πάντα ῥεῖ 1 min ago
He's really managed to become a meme on SO now. Maybe someone should inform him about that fact.
Has anyone ever tried to invite him to the lounge?
I'm not saying it's a good idea, but just curious.
I think he's been here.
He came, he saw, then he left after had cursed us at the door
@Mysticial Good point, I didn't try. But Marshall doesn't have enough rep to chat yet.
@chmod711telkitty What a nice guy.
@Mysticial I thought you were referring to Marshall Cline, trying to get esteablished on SO?
@πάνταῥεῖ Oh no, I was talking about Vlad.
Obviously, Vlad is more important right? Right? :):):)
@Mysticial Ah yes, that's another case. Of course I've been considering him to be invited as well. Or at least to inform him, that he's been subject of discussion.
@Mysticial Certainly to get Marshal Cline involved at the site is more important than having another "Vlad"
@πάνταῥεῖ We have 25 pages of Vlad in the lounge. 24 of them are since May 2013 - which is around the time Vlad showed up on SO.
@Mysticial So he wasn't really willing to learn anything appearantly?
@MarkGarcia Interesting.
@πάνταῥεῖ If he doesn't learn soon, his next suspension will be for either 3 months to a year.
Don't want to cruel, but it seems that you guys are more obsessed with vlad than he is with you. Not to imply that you guys are not attractive, but definitely not attractive enough for vlad's kind ..
Vlad doesn't care. Only the Lounge (or a part of it) cares sooo much about him.
Damn I am on mobile, there are so many more things that are easier to do on my desktop
@Mysticial Well, the suspension reason will be hard to choose. He was managing to give micro serial downvotes, until these were detected to be abusive. But helping Help Vampires in general doesn't make it for the penalty box. Unfortunately we don't have a silver bullet for this behavior :(
Nobody cares about his help vampire feeding. At least not as much as the abusive behavior.
^ Blutwurst (that's how I catch them) ;-) ...
@πάνταῥεῖ Well done with the "silver bullet". :D
I wonder why I don't get banned more often ... I intentionally troll on this site so very often ...
@chmod711telkitty You don't have much rep as Vlad...
^ Good point
Depends on to whom though
My reputation extends vastly from this lounge or c++ community in general to many other places
I didn't become an elite troll on this chat, I was already one of the best before I even started here ...
@Mysticial "At least not as much as the abusive behavior." Tell more please. I didn't really notice more yet, as I've been stating. (need some silver ammunition)
Revenge downvotes?
@MarkGarcia I've been mentioning this (micro serial downvotes.) He's managing to fly under the ROOMBA radar pretty well.
Q: Dealing with contributing but abusive users

Benjamin Gruenbaumtl;dr How can I as a user deal with content of users who are helpful in general but leave abusive comments and/or answers? Is there anything I can do to help mitigate the problem when I run into such an answer? An anecdote So, today in chat I ran into an answer that starts with: Though ...

^^ That was almost the final straw before his month-long suspension.
The serial downvotes was the final straw.
@πάνταῥεῖ I guess there's a leeway for higher rep users (I don't know just a conspiracy of mine).
BTW, I'm quite happy that SuperFish happened. I hope OEMs would learn a lesson and cut the crap from their products.
@MarkGarcia E.g. Alf is somehow similar sometimes, but somehow more sophisticated and doesn't react in abusive ways with other concurrently opinioning users. I don't know, but he's suspect sometimes.
@MarkGarcia Of course high-rep users have leeways getting reputation. It's a question of being in charge, and feel so.
"Being in charge" to keep up the SO site's quality from a long term POV
@πάνταῥεῖ Yeah he's insane :)
For all the high-rep users that get banned from SO for abusive behavior, I wonder what happens to them in the work place.
@Mysticial Time to find out! ban
@ParkYoung-Bae Who actually, Alf or Vlad?
@ParkYoung-Bae Oh it's you! How did you recover your account?
It's one thing misbehave on the internet. It's another at work - since you might well - get fired.
@MarkGarcia Got my Google Auth back.
@Mysticial Vlad's still unemployed, so it won't affect him :)
@πάνταῥεῖ Surprise!
@πάνταῥεῖ oh yeah
@ParkYoung-Bae Oh that's good.
@πάνταῥεῖ lol right
@Feeds @JerryCoffin You didn't quite predict that one
Predicting feeds isn't too hard. Just follow the feeds.
How do I generate a training set for a Tic Tac Toe Learning AI?
Tic Tac Toe can be brute-forced.
Just do all the combos.
@ParkYoung-Bae If I pre-posted all of them, it'd just be boring and repetitive.
You can have an unbeatable AI pretty easily.
x O O
O x O
O O x
@πάνταῥεῖ That is an impossible move
@Elvisjames It was the winning one at least :P
n(x) and n(O) cannot have a differnce of more than 1
@MarkGarcia I doubt it. If they were wiling to learn from mistakes (especially others' mistakes) the Sony rootkit fiasco would have been enough to prevent this from happening at all.
@JerryCoffin Well Lenovo is reported that it'll remove most of its crapware. For other OEMs, you're more probably right. Though maybe MS will put up some act on it, perhaps some incentive for OEMs that will adopt its signature edition.
@MarkGarcia We'll see what happens--we can certainly hope, anyway.
Well, IMO high rep users have put effort into helping others. This is what makes SO a great place. But people have different personalities. Making angry comments occasionally doesn't warrant a year long ban or life long harassment from anyone else cough cough
Yawn, Good night folks. I'm going to have wild dreams now, about help-vampire zombies, and their supporting vlads approaching my bedroom :P ...
@πάνταῥεῖ Don't let Vlad bite! Sleep well.
Oh my ... Obsessed with vlad on this chat is one thing, dream about him is totally another :p
G' nite
The guy who started Pebble was in the same year as me at the same school studying engineering
So many people doing tons of cool stuff these days
@Pris I know I'd feel like crap if I looked at my life and didn't make something awesome like Pebble Time. :c
Launching a successful product in Kickstarter is like free development cost + profit.
@ThePhD Most people I know went on to do some pretty awesome stuff after school. Always felt really left out. One of my room mates (in the same program/year/everything) was part of a start up that got bought out by Google
@MarkGarcia yeah its nuts. I think people are more weary about software projects though since a lot of games and stuff fell through
@Pris Yeah, provable hardware usually has more success than software, since software can be a let down and people can just say "Well that's the best we could do."
Actual hardware also has things like the FCC (in the United States) ready to bring a club to your brain if you fail your guarantees, whereas for software you can make shit, sell shit, and not be penalized for shit because that's the "best you can do."
1. Make vague specification for software
2. Go to Kickstarter
3. Profit!
4. ???
> (NEW) Color APIs to support the 64 colors of the new Pebble Time screen
Smart Watch catches up to the terminals of yester year.
Anybody tried to benchmark Intel Raid0 vs LVM Raid0?
Paging @Mysticial ~
Maybe this:
@Mikhail That looks like a horrible way to measure performance.
<inherit from project defaults>
> /W1 Warning level 1
Real nice defaults you got there, Visual Studio
I actually like window 7
@ThePhD Should be W3 by default
@Nican Looks good for sequential? Might be a problem if your copying alll 0 files :-)
> error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
flips table.
The joys of the C++ linker.
@thecoshman ^
Shit shouldn't be unresolved, it's a goddamn template.
How do you have an unresolved external symbol for a template type?
Worst part is, I can't repro!
I can't make a minimal example that does this
needs more inline
And triply worse, if I try this same code in another solution that links the same library,
there IS no linker error
Why are you linking templated symbols
maybe LTO failed
@ParkYoung-Bae The better question is why is the C++ Linker / Compiler exporting it as one in the first place!
There's no declspec anything in this code!
It works in other projects!
Curious to see what the code is.
I'm gonna guess because you didn't inline and you're having it across translation units
It's ``
If I comment out the batch.RenderString in main.cpp, the code links just fine.
If I change the declaration to not use Vector2::One/Vector2::Zero, it links just fine in the user project (the .exe that links against that library).
(e.g, I use my_default_thing = Vector2( 0, 0 ))
The library compiles fine in both cases.
Vector2 is an alias for a templated type, Vector<float, 2>
And there's a static const Vector<float, 2> Zero, One on the class.
They're properly defined, it WORKS elsewhere, it's just that ONE line of code when called in THIS PROJECT ONLY.
And it's driving me up the fuckin' wall.
I've cleaned, rebuilt, manually cleaned and built... I can't think of anything else that's triggering the violation, plus the fact that the code works in a freshly minted project and in other project, it's just this one. So I poured over the linker settings and made sure they're all the same, and it still fucks up, andw djhwadhwdwahdwkadhjwad
flips table.
scratches head
[ hatred intensifies ]
I can't decide what pizza to order
Q: What to do about questions asking how to do things "in C++" that are not covered by the language?

sashoalmToday I saw Get the IP Address of local computer. Well, there is no networking layer in C++, so there are no sockets or IP adresses. The accepted answer is a link-only answer that gives a Windows-specific solution. The most highly upvoted answer just gives a general overview about what IP addres...

@Nican ugh pineapple on pizza
pizza needs to be salty
and meaty
yum pizza
@ParkYoung-Bae Er. A bit silly.
@ParkYoung-Bae Talk about -Wpedantic
I don't get his point
There is a networking layer in C++. It's just third party or vendor specific. e.g. WinSock and POSIX sockets are valid C++. Likewise there are multiple C++ libraries for interfacing with networking such as Boost.Asio. — Rapptz 6 secs ago
It's "Waaahhhh that isn't strictly standard C++ waaaaahhhh"
oh I should have added "cross platform"
He seems to say that if something needs to be done in a language, it must be in the Standard..
Well now that I edited my comment it's really long :(
Might as well be an answer.
prosciutto e funghi it is
hope the meat is good
@ParkYoung-Bae Fusion complete? I see you with a gravatar today (only in chat).
@AlexM. Are you ordering again?
@LucDanton Fuuuuuusion almost complete, yes, the gravatar should go away when cache refreshes.
Alright. Converted to an answer.
Now I can get downvoted :p
@Xeo yes
I'm hungry at work
need pizza NOW
@bluefog To put it pedantically, he fails to recognize the difference between what the C standard calls "conforming" code and what it calls "strictly conforming" code. Strictly conforming code must work (and produce the same results) on all conforming implementations. Conforming code doesn't violate the standard's requirements, but isn't strictly required to work with all compilers. Strictly conforming code is so restricted it doesn't include much of anything though (not even "hello world").
wish these guys had some sort of online ordering system
Your ordering frequency seems to have gone up from once a week to every second day
I have to call them
@Xeo haven't eaten a pizza in 5 days
I didn't say "pizza", I said "ordering" :P
gosh people at public transport
well ordering yields good food when you're hungry
@JerryCoffin Ya right..
If I were riding a stop more I'd go full bartek on an unsuspecting victim
lucky for her
> go full bartek
> C suffers from this as well. Some examples: scan a directory to find files in c, Delete a file in C. But the C standard doesn't specify a file system at all.
@ParkYoung-Bae "never go full bartek"?
@BartekBanachewicz you mean you'd ask her if she had a few minutes to talk about our lord and savior Haskell?
@Rapptz what a shitty name
@Rapptz A function of which he's clearly unaware?
@AlexM. nah, she was acting like a demanding, noisy cunt

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