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@sbi I know. I don't intend to leave. But it might happen. I don't wish to be "high profile" any more. It attracts too much attention. If I lose interest as a "regular" regular, I might stop coming in. But I don't think that will happen. I hope :)
@FredOverflow Did you see "A veteran teacher turned coach shadows 2 students for 2 days – a sobering lesson learned" already? It's a shortish read, well worth anyone interested in teaching grantwiggins.wordpress.com/2014/10/10/…
> Could somone please shoe me some example code. stackoverflow.com/questions/26387113/…
I'd shoe him alright
@FredOverflow nooooooooooo
@rightføld Oh my god, the video quality of the new videos is so fucking bad it's not funny anymore.
@AlexM. use the Scanner class in Java
@FredOverflow We didn't get endliche Automaten at school. :(
@rightføld "get" as in "understand"?
Audio is fine, though.
@FredOverflow No. "Didn't get" as in it wasn't mentioned at all.
We only got UML state diagrams but no FSM theory.
I don't get why pipo posting Java qns on C++
Pipo de clown.
@KapilVyas thank you
unfortunately, I don't give a fuck
@AlexM. I hope that helps. Cheers!!
@AlexM. s/un//
@rightføld but... but...
good things happen when I give fucks
@KapilVyas FYI Alex posted that question so we can laugh at it and downvote it, not because he wants to know the answer.
@AlexM. :3
Ooops maybe he doesn't have better things to do right now @rightføld
He wants to make out with me but he lives too far away.
be less gay thx
@KapilVyas says the guy who came from the C# room all the way here to tell me to use a scanner in Java
C# and Java both suck, so I guess it's fine.
@rightføld Tell that to the C# people and you'll get burned at the stake.
Lol how did ya know that @AlexM.
@FredOverflow C# is pretty much Java with generators, async, reified generics and unsigned types, and without default implementations, non-static inner classes and checked exceptions.
and lambdas
Java has lambdas.
both have them
though Java 8 did add lambdas, or so I hear
Yes, and Java 8 is already 6 months old.
Java also has a LINQ-equivalent. It only lacks expression trees but those are not very useful anyway.
@sehe Mhmm. Well, if we two are the only ones not getting along with an idiot, then maybe is is indeed us...
I wish .NET had erased generics. F# could be so much more advanced.
My head going round...is this a see plus plus lounge
@FredOverflow eh? I only heard about it weeks ago
guess I'm slow
@FredOverflow Woot. Time flies.
@KapilVyas If you hate C++, you have come to the right place.
@sbi It's certainly not just you two. I hesitate to take action as a room owner, simply because I despise him enough on a personal level that I'm uncertain whether I'd be taking action that's objectively supported.
@JerryCoffin Wow. The two of us go back way more than a decade (Usenet), and I have probably seen you take sides in such issue no more than half a dozen times, if at all. Translating this to your usual level of interference with these things, there must be quite some contempt piled up there. Well, maybe it's just us elders then. :) /cc @sehe
@rightføld expression trees are incredibly useful, they allow for the creation of inline DSLs that don't require a separate file or string representation.
@sbi A great deal of it is what I see as hypocrisy so profound that he's probably unaware of its existence, and if confronted would outright deny its existence.
What are you guys talking about? LRiO?
Why is it such a problem?
@JerryCoffin Well, judging others and himself by different standards is certainly a very outstanding feature of him.
@Sofffia What made you think so??
@sbi I've read the list of replies upwards until I read the LRiO message.
The one that is starred.
@Griwes dot.
Exactly. Wat.
@Abyx It's like he took his April Fools paper and decided to really propose it.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You certainly pissed dem off.
Some of the people you have plonked apparently.
People can give it out but can't take it, as usual. Doesn't bother me.
@Sofffia s/some/all/ vOv
The fuck have you done.
Nice to hear they still care, though.
Let's go back to talking about Java.
They are close to hire an hitman and get you killed.
Not an overreaction at all.
We care about @sehe leaving. This room. Certainly not you. (And don't tell me you have anyone plonked. I'd never believe it.)
@sbi You are talking to me, right?
@Sofffia Nope.
Oh right. That makes sense.
what? did sehe leave? why?
I just woke up. Sorry.
If you're talking about sehe, he was trolling the absolute shit out of me last week; when I decided to plonk him and make a note of it once in a while, he suddenly decided that trolling was not cool and decided to make a big fuss. Apparently he now cannot trust himself not to abuse his owner powers when I'm around, so de-ownered himself. Forgive me if I suggest that this says a lot more about him than it does about me.
Just the normal Lounge tantrum business. Nothing to see here really.
@kbok OU ES TU AAAARGHHGHG j'ai plein de questions à te poser :'(
Not quite sure who's decided it's useful to bring it back up again, or why, but there you go. Some people just love to keep the attacks going, I guess.
@Abyx This is what I cared about.
My question regarding it lead down to this here.
dammit quitting because of that racing dumbness is just wrong
Let me know when it's over.
@Abyx He hasn't actually left (yet) but has removed himself as a room owner, and said it'll probably lead toward his leaving. Given a choice between sehe and Darkness, there's no need for real thought--sehe makes positive contributions on a regular basis. Darkness has never made a contribution to the Lounge or to SO in general.
Shots fired
@LightnessRacesinOrbit just go away and don't come back. thanks in advance
@JerryCoffin That's just not true.
Note that I am by far the most attacked individual in this group. You don't see me stomping my feet and quitting anything over it.
It's the internet. Deal.
More importantly, if you're going to dish it out, expect to receive it back, and act accordingly. I manage it. Some others seem not to be able to. Instead, they complain about their treatment when it's nothing compared to their own behaviour. Kind of funny if it weren't so sad :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you know, there should be some reason why people attack you. and it's not some kind of love
@Abyx It's jealousy. Jealousy of my so beauty.
You are what you call "the Internet". You get on people's nerves. You aren't "attacked" so much as resented.
Don't get me wrong, but I seriously doubt sehe is going to leave anyway.
Of course he's not
@sbi Ohi
He'll calm down and then everything will be back to normal.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit if you talk about avatars, mine is better.
Well, unless the idiots that I can't see keep flaring things up again. Mature, my arse.
@Abyx ;p
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I haven't attacked L. yet. Do I need a ticket first or can I open fire anytime?
@Sofffia He just said he probably won't. But making people like him even consider it damages this room.
Case in point. You can spend your life calling me immature. The moment I come even close to it, complaints and flag.
@MartinJames Nah just go for it!
I respect him for all the contributions on SO and knowledge and presence, but it's the third time (IIRC) since I'm here that he comes up with drama scenes like this one.
@Sofffia You must be a fairly new addition to the room then.
I am
welp it's time to go home
I don't count much in this room, but I saw people trying to manipulate others in taking a decision way too many times to just shut the fuck up.
@Sofffia What contributions? What knowledge?
wow!@ Jerry's starred message. Sure, I've "never made a contribution to SO in general." How is this appropriate? Or acceptable? This is fifty times worse than anything I've ever said to sehe. Ever. And Jerry attacks me like this often. Yet you don't see me stomping around and threatening to quit forever. Use the ignore function? I don't know. The hypocrisy in this room is really quite astounding. Unfortunately, at times like this, simply ignoring those people does not work enough. :(
@Sofffia I remember him (under his real name) rage-quitting several times in the beginning, because people reacted badly to his unsocial attitudes. It took a while and some of those people to leave until he got a firm grip on the room.
Makes people feel good about themselves I suppose. But it's provably and demonstrably false. Kinda weird.
I wish Loungers would not continue to leak. Its the Lounge FFS - since when did regulars start giving fucks?
(or getting them)
@sbi I didn't know that.
Why can't he just plonk LRiO so that everyone is happy?
@Sofffia Mainly because it's not true.
@Sofffia Oh, I wasn't trying to weigh your value for this room by measuring the time you've spent here. It's just that this goes back several years, and there's certainly been more than three incidents – in the 6 months after he hit this room for the first time.
@Sofffia That's my question, too. It's more fun to drag me through the mud instead I guess
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Look who's reading what I wrote.
@Sofffia He may have now--as a room owner (at least in my opinion) he's pretty much obliged to not plonk anybody (the only reason I haven't long ago).
I fail to see how anything about this entire conversation is even close to reasonable. A whole heap of baseless slander from those who are complaining about comparitively insignificant trolling. Sigh.
> comparitively
Question posted on Coliru feedback:
> I'd prefer code to be shown before compilation... Should I not worry and compile anyways?
@Sofffia Have you tried this for a day? Just go for it, and you'll see why it won't work.
well, -spelling mistake and +spelling correction
I'm on Halo atm
The code is shown before compilation ... in the editor?
@sbi That made me realize I don't know sehe as I thought.
b4 de compilator
19 mins ago, by Jerry Coffin
@sbi A great deal of it is what I see as hypocrisy so profound that he's probably unaware of its existence, and if confronted would outright deny its existence.
Prediction confirmed!
@StackedCrooked Maybe it's a typo, but I'm struggling... chown?
@sbi Then he can just ignore him and don't engage in conversations with him.
@Sofffia Actually, sehe came way later, too, IIRC.
@JerryCoffin That wasn't too hard, really. :-/
The way I see it is that he is putting himself in a "me or him" situation for no reasons, and he knows how much you guys value him so that's basically like pushing LRiO out of the room.
@Sofffia The problem with such an unsocial being in any group you're in is that you can not ignore that person, because he affects the whole group.
@sbi Well no, not really.
@sbi Who are you talking about
@sbi LRiO affects the whole group?
Which group
@Sofffia If you're referring to @sehe, then this is wrong. He did this in almost total silence, dropping only the slightest of hints about this. It was me being concerned about his move what brought it up here.
Stop trolling, insect!
@sbi Well, I thought you were talking about LRiO, but then you used the word "person"
I'm taking this up with a room owner in private, and we will come to a logical and mature conclusion. It is not necessary to continue the hypocritical bashing.
@Sofffia Everybody who comes here affects the whole group. Less participation generally means there's less effect, but every single post here (even ones you or I have never read) has some minute effect on the group as a whole.
@Cicada How come I knew you'd be trolling.
Seriously, though, I suggest you all take a long hard look at your own messages and behaviour. Like, seriously. You are beyond hypocritical.
Look who's miffed.
@sbi Yeah, nobody would expect people to react the way you and others reacted. Especially... iunno... the person that knows you for years.
I'm not trolling.
I'm just being realistic.
I'll stop talking if you wish.
@Sofffia It was a total accident I even found Feed's message in the transcript.
Sehe certainly didn't do anything to make it visible.
That would be out of character.
I think I'll stop talking about this now.
@Sofffia I don't know sehe all that well, mostly because I more or less left not too long after he became a regular. But he struck me as a very reasonable person.
What. He wrote messages of explanation afterwards.
@Sofffia Not because of me, I hasten to say.
But, sure, did nothing to make it visible.
I should stop reading plonked people in the transcript
As I said, let's allow this to be sorted out in private now, thanks.
As if I would believe you saying this.
@Sofffia You're entirely welcome to continue talking--but if you want to make a case...well, your arguments could use some improvement. I say that not as an attack on your (or anything similar) just as a statement that if (for example) I were trying to act on his behalf I'm pretty sure I could make a better case than you are (or, for that matter, than he is).
@LightnessRacesinOrbit : Thank you for pointing out my mistake. I have edited my answer. — Shravan40 27 mins ago
oh shit I contributed again
@sbi Well, I know you won't accept the idea that he is doing this on purpose (or maybe unconsciously on purpose) so I'll just stop trying. I'm not going to say it's a loss or whatever, and I'm not angry at you or whatnot, I just realize it would be a waste of time for both of us. ;)
grumble grumble I'm not bloody doing anything
Ah, fuck it.
@Sofffia Actually I fail to understand which "whos" and "whats" your message refers to. :-/
Lounge always has the best drama. Who needs TV when I have SO Chat :)
Don't worry about it, just mumbling.
@rlemon lol
This will be perceived by some as a "rage quit", because it fits with their chosen narrative. It's not one. I believe pretty much anyone would take a Lounge break given all the above. Heck, Bartek took one for no reason at all! But I hope that, while you're being fed lie after lie about me, by those who would deem themselves morally superior despite evidence to the contrary, you try to remember some of the good times. But I shall find a new home. So long!
@rlemon You need TV for the love stories. No romance here.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Not you too now.
@Sofffia Well, I have the time tonight, and I would be interested to hear what you say. I am not here very often anymore, so I can be wrong just about anything.
@Sofffia It's untenable.
My head's held high though. See you in !
As if you ever had your head not high.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit careful you might transform into Jon Skeet
@sbi The idea is that sehe is doing it on purpose or unconsciously on purpose to push LRiO out of here. Nothing against sehe tbh. If I had such an enemy and I was half as respected as sehe is, I would try it too (or my brain would). The basic trick is... (continue)
@FredOverflow I've never watched TV's "love" stories, but what I've seen in ads seems to be much more about hatred than love. There's a fair amount of sex, but all of it seems to be for the sake of manipulation, not love (nor even lust).
:sways back and fourth: Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends?
@JerryCoffin the only good love stories are those on the Science Channel anyhow
The love between Klingon and Empath is a love not to be trifled with.
The basic trick is to throw something like "Oh, well. I think I'm tired of staying here. I think I'll leave for a while.". From there you just have to wait until someone get baited into asking you what's wrong (and they will sooner or later). At that point you have full control. With the correct hand you could even move half of the room into protesting that room owner's nicknames should be displayed in purple instead of black.
@rlemon I'll have to take your word for that, I guess.
Going into something like: "What's wrong you say? This black nickname is tiring, I'd prefer if it was of come less monotone color. Like purple."
the guy leading my team came up with this very big and overkill solution to a problem we must solve, in an attempt to predict changes that will be required one year from now
@Sofffia Anybody who wants changes like that can suggest them on meta.
I insisted that the solution is more complex than it appears now and will open us to new bugs while we're on a deadline
but it's not my place to decide this
Of course that's a silly example, but if you take an argument such as "LRiO is terrible. It's making me wanna leave." and you have a precedence of people hating on LRiO, then it's super easy.
@rlemon I can't say I ever want to be that close to either one, not to mention both at once.
since I'm the only guy who bothers to write unit tests, all these overlooked or unknown issues started to show themselves
obviously throwing them all at him would be a bad idea and cause immense aggro
I think I'll reveal them one at a time
I just hope the whole thing won't be delayed because of us
And I thought the JS room had issues ._.
@SterlingArcher You should see the JIRA room...
@SterlingArcher What does JS stand for?
@Sofffia It seems to me that it's different primarily because it's easy to believe.
@sbi didn't know one existed. We use Jira at work - very nice piece of software.
@FredOverflow JavaScript Sucks!
@JerryCoffin Yeah, it's definitely easier to believe.
guess I'll just keep on unit testing the shit out of everything, and somehow open some ways to revert if things go wrong :\
@SterlingArcher You failed to get it.
JIRA is not nice. It's terrible.
it's probably safest, since I don't get to be considered one of the founders of the idea, and I don't put the project in danger
Atlassian should really hire better UX designers.
What's so terrible about it?
If sehe was to come up with: "Fuck LRiO. Him or me!", then not only it would be out of character, but it would also receive more negative votes. Because people would see it for what it is: blackmail. Not everyone, but some might.
It's cluttered and complicated.
@rightføld Uuuuh then what do you use?
It is difficult to find what you're looking for.
My co-worker used the API to make a Kanban style ticketing view. It's amazing
And the agile board is glitched as hell.
@Cicada YouTrack.
@rightføld nice use of vague statements
Instead you push yourself just a little bit out and say that X is the reason you are doing it. If people care enough about you they will pull you in and push X out.
That's the basic plan.
@Sofffia Again: I did, by accident, find a message by Feeds from when sehe removed himself. I looked around hard, and I found one message by him, at the time mostly unnoticed. I asked what's wrong a few hours ago, and he certainly wasn't forthcoming about it. If you consider this attention-whoring, then I really don't feel like we have some common ground to argue.
@rightføld maybe, but he was after places with lots of issues, and if anything, JIRA has lots of issues.
@sbi If you didn't see the Feeds message on the starboard, you would have noticed the non-italic name sooner or later.
@Sofffia It was long since off the starboard.
Gonna watch that now, see you later, suckers!
@FredOverflow Enjoy.
@sbi Doesn't matter. The point is that you would have noticed it.
Anybody would have.
JavaScript is like an old sock full of pennies. at first glance you think "well fuck, it is just a sock of pennies", but as time goes on you find more and more uses and I mean shit, you have a sock full of pennies. How can you not appreciate that.
It happened before, remember? There has been cases of people removing themselves or being removed as room owner and people slowly realizing it.
It happened, with puppy, with sehe, with cosh, etc...
@Sofffia Yes, but if anything then that speaks against LRiO. The fact that, every time someone says he is a twat, this gets stars instantly and splendidly (and not if it is the other way around), says a lot about how he's perceived here.
Yes. That's true. People seem to hate LRiO.
@Sofffia Oh yes, I do remember that this happened before. I think I was the first one, after all.
No doubt about the hate against LRiO.
@Sofffia And how come?
I honestly don't know.
@Sofffia You really don't know the story? What do they teach the newbies here, nowadays? :)
@rlemon a sock full of pennies can be very handy. You can turn it into a cheeseburger, or you can just hit people with a very heavy sock!
@Sofffia Well, assuming that it's not his avatar what makes him so badly liked, what else could it be?
and if your foot gets cold, you have a sock!
I don't see such a problem in him. He is a troll some (or most of the) times. He might say some stupid shit every once in a while.
understatement of the year
See, even the girls dislike him! :)
@sbi History or behavior.
@sbi Because he has a tendency to provoke people and/or be polemic. But to be fair, he's far from being the only one here. I also believe @Sofffia made valid observations. And measuring the number of stars is not really a good indicator - after all, the message saying sehe removed himself from the list of owners had 8 stars.
I'd go with history, given that the behavior he currently has is not particularly wrong.
@AndyProwl Re that message: Now you're making my argument.
Off to dinner, for 15 minutes or so.
@AndyProwl Re being provoking: I am pretty provoking, too, quite often, and I am pretty quick with smacking people on the head. I am sure many here have had times where they hated me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't have the feeling that "people seem to hate me" here.
So where's the difference?
@Sofffia It's alright for you, but I may starve to death. I don't usualy eat until ~0100, but my office clock has stopped:(
(That's a honest question, BTW.)
@Sofffia I think he'd learned approximately the limit on behavior that would be tolerated to at least some degree. He constantly pushed to that limit, while never (well, rarely, anyway) pushing far enough past it to get himself booted.
@sbi My point is that he isn't the only one, but other people who exhibit very similar behavior aren't treated with equal "violence". On the other hand I know that other people (like you) see more than I do - both historically and socially - so I might be short-sighted. I have a huge respect for sehe, but I think removing himself from the list of owners was unnecessary and probably a bit manipulative.
Coping is easier for some than others LRiO, (and myself), tend to just think 'fuck this stupid shit, I'm off down the pub and I'll post again tomorrow'.
50 years from now, do you think people will remember how important being a chatroom owner was?
@AndyProwl My honest believe is that if someone is less liked, then it's mostly because of what they do – at least if there aren't others around who diss them. And about the latter: I'm barely ever here, TTBOMK Jerry spoke up on this for the first time, and sehe rather put down his job. (Which I, other than you, think was due to genuine tiredness about the situation.)
@SterlingArcher Who speaks about ownership??
"but I think removing himself from the list of owners was unnecessary and probably a bit manipulative."
Seems that this is the cusp of all this "drama"?
@AndyProwl There are other people (cat, for the most obvious) who are quite negative on a regularly basis. Cat's substantially different in one respect though: he (constantly) says that things suck--but the closest I've ever seen him come to attacking a person was "your code is bad and you should feel bad." Puppy used to be pretty negative at times too, but that mostly (and pretty quickly) stopped when his health improved.
@SterlingArcher Nope. It was an act he made to get himself out of the firing line, but this isn't the cause for this whole discussion, it's just what triggered it. (FWIW, of the three persons who have spoken out about this tonight, two had removed themselves from the list of owners, and one had shown a lot of reluctance against being put on it.)
@JerryCoffin Cat and Puppy aren't negative! :<
@Cicada Your polarity seems to be backwards.
Sounds fun
@sbi Cat and Puppy are positive! :>
@sbi De Morgan has been applied.
@Cicada Yeah, I got you. And I said what that means. :)
@Cicada Feel free to use a different adjective if you prefer. Cat has certainly said things like "X sucks", for many different values of X. Granted, I can't say I recall many cases where I'd used X and found it to be wonderful though.
@JerryCoffin I think "negative" is a bit of an euphemism. As far as I can see, both of them are being polemic most of the time, sometimes in a very explicit way.
And of course I am noone to say how people should behave. I just notice that different reactions have occurred to equal or similar behavior by different people
@AndyProwl Yes. And they still do not get onto others' nerves as much, and thus aren't hated as much. Why is that? (Again, this is a genuine question.)
@sbi Because you can pet them
@AndyProwl Again, I believe that, if behavior cause different reactions, then it's very likely to be different behavior. I can't say I know what the difference is (I keep asking, remember), but I have to admit that the theory Jerry offered does seem to fit some of what I'm seeing.
@sbi Genuinely, I don't think that's true. I am not sure how to gauge the community's hate either. Stars, as I wrote, are not a valid indicator. Personally, they all tend to get on my nerves equally well, but again, I respect their knowledge/contributions and I am relatively new, so I won't dare pointing out how they should behave. Anyone is free to act as he sees most fit. But I can't help noticing the mismatch in reaction
@Cicada Doesn't that make you reevaluate your handle?
@sbi I think there are a couple of factors. One (as already noted) is that both attack things, not people. Another is that in many cases, they seem to be letting off steam about things they've run into in the course of doing actual programming. By contrast, LRiO routinely posted complaints about things like news articles that had nothing at all to do with programming and such.
Lounge<petting zoo>
@AndyProwl Well, I think the number of stars to statements here are as good an indicator of general agreement as is SO rep or school marks to to the level of knowledge: It's not perfect, but there is a correlation, and not a weak one. If you do not believe this, then there's little I can do about it, and I'm afraid then we won't get much further with this. Because that's the base of some of my arguments.
@sbi Are you saying my nickname is an opaque pointer?
@JerryCoffin Perhaps you may not regard this as attacking people, but it does look quite negative to me. Just a sampler.
@Cicada I do agree somewhat. Cat & Dog have their grumpy modes, but also very helpful and curious modes. For Cat, he mostly rarely targets persons. And by adding wit his contributions are sharp and often hilarious to me.
Hell, even LRIO has a helpful side. And an extreme sense of duty. It's perhaps this that often triggers his pedantic side?
@JerryCoffin I wouldn't know what people mostly complain about here, since I haven't been a regular in almost two years. And I have never had anything against discussing other things than C++ programming here. But that attacking things vs. people does have a true ring to it.
@sehe sehe <3
@sbi But then again, the message saying that sehe was being removed from the owner list had 8 stars. How should we interpret this then? (Genuine question)
@Cicada I was doubting that insects are generally regarded for their appeal to pet them.
@Sofffia Not exactly for me. He made me real tired. Is all.
@sbi You'd be surprised
@sehe Hey, have a warm hug
Aw. Thanks
@AndyProwl I see two possibilities: One is, that removing yourself is quite an unusual thing that doesn't occur more often than once a year, so people note it, and want other to be noted. The other is that they agreed with his sentiment. Which of the two it was (or which mix of the two), I wouldn't know, because I wasn't there.
@Cicada Yes, I'd be surprised. You understood this correctly.
@sbi But this is why I'm saying stars aren't a good indicator. People star things for different reasons, not necessarily for expressing hatred.
@sbi It wasn't so much about programming vs. non-programming, it was more about letting off steam about the sorts of things most people run into in real life, vs. seeming to go out looking for things to find irritating.
I sometimes star a message that sounds funny even though I don't hate the target
dang, sehe wants to leave because of LRiO?
@AndyProwl Oh, we all do this, I think. That's why I spoke about correlation, not cause-effect.
I guess LRiO does have a more interesting way to... uh do stuff
@JerryCoffin Ah, that sounds much more how I feel, too. (Only I couldn't put it in words myself.)
while I'm aware that it's a joke, I kinda got annoyed by his constant goat jokes at one point
still, I don't find LRiO to be that bad
@sbi Right, but then the question is: how to interpret stars as a gauge of how much individual X is loved or hated by the community? In my opinion, it's not possible
@MartinJames Is that ~4 or ~01:00?
@AlexM. From what I understood, it's more that he was tired of him, why he put down his room ownership the other day, and why he considered stepping back a bit. But you would have to ask him for a more certain statement.
Jul 21 at 18:51, by Edward Bird
If anyone see's that cunt lightnessracesinorbit please tell him to 1: stop trolling my posts 2: that if he was in the same room i'd batter the shit out of him for being a cunt and 3: i am probably better at debugging than he proclames himself to be, as well as many other things, one of those including bar fights

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