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Genocide is totally the odd one out.
Rape, murder, torture, religious... impedance?, genocide.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'd have to tick all yes ;)
god winking smileys can be creepy at times
@Toppest.Of.Kek Well, genocidal maniacs might want to apply for naturalization in the US.
> You must disclose this information even if anyone, including a judge, law enforcement officer, or attorney, told you that it no longer constitutes a record or told you that you do not have to disclose the information.
@R. Martinho Fernandes I guess that's true, and we don't want that and the land of the "free".
> 30. Have you ever:
A. Been a habitual drunkard?
@R.MartinhoFernandes is that even legal?
@nightcracker I have no idea.
Last time I checked judges were the final stop when it comes to law.
If a judge said you don't have to disclose something, then that's it.
The Naturalization form thinks it has more jurisdiction than judges, but whether it has or not, I don't know.
> A partially applied function, on the other hand, is one in which not all the arguments are supplied. If we are able to partially apply the function add above, we may pass only the first argument. In doing so, the function does not have all the required information it needs to perform its task to compute and return a result. What it returns instead is another function, a lambda function.
is that currying?
I keep on trying to see currying in the wild and I always fail
@nightcracker The form is from the DHS. They probably have some special PATRIOT powers or something.
Currying is transforming function that takes a tuple to a series of functions that take one argument and return another function that take one argument
Partial application becomes easy with that but you don't have to curry to get partial app
The other way around, currying never uses partial application.
Each step in the curry takes one argument.
Currying is the witness for the isomorphism C ^ (AxB) = (C ^ B) ^ A.
so turning add(a,b) for add(2, _) into add(b) = 2 + b is not currying
@Alex f(1)(2)(3)
That's currying
Apparently two seasons of Under The Dome have spanned just two weeks. Does anyone else remember the first season, in which good guy Junior Rennie was a psychotic, kidnapping madman?
@AlexM. That's partial application.
Also leaving work at 8pm yay
@nightcracker And if you stop in the middle you get a partially applied original function
@alex partial application often appears in the context of currying because it's extremely natural on curried functions
@CatPlusPlus that's correct
@BartekBanachewicz f(1) returns a function
@nightcracker Only within his jurisdiction. The question would be whether this falls within his jurisdiction or not (and I don't have an answer to that--it might vary with the judge in question).
so f(1)(2) is g(2) where g = f(1)
it looks like partial application except
function add(a) { return function(b) { return a + b; }; } is currying using javascript as an example
add(1)(2) == 3
add(1) is a partial function adding 1 to its argument
you can do the same with C++ lambdas and auto return type
@AndyProwl even without C++14, but the return types are a pain :P
@nightcracker the type of the lambda is unutterable though and you can't use lambdas in decltype
Yay pics of Hydra.
so I'm not sure you can do that without C++14 unless you use std::function, but then you lose genericity
Oh, they're still crappy.
Btw did I mention Thalmic verified my cc data?
So hopefully my myo is shipping soon :3
int func(int a)
    return lambda(int b) { return a + b };
holy shit I curried something
There is nothing to see here. Curry on!
ok, time to switch to the next question programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/185585/…
I'll read that
haskell supports that currying stuff by default?
@AlexM. Haskell does not need currying, because every function only takes 1 argument, ever.
There is no such thing as a function of two arguments in Haskell.
f x y z = x + y + z -- NOW WHAT
The type of f is a -> a -> a -> a which is a function of 1 argument.
(I.e. that explanation is dumb)
@CatPlusPlus That's an equation that defines a function taking one argument.
@FredOverflow yeah but the answer there shows how map (add 2) [1, 2, 3] works for add x y = x + y which is supposed to be currying since I guess add 2 returns a function equivalent to add x = 2 + x
so yeah a function of 1 argument
add x y = x + y is just syntactic sugar for add = \x -> \y -> x + y
Soap box:
Yay more haskellers in the lounge
let me try some shit in haskell since I have the whole suite thingy installed anyway
You can download potato :)
this currying stuff is fascinating
It gets better
nvm, I forgot I can't even read haskell
does this work in scheme or at least clojure too
Oh god.
Please don't turn into Bartek.
I'll kick you..
Write a (define) wrapper
@FredOverflow Many of my functions are like that now, (OK, so they're one reference/pointer to some massive struct, object or subsystem, but it's still one argument:).
relevant xkcd as always
My father uses wrenches and elevators.
More effective weapons.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
considering my haskell prowess, I'd say I'm far from that
I wasn't talking about Bartek's prowess.
That reminds me I have to reply to one of his messages.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think as per @sehe's apparent rule book, I must now kick you, then get kicked myself for suggesting you be kicked
@BartekBanachewicz I don't think I have the time (that's what I should budget, not my money!), but I can help with whatever you might need.
Q: C++ pow(400,-9) is giving wrong answer

ysjdouble testpower; testpower = pow(400,-9); testpower giving me 3.8146972656250003e-024 which is different calculator output of 4E-7 Anyone have any idea why??

Isn't this basically saying, "if something completely different and highly improbable had happened instead, we'd all have died"?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit not really... it's saying if the exact same very rare thing just so happened to have randomly happened on a random star that just so happened to be a lot loser, we'd have all died.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit No--it's saying if exactly the same thing had happened, but in a different place, we might all have died.
the thing is
do we have a magnetar within 10 lightyears?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit In theory almost every high energy event in the universe could wipe us all out. We're very lucky to be living in an extremely boring part of the galaxy.
@thecoshman It's not entirely random though. In fact, neutron stars seem to have star-quakes on a fairly regular basis, so if there was one within the right distance of earth, chances are pretty good that life on earth would never have progressed beyond the bacteria stage (or thereabouts).
@thecoshman still pointles
@nightcracker dno find out plz thx
Reminds me of the last What If? book question about earthquakes.
@OmnipotentEntity Well, we also haven't lived here for very long.
@OmnipotentEntity It's also not really "luck"; it's a given. It's inherent. If it weren't an extremely boring part of the galaxy then we wouldn't be living here (or anywhere).
Ah yes, the anthropomorphic principle. :)
That's true. But it's still fortunate (for us.)
Magnetars that spin once every 2 seconds are fucking insane
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I don't think they have state of mind to begin with, so it's hard to call them insane.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit They kinda just... are.
@nightcracker so, not even close
@nightcracker good one
@OmnipotentEntity Well it's fortunate that we are not magically transported to a different neighbourhood, yes
Even more insane are rotating blackholes that drag space along with them such that it'd be possible to cause causality violations like the grandfather paradox, but somehow never actually do.
@OmnipotentEntity anthropic*
@OmnipotentEntity [citation needed]
Sure one second.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's meant to put things into perspective.
I love the anthropic principle, but I still never feel like I can adequately invoke it in a discussion. I can't even adequately explain why. It's frustrating as fuck.
There's just something about it that means I never feel comfortable in having satisfactorily convinced someone of its relevance.
Laymen are more likely to grasp the magnitude with "mass extinction from 10ly away" than with ">1MW".
(Though 1MW doesn't sound too impressive, now that I think about it)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Granted, but it fails, because the hypothetical scenario is wildly different from the real scenario, to the degree that thinking about one does absolutely nothing to aid one in imagining the other.
50,000 light years and 10 light years are .... quite different distances.
So it's not helpful to replace one of them with another in order to make this point, IMO.
Yes, but the distance does not change how strong the quake was.
It does at the point of observation.
Otherwise we'd be extinct.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Your imagination seems defective.
Distance is relevant just as much as time.
Total energy released through cloud/rain formation in an hurricane is estimated around 600TW.
I think there's some detail missing around the 1MW bit.
@nightcracker Meh Penny has short hair now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes maybe it talks about MW per area?
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's not a missing detail--it's Darkness having screwed up the formatting. It was actually 10<sup>36</sup> kw.
@FredOverflow never watched that shitshow in the first place
@JerryCoffin Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh.
(Though lol, powers of ten + kW)
@nightcracker No. The quake releases the gamma rays regardless of where you are.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Admittedly silly, but given that it's what's used (at least here in the US) on most electrical bills and such, they're apparently treating 'kw' as if it were a base unit.
The hypothetical scenario only establishes how strong it is without simply dropping a huge number on you.
@R.MartinhoFernandes How do you know?
@R.MartinhoFernandes hey, I just picked up a 'loved' copy of Moving Pictures for €2
vOv maybe even signed
as in signed by him...
@JerryCoffin Yeah, thought so.
ATTN: Guild Wars 2 is running a week-long free trial, you should check it out
@CatPlusPlus lol, guild warts
what's the regular price?
@R.MartinhoFernandes very 'loved'
now, if only they started the trial one week from now
when I'll be having a new gpu
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Basically, for laymen saying 10^36 kW is about as good as saying "fucking huge".
@AlexM. email them about them
@nightcracker 40€
@AlexM. I'm sure they give a fuck
@CatPlusPlus oh it's not subscription-based?
@nightcracker I never actually claimed they would
Don't fuckin unpin my shit you nerds
tis a mid 90s printing by the looks of it, either 5th or 6th
@CatPlusPlus How can we know you're secretly not a cat?
@CatPlusPlus it really isn't pin worthy
You're not pin worthy
that's true
AFAIK the only regulars that care about GW2 are Cat and Cicada.
but doesn't change the lack of pinworthyness of a random free trial of a random game
Luc plays too
I'm trying to get new people though
@R.MartinhoFernandes I prefer slim girls
@rightfold Close to what?
A plasma ball.

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