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I wish linux would just work sometimes >.<
"just work" is a pipe dream in software.
just work | dream
nice pun
It works most of the time
I shouldn't have been up late telling random strangers on the Internet how to perform maintenance on their car's brakes.
the most erroneous thing is graphics
triple monitors in particular have never ever worked for me
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yea why are you being so helpful? :P
Q: How do I return a non-movable (but copyable) object?

ThomasI tried different variations, but GCC insists on wanting to use move. class NonMove { public: NonMove() {} // Copy. NonMove(const NonMove&) {} NonMove& operator=(const NonMove&) {} // Move NonMove(NonMove&&) = delete; NonMove& operator=(NonMove&&) = delete; }; NonMove foo() { ...

@BartekBanachewicz Two things: 1) I have almost no internet access here, I just enabled issue tracking, but you know you can fork the repo, right? 2) You don't want to be talking to me with that tone. Hope that's clear. Cheers.
Fuck off, dolan.
Right tone?
@Ell It works almost unbelievably well. Just to finish booting, a computer has to execute billions of instructions flawlessly. It goes through some pretty complex gyrations in the process, the software has been written over a period of decades serving all sorts of conflicting goals, and it not only manages to pull it off, but does so quite dependably. The simple fact is that computers seem unreliable only because we place such high standards on them.
@JerryCoffin That's true, it is pretty amazing that it manages to do anything at all :P
@TonyTheLion Ah yeah. I forgot about this ugly gotcha.
Oho, didn't see that before with the Fire TV: 802.11n WiFi
Good morning
no such thing
is there a C++ library other than the standard libs and boost that uses snake_case?
@JerryCoffin you have a valid point
@JerryCoffin 2 jimmies moved to rustle
@dolan Cool it! Please do not post anything that can be interpreted (or even mis-interpreted) as threats to anybody.
jerry y u do dis
jerry pls
@dolan I typed quite clearly. Be civil or leave.
alright, cya
@dolan bai
@R.MartinhoFernandes just found your blog, thanks for sharing ur knowledge
@Buni Yes.
@JerryCoffin Hey, it's fine-ish. They know each other (dolan is Cicada).
I wish schlee wouldn't keep changing their name. It's awful confusing
@Buni You're welcome.
@R.MartinhoFernandes TIL
ahahaha. The Fire TV is already sold out, so if people order it now, they'll only get it sometime in November - without the 50eur discount for being a Prime member
Is that thing a first of its kind?
Apple TV, Chromecast are similar
and probably some other things
however, it's much more powerful (in terms of hardware features) than either of those, and cheaper in relation (especially if you're a Prime member)
Death threats everywhere
@dolan kthx sorry for the rage.
Oh man that plane is sexy
Wonder if its mine
@BartekBanachewicz o_0
UK here I come
PSA: Warning to all UK residences, a Banana is invading. We suggest you prepare to make fruit salad with little prejudice!
Yep I think its mine
@BartekBanachewicz What you coming for?
Titties, obviously.
I am taking a short break from work and I'm going to visit Natalia
Who is Natalia?
his tits I think
You're really slow you know
its a slow day
@TonyTheLion absolute or relative?
Yh the flight to Berlin was much better organised
@TonyTheLion but you too are slow, so relative to you, it's a normal day :S
I think I know why cheap airlines are cheap
@TonyTheLion Testing proves you're absolutely correct. This particular day has an IQ of only 79. Clearly a bit slow.
surprise surprise
because they don't charge you for things like luggage
@BartekBanachewicz getting to fly in the plan is an optional extra
only charge you when you actually have luggage
The biggest downside I think is the sheer amount of people on the same plane
So also in the lines and everywhere
I kinda get why people pay for priority entry now
What, their planes are bigger or something?
I don't see how they have more people on the same plane.
Its not the same plane
I mean uh
special Bartek plane, one that doesn't actually fly
Yeah phrased it badly
Remove the first "same"
Oh man those wings
Still not sure what you meant.
I've flown in non-low-cost flights several times, and they never have many empty seats.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: LIVE: Bartek from an airplane. [c++] [c++11] [c++14] [c++-faq]
Gotta get in airplane mode soon :(
Just don't yolo.
The engines are amazing
I want to touch it
No its not on
Is this the second time you've ever been on an airplane?
Technically 3rd
First on a jet
oh I see
suddenly all makes sense
@BartekBanachewicz do explain. Because I never understood it
skip queues
Cheaper airlines have smaller seats
You get to be first to get to your assigned seat!
EasyJet don't assign seats, not sure about other low cost airlines
@TonyTheLion Yes, so you can get to spend even more in your tiny cramped seat breathing stuffy dry air
@TonyTheLion You can pair for it on ryanair
@jalf lol
@TonyTheLion Oh, lol.
I prefer to stay in the airport boarding area thing as long as possible
I guess it makes sense if the airline doesn't assign seats
I prefer to spend as little time in the airport as possible
It's a lot more comfy and spacious.
It's terrible and depressing and boring and uncomfortable
and expensive
@Ell Are you talking about the plane?
@Ell compared to sitting in the airplane?
airports are dull, but planes are misery
My seat is cnear the window
At least I know I'm making some progress in the airplane :P
And I can go to sleep
but the airport is worse because I'm just waiting
Or rather a place where a window could be
At the airport you can sleep on several chairs at once.
How can you sleep when you're getting on a plane soon? :O
If you're getting on a plane soon there's not much waiting.
>New Request about C++, thread, multithreading on Codementor
And at least in the airport you don't risk getting incepted.
Damn I could answer this one
@Ell how can you sleep when you just got on a plane, while everyone else is boarding?
lol incepted
@jalf Boarding doesn't take too long
also if you sleep at the airport, someone has to be awake to watch your bags
@Ell but boarding is kind of what we're talking about
18 secs ago, by Ell
@jalf Boarding doesn't take too long
I'm confused now
Boarding is the most terrible part
I thought we were talking about the wait before one starts boarding the plane?
@Ell You can't pay to skip that.
The whole process
15 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
I kinda get why people pay for priority entry now
airplanes or airports don't bother me that much
Ohhh I see
Sorry :P
@Ell we were talking about whether it is preferable to board 5 minutes earlier, exchanging time in the airport for time in the plane
Okay turning the phone and watch off
@BartekBanachewicz are you on a plane?
Paying to spend ten more minutes in your seat than everyone else is stupid.
@Ell yep
(which it objectively and factually is not :p)
It's only worth it if you have to race for the best seats.
> are you on a boat
And by best seats, I mean, nowhere on the fucking plane.
@BartekBanachewicz Have a painless a flight as is possible :)
They're all crap.
@R.MartinhoFernandes don't forget the cockpit
@R.MartinhoFernandes Some not as crap as others
ie, emergency exit seats
They're just as cramped.
They have significantly more legroom
Get shorter legs :P
OK, I made it to my villa. I haz deh waterfront bar. I may be pissed shortly.
@MartinJames good good
..or possibly totally barteked.
Glasses from freezer and 3G 4 bars. I may use this bar a lot.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I dunno. Maybe I'm in a shitty mood right now, but it seems to me that it's pretty stupid for somebody to do their best to ensure you don't know who they are, but then expect to be treated on the basis that we know who they are. So yes, if I'd known who it was, I probably wouldn't have jumped in--but at the same time, I can't say I feel particularly bad about it either.
@MartinJames I think I'd prefer 4G 3 bars. Or does switching back to 3G help give it that nice retro vibe?
I agree. I just mentioned it so you knew the messages were not as loaded as you might have thought.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Fair enough. And thank you; I do appreciate the information.
Whoa! Have I posted into a war zone
Fuck mobile interface..
@MartinJames I don't think so. I merely told somebody to be civil. Admittedly, I wasn't quite as lighthearted about it as I usually am, though.
I am now eating a monad.
I'm eating mochi
That was yummy.
I want to eat a monad :(
No burrito no nothing here until tonite.
Hmm, 4 minutes.
some goddamn recruiter called me right after I told him I would not be available until 1pm.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hmm...if I go to a Thai place and get some Curry and wrap it up, does that give me a Curried Monad?
Mobile Lounge just rebooted my phone.
I have the bestest ideas.
Barteks on a plane? Can I have snakes and crack back?
@MartinJames You can have snakes, but only if you take these mice to feed to them. If you want to crack your back, well...I think you probably want to ask Anne about that, not us.
Oh.. next table are eating a huge seafood paella. I must not have understood the food hours. Fuck me, it smells good!
@MartinJames Food hours do often have a really thick accent, so understanding them isn't easy.
Fuck mobile, I didn't mean to star that..
room owners could clear stars!
@MartinJames Star all the thin...no, wait. Don't.
@Rapptz Could, but what are the chances any of us would if leaving it there were likely to embarrass a regular?
@MartinJames which one?
Need to carry one of those babes on a overnight bush walking trip ... the snake, not the guy ...
Don't know what I'm doing ATM with this shittiface.
don't you wish you were holding a gummy snake instead?
@chmod711telkitty Yeah, the guy wouldn't fit in a backpack very well at all.
@MartinJames ¬_¬ slack works good from mobile
Yeah, it was good for unconference organisi g.
I almost love gummy snakes as much as I loved my last pet rooster & I <3 that chook a lot
I just found out.
In this software, there is no check for whether an order is empty.
So you can go to the order form, enter an address and a preferred delivery date and hit submit and it would create a free empty order. :|
well that's no good
@chmod711telkitty Somehow reminds me of a lady who'd had 23 children who was being interviewed by Groucho Marx. When he asked her why they'd had so many children she said "I love my husband". His reply was something to the effect that: "Lady, I love my cigar--but I still take it out once in a while."
It's better than a not-free empty order.
oh balls. thought my haircut appt was tomorrow. it's not. it's in 35 minutes. now I have to finish my coffee, shower, get to town, walk to hairdressers..... :/
I usually take an hour or so in the shower
I'd fail at that challenge
Shower using the coffee while driving to town
@JerryCoffin Oo ... children, not chicken ... I was wondering why she had 23 chicken because she loved her husband ...
should work out fine
Hmm.. reminds me, need 2-stroke oil for strimmer.
@AlexM. We don't want to know.
@MartinJames good in general
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ooooor, just not get a haircut
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm just getting myself cleaned up, nothing more! promise.
Haircuts are for wusses.
I recently had one.
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's why I have long hair
I'm having one today
I haven't any sort of thing for... erm... a fair old time
not as brave as her though
@thecoshman i'm going on sunny holidays soon - don't want a mop
Dec 27 '11 at 11:16, by R. Martinho Fernandes
I'm a wuss.
Six stars.
sea breeze makes it flap around everywhere and i look silly
you tie it up? ... you are silly if you don't ...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you do look silly, that's true.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you look silly even when you don't fap around
they really mean:
you look silly
full stop.
that reminds me of this
Lightness's hair Races back into the Ecosystem
@AlexM. nice
I think if modern FPSes had maps like that, the average CoD players would ragequit in 2 seconds
@Xeo That some reference to a Green Day song?
I'd think so - I read the first line like the lyrics at least
One of my flatmates back in Portugal used to listen to a playlist consisting exclusively of Boulevard of Broken Dreams for hours on end.
I hate that song now.
111 rep left.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Has he never heard of the "repeat" function?
@Xeo Er, yes? You put one song in a playlist and have it repeat.
Well, you made it sound like he had a playlist consisting of 100x Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Oh, lol
@R.MartinhoFernandes don't count on getting a straigt 99.999 or 100.000 rep
(I likely won't even notice when you reach that point, as I'll prolly be busy playing or working)
it's hard to fall down from facing worlds if you are not pushed by someone's weapon though
on Q3DM19 unless you have some experience, it will be hard to keep your score above 0 because you keep on falling from moving platforms and such
Oh, it's about falling? I thought it was just about being complicated.
So I brought up the simplest map from old FPSes I could think of.
fy_snow is a simple and nice map
I think it's the first CS map I ever played
(That said, I played probably weeks of total time with my buddies on that map and it was far from simple by then)
Translocator best UT weapon.
I never killed anyone w/ the translocator :(
q3dm19 demo because a picture doesn't do the moving platforms justice: youtube.com/watch?v=Ini9ns-So5A
the whole map is against you
I did all sorts of crazy shit like carrying a flag all the way to the top of a tower, fire a translocator beacon down, jump to what would otherwise be death, teleport, and wait for the flag to fall on me while my pursuers wonder where the fuck I went. Teleporting to otherwise inaccessible spots was also nice for hiding for sniping.
Or for quickly crossing the space between the towers if a sniper was around, by just repeatedly teleporting just a few metres ahead, or throwing a beacon and "accidentally" fall down the ledges only to teleport back up hoping the sniper took you for dead due to t
I never played all those FPSs
I suck at FPS games, I didn't have much of a computer back then
@Xeo noob. lern2play etc
@AlexM. Reminds me of a map in TimeSplitters 2.
@jalf I also don't really enjoy them, considering the few times I have played them
@AlexM. gg_fy_snow better
CS > Q3
CS1.6 > CS:GO
eh, I don't really remember CS1.6 all that much
I only played CS1.6
didn't like CSGO that much
@R.MartinhoFernandes Personally I mostly played Face with low gravity, so you didn't really need it that much.
the moment I started a round and heard that S.A.S. guy's voice saying stuff like "THIS IS NOT TRAINING ANYMORE LADS, THIS IS THE REAL WORLD" I immediately thought the game thinks I'm some sort of 10 yo kid who's impressed by shit like that
Meh, that's not as fun.
@AlexM. I've never heard that line in CS:GO.
@Puppy Also, you can't telefrag with low gravity :P
It's especially funny if the victim is in the same room. You can hear them go "fuck, stop blinking around! Oh shit..."
it's there
though a little bit different from how I remembered it
I don't recognize any of those quotes.
or that voice at all.
huh that's weird
Plot twist: puppy always plays terrorist.
@AlexM. Damn, I'd forgotten how shitty that game was.
@AlexM. Maybe it's only for some maps?
I generally found that only a couple of maps are worth playing on in CS:GO.
italy, militia, dust, vertigo, aztec, all so bad.
Fuck, 3D plots are hard.
Dust is awesome
Dust is a truly terrible map.
both routes for Terrorists are nothing but boring awpfests, there's virtually no opportunity for short or medium range play
and a single spot for CTs which is really easily defensible covers nearly all the routes.
Assault is way better.
@Puppy heard it on any map I played as SAS
maybe you're playing a different version or sth :\ no idea
yeah, but all the maps I've played on are FBI, Seal Team Six or GSG1
So, a lot of people here are calling emergency services because they think they caught Ebola.
@EtiennedeMartel I think 0.1% have even similar symptoms, tops.
@AlexM. Dat accent.
phft, you noobs. you want to find de_blockfort (I think that's what it's called...)
not sure if this is my version, but it looks a hell of a lot like it.
I'm sure I have the original shit for it some where
@thecoshman That minigame level was so awesome
I've always been shit at CS.
protip: shoot the other guy first.
guaranteed 100% win rate.
nah, looks like that guy did it himself
Tried that. My shots never managed to connect for some reason.
bad shot :P which I guess you opened with
Had to go in with a MP5 at all times because I sucked so much.
I did that my first game.
it was amazing.
CS is much easier with teammates you can talk to on skype or whatev
@EtiennedeMartel s/at CS//
I hid behind a box and shot like 4-5 guys.
they all screamed at me for camping whilst I laughed.
Anyway. I prefer games where I can aim down the sights. It's easier to understand where I'm shooting at.
@EtiennedeMartel you can in CS...
pfft, noobs these days.
@thecoshman Not in 1.6
back in my day, we only had one quarter of a 300x200 screen.
Which is the only CS I've played.
oh well 1.6 was shit.
"It’s a legitimate strategy."
Maybe that's the issue.
huh... it's been ages since I played
in 1.6 you could crouch dead still since the start of the round and still not get the shot where you aimed.
I had so much more fun with CoD4 than with CS1.6, so I just dropped CS altogether.
@Puppy I find it funny how back in the day, I always wished for each player to have their own screen, now I wish split screen was still a thing.
Why would I ever want to write c++ instead of python?
not really fair to compare CoD4 to CS1.6
I think static typing is one reason
Purrrformance is another
@Ell Fuck binding LLVM & Clang.
This is just an unrelated question really :P
@Puppy The games, indeed. But you can compre the enjoyment you derive from each other.
CoD4 in Hardcore Team Deatchmatch was the shit.
goldeneye or GTFO
Perfect Dark was better.
I didn't really like any CoD since about CoD2.
I liked perfect dark
admittedly WW2 was the overdone setting of the decade
I've come to the conclusion that the last good CoD was the fourth one.
Sweet, so over the course of 3 hours SQLServer decided to fill the remaining ~200GiB on my hard-disk, under only the load of manual queries. Now, backup + shrink is taking the better part of 20minutes 100% disk IO.
Cod5 was the best cod imho
And counting
@Ell I actually never got to play Perfect Dark.
Nobody's perfect
@Ell Because there is no good Python binding for the C++ library you want to use.
You have to make it export a C API and from there on you can write Python.
@EtiennedeMartel didn't play a huge amount of it, what I did play though I prefered GE
honestly after Goldeneye was Total Annihilation/Starcraft/Half-Life time.
@thecoshman PD was the exact same thing as GE, only with better tech and more content.
It's objectively better because it's a straight up improvement on everything GE was.
did I mention that in Planetary Annihilation, you can build a Stargate and teleport your tanks around?
vOv didn't play it though
it's awesome.
Unless you count nostalgia (or really like James Bond for some reason), you can't really claim GE is the better one.
They actually showed reloading animations for one :P
@Ell Except for the classic guns.
Instead of conveniently put the gun off screen, play a reload sound, bring the gun back on screen
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah, I'm sure that was a just a micky-take of them though
@Ell It's a callback.
damnnn my cv is cut off at the top
you mean your name & contact details are gone
I kinda wish I was coding in Python right now because LLVM's file handling utilities are missing one that Python has that I could really use.

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