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¬_¬ I hate how ram starved my computer at work is
8gig here
@thecoshman 8 GiB?
I spoiled myself at home with getting enough ram.
Having 16 is so nice
this hunk of prehistoric junk is running on a measly 4gig
@Xeo it is sufficient yes :P
@thecoshman Huh, that is really low for decent work these days.
@VáclavZeman "oh, but you use that crap remote connection for all your work now, you don't even need that much"... yes, that even crappier remote environment? what about all the local tools I still have use?
@Griwes that seems damn useless
@thecoshman Demand more! You do deserve it. Quit! :D
@Xeo Not really.
@Xeo It will let me get rid of the last construct here.
Oh, disregard is_callable in that snippet.
also ew
not inheriting from std::integral_constant?
I might fix it later. That'd require some boilerplate.
@Griwes Sorry, I still see no use in it
I just like that at home, I can have more or less all my programs use open just sat in the background.
@Xeo I'll try to remember to show you the exact use case when I get home and actually implement it.
I'm a pizza delivery boy now
@Xeo Generally, in short, I have two possible functions I might want to call, and I have to order them - first foo that matches exactly, then bar that matches exactly, then any foo that matches, then any bar that matches.
@Griwes now change it to use variable templates
So; construct matching exactly takes priority over a constructor of T::type that matches exactly, which takes priority over any construct that matches, which takes priority over any ctor that matches.
What's wrong with template variables? :)
They're an additional unnecessary entity that doesn't have first class support.
they're incredibly wasteful.
they don't have first class support?
and wasteful of what?
I guess I should google for an article or something
@Ell Try... passing a variable template to another template, for instance.
(Kinda like non-type template parameters)
I'm struggling :(
But also I have to get some documents
I still do not understand the usefulness and motivation behind variables templates.
@VáclavZeman pi.
unordered_set is C++11 too huh
but set isn't
@Griwes I have seen this one example. Still, it seem like overkill for this one problem.
@Griwes That's a great summary.
fuck pi?
@Griwes Could be perfectly well done with a constexpr function template.
@Puppy But that's a function call!
oh noes, two extra parentheses!
It makes your source files bigger!
besides, it's a dumb example because only float and double are really valid types.
long double!
doesn't it mean you don't have to put ::value everywhere?
not automatically I mean
@Ell I don't know what you're talking about. I don't put ::value everywhere. I barely put ::value anywhere at all.
@Griwes double entendre
I do a lot of TMP, too. (Way too much)
IEM Toronto starts tomorrow
fuckshitballs that's a stacked tournament.
@Puppy IEM?
Intentionally Excessive Motorsports?
Intel Extreme Masters
@Puppy What is that?
starcraft 2 tournament
The Extreme Masters of Intelligence.
why do people jizz over starcraft so much?
@Puppy Will it have Day9 commenting?
it's a great game to watch.
@VáclavZeman No idea.
@Puppy ... you're ok with watching people playing starcraft... but think football is stupid?
@thecoshman TBH, I do not know. I have been occasionally watching SC2 games and it is kinda interesting to watch, much like watching F1 races or ice hockey. Good commentators can make it entertaining significantly.
@thecoshman That's actually pretty logical.
@thecoshman Oh, please, don't.
to put it in another perspective
SC2 players don't get paid tens of millions a year and they don't spend hundreds of millions on stadiums.
So it's worth watching because people aren't willing to pay as much for it? :p
What if I only watch indie football?
let's not go into this we have all reached our conclusions about puppy by now
@Puppy so why does that influence you watching one but not the other?
@thecoshman he's jelly
it's worth watching beecause I feel like there's way more skill and tactics involved on the levels of individual players, and there aren't truly ridiculous levels of resources expended on it.
and he can't take the rage
@R.MartinhoFernandes you would need a big bear, flannel shirt and fake glasses.
@Puppy isn't there?
@thecoshman Because if you take the money spent on football and you put it towards something more meaningful, you'd accomplish a lot. If you took the money spent on Starcraft tournaments and put it towards something more meaningful, you probably wouldn't achieve a great deal.
after all, players of both SC and football live of playing a game.
@thecoshman No. Football is literally just running around trying to shoot a ball into a net.
2 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@thecoshman Oh, please, don't.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh yes, very different from sitting on your ass clicking a mouse to amek the right lights on the screen show up.
Unless it's indie football, in which case you try to shoot it between two stones you previously placed on the ground.
@Puppy per capita bro
Protip: when watching a game you don't understand, it looks like no tactics are involved. I'm pretty sure that applies to both football, starcraft, chess or Calvinball :p
Geez. Just leave the Puppy be. Agree to have different opinions about sports and stop.
@thecoshman Capita bros are the worst kind of bro
@VáclavZeman it's just so funny
@thecoshman Being mean to puppies is? :D
@jalf Probably doesn't apply to Calvinball.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think it applies especially to Calvinball
@VáclavZeman yes
@thecoshman You are a bad bad person! :)
Man, that Japan trip is going to be so expensive...
the observer pretty much by definition doesn't understand it, so it looks like no tactics are involved, regardless of whether any tactics are in fact involved or not. :)
@VáclavZeman and he's an idiot.
@jalf Oh. True. I misread your statement.
@Xeo what did you think?
@Xeo You could invite Japan to visit you instead
enough said
what if we had bonus.ly here
called it
for like stuff.
We could give beers instead of bucks.
> @thecoshman received a bonus of 1 Beer from @Bartek for: Constructive input to bonus.ly integration idea
is there some sort of filter on saying the same thing too much?
I think so.
yes there's a filter
those bastards
and that anti-flood filter is a PITA too
otherwise I'd be saying "lol" all the time
translate: am I alive?
apparently not
my friend installed Haskell plugin for ST3 yesterday and it seemed nice
he's very fond of proper tooling (using R# all the time at work)
> A language extension that advances safety in system programming by specifying a lifetime of a reference that represents a resource. In accordance with the language extension, the lifetime references a particular scope in a manner that the compiler generates computer-executable instructions that enforce the lifetime of the reference to be a function of (e.g., no longer than) the lifetime of the particular scope.
what the hell
@FredOverflow I don't think you can patent such things in Europe.
Only in Murica
@FredOverflow Wait, what
I better patent singletons before somebody else does
I'd be rich
Maybe that will force people to stop using Singletons.
It would be the greatest thing ever accomplished.
And you accomplished it!
Go ahead, do it!
I hope not, then I wouldn't be rich
But you would rid the world of Singletonitis.
That's worth more than any amount of money.
@FredOverflow It's "Destructors but in C#", it seems.
@FredOverflow Lolwat.
more on reddit
Isn't there something about "precedence" with all this patent shit?
don't believe there's any prior art for destructors-but-in-totally-not-Java.
@Xeo afaik, there's some weird standards for prior art. It's not enough to simply have done something like it before, it has to have been written down, as an academic paper or a patent application or similar
Did anybody ever patent the wheel?
@R.MartinhoFernandes whatever gives you that idea? The European patent office is pretty much as trigger-happy as the US equivalent
@jalf I recall recent decisions about programming languages being disqualified.
existential thoughts are bad m'kay? youtube.com/watch?v=v4HE4Ucsg1I
Can we patent patents and make sure nobody ever patents anything again?
@jalf But AFAIK you have a much harder time enforcing bad patents here.
and I don't know of any mass patent extortion campaigns in Europe like the ones in the US
> Simon was laughing openly now, the atonal cackle of the truly lost dwtf
@AlexM. existential thoughts? I think a famous quote implies that all thought is profoundly existential...
@jalf When "newsmakers" is in the url...
@jalf ...so just implementing a feature is not enough, is that what you are saying?
First to implementation is not enough, no.
If you keep the implementation a secret, it doesn't count.
@jalf I guess that explains Bigfoot then.
You give the invention to the public, and the public is all thankful and agrees that you get dibs on it.
I am eating moldy food.
A: Looking for prior art for patent application US20140196015 "Declaration of Lifetime resource reference"

Hugo DubéThe D programming language has scope classes, shown here in the "Scope Classes" section. (quoted for convenience) Scope Classes A scope class is a class with the scope attribute, as in: scope class Foo { ... } The scope characteristic is inherited, so if any classes derived from a...

@jalf Kinda sad he got arrested. I wouldn't press charges if he had stolen from me.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It does definitely seem like a case of him getting screwed over first.
If you managed to do it to all those people for twenty years, hell, you deserve it.
@Puppy Not sure I understand what you mean by that.
@R.MartinhoFernandes sounds like a stack allocated C++ object
Not a true hermit, hermits don't steal, they hide in their own little world ... individually >_<
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, it principally seems to me that society screwed him over, with him going to live in the woods in a tent and all, and he's the victim of this whole affair (not to say that the people he stole from aren't victims).
I don't see where you read that, though.
can we say only introverts are suitable to be monks or nuns?
@Griwes I'm sure it can be enough, but you might have to work much harder to get them to recognize it as prior art (I think. IANAL etc.)
@R.MartinhoFernandes hmm, maybe. I haven't seen any of those. But they have zero problem with software patents...
@Puppy that's true
@jalf ಠ_ಠ
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, it states in the article that he lived alone in a tent in the woods for 27 years.
it doesn't actually say why he went there, though.
An actual implementation should always mean more than a theoretical work (at least in world of logic).
@Puppy It does, they just didn't have much to say about it because he didn't have any particular reason
he just went into the woods one day.
Like Chris McCandless, but less stupid.
@Puppy on page 3
yeah, the pagination thing was so small, I couldn't see it at all.
I read the first page thinking it was the entire article.
yeah, it's looooong
Fuck I've been so increadibly unproductive the today and yesterday
> Minecraft map shows the entirety of Britain, and its geological features bgs.ac.uk/minecraft/#/8176/64/14920/-8/0/0
I should've finished this stuff in 2-3hours, and I'm still working on it
@Mgetz interesting. I have a 64-bit beta and it's ram hungry as hell
oh look no java and silverlight
@BartekBanachewicz I took a look at ram usage between the 32bit dev channel and 64bit dev channel when I installed originally. It's not that much difference, chrome is a ram hog regardless
> 4.5 Rewriting Haskell Code in C++
I like this Mach7 thing already
@BartekBanachewicz compared to the 32bit version, or as normal?
@thecoshman might be it's just that ram ungry
@BartekBanachewicz it is that alright
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lies
> Inspired by the Ordnance Survey (OS), BGS has reproduced the 2D geology of mainland Great Britain and surrounding islands within the world of Minecraft.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit not because it is easy, but because it can be!
I suppose if they have vectorized data...
lol more than 4GB of RAM required
4GB era offcially ended
stop mocking my work craptop
8GB is officially minimum acceptable RAM to live and sustain human life
> Illustrating how the geology blocks (such as sand, cobblestone, redstone ore, glowstone, stained clay) are repeated from the bedrock layer up to the elevation model height and OS block (grass block).
good job I'm only trying to work :P
@BartekBanachewicz Are you trying to suggest that as a downside or an upside? Because I'm really feeling "upside".
lol, that map is actually good enough for me to be able to work out where my parents live
128GB SSD is also pretty dead.
¬_¬ I need to get me one for my desktop at home
I'm enjoying some music and then I just realized the guy singing the lyrics is now in jail for attempted rape.
well, the music can still be good...
it's like reading a book by Orson Scott Card.
what is it anyway?
although not identical.
he's just a horrible person, not actually a literal attempted rapist as far as I know.
@thecoshman lostprophets
oh, I thought that guy was Foo Fighters?
is that another guy altogether?
although I have no idea who the singer from foo fighters is, so he may also be a child sex offender.
or is am just being slanderous??
but that's unrelated.
he's 'dave grohl' apparently...
Daisy's barking at me to walk her
so I'd better be off
oh, he was in Nirvana apparently
and it turns out he's just a drummer, so who cares :P
@Puppy He's not in jail, is he?
@Puppy You're supposed to keep an artist and its work separate.
what if the artist is his work?
PHP is like peeing in the sea. Everyone did when they were younger, but you wouldn’t want everyone to find out now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol, got a little crush have we?
No. I reserve such feelings for Cassini.

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