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7:00 PM
Have you seen a thing written in Ada
It's government stuff mostly
@CatPlusPlus I hate the syntax, couldn't get myself :P
@CatPlusPlus You did?
I don't mind most of Pascal-like syntax.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Maybe a rope, and make your dwarves tightrope walkers?
GNAT is the only specific Ada thing I'm aware of
7:00 PM
Is it possible to have a fortress of dwarves also proficient in Tightrope walking?
I have actually learned Pascal as the first language.
I really liked Pascal
@CatPlusPlus I Have. I even wrote some once. It's been decades since I wrote any though, and almost that long since it seems like much of anybody else did either.
> type Day_type is range 1..31;
it was my 2nd language
after VB6
7:01 PM
@BartoszKP I'm saying C++ can be taught to a programmer who knows another language well in 3 weeks. Not super advanced templating things, but if you explain the concepts @Cat and @Jefffrey mentioned like ownership, value semantics etc except of focusing on retarded stuff a lot of courses focus on like new, lots of operator overloading and weird stuff - you can teach it in that long.
Now this is going to take forever :(
For what it's worth I think you can teach Python in much less.
Ada had that
I don't have enough food to survive until I finish the bridges.
7:01 PM
@AlexM. Go wash your mouth out with soap young lady. We don't allow language like that around here!
@Jefffrey It's one of the things I miss in most languages. Range enums are awesome.
@JerryCoffin lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nevermind I'm retarded.
@Jefffrey seems like it has limited use imho
7:02 PM
@Jefffrey Common Lisp? In fact, it's predicted to converge with C++ into total chaos by 2030.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Me too :c
I forgot the async modifier.
I don't remember anything about VB6 but I'll trust you on this one
> Because of Ada's safety-critical support features, it is now used not only for military applications, but also in commercial projects where a software bug can have severe consequences, e.g. avionics and air traffic control, commercial rockets (e.g. Ariane 4 and 5), satellites and other space systems, railway transport and banking.
7:02 PM
@ThePhD I hope you wait on the return value right?
Not especially.
var httpresponse = await asyncQuery(query);
var stream = await OpenStream.OpenAsync(httpresponse);
return serializer(stream, types);
@BenjaminGruenbaum don't have a point here. I can agree it's possible for a reasonable person. But still if you don't count advanced things - you won't have a good usage of algorithms for example or RAII - and do you really want C-like substitutions in your code?
Why are you assigning that to a func? (Also, if that's an async lambda you can await it)
I could make the serialization async too, but...
7:04 PM
... Quite honestly, that seems a little overkill.
@ThePhD you don't need to do that... show more code.
@BenjaminGruenbaum No no, it's working fine now.
lol, shitty MikTeX just started working for no apparent reason
I'm just showing what works. :D
@Puppy Have you heard of the "Ice Bucket Challenge"?
7:04 PM
how I hate LaTeX and all this shit ... :|
TeXLive is better
@BartoszKP No, but think about it, you have 3 weeks, that's 15 days straight of showing them and doing RAII with them every day while explaining why having C style code is bad and the problems it introduces.
In the same way C++ is better than PHP but still
@CatPlusPlus :u thanks, I'll give it a try!
@CatPlusPlus there are things that PHP does better than C++. At its core the PHP workflow has some very nice abstractions.
7:06 PM
> e:\VS10Root\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\CodeContracts\1.6.60617.15\
> - codecontracts_SM.png
> - extension.vsixmanifest
They don't really hold true too much anymore - and it's a horrible language but still.
Thanks VS
(This is the only folder in that hierarchy)
(This is not the install path)
@BenjaminGruenbaum all right, that's ok. but in reality, you don't the time to sit 15 days straight with a new developer. In practice you give them a bunch of easy bugs to fix, and next sprint they're implementing new features ;0
@R.MartinhoFernandes That didn't sound particularly pleasant.
7:06 PM
One of the soldiers is gone insane and is now spearing everyone.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Dropped your dwarves into the magma?
Fun is afoot!
Ada seems really nice.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, that's what you get when you tell them to build a bridge over lava.
Ada lacks a larger community
7:07 PM
StyleCop won't let me add a commenting line to a line of code
It's like D in that regard, the language might be nice, but there's just no ecosystem
without putting a blank line prior to it
@BartoszKP We hired someone the other day (fun fact, straight from the chat), I'm going to make sure he gets whole days to learn C# as I consider it a priority. I really like how in Google you have to take an exam to commit code.
What the hell.
7:07 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol, you're really in a "argue about everything with everyone" mood today :D
Who wrote these fucking style cop rules.
@BartoszKP I'd modify that a little: Sprint 0: hand them a copy of Accelerated C++. Sprint 1: Have them fix bugs (assuming your code is decent). Sprint 3: Start developing new features.
@CatPlusPlus :lol: C++ has a horrible ecosystem in modern standards :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum You hired someone from SO chat?
@BartoszKP :D
7:08 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, but it has some ecosystem at least
@Puppy I met him in SO chat, we interviewed him and he started working at the company yesterday.
It's horribly broken and shitty but still
where do you work?
@CatPlusPlus fair enough. I especially love the package management.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Esp on Windows :v
7:08 PM
Nice, he killed one dorf and is now just staring in horror at what he's done.
I still have a chance to contain it.
Google makes you take an exam before you commit code?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Deploy EVERYONE
@R.MartinhoFernandes Murdercate him, walk him into the lava.
7:09 PM
@Puppy startup company, mainly a C# shop but we have code in other languages in the wild.
@ThePhD wanna guess who was not allowed to commit code while working there?
Everbody but the toplevel engineer?
@CatPlusPlus No wonder you mention FPS concerns often.
@R.MartinhoFernandes he killed a wat
7:10 PM
@LucDanton I don't really play that much :v
@BenjaminGruenbaum I find it ironic that just getting an interview at google takes an act of congress, they refused to even send my resume to an office other than the one closest to me
@JerryCoffin Sprint 0: hand them a copy of Accelerated C++, Spri.... oh shit! support! avalanche! fire! all hands on deck! we need to have these features by tomorrow 12am!!!!! hey you, new guy, you'll implement 2, 4, and 6. if any problems ask this guy here, but he'll probably won't have time for you, because he'll do features no. 1, 3, 5, 7,8,9,10
> A Dwarf is a short man, a midget if you will. Dorf is something an idiot would say.
Fucking glassmaker is trying to punch a steel-clad speardwarf.
Oh ok.
7:11 PM
Dorf is a creature made of alcohol and tantrums
@Mgetz ----Wait, I probably shouldn't disclose that on a Google indexed chat--- or somethingGoogle has completely different pipelines for hiring people. It's a lot easier to get in certain ways than others.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Lol. Nice.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Also relevant (1:50):
@BenjaminGruenbaum shrug I always seem to be in the bit bucket one... I should probably take the hint </sarcasm>
7:12 PM
@Mgetz you should write blog posts about how much c++ sucks. I heard that gets you all da' bitches.
@BartoszKP Now, now now. I was having such a nice fantasy, and you had to go and ruin it with that nasty reality stuff. How dare you?
@Mgetz I interviewed at Google.
@JerryCoffin wait, I thought I'm the youngster - shouldn't it be the other way around? : D
7:13 PM
@Puppy and...?
This is why I love this game.
A fist fight starts, and then you see teeth flying left and right.
It is terrifying
@Puppy that seems to be quite common, I'm being cynical. Honestly after my interview with Amazon a year ago... I'm not even sure I'm interested in anyone big
I don't like big companies.
@BartoszKP Not necessarily. I'm so old I can't do much any more, so I mostly live in a fantasy world.
7:14 PM
Google's hiring process seems entirely unfun to go through
at the same time I really really need a new job
There, warhammer jammed in the fucker's skull.
@JerryCoffin :0 sounds nice, can't wait!
@Mgetz I disliked Google's interview too.
> ERROR: Corrupted NFSS tables.
7:15 PM
@CatPlusPlus I'm strange in that (a) I love to go and interview at places and (b) I love shitty logic riddles. I do both for fun, I'm not sure how many people feel the way I do but I actually sounds quite fun.
@BartoszKP Oh, you didn't realize? You're part of what I'm fantasizing. Fortunately, all the hot women you think you've met are too...
Thank you LaTeX, that's very helpful
@Puppy I wouldn't know, I've never interviewed with them. If it's anything like an amazon interview it's mostly pointless and sucks
@JerryCoffin lol :D
the Google interview is just algorithms, algorithms, algorithms, and algorithms.
7:16 PM
As opposed to?
Ok, time to get the coffins ready.
I dunno
We don't ask about algorithms in the interview process.
code maintainability?
language knowledge?
object-orientated or functional design?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh, we were born ready!
7:16 PM
@Puppy Yeah... I'd fail miserably at that, I maintain that's what algorithms books are for
I implement all algorithms from memory always!!!
Although maybe we should, the other day I had to explain what a set is to a developer :v
@Puppy You can test all four by asking to implement an algorithm.
When you're interviewing for Google, can you ask for a computer with access to Google
@BenjaminGruenbaum OK, I'm not that bad, I know what a red black tree is... just not how to implement one or what makes it special from another search tree.
7:17 PM
@Jefffrey Disagree, because then it's very algorithm-knowledge-specific.
What happens if you type Google into Google at Google
@Puppy Being mostly algorithms didn't bother me. Being 85% sorting algorithms seemed to ignore a whole lot of nearly everything else.
@CatPlusPlus They'll give you a computer with access to Bing.
0/10 would not interview again
when is DF3D coming out?
7:18 PM
go home LaTeX, you're drunk :| Windows API error 87: The parameter is incorrect.
@Puppy and then they don't use much from <algorithm> in their code.
@Puppy Programming is all about algorithms. So the only way to see if you are good at any of those things you mention is to ask you to write algorithms.
@Mgetz it's balanced, like an AVL tree and unlike a regular binary tree so lookup is always O(log n) . Now you know why a red black tree is 'special'. Red black trees and other trees are just tedious, they just rotate things around and do book keeping. Some of the most boring algorithms IMO.
@Jefffrey I absolutely disagree.
7:19 PM
@Jefffrey No it isn't
Programming is all about programming.
@Jefffrey bullshit.
@Jefffrey I absolutely disagree.
an algorithm is just an implementation, you can swap out any implementation at any time.
Whether you leak memory or not has nothing to do with algorithms
7:19 PM
A program is an algorithm you can see a set of sub algorithms and so on...
I'm not saying that implementations aren't important but interfaces are more important.
Whether your design makes sense or not has nothing to do with algorithms
@BenjaminGruenbaum they rarely teach you the interesting ones other than sorts
If algorithms was the only thing that mattered, then maybe the PhDs here would write code I wouldn't have to throw out. :V
@BenjaminGruenbaum I even have an answer about AVL trees here on SO, with pictures! :D
7:19 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum Also IIRC insertions and deletions require O(1) rotations in RB but O(log n) in AVL.
@CatPlusPlus Design of what? Algorithms?
@BenjaminGruenbaum B-tree is much cooler, IMO (and given the cost of main memory access, probably relevant even for internal storage nowadays).
Whether your code can be maintained by other people has nothing to do with algorithms
@Fanael not sure how that's relevant but yes
Code == Algorithm
7:20 PM
@Jefffrey Architecture, types, whatever
We give someone a practical assignment that's a subset of something we've had to do - you get to write real code that does something we do from scratch, you're allowed to use whatever stack and tools you want but you're asked to justify them - then you're asked to explain your design choices and we discuss them with you.
Algorithms are deterministic, code not necessarily
Esp multithreaded code is not
@BenjaminGruenbaum that sounds like an interview I'd like
@Jefffrey no, there is a 1-N relationship between these notions
We probably have a different notion of "algorithm" then.
7:21 PM
We then discuss architecture and other general code issues. We don't ask logic puzzles. I said I like logic puzzles - I really do but I think they don't test anything
@Jefffrey Code is far more than just algorithms.
Also any given algorithm has multiple code representations
@JerryCoffin oh definitely. I like B trees.
@CatPlusPlus There are certainly non-deterministic algorithms.
@Jefffrey :D
7:21 PM
@JerryCoffin You just reminded I have to test how fast my allocator would be if I used B-trees instead of red-black trees.
Yes, my idea of "algorithm" is completely wrong.
@JerryCoffin Well yes, we call em heuristics :v
@CatPlusPlus no, a lot of algorithms are non deterministic as in "they make guesses".
You're all buttes
7:22 PM
In statistics they're not heuristics (it rhymes!)
You have an algorithm that's probably approximately correct.
Everyone's in a fist fight.
so yes.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's heuristic
7:23 PM
But I won't do that because I'm lazy.
when I say "The Google interview was all algorithms", I mean stuff like, "How do you rebalance a binary search tree" or "How does heapsort work"?
With probability p you get a result that's epsilon close to what you want. It's actually quite common and standard I use probabilistic algorithms all the time.
Yes those are heuristics hth
@CatPlusPlus Those of us who know what we're talking about call them "stochastic algorithms".
either way I'll be job hunting soon
7:23 PM
Jefffrey loses
@CatPlusPlus no it's not. "Guess 'true' for half of the equations' to get a 2 approximation is not a heuristic. "Use manhattan distance to estimate the path in A+ is"
@CatPlusPlus Well, you're arguing about the definition. But commonly PAC algorithms are not referred to as heuristics
I have yet to finish university and I haven't had work experience yet. Am I terrible?
7:24 PM
@Jefffrey yes
Don't worry, everyone else in this fucking industry is too
@Jefffrey irrelevant, you will die eventually
Forever terrible
@Jefffrey do you at least have things you've worked on that aren't school projects?
7:25 PM
@CatPlusPlus there are also of course non-deterministic algorithms that are different. Then again those are equally expressive as deterministic algorithms since you can map them by trying out all possible options.
@Jefffrey Yes. And when those facts change, you'll still be terrible. :-)
@Mgetz Not finished, no. Not yet.
@CatPlusPlus I assume I don't have to tell you that while they're equally expressive - it is still an open question whether deterministic algorithms are as fast as non-determinisitc algorithms.
Oh cool, I got to say P = NP?
@Jefffrey they don't need to be finished, they just need to be complex enough that they show some level of effort
No, I mean. Everybody here seems to have work experience except me. Even people that have not (yet) had a degree.
7:26 PM
I'm only interested in butts
@Mgetz I wouldn't define them complex.
@BenjaminGruenbaum P = NP implies N = 1.
jesus, I only wanted to have one image floating above another one. Why do I have to pay for this 10 minutes compilation time :|||||||||||||
Also I'm writing a website in Django for my dad's company, if that counts.
@Fanael or P = 0
7:27 PM
I got a job in the first year of uni haha get owned
@CatPlusPlus in that case may I take two minutes of you time and tell you how awesome the Personal Home Page programming language is?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Right.
@CatPlusPlus Okay.
7:27 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum no
I should take another computability and complexity course next year, those are fun :(
@CatPlusPlus but you said butts :((
I should finish search integration
fuck this, I'm using paint
tikz package sucks
7:28 PM
Functions and method groups are not, for some reason, compile-time constants. :v
So I can Func<...> param = MyFunction
And then fill my code with a million documentation comments
@CatPlusPlus Seriously? You wouldn't be interested in a language whose author didn't know how to implement a hashing functions so functions are named so they have names of different length so function lookup is fast? It's real butts.
Fuck this shit. ._.
7:29 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum I wonder if, for any given NP problem, there's an algorithm with complexity O(n^(9→9→9→9→9)) that solves it.
I know roldolf or whatever his name is is terrible at programming yes
@ThePhD I haven't tried it, but I still think I prefer women.
@Fanael what are you using the arrow as?
@LucDanton Oops. And not only have you blown my bluff, I'm also about two light-years out of my depth there. I'll admit I'm not following the broader evolution of languages. I was merely speaking from my own (very limited) experience with these languages.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Conway's notation
7:29 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum only if you write it in PHP 1.0 and then immediately upgrade it to the latest.
I guess it just struck me that I no longer feel that all languages are slowly maturing into a languages as powerful as '70 Lisp.
@ThePhD Why would you do that though?
@BenjaminGruenbaum So I don't have to write an overload and the compiler should do it for me because the compiler shouldn't be a twat.
@Jefffrey Good. Admission is the first step to change :)
@Fanael in that case I'm sure there are papers on it, and it's of course not yet known :D
7:31 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes So, what would you like to fight about? I'm still free :)
@Fanael Knuth raised roughly the same point (concluding that the question about whether P=NP is mostly irrelevant).
@ThePhD you mean for optional values?
7:32 PM
And then someone on the code review
"Style cop has some errors"
stop shouting
Just add it to the custom dictionary.
The correct answer to that is 'yo momma has some errors'
7:32 PM
yeah so
@ThePhD That's not from BASIC, it's from JavaScript. And even though the "J" stands for "JavaScript", BSON isn't from BASIC either.
help me pick a persistence backend to use
PHP sessions
Redis / simple TVar / Cassandra / ACID-store
For what
7:33 PM
@ThePhD you'd have to use null and then check for null and replace with the real default.
I'll store my code in acid when I'm done with it. ._.
@CatPlusPlus hex empire clone, very simple
@BenjaminGruenbaum How... nice.
@BartekBanachewicz what are you storing?
Yeah but what's your data like, what's your requirements like
7:33 PM
@BartekBanachewicz Child in the backend of the car asking "are we there yet?" every 32 seconds of an 1800 mile drive.
@ThePhD C# would be a completely different language if it was written today.
Where on the CAP theorem do you stand
data Point = Point Int Int
data MapField = Land | Water deriving (Show, Eq)
type GameMap = [[MapField]]
data City = City String Point
type BattleValue = Int
data Player = Redosia | Bluegaria | Greenland | Shitloadnam deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Unit = Unit BattleValue Player Point
so the data to store is more or less GameMap [City] [Unit] Timestamp
@BartekBanachewicz Event store
why not
can I use a Dilbert comic in a presentation for a scientific conference? :V
7:35 PM
@Mgetz what's that?
@BenjaminGruenbaum At least the syntax for checking was made easier.
serializer = serializer ?? DeserializeJson<T>;
It's baffling how bad we are at foreseeing weather
@BartekBanachewicz will you need to query it?
7:35 PM
I think it will be more interesting than a mathematical formula :v
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well players make moves in turns and ask for the game state
@Jefffrey And also other events I just don't know why we can't see the lottery numbers
@BartekBanachewicz I'd use an ACID store for as long as I could get away with it. Redis is awesome but it's for caching mostly.
aaaaaaaa fowler link burn it burn it
7:36 PM
@BartoszKP You can write to Scott Adams to ask for permission. dilbert.com/contact_us
@Mgetz hmm
it's awesome in that it lets you play your application back and forth
makes bug repos a lot easier
@Mgetz yeah, like Elm. It's pretty great.
@sehe I don’t blame you. It’s the libraries (and their authors, and the communities) that improve at a fast and impressive pace—but the conversation stuck with languages proper. Most language features have been first mentioned in an 80s or earlier paper, and implemented in a strictly academical language around the same. (Until it turned out Lisp was doing it all along since the original paper.) Then they percolate slowly into the other languages.
well it's a nice idea
7:36 PM
Did he turn logs into a ~~pattern~~
@JerryCoffin yeah, I did that actually
@BartekBanachewicz a Redis list of events and pub/sub for events for multiplayer could actually work quite nicely.
@CatPlusPlus You can see them. Just turn on the TV when they extract the numbers.
Yeah you can see the weather too when it happens
@JerryCoffin They're licensing information is confusing, and I'm not sure if a conference falls into "educational use"
7:37 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'd like to try out a few different things to compare them
@BartekBanachewicz That sounds like a good idea.
@BartoszKP I would guess "yes", but that would only be a guess.
@CatPlusPlus I said "foresee"
You lost this time. Sorry.
I implied it you donge
7:38 PM
I'll try doing the list based TVar first
@JerryCoffin yeah... I've sent them an e-mail, and will use it anyway if they won't answer :)
Implying doesn't work like that.
@CatPlusPlus Novel plan. Get away with insults by making up words for them on the fly
I'm p brillant
@JerryCoffin Epic
Long vacation?
Fear of wasps?
If you're on holiday for three months then you're an idiot for leaving a window open
@LightnessRacesinOrbit nopenopenope
@PolymorphicPotato yepyepyep
can't decide whether to go to pub quiz
7:46 PM
on the one hand, I haven't been out at all yet this week and won't until Sat
on the other I can't drink and have plenty of unfinished business at home today
and can't really be arsed to go anywhere
Seems like you decided already.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Sounds like the guy's best day on the job lol.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit compromise and go for takeaway curry?
@Mgetz lol I'm literally chewing my last bite of microwave curry right now
7:48 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'm american so those are pizza nights for me
that's hardly an american thing
@Jefffrey @CatPlusPlus I'd like to talk with any combination of you about this example in the haskell room if you're interested.
TIL you can do private void SomeFunc( string arf = null, params int arfses );
And it won't error out on you.
There's only one combination of me and it sucks
7:49 PM
@ThePhD why would it?
Also fuck combinatorics
@ThePhD what's wrong with it?
I fancy a curry
@CatPlusPlus see I value your opinion and knowledge
7:49 PM
Nothing's wrong with it, it works.
I jsut thought it might get confused if you have things like other overloads in the picture.
@Ell curry :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c
Or that it might bitch about not specifying ending things.
@Fanael oh you
You could've sent an invite for that room because lazy
7:50 PM


Haskell. We endorse Alex' attempts to learn Haskell.
LaTeX, c'mon, you're not helping :| ERROR: TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000].
@ThePhD it's the other way around that doesn't work.
Fixed-size buffers for the win.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Fixed-size buffers?
@ThePhD buffers that have fixed sizes, glad to be helpful!
7:53 PM
What the hell are Github stars for?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I was missing {} after \begin{block} - wasn't that obvious :V
@Fanael The same that stars are for everywhere?
Also likes maybe possibly
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wow.
> the number of calls to remove wasp nests more than trebled last month.
A shame they missed the opportunity of punny typo's in the next line: "The increase has been blamed on the swarm weather" :|
7:54 PM
@CatPlusPlus Ah, thanks.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Do you still work in that company that wanted you to refactor something to boost::coroutine?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I think they're auto-deleted after 2 months of inactivity :)
@bamboon Yes.
We now use coroutines in almost all the asio code.
@bamboon Nope, for instance Lounge stars are for C++ sucks, Haskell rocks, and nonsense. I doubt it's what Github stars are for.
@Fanael touché
@R.MartinhoFernandes cool
7:56 PM
@Fanael They're also badges of honor (or shame).
but then it's rather the asio interface and not coroutines directly, right?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Sounds cool.
@R.MartinhoFernandes How did that pan out for CPU usage? (I'm expecting a slight increase, assuming IO was not the bottleneck in the first place)?
is there anything more awesome than coroutines? :v
Nothing noticeable.
7:57 PM
Do coroutines work under GCC on Windows? Because they did not compile last time I tried them, which was ages ago.
What's the difference between a coroutine and a thread?
@Fanael I'd say so. It compiles fine on my win8 64bit. But it could depend on arch (I expect ARM to be unsupported)
@ThePhD Wits
@sehe It does, assembly code was the reason they didn't compile.
@BartoszKP yes actually having a compiler and library that supports them, which I don't for linux at the moment
7:59 PM
@ThePhD coroutines are cooperative multithreading iirc
ie, manually scheduled vs automatically
but idk if that's the actual definition
@ThePhD a thread is running separately, coroutine is not
Thanks guys it all makes sense.
Coroutines willfully yield the control back to the original caller
while I'm waiting for my pizza to be ready, I start the kettle and while waiting for the hot water to make tea I do pushups thinking to myself await, await(or yield) :V

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