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that being said, I'm a totally shitty pianist, so my opinion doesn't count
@Elvisjames The error is on line 13
@FredOverflow yeah I dunno about switches that much :(
> I'm a totally shitty penis
the corsair has cherry mx reds which are not clicky (which is something I don't like that much, but I guess they're easier for quick stuff I'd go through while playing shooters)
the razer has kailh switches
which seem clicky from what I saw
fuck linear switches
if only the razer didn't seem so cheap and frail
compared to the aluminium corsair
Is NAN a -0 integer value?
I wouldn't spend the price of a mid-range GPU on a plasticky keyboard
@AlexM. IMHO BlackWidow is very nicely built
it's quite heavy, sits well on the desk and after a few years still works great
but then again, I have the older one
is it just me or is sed limited as fuck
I like lenses
@BartekBanachewicz so it didn't break quickly for you
I wonder if I may use them in C++
echo fields/*.conf; echo fields/*.conf | sed 's/(fields\/|\.conf)//gi'
fields/sb.conf fields/ts.conf
fields/sb.conf fields/ts.conf
what I really want of course is s/\bfields\/(\w+)\.conf\b/\\1/gi
I’ve never hurt for lenses (or optics) in C++. References go a long way by themselves.
desired output sb ts
@AlexM. nah. Being really honest, I've spilt a drink on it once and two switches lost their clickiness, and I couldn't bother to open them up inside to clean properly
but since those aren't used really often (on the edge), I don't care
all of the other ones are still perfect
@BartekBanachewicz ergh... you sneaky fuck! one question, sure, NOW DO ALL THESE!!!
@thecoshman if you answer "no" you don't have to answer the actual form. Also, no single one of those is required
if you don't care about a particular aspect you can just not answer it
@Mr.kbok I think it should be possible, to some extent
but lack of reflection in C++ means you'll need to write them out by hand for every struct, or use macros
works when I use -r instead
@LucDanton Pointer-to-members do most of what lenses can do (AFAIK), but they lack flexibility
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, I've read this one
That’s a more literal translation.
I especially like traversal. I'd love to extract a range of data members from a range of objects
> I guess people really aren't joking when they say Haskell is the finest imperative language.
@Mr.kbok remember that traversals don't obey all Lens laws, though
@BartekBanachewicz I think the input from those who wouldn't do it might still be good.
If OTOH I would to translate something like zoom here $ do …whatever… I would pass a reference to whatever bit of the context (i.e. our state) to whatever. No juggling ptms.
Why is everything in bold?
And in turn if whatever consists of stuff; there %= foo; stuff I can go foo(context.there). It’s imperative but if you’re const-correct it’s also not the worst in the world.
@thecoshman welp
like struct x { int a; int b; }; int func(std::vector<x> const &v) { return min_element(traverse<a_lens>(v)); }
@cat so what about Jekyll sucks?
@AMostMajestuousCapybara I moved the site to GH Pages and killed all the servers
So no
@Mr.kbok that's not good enough. minimumBy and just a getter is enough (and simpler!) here.
@BartekBanachewicz It's not but this one is obvious to implement
@thecoshman Dunno, Travis kinda sucks
@Mr.kbok Sadly I think ranges are the more pressing situation for that kind of stuff :(
@CatPlusPlus @thecoshman Circle! (I really like it)
@BartekBanachewicz I'll flip a coin or sth
can't decide otherwise
@LucDanton Yes. Also notice the example assumes ranges
@BartekBanachewicz @amos wow, he was fast
@CatPlusPlus anything in particular?
Wait, why is emacs the new default editor, wtf
Should I use snake case or camel case when naming variables?
@thecoshman No
what's good for having it build windows shit for me?
@LucDanton Yeah, seems like a simple map to me, I don't see the need to invoke anything further than that.
Haven't tried any of it
@CatPlusPlus great! shit for no reason.
> there are only two hard things in computing: cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors
CodeBetter might have Windows builders
Dunno about others
@BartekBanachewicz ¬_¬ and not stealing jokes
@Mr.kbok If you have, you can transform(projection, r) and then min_element
@Puppy Right.
There have been several people to advocate that whatever range solution we end up with, that we should support ptms out of the box actually. So when projecting on a member that’s a big help already.
honestly, a short lambda is shorter than expressing a PTM.
ergh... I need to think about licences and shit. what's the "use at your own risk, do wtf you want with it" licence?
[](auto x) { return x.member; }, &Type::member, hm, well the PTM is shorter but not that much shorter.
@Puppy I still like std::mem_fn(&T::member)
@thecoshman WTFPL.
@Puppy Makes a copy.
@thecoshman You mean Travis? It's primitive as fuck
@thecoshman MIT
> Use of uninitialized value $line in pattern match (m//) at /usr/share/creduce/perl/pass_clang_binsrch.pm line 34.
Died at /usr/share/creduce/perl/pass_clang_binsrch.pm line 34.
@Puppy doesn't compose nearly as well (which takes us back to CSS selectors)
@CatPlusPlus oh right, well, sounds like it'll suit me :P
Lenovo operates on the MITM license
k so my program reducer is dead, what do?
@BartekBanachewicz I was actually talking about jQuery selectors.
@LucDanton revive it
@Puppy pretty much the same thing
@CatPlusPlus how that compare to like CC?
@sehe heh
@LucDanton I don't think that's important. If you really need to not-copy, you can change the lambda to not copy.
@thecoshman Just fuckin read it
15 mins ago, by Luc Danton
I’ve never hurt for lenses (or optics) in C++. References go a long way by themselves.
Make your own license
@CatPlusPlus ... grumble grumble
I don't actually know what lenses or optics are :P
PostgreSQL doesn't handle long-running transactions with locks pouring in a lot of data too well
Things you can do with optics: assign to a whole bunch of stuff in one go. Hence the comparison to references.
@Puppy you could like read up on that
@sehe It’s dead Jim.
@CatPlusPlus they say they don't... well not MSVC
... but can be worked around
@AlexM. What are switches? And what does one need to know about them?
@FredOverflow the pieces under the keys
that do the clicks
@BartekBanachewicz Do you know of any reading materials that explains how lenses make better programs in C++?
Are the switches crap in Cherry keyboards?
Ok maybe the problem is with the gcc build I downloaded?
@Puppy Sometimes "make better programs in C++" isn't readily obvious and you have to draw your own conclusions.
@LucDanton So like, assigning one struct/class to a reference of another struct/class?
I just wrote one beautiful line of Java code:
int minLength = Stream.of(a).mapToInt(String::length).min().orElse(0);
@Puppy not really. You can build the lhs pretty arbitrarily
@FredOverflow cherry keyboards use cherry switches
@BartekBanachewicz So there are no reading materials about lenses that are useful for me.
@AlexM. And Cherry switches are...?
@FredOverflow ergh...
@Puppy Well if you're unwilling to put any brain power in reading, I humbly suggest Winnie The Pooh or something of similar caliber instead of Lenses
people take their switches seriously
Nobody does lenses in C++
@FredOverflow fancy keyboard keys
@BartekBanachewicz You should teach an art class: "Learn to draw your own conclusions with Bartek!"
for example the kailh switches I mentioned that razer uses
they're regarded as chinese rip-offs of cherry mx
on the market only because cherry's patents expired
Anyway, the only advice you should take on buying keyboards is this: don't buy a model you didn't have before on the Internet. Try it out in the store.
There are still offline stores where you can buy keyboards, aren't there? :)
@BartekBanachewicz I'm all for putting brainpower into reading. I just prefer to have a reasonable expectation of a reward for my brainpower investment.
λ a
[Left (Just 4,"four"),Right [1,2,3],Left (Nothing,"empty")]
it :: Data
λ a & (traverse._Left._1._Just) +~ 5
[Left (Just 9,"four"),Right [1,2,3],Left (Nothing,"empty")]
it :: [Either (Maybe Int, String) [Int]]
@Puppy There’s a bit more to it but it does do (moral equivalent of) that.
@thecoshman No I mean, are they considered crap or something?
@BartekBanachewicz Sounds kinda like std::tie.
@FredOverflow no, considered one of the best
@Puppy Hey, references again!
I like them, but I've not tried other mechanical keys.
Problem is I'm not including anything, boost is a dependency. I'm trying to run an example code so I know that it should be possible as is (did a all-in-one install). — Phenalor 7 mins ago
Oh god, you guys are discussing Lenses again?
Nicer than membrane ones though for sure.
I picked the example above because there’s a traversal and some prisms. Which are some optics not as obvious to translate into C++.
@FredOverflow First time for me, and I'm not even participating
so far 7 people up for the jam
well 8 counting me
not bad
@BartekBanachewicz you didn't have an option for "I'll say yes, but probably will not, and even if I did start, probably wouldn't deliver anything"
I should probably fill the poll too
@thecoshman you really need to work on estimates and limiting scope
@thecoshman Something unfinished that builds and run is cool too
It's just retarded.
@LucDanton I'm not an expert at reading Haskell, but it seems to be like a plain mutation of a member variable, approximately.
@Puppy there's no mutation; it's a pure computation
yeah I got that part, that's what the approximately is for
@Puppy [ … ] denotes a Haskell list, so there’s some iteration as well going on. And the prisms are way to touch variant 'members'. E.g. the last element is not modified, even though it’s almost shaped like the first, which is.
whoa new phones
@sehe Was that how you got deflowered as well? ;)
I actually wanted to move from my current phone this year
but there was nothing on the market to make me want to
@Puppy TIL "approximately" is for denoting that what you said is 100% bollocks
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's not like dog owners never die before their dogs.
@FredOverflow I didn't have my lenses in that day
@AlexM. That's why I've been staying with the same phone for 5 years now.
@sehe Use Haskell to spice up your sex life!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Looks like jelly.
django.db.utils.InternalError: attempted to delete invisible tuple
@CatPlusPlus lol, thanks for making the bugs on my end not look as bad
Okay, Haskell actually isn't that sexy.
@BartekBanachewicz erm, hello, TAG
well ok fair enough I didn't put any time constrain on the :P
and it's shite
buuuut, Technically A Game :D
@FredOverflow I wouldn't mind a new phone that does not destroy USB I/O subsystems when plugged in to a computer.
That sounds like a nice feature! What phones have that?
@FredOverflow Galaxy Note 3
@thecoshman :P
4 upvotes in 40s
@BartekBanachewicz hey, it is almost perfectly to spec. Only the target score was reduced and removed (read: didn't add) the timer to make you loose
@BartekBanachewicz bah, still V0
@thecoshman of course it's v0
it's neigh useless right now
@thecoshman and your release doesn't have binaries
@BartekBanachewicz I did put one on my site
but that is also besides the point of the exercise
> This is built for 64bit linux, Ubuntu specifically
what the f
@BartekBanachewicz How can I give a name to my sprites, instead of using indexes?
@Mr.kbok shit. I figured that would be a part of sprite atlas support.
Did you mean "atlases" when you said "sheets"?
No, I really meant sheet as in a grid of pictures of constant size
@BartekBanachewicz what?
@Mr.kbok well then, a number should be enough, no?
@BartekBanachewicz Some problem?
fcuk I forgot to add documentation
But I just wondered if the framework supported a specific way of naming your chunks
the key point is that I don't care if it doesn't run on you're platform
@Mr.kbok nah, you'd need to create a map yourself
not sure if stuff like automatic animation looping should be the part of the framework
Probably :)
But I won't need it anytime soon
@Mr.kbok I've been thinking about separating things that can be implemented on top of the main library
like HateExt?
more or less.
Yeah that's probably a good idea
@BartekBanachewicz "Bumped version number" is a really good changelog
arrrrrggh fucking python has no goto
@CatPlusPlus this is just the last commit message :S
maybe I can replace it with a textual desc
yeah, when I add a description it gets replaced
well okay. What next
puppy does wide have goto
how should I describe the location of errors that are like, bad configuration of compiler or something?
Is anyone with VS2015 Preview willing to check if auto m = non_movable{}; compiles?
@AndyProwl should depend on whether it's copyable
@sehe Non-movable and non-copyable (I meant "non-movable" as "non-moveable")
like, not MoveConstructible
in VS2013 it does compile (e.g. for auto m = std::mutex{};)
not sure if it's a bug or a compiler extension
I couldn't find any doc anything which documents this behavior

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