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So who else here is from the clearly superior but unsure of its identity because of the bloody scots UK?
@R.MartinhoFernandes so glad I don't see that :P
@OMGtechy its*
@thecoshman why don't you see it?
I feel ashamed.
oh christ you're like a rep baby aren't you. you're on rep formula.
I'm normally the grammar nazi.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit flags a only for 10k suckers :P
@thecoshman Or just not throw a hissy fit at the smallest possibly mildly insulting/possibly joking remark.
@OMGtechy Ahhh*
@OMGtechy Stop* it*
@LightnessRacesinOrbit *STFU
Bleh I have to change the querying mechanism too
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's every time though man
@LightnessRacesinOrbit STFU++*
@Xeo Read "uncancelr" as "uncancer". Now I'm not so sure I was wrong.
STFU implies there's a STFD
@thecoshman Not if you replace it with your hissy fit. Sounds like a plan.
@thecoshman lol it really isn't.
your ensuing hissy fit constituted like 20 more messages than any me and him have shared this year so far
@LightnessRacesinOrbit are you calling me a rep baby or someone else?
I mean, this time there were even smileys involved in the problematic 2-message exchange!
How terrible that is!
Hi guys, I'm trying to std::bind to std::make_shared for a non default constructable object .. and I having some problems any ideas: ideone.com/Ss4uvB
Use a lambda instead
Such auto
Yes, guess I could use a lambda. I was just surprised that binding make_shared didn't work
@thecoshman :) is ok
@mortenvp it does for boost;:bind/hared_ptr. And yeah, for a set of applications this is really powerful idiom.
@sehe ok that's interesting
So, my rule of thumb is for c++03 compilers, Boost is a must.
c++11 upwards, I might consider flying solo
@sehe inb4 can't use boost because erm...
@sehe for the smart pointers if anything, but there are apparently some licensing issues with boost depending on the country.
codingame.com - did you see this?
So I'm told by my old boss anyway
@OMGtechy What kind of licensing issues?
@OMGtechy wut
Oct 16 '13 at 10:07, by sehe
@FLCL Have a 'string atom' table, e.g. like here: https://github.com/sehe/codingames/blob/master/tan_network.cpp#L20
@sbi oh erm, you mentioned something about maybe being able to organise a spit roast yourself? I don't think we want to do Berlin again... I could be wrong though. IMO moving around each year is better.
@OMGtechy Tell your boss to e-mail the authors about it. They'll willingly fix it.
I have no idea, but my old boss was like "no we can't use that because blah blah..." I kinda cut off there.
I did @R.MartinhoFernandes, and the answer was no.
Tell your boss to e-mail themselves about the lack of proper reasoning. They'll willingly fix it. Oh wait.
> A subject and a verb walk into a bar.
They have a disagreement.
They walks out.
@Abyx they made the browser experience impossible now. good job
My guess is that he's got some misconception about open source software and doesn't actually want to use it.
Anyway, don't work for him anymore thank god.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Old but lovable
@R.MartinhoFernandes I see it is wrong... but that is all :(
@thecoshman That's the joke...
@thecoshman Now don't be offensive. You might know that the ape is overweight, but that's no reason to suggest roasting him like a pig
@OMGtechy probably some idiotic view that all software that uses any sort of OSS has to be 'fully' open to the public.
@thecoshman most likely yes
The subject and the verb disagree.
@sehe hint: spit roast (NSFW)
oh. that didn't cross my mind.
I'll be in the corner for the next 10 minutes
@R.MartinhoFernandes did I ever mention I failed English at school?
You guys can vote on proposal #304 I guess
@sehe it's a crude pun, but a good one :D
@thecoshman You don't have to :v
@R.MartinhoFernandes when did that fall back voting things happen?
oh, cats
@Abyx anyways, it looks impressive in chrome. I guess there's that
Where's the C++ learners room?
It doesn't exist. They all died
The room is all over the place now.
don't learn C++.
That's what explosions do to rooms.
The sole survivers happened to have fled into the library. Go there!
@Abyx: You're not the boss of me.
tension rises
... don't leave?
@sehe: There are no libraries in my area.
Q: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

grepsedawkThis question attempts to collect the few pearls among the dozens of bad C++ books that are published every year. Unlike many other programming languages, which are often picked up on the go from tutorials found on the Internet, few are able to quickly pick up C++ without studying a well-written...

Must be hard living in a world without internet
@CatPlusPlus how would you know?
@Nick just go away, ok? there is nothing good for you here
Seriously. These are not the droids you're looking for. Go, and sin no more
@sehe but all the fun things are sins :(
@Abyx: kay :D but I'm gonna go learn C++ from google if you don't mind.
@Nick if you go down that route, there is no turning back. We will not help you.
well, we probably wouldn't either way...
@thecoshman: I know. It's quite amazing how active this room is.
@Nick nobody minds man
@Nick Good Luck! <broadest-grin-imaginable/>
@Nick it's because we don't talk about that which must not be named.
@thecoshman: What does Voldatron have to do with anything here?
@thecoshman Speak for yourself. I'll glad help people honestly on their way. But - read the book gospel first.
@Nick that you nub cake, not he.
@Nick amazon.com
@thecoshman: I'm going to pretend I understood that and nod agreeingly.
@sehe sure you can, but if you want to give this kid tutorials, I suggest you don't use a chat room for it.
@rightfold: Right.
@rightfold scrub, use a refer link, get some dorra
@thecoshman: I could be 71. Why am I a kid?
also, book-depository Shirley
@Nick Everyone is baby cakes.
@Abyx that website you posted is quite entertaining
Except me... I am dead and thus have no age.
You aren't born yet.
I use Z shell, so I won't reincarnate.
@thecoshman: The Unborn Dead Man. duh duh daaa!
@thecoshman huh. Do you not know me even after all this time?
@sehe probably not.
@sehe: I know you too well. You are disorganized and slightly overweight.
@Nick The former is certainly true. The latter wouldn't surprise me either.
@rightfold wrong. I simply am not born. I never have nor will be. I just am.
found in code from my holiday: size_t portIndex = subcategory <= 40 ? 1 : 2; ...... subcategory is an enum. This pattern appears in four new places! Fuck me senseless >.<
Wake up and smell the rotting body.
@rightfold: The latter is irrelevant.
Your lack of message replying is relevant and terrible.
@rightfold: Hey can you blame me, I'm doing 14 things at once. I do... not.. have.. the patience to type out those 14 things because half of them are undescribable.
You are disogranized.
@rightfold: And I see myself in others.
You know me too well.
I must flee before this becomes a commited relationship.
@rightfold Do You have a cloud storage of rotten bodies? :P
Bye All. Nice meeting you. See you later :D
How the heck did my LoungeCPP twitter account get 134 followers?!!
@Nick sweet dreams
@TonyTheLion lol, for real?
you tweeted funny things from it
it's also not annoying and spamy
wait, there's a twitter account that's NOT annoying and spammy?
@thecoshman yep
Yes all of mine
there's no puppy on that picture
@CatPlusPlus it's silence is annoying.
nor is there any pirates!
@Sbi doesn't have a tail! (unless you are mocking him?)
we are
and wtf is that meant to be behind the panda?
I suddenly have the feeling that I have no idea how much work my new boss expected me to get done over the last day and a half
as much as you can do in the time you're supposed to work, would be a safe assumption
@Puppy Puppy you have 92K Kg of meat, you might the Lion King :P
@Abyx cool but far too much work
I don't feel that it's a very safe assumption
@Puppy Ask him?
What is the point with [Serializable] [NotSerializable] would make more sense imo
I will do next time we meet
just bin him
@Puppy Why not?
I doubt they will complain if you do too much work.
The opposite is very possible instead.
yeah, it's obviously the opposite which I was concerned about
@JohanLarsson Makes p much the same amount of sense
@Puppy Then do your best.
@Puppy 12 hours
I don't find that terribly reassurring
@CatPlusPlus more imo, explicitly say when one don't want it
I can't think of many situations when I don't want it.
They're both inconvenient when most of the things you have is what the attribute describes
yeasy to forget an annoying when it is in third party code
Well, Serializable makes more sense actually, since serialisable types need special handling and typically there aren't that many of them
just generate the serialize method from reflection data most of the time not good enough?
The built-in serialisation stuff is crappy anyway
i have not used it much so never noticed crap
is there a better open source thing?
And where is le crap?
It doesn't support versioning
Or read-only properties
Are you sure it fails on private set? Pretty sure it handles it
Definitely fails on properties that don't have set
No versioning means that it's p much only useful for caches and other things that can be recreated
Handles private set at least
Think it does private fields also but not sure
I know it makes you mad so no
@LightnessRacesinOrbit fuck sake man, talk about pandering to him
p andering to him
@Nick consummate commical relationship? It's complicated<Lounge<C++> >
> commical
spelling in this room is fucking "commical" lately
Why don't you all move to JavaSucks since it was so important to rename this room to avoid c++ questions?
@CatPlusPlus Oh come on, everybody knows you need a space before and after the list items.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit context
btw did you know original Markdown denoted a line break with two spaces at the end of a line
@sehe we compile the lounge in C++11 mode no need for the spacing of the angle brackets
@sehe nice try
@Mgetz hehe
@CatPlusPlus It still does
Well yes
I use it in answers from time to time
Totally better than <br> (tm)
lol yes
oh here we go again lol
someone's begrudged
Significant whitespace at the the end of the line is p much the most retarded idea ever
it's retarded but not as much as injecting HTML into non-HTML
It's also totally innocuous if you render the source verbatim.
You have to do that with Murkdown anyway
Also that was wrt Markdown vs HTML not about HTML in Markdwon
jefffrey is markdown fanboi
This is not an answer and we don't need offensive language like that. Try to find mature ways to communicate your ideas. Or come back when you've left primary school, perhaps. — Lightness Races in Orbit 8 secs ago
shots fired
how do I do that extension method thing
I used a class with a simple one in, but the compiler rejects my call :(
fixed it
stupid static classes.
I'm reading 5th Edition of C++ Primer. I hope that will teach me C++11.
good morning
@LightnessRacesinOrbit he should try playing train simulator while in there
Channels are going to be fun to implement.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
gets coffee
Great. I'll be using Visual C++ Compiler 2012 but something tells me it doesn't fully support C++11.
So, I just got a text that ruined my day, week, rest of the month and probably rest of the year. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.
indeed C++11 support is pretty bad
@Xeo what's up?
You don't know the power of the dark side.
@Xeo anime gets banned where you live?
or pizza?
Oh, too bad it doesn't support the first thing I'll be learning called 'Initializer lists'.
@cpx VS2013 supports that (partly)
Parents asking me to ask my bank for a 25k Euro loan on their behalf.
Why? To get your credit history goin?
Let's just say: Gastronomy isn't as profitable as they had wished.
Oh man, that's terrible.
Sorry for that
I'd advise you to say 'no', but in your shoes I'd say 'yes'.
the conflict, it is real ^
I'm a paradox-enabled robot.
Depends on why they do want the money I guess
What their plan is
They got loans with the brewery, and the lease 'till October 2016
Plan is to move those two (and idk what else) to a single loan.
Can't ask their banks because banks don't hand out loans for gastronomy.
So what would you ask a loan for?
I have no fucking clue.
Especially with 25k as the target.
I need a battle plan... time to abandon work for today.
I would think you wouldn't need a reason for 25k
My bank would hand me half of that without a problem I think (remember I live in the third world)
I don't have the faintest clue about loans n shit
@BartekBanachewicz Maybe, but you can probably get a better one if it's not for literally god-knows-what.
Channels are not fun to implement. :(
Though I guess "to help my parents" doesn't count as a real reason.
"Closed as not a real reason".
man, surf Science Fiction & Fantasy for half an hour and you'll see just what a mess the X-Men movie continuity (or lack thereof) has become
You mean after Days of Future Past?
@R.MartinhoFernandes you mean Ground Hog Day?
Er, no?
Not at all?
wait... thinking of that tom cruise film
Edge of tomorrow :P
Btw, did you know I have a scifi.se T-shirt?
@R.MartinhoFernandes /kick
@BartekBanachewicz you didn't fail again did you?
I was in the first page in the users listing when it came out of beta, so I got one.
Kinda stopped being active since then.
@R.MartinhoFernandes sums it up really...
IOW "it's a bad idea, go with it" :(
@Xeo in short, they are not good.

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