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Anyway, @RMartinho, in my life as a dad I (we) have made decisions that have been unpopular with the doctor at hand (many of them popular with other doctors, though), some of which I know would be very unpopular with many of you here — and that includes decisions about vaccination as well as about homeopathy —, but we have made them in what we thought to be the best interest of our kids.
I firmly believe in science, but I have come across a few situations in my life when science just stood and gaped, dropping her jar, unable to explain what happened. In such cases I might refer to some other model explaining what I saw, until science has grown up and learned enough to sort this out herself.
I had to learn the hard way to do that. And some of those lessons were hard for my kids.
Oh. I just noticed it's 4pm. Maybe I should get out of bed and get something to eat sometime soon...
@sbi my wife still has health problems...and I have found myself often in disagreement with them. When someone you love is doped up on morphine and all kinds of other stuff and writhing in agony and the doctor refuses the obvious solution, it makes me angry. I never hit any of them though, but I have threatened.
Apparently part of med school involves indoctrination in the arts of "I'm smarter than you." Garbage.
My body is beaten and broken from years in the army, but it still doesn't compare to what my wife endures...and she's a lot tougher than me.
heh @sbi
@keithlayne I consider toughness a common female trait. :-|
@Nils Hi Nils.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is probably the only religion I would consider, but not because I believe this bullshit ;)
@keithlayne You're a wuss.
@sbi if you knew where she grew up, you'd probably understand clearly.
@RMartinhoFernandes just because I'm not made of metal doesn't mean anything
rargh windows y u crash :(
Maybe it doesn't like you
well, I also have a nasty suspicion that VS has thrown me yet another compiler bug in refusing to compile my code
It wouldn't do that to you, I'm sure.
the irony is that I significantly simplified my code
@thecoshman You could have a foster home.
@keithlayne Soviet Russia?
@DeadMG To stick to the tenor of what I had said here in the last half an hour: Have you considered consulting a second compiler?
@Xaade worse, probably
@keithlayne Bronx?
I would take standing in line for TP over what she went through any day
@sbi Really?
@sbi Science can't grow up. It's at the mercy of consensus. Eff reality, we need to agree for it to be right.
@keithlayne TP? Terry Pratchett?
I think you have NY confused with south central
the other compilers don't play nice with Windows
@keithlayne I forgot to add a smiley.
@Xaade I know how science works. As a figure of speech, what I said fits the process you describe.
@sbi TP is always teleport.
then there are the disciplines that claim to be part of science, but in reality don't resemble it whatsoever
@keithlayne climatology?
scientology? :)
Political science?
there you go
Is not field. Is made up word full of people on A-list consensus that agree that polar bears only survive sitting on 300 ft of ice.
Q: How could I cast to a variable class name?

user1089964I have some classes and a pointer, which class is void*, pointing to one of these classes. I also have the name of that class in a string variable and I would like to cast that void pointer to that class. I would like to do something like that: string className; className = "int"; ...

Warning: recovering dynamic typing addict.
I find it funny that a meteorologist who thinks AGW is real, is in the field of climatology, but a geologist whose work has more impact on the state of the world as a whole (solar radiation, seismic plates, etc), is not in climatology. I suppose a dentist could be a climatologist if he found out he could tell the earth was warming up by looking at the rate of tooth decay.
What could you possibly do with such a cast?
You get a value whose type you don't know.
@Xaade Shakes head.
Which is pretty much the same you had before.
@Xaade you know we look silly to the rest of the world for not universally admitting that the evidence is compelling concerning that subject
Sillyness, as usual.
If the theory doesn't fit the facts, change the facts change the selected population of scientists available to concede.
If facts don't fit the theory, shoot the facts.
> Through a convoluted process, a user's brain generates facts. These are typed into Wikipedia.
@Xaade I'm pretty sure no polar bears exist in that condition because they can't find 300 ft of ice to sit on.
@keithlayne I hardly feel silly when I question temperatures taken by illiterate sailors with a wooden bucket on route to India in the 1500s.
@Xaade that's awesome
@Xaade Hey, you complaining about Portuguese sailors?
wooden buckets are teh shizzle
@keithlayne Indeed.
@DeadMG Yes, TDWTF is TRWTF.
That's not the first time.
is there a way in vc2010 to disable c++11, use c++03 instead?
and why on earth would you want to?
Yeah, they don't admit those things. You have to go find out for yourself. Like when they saw a trend in treegrowth, then saw a spike in the data that broke the trend. They forgot about it. Or when they mention temperatures taken 100s of years ago, they convenient forget the circumstances. Or when they say they have worldwide temperatures for the last 100 years, they conveniently forget that half of them come from people with an IQ of 5.
I'd scream if I had to work without rvalue references and lambdas
@sbi I accidentally disappeared the starred items...I don't know how to get them back, is it in the newbie hints?
@DeadMG I'm stuck in C# 2.0.
> TRWTF is the expand full text is still an option :)
that blows as well
Company doesn't see a need to upgrade past VS 2005.
at least C# 2.0 has proper generics
i'd like to compare implementations of something
Ugh, LINQless and lambda-less sucks.
@Xaade You know, in order to say this, you need to change quite a few facts (like those learned by drilling into the ice at the poles), which is exactly what you were just accusing your opponents. Did you just try to explain to me how science works?
@keithlayne I can parse that sentence syntactical, but I fail to make meaningful semantic conclusions about it.
@DeadMG ok well i'm just curious about one thing.
@sbi I think he accidentally something.
in c++03, this won't work, right? std::ofstream("file") << "text";
@sbi Yeah, it was cold.... in ice. Not surprised.
Look either, the temp has been raising for a really long time, or it hasn't.
'cause, in c++11 it does. and that's friggin awesome.
@keithlayne Oh, you mean that the starboard disappeared from your screen?
'cause streams are movable
Reload the page.
Someone should file a bug for this.
@RMartinhoFernandes yes
I get that sometimes.
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah, I'm glad C++ has lambda functions now. Should I ever be lucky enough to go back hacking in C++, lambda functions would be the one thing from C# I would have missed badly.
After X temperature increase, "greenhouse" gases have no effect, and then it's all 100% speculation on how much effect positive and negative feedback forces are having.
@RMartinhoFernandes thanks for the tip
Which, NO ONE has a consensus on.
@keithlayne Now that I have confirmation it's not just me, I think I'll file a bug later today.
@Xaade I will stop "discussing" the issue with you at this point. Most people are discussing to expand their knowledge. You are, at least on this topic, discussing to convince us about your opinion. (And never mind the facts.)
@wilhelmtell It would work in C++03 anyway, because nothing is ever done with the stream- no attempt is made to copy it.
@keithlayne I'm sorry, but I really failed to grasp that. :-{
where it wouldn't work is if you did something like auto mah_stream = std::ofstream("file") << "text";
apart from the lack of auto, obviously
@sbi I'll try to type in more conformant English next time.
@sbi My opinion isn't one way about the topic. My opinion is that I don't trust the scientific community all that much when they go doom and gloom.
Even if AGW were true, is it a bad thing. I can't get a straight answer for that.
@DeadMG the stream operators take a reference to a stream as the lhs, and I passed an rvalue.
I must forget that even though you furriners grasp idomatic English damn well, that doesn't extend to idomatic keith.
I thought that some of the primitive types were member operators?
@wilhelmtell Usenet is full of questions from C++ newbies which were confused because this didn't work in C++03. I am surprised it works now.
My point isn't about right or wrong. My point is that the data is weak and they brush it under the rug. All to make this crisis. Most scientists don't see a crisis, they see a global change in temperature, a mechanical effect with the atmosphere, and a bunch of feedback loops, and then they stop there.
@sbi streams are movable now.
@sbi He's getting something like this.
(That's forged btw, I don't know a way to repro.)
@RMartinhoFernandes Hey, in your browser the wrong messages are colored!
A: How could I cast to a variable class name?

seheC++ has no such facilities, because it has no reflection. Reflection would require a standard ABI and Metadata definitions. Both of these come with runtime overhead that aren't justified in the C++ design goals. That said, here's how I would mimick the behaviour if you really must have it: (WIP)

@sbi lols
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah, I got that, although belatedly.
@sbi What I don't get is that you just went on about not trusting doctors anymore. When I spot the same trends in the scientific community, you act like I'm a blithering fool.
@sehe totally lame
@sbi I said it was forged.
At any rate, I can't even try this code in C++03 because VC2010 won't let me choose a standard. In a related story, did you know you can't disable system header warnings and that the VC team refuses to implement that ?! /cc @jalf
@Xaade Will you stop bitching about this?! I said I won't discuss this with you any further 7mins ago.
@wilhelmtell Sucks, cause the standard at my company is to resolve all compiler warnings.
@wilhelmtell I've got little sympathy for that. It's of no relevance what C++03 said or did when you can use C++11
@keithlayne: It's probably allright - I usually put my money were my mouth is, but I'm way too busy these days, and it really hurts when you get slaughtered for posting a perfectly useful answer, with parts of alternatives not implemented :)
@sehe Their loss
@sehe Drive-by linking to your own answer which you deleted yourself must be a first here.
@wilhelmtell MSVC refuses to implement something sensible? WELL I NEVER.
So I'm officially calling it a day. Perhaps I should take a little vacation of Stackoverflow. Come back when the stress is lower (home+work)
@DeadMG I love C++11 and that's all I do on my own projects, but the standard is a 3-month-old baby and some companies haven't adopted it yet.
@sehe You could at least have provided an outline of your idea.
@sbi: really? I have linked to deleted answers before, just not in chat
a bridge to be crossed when you have to work for them
but more importantly
if they don't compile with a C++11 compiler, just go to work and try to compile it there
it's not like if VS2010 won't let you switch, suddenly there are no more C++03 compilers
@RMartinhoFernandes But such a bad one! Everybody saw that the wrong messages were colored!
@RMartinhoFernandes: yeah that's what I meant when I said 'it's probably allright'. Nevertheless: it hurt
@sehe you could intentionally get suspended, that would help with the temptation to come back... :)
@sehe I also rarely answer questions.
Yeah, right.
@keithlayne That's easy! Write "Cheers & hth." at the end of the answers.
tbh, the investment/reward is getting kind of slim
why compete against 10 other people for i++ + ++i questions
alright it's too much fun here. I'm at work now. :-S
and then when I ask a complex TMP question, I get like, one answer
catch you guys later.
@keithlayne: nah. I love SO, I wouldn't want to get banned. However, I can't keep up the pace today/these days.
Because your questions suck!
So I'll lay low :)
and many of the questions I ask are down to compiler bugs
@DeadMG: I see what you mean there.
See, they suck.
Q: How to combine auto getter&setter with PIMPL design pattern in a public API interface class

q0987////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Note: Automatically generate getter and setter template<typename T> class Wrap { public: ... const T& operator()() const { return m_element; } void operator()(const T& ele...

@DeadMG Because eight out of ten answer them wrong. :-o
Maybe you guys have actually accomplished something good...now there are non-gurus out there with the right answer...and faster typing skills
Lol.... //////////////////////////////////////////// says it all
@CatPlusPlus Hey, I was going to link to that!
@RMartinhoFernandes you remember us talking about the simple range implementation yesterday? Oh wait, you're a robot.
I just can't not laugh.
@DeadMG I never bothered with those. Except perhaps the comment UB <!-------------->
@keithlayne Yes, what about it?
@sehe That's less than 30 chars! :P
Oh, comments are 15.
@RMartinhoFernandes it struck me as a great learning example for new C++11 features
Like what?
@Xaade I don't think I would get approval for fostering kids... there fairly strict aint they... mind you, I live in Ireland
i.e. move, forward (for someone like me who has until now only read about this stuff)
What's there to move?
My bag to the trunk of my car.
@CatPlusPlus move the iterators into the range object maybe
I want to see the resulting assembler code for an operation in MSVC10. When I set a break point at a calculation it is very hard to distinguish what is actually happening. So I declared the variable "volatile" this seems to help, as I now get a clear asm of that operation, but have I lost some optimization upon doing this?
It's stretching a bit.
@CatPlusPlus I'm learning, hence the comment, so that you can hurl your mean comments back at me
@manler Yes.
Move is better demonstrated by container types.
@cat it doesn't have to be useful in the real world (boost is for that, right?) but can help me learn how to do it right
It gets colder in here when people leave the fucking door open.
@DeadMG Ok. thanks.
@cat but my range simulates a container too, but maybe I misunderstand your point
Well, yeah.
I also can use it to play with the new std TMP stuff
Moving is fairly simple, though. Play with variadic templates, that's awesome.
I'm kind of annoyed at some people, you post a perfectly clear question, and they question everything
one of the things we were talking about was integral ranges in a new for loop
Yeah, totally awesome.
what, does Nawaz think I can't fucking count explicit template arguments?
Move is basically a swap between clean object and moved from object.
@cat I may when I write the factory fn, but I want to fully grasp forwarding first
don't make fun of me, you all were once c++11 virgins too
@DeadMG I have a 2D Array using 2 different element lookups. Basically I want to see the difference between a=p[y*nrow+x]; and a=p[h[y]+x]; where h[y] is a row lookup so that there is no multiplication.
A: Illegal use of type as an expression

Howard HinnantAfter you've sprinkled typename everywhere you can think, sprinkle template after any qualified call that contains a < before a (. The template goes right after the ::.

@DeadMG if there is a difference that is...
Lovely answer.
I'm not making fun of you. :P
Anyone of you ever heard of pre-, post-, and middle-checking loops? Are there better English terms for them?
there isn't
see, my range could do strided ranges over 2d arrays to help the noobs
That actually sounds nice.

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