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I have a 4.7 build
I'm so sad right now =/
@Rapptz you there?
Which doesn't support c++14
@Rapptz Have you seen what happened to MinGW-w64?
@Elvisjames don't worry about that, no one supports c++14 yet
λ g++ --version
g++ (x86_64-posix-seh-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 4.9.2
@Rapptz they've gone full retard =/
Would you guys support a single header data packing library?
@Rapptz I don't know where to get my gcc anymore
(or is that already done?)
How much do you pay?
Then no.
For easy formatting and extraction of data?
@Rapptz oh no, I'm dumb
What should we use to build gcc from source?
@Rapptz it's mingw-builds I always used, and they're still sane
MinGW-builds is just a personal build of the MinGW-w64 project.
So it's ambiguous at worst.
fair enough
but scroll down
someone made a project called win-builds
which looks horrific with some custom package manager
and I was afraid mingw-builds turned into that =/
@Elvisjames For Windows? I was under the impression that’s not for the faint of the heart.
@LucDanton yes
Don't even bother trying.
Just use the installer I gave you.
The installer will ask you some questions during the installation, tell me what they are and I'll tell you what you'll need.
I don't see why you'd build GCC from source
sjlj or dwarf?
and what version ? 8.4 or 9.1?
Is there a 4 prefixed there?
4.9.1 vs 4.8.4?
@Rapptz g++9.1 (implements C++82)
please do not remove info lol
and the answer is of course 4.9.1
higher = better
9.1 fails with error "wrong installation"
I have a feeling you skipped over something
that's for 32-bit targets btw
why not recommend a 64 bit compiler?
Is sjlj the go-to? It’s been a while since I’ve used anything MinGW.
@LucDanton SEH or SJLJ
@LucDanton basically you pick the best thing you can get that's not named DWARF
@orlp Better one is Extended SEH (usually abbreviated sehe)
I don't remember if I use posix threads
but I do know I use 64 bit with SEH
Win32 threads are buggy
basically you want 64 -> SEH, 32 bit -> SEH (but is not provided due to patent, so you have to use SJLJ)
Could you use a cloud compiler?
@Elvisjames Could you fucking not?
I'm gonna go now.
how do I abolished and word boundaries :<
there’s 'match whole words' but I just need an \> equivalent
Could someone do my college project?
Alright, 'match inside variable names' did the job.
@Elvisjames do you want to become a programmer?
I am a programmer
i am devloper
I am slightly annoyed
@Cat Are you looking to move servers or something
@Elvisjames do you want to become a professional* programmer?
@orlp Haha :D
Because if yes, you should probably look into the rates of professional programmers.
Then you should realize that you don't want anyone to do your college project, or you'd be very very broke.
@thecoshman yes. But some caveats apply.
Debugging gets my head spinning.
@orlp My rates aren't that high
@BartekBanachewicz slut
I don't know why I feel hurt when I read PC specs with cores/RAM that are not a power of two. Like, 12 cores with 18 GB of RAM. Urgh.
whoa the blackwidow chroma is pretty
2 x useless arm processors vs full spectrum coloring
rainbow frags
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Why does it have to be a power of 2?
It doesn't. It's just my OCD.
@AMostMajestuousCapybara my older laptop had 768MB of RAM
and my 486DX box had 24
and 600MB hard drive
ocd alert
dat rainbow
@BartekBanachewicz bleeds
18 GB RAM is a power of two
@AlexM. real men don't backlight their keyboards
If you convert it into bytes.
@BartekBanachewicz real men don't play LoL
@Elvisjames um
Yes, 3.14 is also a power of two if you convert it into McNuggets
@AlexM. top kek.
3.14 is a power of 2 in base 1.57
@AMostMajestuousCapybara What!!!!
if you backlight your keyboard that means you are looking at it
looking at your keyboard is a sign of weakness
Whoever is nuking the starboard with shit please stop
@AMostMajestuousCapybara bad math skills have been starred since the dawn of men
@BartekBanachewicz lol
@AMostMajestuousCapybara I have it! EVERYONE, STOP POSTING NOW
That'll stop the starring, right
This is worse than my teenage acne
plot twist: you didn't get rid of it yet
@Elvisjames hint multiplying a power-of-two by a random number makes it stop being a power of two, if said number isn't a power-of-two itself.
@BartekBanachewicz why does this only happen to numbers that are random?
@AMostMajestuousCapybara you had an Acer One?
@BartekBanachewicz it won't happen to deterministic numbers that aren't a power of two?
I always forget to cut my toenails :(
@sehe I admit I don't get the joke
@BartekBanachewicz OK I finally got it.
@Elvisjames shit man I'm sorry
but when I remember, it's because one of them sliced through my toe and when I take my shoes off it's all bloody
I hadn't realized that
> auto requires() -> nested<typename parts::ModelsAt<parts::ForwardPosition>::template Start<X>>;
hurts the eyes doesn’t it?
@orlp it was used figuratively
Could be cleaner. Multiline?
@BartekBanachewicz Is that mumbo-jumbo for incorrectly?
I wanted a more appropriate name than ModelsAt though. We’re checking that the result of start is a model of ForwardPosition.
> Haskell is only type safe if you don't hit a hash collision. I can't even.
ah shit protected tweet
currently that reads off as if ForwardPosition is modelling at the start. But it should be modeled.
ModelledAt makes even less sense no?
@AMostMajestuousCapybara It’s not start/Start itself the model though, but its result.
I'm not sure it'll get much clearer than what it already is, given the current syntax
@BartekBanachewicz so yeah, gldr updates... things like the fact gl::gl_* has changed to just gl::*...
Yeah. I’ll tweak to ModelAt for 'there is a model of X at the start' and that’ll be it.
I can’t have Start<X, ForwardPosition> sadly, I’m roundabout to work around quirks. Or can I? Mmmh I’ll think about it.
eurgh I can have Start<X, box<ForwardPosition>> to sneak in a template arg as a type arg :s I’ll pass
@CatPlusPlus any of those 'free' CI things you would recommend? Travis sounded rather promising.
also, that page is a static page hosted github pages now?
TBH I think your biggest impediment right now is the C++ syntax rather than the naming :)
@thecoshman inb4 bartek "circle CI"
Sure. I like to use the latter as a band-aid for the former though.
@AMostMajestuousCapybara screw what he says, cat is actually helpful
I'd rather be helped through a not so food solution then fail to use a great solution.
> cat is actually helpful
vOv he is
Well yes Cat > Bartek. It is known.
and fuck me this office is cold
@thecoshman order hot pizza
@thecoshman the hell. Wasn't it like that already. Short check confirms
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Start<X, ForwardPosition<void, void>> and let the implementation take care of rebinding ForwardPosition is an option.
@thecoshman BTW I am all for dropping support for older VS
Start<X, ForwardPosition<>>? Kinda weird to default the params but oh well
That's better IMO
The ModelAt stuff?
I’ll see what the error messages look like and consider it.
> error: 'same_type' is not a member of 'std'
Why don't they have a scroll bar in the starred message board sidebar?
Ok, it is meant to auto-fit but why does it keep crossing its borders.
Ask the Mexicans
@BartekBanachewicz maybe my branch was out of date then... I had to update that shit.
@BartekBanachewicz but still caring about gldr? I think it's good to support as much as possible, and if that can be done with out too much suffering (like having to explicitly delete those functions) then I think it's fine.
@thecoshman Goo long didn't read
@AMostMajestuousCapybara huh?
@thecoshman fuck that.
@BartekBanachewicz which part(s)?
@thecoshman not having DSA and reasonable C++ compiler makes everything twice as annoying
@AMostMajestuousCapybara hey that's nice actually
@AMostMajestuousCapybara oh
well, that would be 'got long ; didn't read'
@thecoshman anyway I don't care enough to write any C++ code, no. But I can be an outside consultant :P
@BartekBanachewicz What c++ compiler do you use?
@Elvisjames none.
@BartekBanachewicz well... didn't we more or less hide not having DSA?
@thecoshman it was annoooooyyyinh
@BartekBanachewicz Uuuuh don't tell me you never noticed, this is like the first thing that came to my mind when reading the name (but then again I have a tendency to spot puns everywhere, right? cf Luc Danton)
so many decisions to make and so many tiny impl details that can fuck you over
@AMostMajestuousCapybara dunno it was years ago when we came up with that name
@BartekBanachewicz that more or less cool for me. I'll probably start looking to push some of those wrappers over to master
@LucDanton I quite like it. Of course the typename/template qualifiers could be less verbose, but that's the language
@AMostMajestuousCapybara I’ll vouch.
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Yes, but only unqualified
oh lel scoped binds
    auto vaoScope = scopedBind();
    auto vboScope = VertexBuffer<VertexBufferType::ARRAY_BUFFER>::createRebindToCurrent();
I'd really prefer higher-order code than that these days
oh yeah, trying to scope shit :P
I really should spend the time to learn how to use SFINAE and enable_if
@thecoshman it's pretty easy really
you can disable overloads/functions basing on static constraints
Can you have a 2way array with index from -N to N so that you could do something like arr[-3]?
I know that, but I don't see why I'd want to use that :S
@Elvisjames I had negative indexing in minicraft, but I used hashing there (I had a map that didn't necessarily have ot be contiguous)
@Elvisjames No. You’ll have to do the index computations by hand. (Arguably using a pointer to the middle of such an array counts as such.)
but yeah, you can just store "pointer to middle" and resize it equally in both directions
it's just a matter of offset really
e.g. int a[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; int* middle = &a[2]; assert( middle[-2] == 1 );
@thecoshman well you use some T in a generic context and you can provide i.e. optimized version for a function if the thing is an integer.
@BartekBanachewicz ooh ok...
I think another example is only allowing copy constructor if a wrapped T is copy-constructible; not sure if it's possible to do w/o SFINAE
@BartekBanachewicz but... isn't that just template specialisation?
@thecoshman not really. Template specialization takes a concrete type. SFINAE acts on some subset of generic values that's still generic
oh ok...
you can also compose enable_if constraints
say, is_pod<T> && sizeof(T) < 64
I see...
it's not exactly a thing you want to use everyday, though...
especially because if you mean to use it as concepts, you'll quickly realize it's much inferior to concepts
so like... if you wanted some template class that can do a fancy 'send data of network' when the size of the object is small enough? and you want to be able to detect this at compile time so 'networkSender<T>' always uses the 'right' version?
Q: Can I disambiguate between overloaded template functions towards more constrained one?

Bartek BanachewiczThe Code #include <iostream> #include <type_traits> template<typename T, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_pod<T>::value>::type > T foo(T t) { return t; } template<typename T> void foo(T t) { } int main() { foo<int>(5); } The Error main.cpp: In function 'int ...

@thecoshman well that was an example. You could differentiate between PODs of less than 64 bytes (e.g. put them in a buffer and queue) and bigger ones (send immediately), yeah
you can make that distinction at runtime too, though.
@BartekBanachewicz sure... but like, compile time :D
@thecoshman yeah, after all TMP metawankery is all C++ is about no
oh sure, what project is complete with some wankery
@AMostMajestuousCapybara you've been really upping your confusions game o_0
@thecoshman without urgh
I find it highly ironic that you comment I type the type explicitly because I need to maintain the codes created by c++98 exactly before you use... template aliases instead of typedefs. These happen to be a c++11 feature implemented late in some compilers. — sehe 8 secs ago
> I use std::make_unique because I need to be compatible with C89
Yeah. Something like that. Also "89" lol I'm slow today
> asyncrhonous
I think that's a STD, right
@AMostMajestuousCapybara erm... you know what you said when I mentioned Travis... have you seen what the 'link to travis' actually links to on the lounge homepage?
Looks like it got... Banachewicz'ed
why can you do object->member but not member<-object?
I had a clogged nose.
So I ate a raw red onion.
Like an apple.
Now it's not clogged anymore and my mouth is on fire.
And now you have a nose bleed
@Elvisjames Same reason you can't do } ;0 nruter { )(niam tni and expect it to work
apparently the taste of an onion is mostly smell, and if you can't smell it, it'll taste like and apple
@Elvisjames Because - and -> do not have identical representation in your system's code page or character set
@AMostMajestuousCapybara lol
^I wrote it sdrawkcab
That's awesome. Dem Frenchies
Is there a programming language that uses a larger character set?
someone flip a table. shit didn't work first time.
it's been a long time since you last flipped a table
@Elvisjames what makes you think you can't?
member<-object is perfectly legal
^ Coliru was being slow
int member = 1; int object = -2; bool cmp = member<-object;
@thecoshman usuck
@thecoshman try flipping an elbat
@Elvisjames By the way, you can write this, and it will compile coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/58c246d28ad782b3
Woot. Coliru finally responded
(That's the extension methods hack)
gist: How to write the "left arrow operator" to enable extension methods in C++, 2013-04-11 23:45:35Z
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>

template<typename T, typename R=void>
struct ExtMethod {
    ExtMethod& operator - () {
        return *this;
    template<typename U>
    R operator()( U& obj ) {
        return static_cast<T*>(this)->operator()( obj );

template<typename Derived>
struct Extendible
    template<typename T, typename ReturnT>
    ReturnT operator < ( ExtMethod<T, ReturnT>& extMethod ) {
        return extMethod( static_cast<Derived&>( *this ) );

struct Widget : Extendible<Widget> {
    Widget( int size, int weight ) : size( size ), weight( weight ) {}
    int size;
    int weight;
struct print : ExtMethod<print> {
    void operator()( Widget& w ) {
        std::cout << "size: " << w.size << ", weight: " << w.weight << std::endl;
struct density : ExtMethod<density, float> {
    float operator()( Widget& w ) {
       return (float)(w.weight / w.size);

int main() {

    Widget w( 4, 10 );

    float d = w<-density();
    assert( d - 10/4 < 0.01 );
when I acccess my members through <- they all turn into bools :D
@sehe no
but it is delicious
Can I have my real screen estate back?
@Xeo you can leave
@райтфолд You should do this everyday. And never wonder again why people don't kiss you
@AMostMajestuousCapybara scope your switch cases :)
Because they don't meet me?
They meat you?
@sehe What a week pun.
@orlp :)
should I use std::endl or "\n"?
@Elvisjames The latter. You should use Stack Overflow
Depends what you need
@Elvisjames Always "\n".
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Nope. Depends on what you prefer mostly
@Elvisjames This depends on what do you want to achieve
@sehe Yesse. Depends on what you want to do.
If you are smart enough to understand what std::endl does, you should be smart enough to realize that you want methods like flush to be explicit rather than implicitly added to a newline character.
Hey guys
should I use C++ or Java
Hehehe. The same old same old. Go to f-ing SO
@sehe You can have a conversation with Google
@Mr.kbok Omg a revenant
@BartekBanachewicz C++ or what?
Never heard of this "Jave" guy
@Elvisjames I'm so happy to have learned this. How can I repay you?
@BartekBanachewicz Java? Is it a bird?
@sehe I, too, am looking for an answer to this pressing question.
How can I possibly ever repay 0 fucks?
@orlp But I only just got here!
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Changing names again, are we
@Xeo run - don't walk
@BartekBanachewicz I spent most on my weekend hacking on Hate. Man Haskell is hard
I must have written like 10 lines of code
@Mr.kbok I am genuinely impressed by your acuity (: it took some people here a couple weeks to catch up
who are you then?
I haven't been paying attention
@Mr.kbok 10 LOC?
@Mr.kbok did you write a fucking operating system in Haskell?
@orlp Yes, LOC means lines of code
No I'm sbi
@AMostMajestuousCapybara sbi with 400 rep on SO
@orlp No, but a small game yep
@AMostMajestuousCapybara seemslegit.png.exe
@Mr.kbok woah. Well beginnings can be daunting because of different paradigm
Well kindof
@Mr.kbok aw
I visited my parents on the weekend so I didn't pull the spritesheets into master
@BartekBanachewicz translate: You have to allow for brainwashing to take effect :)
@BartekBanachewicz Functional is ok, I already know ocaml/F#. But the whole Hate monad, the lenses, and the abundance of operators are hard to understand
~abundance of operators~
presentation8a (final) - finished version (last review).ppt
Where is my understatement-of-the-year prize
Omg guise it's @Tony
@Mr.kbok I suppose the important part is that Hate monad is an implementation detail. What should interest you is that update gives you MonadState yourState
so you code against that interface, not the Hate monad itself
Why are update functions of type Hate us ()? Why not us -> us? What is that %= operator?
Why shouldn't we just program in binary? It is much easier to learn, isn't it?
@Mr.kbok yeah, that's what Jeff's been bugging me about. The thing is I prefer monadic code.
@Elvisjames Go for it.
@Mr.kbok you know what let's move to haskell room
@Elvisjames Easy to calculate how many millions of years it'll take you to produce a useful program.
@Elvisjames Why shouldn't we just write in binary? It is much easier to learn, isn't it?
We are writing in binary.
At least I am.
I use my chrome extension - UTF8-to-bin
makes life so much easier to learn
@Elvisjames You can! :P
@orlp Puppy also had a similar similar extension before. Something like, anything-to-bin.
See, it boxes together with the alt text this way.
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Yes, he uses butt-to-butt I think
@Puppy don't you use the butt-to-butt extension?
It was a pun on "bin" you fool
cicada was clearly punning on my historical role as Binmeister
@Griwes lol
Because binary code is machine dependent?
@orlp my son would absolutely love this. Is it mechanical?
I'm starting to suspect Elvisjames is a troll.
@orlp Or probably an elf?
@orlp Wow. You're quick
@sehe It's modified ergo-clears with lubed o-rings, black springs, custom PBT keycaps, detachable chord and a fully programmable microcontroller.
@orlp clears are rare!
@sehe and it comes in two layouts: full-size and Morse reduced size.
Lubed o-rings ... mmm I should probably try rings on mine
^ @AMostMajestuousCapybara one for you
help send an adult my internet is dying
Sometimes I just write the code and it works. So I don't care why it works. It's usually when it doesn't work that I have a problem.
Then later I have a problem with the code which I thought worked.
How am I a troll?
def status = (a => a.isCustomer << 1 | a.isProspect) andThen Map(0b10 -> 'C', 0b01 -> 'P', ob00 -> 'A')
I don't know look at your profile
beautiful function composition
Maps being functions is awesome.
A mapping is a function by definition.
@райтфолд top pep
Every time I ask a question it gets marked as a duplicate. Sometimes I feel like I was born too late.
@Elvisjames nicely
@Elvisjames maybe you'll even get late once
@Elvisjames solution: answer instead
@Elvisjames solution: search first.
@Elvisjames Maybe your mom should have closed you as duplicate too.
Thanks sehe, not the best metaphor, but it is not easy to give a name for a variable, like for a child ... — Jean Davy 16 secs ago
Erm. Yeah. Sure
() is better than [].
std::map should've implemented operator() instead.
for indexing [] is better
operator[] should've just allowed multiple arguments

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