Anyway, @RMartinho, in my life as a dad I (we) have made decisions that have been unpopular with the doctor at hand (many of them popular with other doctors, though), some of which I know would be very unpopular with many of you here — and that includes decisions about vaccination as well as about homeopathy —, but we have made them in what we thought to be the best interest of our kids.
I firmly believe in science, but I have come across a few situations in my life when science just stood and gaped, dropping her jar, unable to explain what happened. In such cases I might refer to some other model explaining what I saw, until science has grown up and learned enough to sort this out herself.
I had to learn the hard way to do that. And some of those lessons were hard for my kids.
@sbi my wife still has health problems...and I have found myself often in disagreement with them. When someone you love is doped up on morphine and all kinds of other stuff and writhing in agony and the doctor refuses the obvious solution, it makes me angry. I never hit any of them though, but I have threatened.
Apparently part of med school involves indoctrination in the arts of "I'm smarter than you." Garbage.
My body is beaten and broken from years in the army, but it still doesn't compare to what my wife endures...and she's a lot tougher than me.
I have some classes and a pointer, which class is void*, pointing to one of these classes.
I also have the name of that class in a string variable and I would like to cast that void pointer to that class.
I would like to do something like that:
string className;
className = "int";
I find it funny that a meteorologist who thinks AGW is real, is in the field of climatology, but a geologist whose work has more impact on the state of the world as a whole (solar radiation, seismic plates, etc), is not in climatology. I suppose a dentist could be a climatologist if he found out he could tell the earth was warming up by looking at the rate of tooth decay.
Yeah, they don't admit those things. You have to go find out for yourself. Like when they saw a trend in treegrowth, then saw a spike in the data that broke the trend. They forgot about it. Or when they mention temperatures taken 100s of years ago, they convenient forget the circumstances. Or when they say they have worldwide temperatures for the last 100 years, they conveniently forget that half of them come from people with an IQ of 5.
@Xaade You know, in order to say this, you need to change quite a few facts (like those learned by drilling into the ice at the poles), which is exactly what you were just accusing your opponents. Did you just try to explain to me how science works?
@keithlayne I can parse that sentence syntactical, but I fail to make meaningful semantic conclusions about it.
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah, I'm glad C++ has lambda functions now. Should I ever be lucky enough to go back hacking in C++, lambda functions would be the one thing from C# I would have missed badly.
After X temperature increase, "greenhouse" gases have no effect, and then it's all 100% speculation on how much effect positive and negative feedback forces are having.
@Xaade I will stop "discussing" the issue with you at this point. Most people are discussing to expand their knowledge. You are, at least on this topic, discussing to convince us about your opinion. (And never mind the facts.)
My point isn't about right or wrong. My point is that the data is weak and they brush it under the rug. All to make this crisis. Most scientists don't see a crisis, they see a global change in temperature, a mechanical effect with the atmosphere, and a bunch of feedback loops, and then they stop there.
C++ has no such facilities, because it has no reflection. Reflection would require a standard ABI and Metadata definitions. Both of these come with runtime overhead that aren't justified in the C++ design goals.
That said, here's how I would mimick the behaviour if you really must have it:
@sbi What I don't get is that you just went on about not trusting doctors anymore. When I spot the same trends in the scientific community, you act like I'm a blithering fool.
At any rate, I can't even try this code in C++03 because VC2010 won't let me choose a standard. In a related story, did you know you can't disable system header warnings and that the VC team refuses to implement that ?! /cc @jalf
@keithlayne: It's probably allright - I usually put my money were my mouth is, but I'm way too busy these days, and it really hurts when you get slaughtered for posting a perfectly useful answer, with parts of alternatives not implemented :)
I want to see the resulting assembler code for an operation in MSVC10. When I set a break point at a calculation it is very hard to distinguish what is actually happening. So I declared the variable "volatile" this seems to help, as I now get a clear asm of that operation, but have I lost some optimization upon doing this?
@DeadMG I have a 2D Array using 2 different element lookups. Basically I want to see the difference between a=p[y*nrow+x]; and a=p[h[y]+x]; where h[y] is a row lookup so that there is no multiplication.
After you've sprinkled typename everywhere you can think, sprinkle template after any qualified call that contains a < before a (. The template goes right after the ::.