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You need a better place to keep state, then.
I know.
I know how to solve the problem.
Yields transfer control out of the function, so you can't have variables live past them.
But it means that I still won't like the coroutine crap.
@R.MartinhoFernandes they would be with language support though right :S
It's only mildly less annoying than the traditional way.
@Ell Or with garbage collection.
Or with something formally smart like Rust's borrow checker.
I read about that
But I've forgotten
I'll have to refresh my rust memory
Hex board is working!
@Ell the arguments to format.number are the number format and the number.
format.number (locale.numberFormat env.locale) takes only a single argument.
(format.number is curried.)
who here uses tithub and who uses buttbucket?
One for public tits, the other for private butts.
I use GitHub and Bitbucket.
Hey babe ;-;
fun sponge
I solved a Project Euler problem on a TI-84 today ;_;
I felt like a God for a good 2 minutes
@MohammadAliBaydoun Runs more like a dog.
Why is the Bible a requirement to be American?
Because America.
Because Texas
@Sofffia That's where Christianity comes from.
Are you teaching me about Christianity? Seriously? :P
God is an American as well.
She says Proud to be an American
and then... she looks so angry.
I have the Pope 3 blocks away.
Merkel squared.
Time to farm some rep.
I need to make my HexMatrix
@ThePhD Being proud is serious business.
Q: Name a piece of cloth belonging to a holy figure
A: The Shroud of Turing
Aww crap.
@CatPlusPlus In the Book of Mormon, Jesus came to visit America.
@Sofffia No, I'm teaching you about America.
Robot's answer is based on an even-odd grid. u.u;
Guess I need to adapt for a not even-odd grid...
How does US not implode
Nobody asked that
literally impossible to find an answer
> valarray<double> valery(10,10);
> valery
It's a beautiful name.
Mar 21 '12 at 20:51, by StackedCrooked
There's even a song about std::valarray.
@AndyProwl in da house?
just reading your latest proposal again
@TemplateRex He has a proposal?
@TemplateRex it's more of an "idea" than a proposal
at least for the moment
Share or die. D:<
Who the hell uses valarray
I don't get it
there's much more to do and I need to hack Clang at some point before I can call it a proposal
some general remarks: "to be defined shortly" works on my nerves, I like seeing something defined, then used
Fucking spammer.
@TemplateRex ok, where did you find that?
Opinions about purecss.io go
(as I mentioned, this is the draft of a draft, not a proposal - I'm just collecting precious feedback for the moment)
@CatPlusPlus shitty classes all over the HTML/10 won't use.
I'm so stupid.
Forgot to send the handshake.
lol css purity
@ThePhD an idea about language support for type erasure
No wonder the data was not arriving.
@CatPlusPlus No sliding menu. Won't use.
@R.MartinhoFernandes WebSockets?
Or something else? :o
So I guess it's all right then
@AndyProwl section 3, "we will clarify what this means in the following"
Why would it be WebSockets?
Every other protocol has a handshake.
@CatPlusPlus Do you care about responsiveness?
Except UDP!
@Sofffia Yes no maybe
Not as much as to spend extra time doing it
@TemplateRex I see. I would have to restructure that section quite heavily to avoid that forward-reference
Not that I'm not willing to do it
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's the only one I remember doing manual handshakes for.
@CatPlusPlus How are you going to deal with menus on mobile?
I'm just thinking aloud
I guess Libraries probably abstracted me from other kinds of networking handshaking.
@ThePhD That's because you were implementing it you butte
@TemplateRex This is not about library though
I know, but just to use the language and format that committee people are used to
@ThePhD I won't even.
I just thought you were doing something I knew!
So I asked.
@TemplateRex right
I don't do transport.
@AndyProwl the sections Intro, Motivation & Scope and Design help you discipline your thoughts, and also help guide your readers
@Sofffia If it doesn't work fine by default then I'll probably not care!
@TemplateRex good point
@ThePhD It's the eye tracker's streaming protocol.
@AndyProwl the Impact on the Standard sectoin will be tough :-)
Network protocols without handshakes are shaky.
@TemplateRex Yeah, not even thinking about that right now
@AndyProwl Can I see it? (Not now, because asio, but maybe at some point)
@AndyProwl so then add that section with a "this section intentionally left blank",
Eye tracker streaming protocol...?
The origin of handshakes was to show that you are unarmed.
There's like, an RFC for eye tracking? o.0
You don't know about ETSP?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Of course, I'd be glad: bit.ly/ZgruFY (I keep uploading new versions so the document is quite volatile)
Where do you live man
a cave
there's also a thread on the Asylum
@TemplateRex taking note
@AndyProwl the Motivation & Scope asks a lot of questions that you should address in that order. This will greatly improve the idea/paper
@AndyProwl Oh no you posted there rip
@ThePhD Why would it?
We have an eye tracker.
@CatPlusPlus yeah I joined the insanity
I'm writing triangles manually and getting normals wrong, prolly doing it wrong.
If it doesn't have an RFC it doesn't exist
It gives pictures from a TCP socket.
most of the stuff is already in the paper though, so mostly reshuffling
I read 'pictures' as 'pleasures' what the fuck
@TemplateRex thanks for your comments
and btw, please make a GitHub repo that you use in std-proposal so that people can bookmark it and always have the latests version
@TemplateRex good idea yes, but perhaps at a later stage
it's too volatile, incomplete, and inaccurate now
for the moment my goal is to figure out if it's worth investing some serious effort on it
@AndyProwl if you publish it, it's good enough to track ;-)
Call it 'shit for C++'
@ThePhD It's literally just "send handshake, get metadata, gorge on endlessly streaming pixels"
I forgot the handshake.
I had one job.
Clap clap
Fap fap
had a programming problem, thought “I know, I’ll use Ruby”, now I have seventeen DSLs with which to describe my problems
Tap Tap
@AndyProwl anyway, back to the actual idea: the fun(C& o1, C& o2) and the requirement of equal types, shouldn't that warrant a discussion of multi-methods a la the Stroustrup Accept no Visitors paper?
@TemplateRex yes I am aware of possible interplay with multimethods
I mentioned this on std-proposals too
for the moment I'm trying to focus on more pressing issues, e.g. meaningful support for value semantics which is giving me a bit of trouble
@AndyProwl just saying, a Core proposal needs a Stroustrup reference (only half-joking, these things matter in academia, and in any other technical community)
Also, protip: can't fit 30 bytes in a single-byte buffer.
not with that attitude
You're not trying hard enough
@TemplateRex I have a Stroustrup reference ;) (perhaps you don't have the latest version)
@AndyProwl What kind of trouble?
@CatPlusPlus lol
@Puppy Ah, the master's around :) cool
I'm so gay.
We're aware
/me cuddles Cat
@rightfold aww
a little furry bromance
@Puppy I was trying to define a MoveConstructible concept. According to my current design, the closest I can get to that is to define a concept which requires a T(T&&) operation to be present on the interface. However, that is only a sufficient (not necessary) condition. The modeling type could have either a copy constructor or a move constructor. And I'm having trouble defining good support for the "either", in general.
compile-time concepts solve this by using requires-expressions
@EtiennedeMartel use unicode paths then
that's because you're doing it wrong.
but I have to provide signatures, can't just use expressions as requirements
right, but the signature doesn't have to match.
a concept signature does not mean, "The implementation must have EXACTLY THIS SIGNATURE".
It has been a long time since I bought a CD and even Erasure CD.
I like The Violet Flame album.
it means, "The users can behave as if it has this signature".
A little bit generic but rather nicely dancey.
@Puppy right, but there's dynamic dispatch here
the meaning of MoveConstructible(MoveConstructible&&) only means "You can construct it from an rvalue", not "It must have a dedicated rvalue constructor"
I know
then what's the problem?
that statement clearly defines how the implementation should behave in both cases.
And with compile-time concepts you just say that the expression auto x = std::move(y) must be valid
(or something like that)
@Mgetz Doesn't work in the shell, I think.
this is pretty much the same.
you're just saying that T(std::declval<T>()) is valid.
I'm afraid not (hope I'm wrong)
The problem is, the polymorphic client is compiled separately
statically dispatching or dynamically dispatching to that function is a non-difference as far as this goes.
it has to know whether it is passing by value or by reference... no?
@EtiennedeMartel makes sense, the shell uses it's path canonicallization methods that only work on 8.3 style paths
well, for one, T(T t) would be invalid.
Value or reference? When in doubt, do them both with std::reference_wrapper!
right, but consider move-assignment
then no, no it does not.
the compiler-generated thunk can easily move the object if the interface says it takes a T&& and the implementation takes a T.
the client doesn't have to know if it is passing by value or by reference?
sure it does, and you just told it.
it takes a T&&.
the fact that the implementation moves it into a new T and then calls another function with that T is irrelevant.
ok so what should be on the concept definition?
whatever you want the interface to be.
say I want to express the MoveAssignable concept
or MoveConstructible
then I'd probably go with T& operator=(T&&).
whether or not the compiler dispatches this to T& operator=(T) isn't something you need to worry about.
but in that case
Btw erasing an assignement op is weird.
eh not really.
it would look like the concept is declaring that "T& operator = (T&&) must be present", rather than "T& operator = (T&&) or T& operator = (T const&) or T& operator = (T) must be present"
the user can observe this so he can observe any pointer shenanigans you do.
@AndyProwl Anyone who read it that way would simply be wrong.
do any of you use ccache ?
@Puppy so every time a parameter has type T&&, that would actually mean "either T or T const& or T&&?
@nightcracker yes
I want the notation to be consistent
ccache can produce miscompiled results
I mean, both for special member functions and regular ones
And really the speedups were never very apparent to me
And that was for Gentoo
what if I want to require a type to have an operation which accepts an rvalue reference only?
Deleting to prevent unwanted overloads is the usual way.
@LucDanton actually it's quite a fundamental thing for type-erasing regular types
@LucDanton right, that's an option
@AndyProwl That’s not true.
I'm somehow not satisfied with having T&& on the concept interface mean "either T or T const& or T&&"
@AndyProwl T&&& for universal references!
@LucDanton Why not? See here, here, and Sean Parent talks at GN2013
@AndyProwl No, only T or T&&.
C++36: const T const & const && &&&
@ThePhD aah stay away from this :P

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