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14 hours ago, by sehe
@gnzlbg it's always simpler in the end (simple things should be simple): Live On Coliru
@gnzlbg why was this ^ not easier?
I grew up with too many siblings to ever allow people to sneak up on me :D
@gnzlbg The motivation is too familiar :)
so I just felt someone behind me, and jabbed an elbow backwards purely by reflex :p
@jalf I don't want to think in what state you left your sibling's crotches after all those years
@jalf 'accidentally'?
@AlexM. they were all younger/shorter than me, so with them I'd hit them in the chest or something
@AlexM. so what happenned
@AMostMajestuousCapybara I can't tell you, otherwise people will find out that I'm secretly rightfold
I don't see you abandoning projects before they were even started
I just don't advertise that much
if nobody knows about it, it doesn't exist!
Nov 30 '14 at 12:03, by rightføld
1) Think of project
2) Create repo for said project
3) Abandon project
4) ???
5) Profit
But its working fine @LightnessRacesinOrbit — Sathya 5 hours ago
re eval solution
how do I attack this?
Ad hominems and non sequiturs
you keep it under siege for 6 months at least
while cutting off its supplies and trade routes
Why? @LightnessRacesinOrbit — Sathya 5 hours ago
<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="dataCur21">USD</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="dataCur31">SGD</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="dataCur41">INR</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="dataCur51">POUND</a>
I wonder why he didn't use GBP
btw, you can successfully replace "POUND" with "GBP". Keep things consistent. — Alex M. just now
Q: JsonCPP not working with wstring

TranscendentalI am trying to append a wstring type to JSON value using jsoncpp but it seems there's no suitable method for wstring or wchar_t types.

Q: Wraping of equispaced point set in a given direction

janakLet us consider a 2-D (latitude, longitude) point set. The points in the set are equispaced (approx.) with mutual distance 0.1 degree \times 0.1 degree . Each point in the set is the centre of a square grid of side length 0.1 degree (i.e., intersect point of two diagonals of the square). Each squ...

Dat awesome graphics
@jalf thank fucking god you didn't do it
@thecoshman oh right that
> dataCur21
cur in Romanian means ass
gah so many people in the office
> UPDATE: It seems some users can't understand that if someone says "I'm doing something and it doesn't work" they are asking how to make it work, so I'll re-phrase my statement into a question
@LightnessRacesinOrbit India should make you an honorary citizen and give you some prize for educating its programmers
@рытфолд ooh, that is pretty cool
@AlexM. Twelve million billion rupees will do it
@AMostMajestuousCapybara :(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Note the lack of ? though, so it's still very much a statement.
Wow, way to miss the point, which is that "how do I make this work?" is too broad. Ask a specific question about the technology, like "what Fizzle do I Shuggle to Fantazzle the Wazzle?" or "why does the Blazzle go Frazzle when I write 'Izzle Wizzle Woo'?" We're not here to do your debugging for you. — Lightness Races in Orbit 17 secs ago
> If you want to encapsulate this functions inside a class, how would you do it? Which
design patterns would you apply? If you have no ideas, check the “design patterns”
presentation to find the ones that could match.
I would need to create a whole course from scratch.
There's nothing salvageable there.
Check the "fuck off and die" presentation to find out what I think of that kind of teaching
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Now I consider it my personal responsibility to allocate my free time to teach those people properly.
hi fred
Am I evil?
Can you zoom a little more
I can't read
@BartekBanachewicz (waste_of_time*)malloc(9001)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit hey, I could teach someone proper things
@FredOverflow Yes, but that has little to do with your rep.
@FredOverflow you're literally satan
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Where can I find this "fuck off and die" presentation?
@BartekBanachewicz Like, don't cast the result of malloc in C and don't use it in C++?
Vertex Order means something else in graph theory: "The number of graph edges meeting at a given node in a graph is called the order of that graph vertex."sehe 24 secs ago
Jan 26 at 8:14, by chmod 711 telkitty
this is why you should go to school
Oh wait
@FredOverflow That implementation detail has been abstracted from this conversation :)
@AMostMajestuousCapybara I'm writing C at the moment and haven't been casting it, in general
There's more Haskell, Scala, Wide, C, PHP, JavaScript posted here than C++
@JerryCoffin What software are you going to use to write the book?
Microsoft Coffin
Gee. People were helping you see why the question was unclear (it was missing). Since then you've been fighting them. Someone else came by with a helpful answer (demonstrating that the question was still not very clear). You half-bake thank him saying that he didn't get your question. Do you even want help? If so, perhaps you can just improve the question o.O — sehe 42 secs ago
@FredOverflow Please no MSVC :o
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Maybe he should consult with Scott Meyers. He has tested lots of writing software over the years.
@Rerito You can write books in Visual Studio?
does anyone here like onion soups
like the french onion soup
with cheese on it
people seem to love it but it looks inedible to me O_o
I like Pizza with cheese and onions.
@рытфолд what is "freezing an int"?
@FredOverflow Oooooh I see... Misread as usual plz ignore :)
@AlexM. I do
@sehe freezing objects makes them immutable
@Rerito is it not gross
it looks like brown mush
not very soup-like
Not at all it's really good
@sehe And now that Tomalakness is on it, the question/OP is likely unrecoverable
JavaScript lacks integer types so you have to implement them yourself.
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Your words, not mine
Our collective thoughts
@AlexM. Get passed over the brownish color, the soup is actually liquid just like any other regular soup. Thing is you just add some emmental and crusty bread pieces in it :)
does it taste too much like onions?
I mean is it safe to assume that if you're not crazy about onions, you'll probably not like the soup
A: How do quick & dirty programmers know they got it right?

syrionThey don't. I'm currently working on a code base created by "quick and dirty" programmers who would "clean it up later." They're long gone, and the code lives on, creaking its way toward oblivion. Cowboy coders, in general, simply don't understand all of the potential failure modes that their so...

Sadly you'll never know, unless someone ticks you off enough to inspect the transcript
lol std::binary_search returns a Boolean
Hmmmm can't say. My brother likes onions but dislikes the soup
@рытфолд p ridiculous
But I guess if you don't like onions, odds are you won't like the soup either
@AMostMajestuousCapybara std::equal_range (lower_bound/upper_bound)
@AMostMajestuousCapybara It is ridiculous of course. And old news
If you like onions, you should try once just to see (as liking onions is no guaranty you'll like the soup)
@AMostMajestuousCapybara C "best practices" are bad anyway
@sehe Isn't that a double search
@рытфолд right up there with the lacking index_of
@sehe I'm new to C++
@AMostMajestuousCapybara the first is, but it requires only weak total ordering
@AMostMajestuousCapybara :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Wide is nonexistent, so hardly
@sehe My container is in total strict order by construction, I might as well use that (I think I'll just implement it) (thanks! :) )
> Refactor your class Game to make it a Singleton (so it will be accessed from
everywhere). Your main function will have to be modified accordingly.
> refactor
> to make it a singleton
> a singleton
> singleton
> gleton
> ton
lol beton
> (so it will be accessed from everywhere)
I don't even
@BartekBanachewicz Only one player can be allowed to play the game at any given time!
Who wrote these? I need to add him to the list of people who are complete morons.
There's a strong allergy towards singleton DP here (and a paradox IYKWIM)
@sehe And that usually happens long after they've been promoted to managers
for productivity and timeliness
I wish there was a way to measure long-term damage in advance
@Griwes that's the problem
I need a strong anti-singleton rocket. (post)
@BartekBanachewicz jalf.dk/singleton ?
I'll start with that
pluritons ftw
@BartekBanachewicz No more () for you.
@BartekBanachewicz Just review his wording, suggesting to clarify as "Refactor your code to make it less modular and use global variables for the Game class, instead.". With a straight face.
27 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
There's nothing salvageable there.
@sehe I understand nothing of that, but I trust you
@sehe ah in that way.
(yes I'm sorry I responded before I actually understood what you meant again I suck)
@AlexM. let me guess, DRPK?
@BartekBanachewicz No worries
(ante) To be upped.
/cc @BartekBanachewicz
@sehe looks more like some latin america to me, not sure
also look at sbi being an asshole to a kid
Q: How can I prevent my parents' divorce?

Bob the zealotI am a young teenager, younger than 16. (I do not want to give my age online) My dad told me he wants a divorce, but I don't want my parents divorced. My dad says he can't stand my mom anymore. My dad is older than 45 and my mom is older than 40. If it happens, I would chose to stay with m...

@sehe that being said, if he tries to justify that again by saying "but I wrote it that way because they were absolute beginners", I might not keep my straight face
more exactly here
What makes you think you even have the right to try? — sbi 5 hours ago
Also, train drivers are on strike today
@AlexM. not so sure. The kid might be trying to achieve something to his own detriment. And yes, the parent have a right to be happy too. The kid can (hopefully!) not fully judge their predicament
@sehe yes
and there's an asshole way to put it (sbi)
and a non-asshole way to put it (the answer)
Again, not sure. People come to the internet. They might want lengthy posts of waffling, or they might crave the "bingo" insight that relaxes them from their preceived "duty" to rescue their parents/the marriage of those
At least @sbi speaks from experience. I think that's relevant.
Can't sleep.
there's no "duty" to rescue a marriage there

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