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@AlexM. Hm, tough. Can't find the last two on my usual sites. The first one's here though: amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIG-MOE-8029&page=top
@Xeo I figured I might start with -> type for explicit return types? Or maybe := type :D
@Puppy : Type, FFS!
@Jefffrey yeah
That doesn't make any sense.
@Jefffrey Except if you're on mobile!
@Xeo seems they ship worldwide
$32 is a great price for that
I must really be missing something. Neither Hunit, nor Hspec allows you to assert inequality ....
Hm. I just discovered "Edge of Space"
Knights of Sidonia was definitely one of the best series last season.
Next season will start in November.
That seems uncannily similar to Starbound
Somebody needs to dredge under the bridge:
@Xeo, what do you think of Starbound?
I never played Metal Gear Solid but I like this guy now :P
he also praised GTA IIRC
or was it someone else
> Hideo Kojima writes like someone who’s never left his house or spoken to another human being except when renting another cart load of bad action movies and anime. But that’s what makes those special, you know? A gratifying reminder that there is still auteur-driven in this psychopathically commercial industry for better and worse.
I remember him saying GTA IV is amazing or something like that, and compared it to MGS
nah, it was about GTA V
I don't think our "V" can reach that level. Rockstar's team are the best. W/o question they will pull up the possibility of game.
@EtiennedeMartel not sure if that is a positive or negative comment about him
@StackedCrooked It's mostly positive.
"Yeah, he's a nutcase, but at least he's creative"
A cool :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I did. Thanks for pointing that one out.
__NOTOC__ burn is an energy drink owned and distributed by The Coca-Cola Company, carrying the official tagline “Fuel your fire”. burn is distributed in more than 80 countries including France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Turkey, Russia, Japan, Korea, Brazil, Afghanistan and Mexico. Activity and Brand Ambassadors Music burn’s involvement in music consists of initiatives to support and nurture promising talent in the electronic dance music sector. burn studios Launched at the International Music Summit in Ibiza, Burn studios is Burn’s music platform, set up to showcase and support new tal...
this is pretty good
> The level of hostility long-time San Francisco residents direct to the influx of tech buses—the luxurious, free, Wi-Fi equipped monster machines that shuttle workers from all over San Francisco to their jobs in Silicon Valley—seems to be climbing. spectrum.ieee.org/view-from-the-valley/at-work/tech-careers/…
wtf why would anyone be against that
aaaand Youtube ignores me closing the tab again
> “They are huge and dark,” one San Francisco resident I know told me. His house is close to a pickup spot, he works at home, and he sees them going by constantly. “They’re like Darth Vader. They’re just not San Francisco.”
@MartinJames lol same person
Q: How can I watch porn, safely, and not get a virus? (and not infect corporate data also)

TLDRI'm part of a small office in the middle of nowhere, and we just got absorbed into a large mega corporation. Sometimes we watch porn, at the office, on company computers, using the company Internet. It makes good for a good background distraction (I know I'm not the only one who does this so ...

best track in the game
I might even go as far as to say it's Soule's best work
bloody hell, once again
wtf is going on with youtube's HTML5 player
@Mysticial fix plx
And I don't even have any plugin container I can just kill
I blame management. :)
Fuck this is annoying
stop playing, youtube
that tab is closed
2 minutes later
It's a feature, not a bug.
how come video playback is so hard?
it's because of their C++ style guide
@StackedCrooked The HTML5 player has been crapping out on me lately
@AlexM. Nah, the TA stuff is definitely better.
oh total annihilation
didn't know he did the music for that one too
A played TA a few times but that was a very long time ago.
TA was a pretty great game
but the music is super bitching.
SC had some fairly good music, as did many other RTS of the time, but TA had the bitchingest music.
"You are knowingly violating someone's copyright." TFD, I posted this statement on a blog two years ago. You are knowingly violating my copyright. — Duncan Babbage 56 mins ago
@Xeo ok, mine's not that bad
I'm looking close at what Jagex does
they're constantly trying to split their game into different versions
to make everyone happy
Hai, Lounge
my guess is that they will fail really bad because of this
Alright, time to get into bed with my vocab book
QT is fucking annoying
it handles child widgets on its own, but still uses old c++ object semantics with new
yeah, QuickTime sucks
@Xeo kinky
@crasic You can use values just fine
yes true
but passing around smart pointers is a hassle
Can anyone comment on major user visible changes from 4.7 to 4.9?
I read somewhere that it would output better template error messages, but I don't see a difference. Do I have to do something to enable it? I looked at the gcc changes page on gcc.gnu.org.
Don't need smart pointers
I'm using it as a wrapper around a VTK based library
qt only is simple enough, but I have library threads wrapped in a QWorker and emitting signal back and forth
So I have a mix of QT pointers, smart pointers, and raw references (qt semantics for signals), its eh
ask jalf how much Qt threading rocks.
its convenient, only a few lines of code, but the signal slot stuff is such a pain
I did Qt for a semester in college
Id rather deal with locks semaphores and mutexes on my own honestly
it was just some basic UI work IIRC
google+ trolololo
@Rapptz so they're forcing G+ login?
not sure I got it
No they're deprecating OpenID and supporting only OAuth instead.
is that a bad thing?
@AlexM. Is that the precursor to Planet Annihiliation?
> Planetary Annihilation is a real-time strategy computer game in development by Uber Entertainment. It is being developed by much of the team responsible for Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander.
@AlexM. It's kinda lame because they're basically just trying to force their Google+ sign in thing :v
@FredOverflow yes
They are treated as whitespace.
Woop woop.
Made it through the first act without kills and alerts. :3
what you playing?
haha the DBMS prof went full crazy today at the exams, at one point she started shouting "JESUS CHRIST WHY ARE YOU ALL UNABLE TO CONNECT TO THIS SERVER DID YOU EVEN CONNECT TO A SERVER ONCE IN YOUR LIVES"
then she started evaluating practical exams of students and I did my best to make the other guy come evaluate mine
@Code-Apprentice MGS4
I was like NOPE.
I should really get my PS2 from the loft and play MGS3.
I found MGS to be boring :(
... Figuratively. With pain.
need some water?
Washing my face did not help.
I'm not sure what I am hit with.
I have never felt like my face is on fire.
MGS == Metal Gear Solid
MGS3 is best game ever.
> nub
one who sucks at a particular video game, they are not new to the game, but possess some determent that prevents them from playing well, no matter how long they practice playing the game.
synonyms- a Dan Wood, noob, newbie, newb
antonyms- an Alex, elite, 1337, leet
> antonyms- an Alex
I'm a !nub by default
@AlexM. Ah ok ... thanks
I'm hungry
pizza vs beans w/ sausage
the latter does not cost money
I'm low on money
@AlexM. nub
gtfo I'm an Alex
@AlexM. :-)
well, beans it is
haven't eaten any in months anyway
@AlexM. Do we need to take up a PayPal collection for you?
nah, I'll just have to manage my finances better until I get my next pay
which will be in ~a week or so
@AlexM. I'd donate to the cause... :-)
my real issue is that I can't stop buying things if I like them :(
Yeah I know what you mean. I've had to stop playing Clash of Clans for that reason.
I spent almost $125 in less than a week on games with all these discounts going around lately
now I'm left with $25 for the whole week until the pay
that means no pizza
no burgers
no cabs
just food that I can cook myself
I can afford beer tho
a can of beer is like $0.5
@AlexM. Thank god! You can at least stay home, drink beer and play your new games!
and if I go to the nearest irish pub, 1L of beer is ~$0.4
@AlexM. Good god... how so cheap?
alcohol is cheap in Romania I guess
@AlexM. I guess so.
well, for stuff that everyone drinks: beer, vodka and so on
I'll never understand why a bottle of wine costs $25
but yeah
it's good that they're so expensive from my POV though
my mum is a manager at one of the local wine cellars
and my dad manages one of the vineyards
@AlexM. Ah so that helps the family out.
we get tons of wine from the company
so we use the wine as a bribe wherever we go
need to see a doctor? 6 bottles of wine and they're all yours, forever
@Chimera yeah
@AlexM. lol.. too bad you don't have our "Wonderful" Obama care over here where it now costs MORE for health insurance and LESS people are insured now.
@Chimera the pub I talked about is the most popular among students here, due to its low prices
also for some reason it's a gathering spot for rock and metal fans :\
all indie rock and metal concerts take place there
@AlexM. Yep.. college students need to live frugally
@AlexM. Sounds like a fun place to spend some time.
if you can take the huge amounts of smoke
I can't sit there for more than an hour
they don't have tables for non smokers
@AlexM. That's a shame... most places in the US now have segregated smoking areas.
But I don't think that law applies to pubs in the US. Not sure since I don't really drink.
Everybody go to sleep or something?
@Chimera Check the time.
It's only 3:42 PM :-)
1:44AM here
Really? Who uses this formatting?

template <class type> type add(type a, type b)
return a + b;
Isn't it more of a convention to do ..
template <class T>
T add(..)
fuck yeah beans
and return a + b; ? Is it just me or is return( a +b ); better?
@AlexM. Enjoying them beans aye?
yes, good stuff
@AlexM. Are they at least baked beans?
@Chimera return is not a function call, mate.
you know you don't have to @me all the time, I can understand you're talking to me just fine
they're something like this
but canned
I always buy a few cans for emergencies like this one
when I'm left w/o money
@Griwes I know, but it just seems more consistent ..
@Chimera With what?
Are you completely nuts?
@Griwes no, not entirely. Yet.
@AlexM. Introduces serious fart issues...
If you are saying return() is better than return, you are beyond nuts.
@Griwes Yes, I like to read write return( a+b ) instead of return a+b
So I guess I'm beyond nuts.
@Chimera You are beyond insane.
And this comes from a person who enjoys the deepest insanities of C++ templates.
I also like to use return; in void functions.
@Chimera Then you are inconsistent with yourself.
If "consistency" had any place in your reasoning, that'd read return();.
@Griwes perhaps.
@AlexM. Eating this you are going to transform your bedroom in gas chamber during your sleep.
Braces at the end of the line or the beginning of the next?
@AlexM. Should have extra rice on hand also,
I do
I've around ~1Kg of rice for wok frying
and some sushi rice
@40two I'm not going to sleep tonight so it's fine :D
All night game session or studying?
yeah I have an exam tomorrow
Well good luck!!
anyway, in other topics, I thought I should probably tell the guys I interviewed with that I don't want to go there anymore, if they call me back :\
the reason working where I am currently is such a drag is because I can't cope with a specified schedule during which I have to go and sit somewhere
I think trying to work on a per-project basis with my current company (basically freelancing) is the best option for me
going to an even bigger company with even more restrictive schedules is worse I think
also the more non-competing contracts I tie myself to, the farther I am from starting my own business as I always intended to
while I am in college I know I have my parents to back me up in case of emergencies, so it would be the best time to take this risk
the software architecture patterns exam is so... ugh
I wish they asked us to actually apply patterns and/or give examples of situations where they're appropriate with the actual applications
instead of just asking us to paste what the prof wrote down in some doc
now I have to memorize words
I mean I see stuff about the flyweight pattern here
yeah it's correct but it's devoid of context
copy/pasting this is worthless
writing down... how the flyweight can be applied in a RTS with tons of troops active at the same time would make the exam more useful I think
at least the students would use their brains to think of a context in which a pattern could be applied and how it works
@AlexM. Sounds about right to me...
Sorry I was away from browser... doing a software release at work.
@Chimera Is this bait?
@AlexM. what the ...
You took 12" or my screen all for yourself there
yeah he did
@Rapptz Yes.. :-)
I'd like to get some input on something I have been thinking about for a while now. In a generic game, should each entity "know" their position within the world or should the world associate every entity with a position?

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