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@AlexM. Damned convenient, especially for games written before XML was invented.
boiling water hot!
@JerryCoffin Lua was still around.
@JerryCoffin fixed
@Puppy Not in 1988 it wasn't...
it was in 2001 though
@Puppy Not as hot as boiling oil though!
@AlexM. Neat. Although they should be shot at the moon for using the Stupid_Case.
s/auto /auto&& /
I love you auto&&.
@Griwes the code inside that game was overall not very pretty, but the team was small and this was their first project
@AlexM. Yeah, I know.
at one point they allowed the composer to jump in and write some stuff
@Griwes StUpid_Case even wors
because why not
Damn. You are making me want to play Gothic again.
I like UPPER_CASE for type names, like Eiffel does.
the guy dropped the composer job a while ago and found something IT-related
so I guess it's safe to assume he wrote some code back then to see how it feels :)
Also it was still the gold age of Polish translations of games back there.
it all went well in the end
the Polish Gothic community was 2nd biggest after the German (obviously)
The Polish version is awesome (granted, I did not play the English version, but the Polish version is just awesome).
two more source files and 1 compiler bug to go
3rd was the Romanian community
@AlexM. 'tis true. For that matter, if you don't mind getting into almost mind-bending ugliness, SGML has been around since something like 1987 or so, IIRC.
@AlexM. Remember Poziomkaz? :D
I never managed to get far in their modded version. :D
was it ever released in English?
I should try that again.
No idea.
I found out yesterday that one of my colleagues played the original System Shock
I probably never heard of it then, I kept around the Romanian forum, trying mods, making some and towards the end making tools for modding
That looks like an English version. :D
there's this xmas mod with the colony reskinned made by oldflash (romanian modder) for the wog.ro community
dumb question; if a specific software supports Mac OS X, shouldn't it be not much harder to make it also support linux?
I'm the bad guy there
for reasons unknown :P
Oh look, the phx.pl link is still not dead.
I know Dark Mysteries
@corvid smart answer; it depends.
was the biggest MOD IIRC
pretty serious project
If it depends on Cocoa, for example, I wish you good luck.
Also, are you Konrad? "Software" is a mass noun.
ffs I've just had dinner. and now I'm hungry again.
rip me
Fat fuck
@corvid GUI might be a problem. But if it is just ordinary UNIX stuff, it should port fairly easily.
@Griwes here's what I did immediately after I learned how to use C# with Winforms lol i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg14/patrunjelunecro/…
fuck me I kinda wish I could go back in time now for a few hours :')
Gothic did support arbitrary resolutions, didn't it?
not sure, but you should be able to play it at stuff like 1080p
keep in mind that for W8 you need some registry fix to make it run fullscreen or sth
there's a thread on gog.com I think
Stuff like that is usually easily googlable :P
yup, but if it's for games in gog's library I usually search there first because people tend to run into the same issues all the time
googling would get you those results too though
@JerryCoffin Sometimes I don't get why you start arguing, when there's already mostly agreement actually.
Why does C# have those silly built-in type names?
What's wrong with those that are in the BCL?
what names?
object, string, bool, char, byte, sbyte, ushort, short, uint, int, ulong, long, float, double and decimal.
(lol byte signedness being inconsistent with the other integral types)
@Griwes went through some of the sources again, now that I look at it this was really silly
AI_Output (other, self,"DIA_Hunkor_WannaHelp_15_00"); //Hi!
AI_Output (self, other,"DIA_Hunkor_WannaHelp_02_01"); //Hello.
the engine parsed those comments after AI_Output and showed them on the screen
as dialogue
in other situations they'd have been normal comments
Welcome to Gamedev2000.
it's possible that at packaging they mapped what the comments contained to the IDs like "DIA_Hunkor_WannaHelp_15_00"
because you had to "compile" (i.e. package) the scripts
Still dumb
@πάνταῥεῖ Sometimes just for fun. Other times because people get excited about the minor details of their specialty, so something that looks like nearly complete agreement to outsiders looks to them like massive differences.
Even DinkC was better
2 mins ago, by Griwes
Welcome to Gamedev2000.
I've seen that the first time thanks
I even wrote a tutorial for this in 2007 or 2008 lol
I was so cute
showing people how they can use variables to keep track of things
"Wanna know how to see if you pick up 5 things? Increment this every time you pick things up and check if it's equal to 5!"
@рытфолд Because when you're dealing with bytes, you typically want them unsigned.
@AlexM. :D
man. What is the deal with all these linux packages for the same exact thing?
I wonder if there's any limit to Gothic's moddability (is that how you'd spell that if it was a word?).
@corvid wat?
@Griwes looking at this Cinammon vs xcfe vs MATE for linux mint. Seems weird.
@corvid Well... welcome to the beauty of choice.
It's called 'competition'
@Griwes I'm not sure
you definitely don't have access to the engine's sources
It's called "freedom to choose one of multiple horrible choices instead of being bound to a single horrible one".
why would there be a "choice" for that? Just choose the one that works the best
but the whole everything-is-code approach offers you certain flexibility
If the base game was implemented as a mod on top of the engine then you can be reasonably sure you can do at least everything the base game did
I should not have reprogrammed my compiler so that some language rules that are dumb that I needed to get rid of were actually literally unimplementable.
@AlexM. Would you really need that? Is it possible to hook to native code from the level of scripts? I'd assume not, but one can dream.
I know for sure that people managed to screw up how the camera works
so technically it should be possible to implement something like a RTS camera (?)
for example
@corvid Because someone didn't like existing thing and made another thing
@Griwes let me check
Why would there be more than one brand of anything I don't get it!
if I can still find download links
@Griwes Sounds like choosing programming environments or languages.
wog.com is dead
@Puppy Yeah.
No choice is bad, because you are fixed with a terrible solution.
But frankly having a choice doesn't improve the situation much. :D
i3 is the best WM anyway
they actually included the 3D models in the modding kit :)
I did not notice that
@Griwes I don't see any place where they'd do that
and I'm looking at the internal stuff, like how the camera and particles behave
INSTANCE spellFX_Fear_Face (CFx_Base_Proto)
it's possible that CFx_Base_Proto is something defined in the engine, and it gets interpreted based on it
superclass or type probably
@Cat do you know the guys at Jetbrains?
everything like that has the prefix C which probably hints that it's part of the C++ source code
if it was done in C++, for all I know it may have been done in C
it's 1AM and you got me reverse engineering Gothic's sources after 6 years of not seeing them
// ************************************************************
// 							What
// ************************************************************
quality comments
make it right aligned
@JohanLarsson Personally? No
@AlexM. :D
Strictly speaking, yes, but they might turn out to be benefits if you need those properties — that's what I meant. — Patrick Oscity 57 secs ago
No they're not benefits they're fucking requirements.
I'll go play some Risen 2 because I have it installed
and it's the closest thing to Gothic, though still pretty far
Rhino API is terrible as expected.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit your answer is not based on technical info, at best you are, as you admit, guesstimating "nothing about this says...it is at all safe...i recommend you avoid doing it". so, don't start with a categorical "NO". editing your answer. — tony gil 1 hour ago
editing it back, motherfucker
in fact he appears to be stalking me
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you CAN "surely", but it might not be DESIRABLE due to performance issues (usually environmental concerns, too time consuming). but the MySQL motor allows you to do it. SURELY. — tony gil 1 hour ago
you know, Wide is actually looking like it might compile again sometime soon
I saw this gif and it reminded me of this song
ahhhhhh cock.
that's why I made that change...
It reminds me of Interstellar
y u no gifv
It's called "webm" bub.
And because I found it in gif format.
lol I don't know if those people are plain stupid or just have huge balls
maybe both
The surfers probably
I'd be dead even before the wave strikes me
I mean, I've seen surfers ride even taller waves, but those surfers were at least trying hard not to fall. These guys are just letting themselves be drowned by it
one of them actively dived in
so I suspect it was intentional
Have you tried surfing before? It's not as easy as just standing on a board
I surfed a couple of weeks altogether in my life time, you need experiences to build courage to be able to manoeuvre on the wave
maybe they figured they were best off swimming "through" it
yeah probably
I can't stop watching and thinking how fucking scared I would be
@Puppy Most of them did.
It's probably the ABORT ABORT ABORT procedure
So you don't get knocked out by the wave or whatever
and log at ninja speed
dive in is actually a good idea if you have an airbag & there are not rocks around, at least no sharp rocks nearby
you know what YouTube just recommended me?
"Functional Programming is Terrible"
What are the popular C++ IDEs for linux these days? Last time I checked it was Codeblocks, last time I worked in C++ i was using vim + makefiles, and last time I used an IDE it was devC++.
is codeblocks still the cool?
youtube often recommends irrelevant videos to me too
I think that Turbo C++ is the most commonly used here

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