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that was a decent pizza
Thank you Orbit the diagram cleared it all up for me. — user3681722 19 secs ago
"Orbit" that's a new one
@JerryCoffin Jerry Coffin, is that a handle you came up with back in the early quake tournaments because you were unstoppable when you were in your prime and you put so many other players 6 feet under? It's pretty badass.
@AaronKyleKilleen that's his name...
@sehe Oops--poor phrasing on my part. I didn't mean there were more Belgians than Dutch, only there there were Belgians in addition to the Dutch.
Don't mind Aaron Kyle. He's been trolling all day. Sexist, racist, gun-toting pig.
Belgian? Dutch? We're pretty much splitting hairs here.
How do you figure that? Are you not aware that those are two different countries represented?
English is the same as UK English.
While we're at it.~
American, Canadian...what's the difference?
Aaron Kyle Killeen, a mindless primordial eel... what's the difference?
just splitting hairs!
well, that conversation didn't seem to last very long
Variadic templates.
Saving my life,
and ruining it at the same time. :(
@Code-Guru I think it's more like Rhode Island, Connecticut, whatever
@Code-Guru do you think you'd be able to tell someone who's from Rhode Island from someone who is from Connecticut? No, didn't think so, checkmate.
@AaronKyleKilleen The name predates Quake by a little. geni.com/people/Sir-Richard-Coffyn/6000000010733733411
@AaronKyleKilleen I probably can't, but I'm sure some can by the accent.
@AaronKyleKilleen As the old saying goes, you can tell them--but you can't tell them much.
@JerryCoffin well if you have records going back that far, you must be of noble blood
why bother keeping records on poor people right?
@AaronKyleKilleen No--there were several knights, but (to the best of my knowledge) no noblemen. Most of the records are from things like family bibles.
I was just talking to my friend, he said he's descended from William the Conquerer which means he's descended from Charlamagne, good Northern European stock.
As if a douche like you has friends
Night folks!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Night
Just found this video in my "to-read/watch" list. What. The. Fuck. Is. It.
@Jefffrey yeah, probably shoddy work by the youtube devs, I mean we're talking about a site that will constantly ask you to use your real name
more than 20 times sometimes
Q: Why are my kids naked?

DaveTheGamerI was playing my old hearth fire save in skyrim when my kids where only wearing their underwear and when I attempted to give them cloths they didn't do anything with them. Anyone else have the solution? EDIT Now the rest of the skyrim kids aren't wearing cloths

Arqade always has weird titles lol
why is it that so many opengl tutorials use freeglut? it doesn't seem like something I'd want to use, I read something about it having more features or some stuff that other window libraries leave out
A: Write a piece of code to output the line number of the print / output statement itself (in the form "Hello World, from line X!")

YakkC++ #include <iostream> #include <utility> #include <type_traits> #define __(A,B,C,...) B##C##A #define _(A,...) __(__VA_ARGS__, A) template<unsigned...Is> struct v; template<unsigned I0, unsigned... Is> struct v<I0, Is...>:v<I0-1,I0-1, Is...> {}; template<unsigned...Is> struct v<0,Is...>:std::...

not that it matters, it's a few functions and it's up and running and from there it's all the same
I have already tried space cake in the Netherlands :p
@chmod711telkitty I've no idea. I know pot's now legal in Colorado, but I've precisely zero interest in it myself.
yeah that shit will diminish your memory
and probably your ambition as well
Alcohol kills your memory too & I am a drinker, just not a heavy one
well that's a good reason not to drink I guess
Hilter doesn't drink too ...
@Rapptz that c++ code looks completely alien to me
@chmod711telkitty well the amphetamines he did are even worse
lol, human has been consuming alcohol for thousands of years, plenty of high achievers are drinkers, just don't drink every day or a bottle or more at a time - a glass or two once a couple of days/weeks is healthy for people
in moderation it's fine,
I was moreso talking about marijuana, alcohol leaves your system faster
@chmod711telkitty I remember reading about how Alexander Alekhine was drunk during his world champion match, I thought it was pretty funny
chess championship that is
2 hours later…
why would vets want to be air traffic controllers? Don't they have their hands full treating pets? :p
@AaronKyleKilleen well, thanks to the Gipper all of our ATC are retiring basically at the same time
This gives some small people the opportunity to pretend they hold real power
Also, "I was moreso talking about marijuana, alcohol leaves your system faster"
Complete bullshit
Alcohol is a toxic response by your body, it stresses your liver severely and infalmes certain body tissues, your body responds to the presence of alcohol like it is poisoned
THC leaves the body relatively quickly and with no withdrawal (hangover) and no lasting physilogical damage
moralist talking out their ass
I have a source and header file for generating sha256 hashes. It is in a folder "lib"
While I have included it in my program in another folder: SNMP
It would be great if you someone could give me an idea what would be a clean way to compile the hash generating file in my makefile
Erm, essentially this the makefile : pastebin.com/eeqR8Z3R
It works, but I was looking for a cleaner way
rather than wirting ../lib/sha256.cpp in the path
Q: Large number recieved when trying to do simple float division

user3713800float taxednumber = number * (float)(20/100.0); taxednumber = number - taxednumber;` If the number input is 135 I recieve taxednumber as 1966805346. Why is it becoming such a large number? I have tried many different types of division to fix this problem and after trying most this is my final ...

why would people make unsigned floats just to put anything in the answer? sigh
what the fuck is an unsigned float
@crasic no clue :) but bstar55 seems to know
why not ask him? ^^
and that 20/100.0 yields zero I try posting actual examples but nothing helps
5 bucks says that what is happening is that number is something crazy
"I'm trying to get the code in that form but when I try to recreate it, the number comes up as wanted. I don't want to post all of the code into here, as I feel it would be too long"
@crasic LOL
so how do you get referenced quotes of comments into chat
like so:
I'm trying to get the code in that form but when I try to recreate it, the number comes up as wanted. I don't want to post all of the code into here, as I feel it would be too long. — user3713800 13 mins ago
I think Julie has it right maybe, wrong printf specifier
@crasic might be :) (and you just copy the link that appears in the comments time to or you could click it and then copy the url)
Thank god floats work like they should, because imagine if all the statements in this confusion was actually true, how much code out there would just be completely catastrophic.
yeah and the correct code would be like one big cast-fest
Not enough places force you to read K&R
now I'm starting to sound like a c guy
I swear its only because I've been doing embedded systems
I just installed VS2013 on my D drive, and observed that it says it takes 3GB of space on D, and 5.5GB on C drive :/
Those are just shortcuts
(but seriously it probably counts debugging-symbols system dls or other shit as part of the install and has to put them in C: , but I don't do windows)
@AaronKyleKilleen :D
regexp is magic
@crasic that's nowhere near the essence of that hack though. The hack is... general brokenness, really.
yeah I got that on the second look
@MooingDuck Don't you love that. I too love that
elo elo
1 message moved to bin @Scis: No need to onebox, certainly not twice. (Yeah, Q vs A, just link instead of onebox then)
@Ven fide fide
The word alcohol - al kohl - is Arabic in origin, like many other words that begin with "al," like algebra, algorithm, alchemy, and Al Gore
@chmod711telkitty not anymore
Al Capone, too
Al dente
I realize I could spend the day doing that ..
I'll wait
please wait outside, I'm shy
ooh nice one
alter table
now you're just sed(1)ing me
alma mater (mmm. not sure, might harken form arabic?)
alonzo church
Q: Is 2048 possible in console application c++ ?

user3581457http://saphireinc.wordpress.com/2048-2/ Does this console application works like 2048?

I need to write the nc-parser now, never read the dragon book. Does this sound right:
1. Parse the string into a Token[]
2. Parse the Token[] -> Command[]
read the dragon book :>
@JohanLarsson about. What is `nc-parser'?
Don't read the dragon book, learn Spirit!
or just an existing LALR(1) parser
Those aren't mutually exclusive
fair enough
@JohanLarsson about (s/[]/IEnumerable<>). What is `nc-parser'?
@sehe nc is a programming language for nc-machines
oh that
Just Learn Spirit™
That stuff
that's a NC™ ?
I'm gonna switch out SiemensNc for my CadNC and animates all the stuff that happens
Q: Why isn't there a default polymorphic cloning operator mechanism in c++?

galinetteI mean, a cloning operator, which by default use the copy constructor and new operator to return a new object. So that if the declaration in the base class is virtual, it would automatically provide a polymorphic cloning mechanism. Advantages: Avoid doing Derived * clone() const { return new D...

why make it a member function at that point ?
    public interface IToken
        bool IsMatch(TokenReader reader);

        IToken Read(TokenReader reader);
does that make sense? That the tokens know how to read themselves
what's the non standart semantic ?
@JohanLarsson no? That's funny. Because this means that IToken is responsible for ungetting the stream too. TokenReader should ... read tokens, MO
/me quietly upvotes sehe on the question he linked
... I don't even know why I linked it.
what link?
@sehe ok, probably cleaner changing it tyty
I'd advocate IEnumerator<Token> tokenReader; (except for IEnumerator::Reset() which is never implemented)
yeah I have IEnumerable used [] in chat fr some reason
sweet match for yield return
+1 for that (iterator blocks are FSM in many ways)
just wanted to do some sanity checks while it is still small
@JohanLarsson Some tokenizers might even be context sensitive. I feel IToken should have "less business" with the tokenizing context or "logic" than the tokenizer
IToken is gonna be empty now, just a marker interface
public struct Assign : IToken, IEquatable<Assign>
Some tokens /will/ have attributes of course
@JohanLarsson You're not shooting for performance either (using an interface with valuetypes implies you'll be boxing them in order to use the interface)
oh didn't know that
performance is not important for this but good to know
The usual approach is struct Token { TTypeEnum type; object AttributeValue; } (and make members immutable while you're at it)
does a struct storing a reftype make sense?
yes, although if it's just that one reftype, then it doesn't add anything (outside reflection information)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit wow. TIL imgur has comment threads. I've never spotted the "expand all" thing, or it didn't appear to do anything when I tried o.O
@sehe Oh.
TIL that there is "unfuck you"
I do such a good progress in learning English
How do you "unfuck" someone?
by fucking them in reverse
so simple, so elegant
can you unfuck someone's brains in?
you fuck out
unfuck in
@Mysticial it's when you wanna politely take back "fuck you" you said before
Saying that you can "unfuck" someone is like saying that you can give someone back their virginity after taking it away.
like "Oh I'm so sorry man. I take it back. Unfuck you!"
is it 1760 yet?
@crasic interesting!
The focus on Charles Dawson as the main forger is supported by the accumulation of evidence regarding other archaeological hoaxes he perpetrated in the decade or two prior to the Piltdown discovery. Archaeologist Miles Russell of Bournemouth University analyzed Dawson's antiquarian collection and determined at least 38 were fakes.[16][17]
He found them using COQ ;o)
o/ rightfold
Oh, wait, I must dl flash.
I hope you have a fast modem!
I got a dedicated ISDN line mang
I had two! I could combine them. Those were the days
sometimes comcast feels like I'm back on it though
multiplexing interfaces is pretty cool though
I played around a little bit with dual ethernet cards on a cluster (one dedicated controller->slaves and the other in between slaves/controllers)
@Ven hi :3
can you show a live version that works, while having the # cc46f7 comment too o.O That would be impressive. On my box, I had to tweak the line as well as the checksum in order to make it work :( — sehe 14 secs ago
codegolf is way more fun that project euler
There is always that one guy that posts every solution in x86 asm
is there ?
in project euler
it makes you realize that you really suck at algorithms
codegolf has all kinds of silly solutions
much more fun
hahahaha I'm talking about the x86 asm part though
for example
@crasic this is very easy in languages that support big integers.
Yes, it was just an easy example
In Ruby or Python you can just add the numbers and stringify the result.
Every language that is worth using has big integers.
Its not about getting a number but finding a clever way not to do that
Never write clever code just because it is clever.
Write clear code.
Thats not the point of project euler
Its not about the code, but about the math
for example
@rightfold that reminds of the python gangsta rap
The first problem was easy because it can be banged out on normal hardware
oh sorry, I posted the python solution
the other condition is that it should take <1 minute to compute an answer
@crasic that's probably why I never liked anything like PE.
Hypothetical problems you never encounter in real-life.
It took me a ... long while to see how this worked. Soo many red herrings! It's delicious. — sehe 6 secs ago
@rightfold and solving these problems doesnt help at all.
@rightfold I disagree
These are applicable in scientific programming
You don't learn a language reimplementing algorithms ...
I don't want to.
I never claimed you did
I want to write software.
Well I write software for that
I wasn't answering you, @crasic
Unless it is already written.
Which is often the case.
My point is that you can do whatever you want
but being dogmatic over this is stupid
because it is applicable
in a different field
writing software is using a tool (computation machine) to accomplish what you need to do. Whether its showing a movie or calculating anisotropies in the CMBR, its still software
7 messages moved to bin
Please, link to stuff, instead of oneboxing images of code [sic]
Its behind a login wall sorry
to avoid spoiling solutions
No difference. You can still link to the images. Or, you know, avoid spoiling solutions
Well I don't give the answer
anyway I'll stop
o.O Who's pedantic here?
just trying to answer a question
PE is interesting. I'm not very good at it though. And it rarely bothers me in my day job
(missed a spot earlier)
Yeah no problem I was going to delete them after a few minutes anyway
Except you can't. Anyway (mmm. perhaps from imgur, but that leaves the waste here)
sehe if you are really bored I have some C# for you :)
Anyway its all moot, I'm not attached to my images
just the quickest way to show someone something on my end
@sehe lulz?!
I guess you also didn't spot the "+"/"-" alongside each message, then.
this bitch builds and links
time to go to sleep
Redoing work for scientists is such a fucking pain
hardcoded paths in makefiles
"custom" versions of well-established libraries
I swear, I had to package a dependency where the only change was that one class member had to be public for our code to compile
Why is this question still open?
Q: cmd.exe parsing bug leads to other exploits?

txtechhelpBefore I continue, please note this is a rather lengthy infosec notice about the Windows command prompt as I have found a bug that might be exploitable using simple batch files. This bug is prevalent in all versions of Windows from 2000 up and works on 64 and 32-bit machines, and being that it's ...

This is a terrible question in all senses of the word.
I had already closed it once, I can't do it again.
Did he literally just reinvent a fork bomb?
No, he thinks running code in cmd is a security flaw.
I mean, yeah, malformed scripts will fuck shit up
but if I hand you a script with format C:/ -f or whatever
and you run it
is that a security exploit?
According to that dude, it is. I didn't even read any of it. It's an ugly wart on SO's question list.
guess again.
I'm just using them because don't wish to sign up
@crasic looool
This question appears to be off-topic because it is a book, or a whole website, or something. — Lightness Races in Orbit 10 secs ago
@sehe I don't get it (what does signing up have to do with expanding comment replies?!) but okay.
This question is off-topic for Stackoverflow, shouts about some obscure parser bug in cmd.exe that is really nothing serious, and labels it as a security hole. As is clear from the comments and answer, whatever the OP is on about is irrelevant. The question is just a blog post, really. It's not even about programming. It's about how the OP fails to understand that a shell can execute code. Please remove this wart from the face of stackoverflow. Thank you.
Flagged for moderator attention.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit oh. I thought you meant the voting thingies
Lol, MySQL couldn't handle large query.
Fuck you CodeIgniter for replacing question marks yourself instead of using prepared statements.
@sehe nah.
@sehe they are "up"/"down" icons
Bought & set up a small BBQ stove this evening for the trip this long weekend ...
:D I'm not very good at using UI
I used to think self sufficient would be good enough, now I am developing idiot proof plans - too many times I have failed because I was relying on other people to be competent. Nowadays I learn to take care of myself & all the idiots I would inevitably having to be stuck with every now and then
Needs more air of superiority
Its a fucking grill man, not the space shuttle
Most of the people who I hang around with are good & competent at things they do
they let you in to such places?
@crasic It's called a "barbeque". A grill is something that's part of your kitchen oven. Thanks.
Barbie queue.
its a barbie
in cali its a grill
take your pick
Unless that bitch is being used for wood fire smoking
its a fucking grill
I don't care what you call it in "cali"
Likewise I don't care what you call it where you are
Learn to speak properly
@crasic "The planet Earth"
"properly" is a nebulous term used by people to feel needlessly superior to others
It's for cooking meat with wood ... and maybe warm up my huge tent
life is good <3
Tomalak is superior to you. Which implies I am superior to you as well.
Damn right
@crasic It is indeed needless for me to feel superior to you, because I know that I am so regardless.
@rightfold good one
air mattress ... warm bed sheets ... wood ... coffee ... cake ... lamb, beef, canned tuna etc etc
@chmod711telkitty Yay, carbon monoxide poisoning!
Sounds like a blast
In fact cmd.exe already contains a vulnerability even without your bug. "It allows arbitrary code execution". :)
@chmod711telkitty so ... primitive!
Saw that, perfect sentiment
cmd.exe contains a vulnerability, in that it is cmd.exe
@LightnessRacesinOrbit there are 'windows' on my tent
replace it with Snow Leopard
windows is far to primitive. It doesn't go well with the cake and the beef
@LightnessRacesinOrbit What is your full c++ programming experience?
@sehe Mavericks :v
@DmitryFucintv over 9000!
@DmitryFucintv Better than yours
@chmod711telkitty where in dawoods are you camping?
Snow Leopard is ancient.
I knew that :/
@DmitryFucintv Tomalak-senpai is almost as good at C++ as Xeo-sama is.
but still not as hardcore as Mysticial sensei
It's raining here, although the satellite image says it is not raining there .. roll in the mud <3
He's got the full experience.
He's the full package (although some would say he's the dick)
@chmod711telkitty What's the point in warming up your tent with a fire, if you have windows open?
@sehe Don't tell Tony!
ikr (Tony can still be a penis)
U are evil peoples.
@DmitryFucintv Serious answer, though, "none of your business" :)
my career history is private
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Oeehh, Saving Private Tomalak.
@DmitryFucintv Yeah, I hate U too
Ok ok... I understood ;)
@chmod711telkitty I guess indabush would be a better term
its a very different wilderness from what I'm used to
Can facebookies see that gravatar? Interesting how that works. I guess this person is one out of 16 users that use FB logon on SE
I can see it.
Fuck you border patrol

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