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so... interview question regarding JEE... thinking might keep it simple... "What is bad about JEE?" see what they say
any suggestions?
¬_¬ not for why JEE is bad
58 secs ago, by thecoshman
¬_¬ not for why JEE is bad
> (removed)
@Yakk: It will fail in many other ways. The question is: is it required to do that? I don't see any such requirement in the question. Anyway, the "unspecified evaluation order" problem is fixed. — Nawaz 12 mins ago
Ahahahaha, dat "fix"
@VáclavZeman (1) we were talking about UTF-32 though, and (2) no, because those are outside the BMP, and require 4 bytes for UTF-16, which is what the longest UTF-8 encodings also require
I think
no wait, that's not correct
@VáclavZeman It's not.
Zip it.
@jalf In memory I'd recommend something like Python. Zipping for storage/transmission.
@jalf UTF-8 uses 3 bytes to cover the BMP, and most "normal" text stuff is in the BMP
Many basic Chinese characters used in Japanese are just two bytes, no surrogate pairs.
The thing is, if your text is in Japanese and you really worry, you can do better than that.
Shift-JIS :v
chinese character for turtle
... and tortoise
@R.MartinhoFernandes My point was that for certain uses UTF-16 (because I thought you were talking about UTF-16) is a good choice, better than UTF-8.
@VáclavZeman My point is that it is not a good choice.
It's consistently the mediocre choice.
My laptop's Bluetooth adapter is not very good
@CatPlusPlus Good.
The only thing UTF-16 is really good at is interoperating with UTF-16
Oh nevermind 4.0 is not backwards compatible
@CatPlusPlus really... now that is uninteresting
@VáclavZeman You mean the case where you are so concerned about space usage that you want the ~50% savings you get vs UTF8, but not the bigger savings you get with entirely different encodings? and where the text is almost entirely Japanese/Chinese/Korean? (Unlike text formats like html, which are going to contain a lot of ASCII chars from the markup, regardless of the language of the text)
that said... I do want to play with wiimote on my pc... for no real reason
@jalf I am certain that was the reason the Chinese made their mandatory national encoding encode ASCII in single bytes.
@chmod711telkitty TIL there's a difference oO
@jalf With entirely different encoding you do not have the luxury of existing tools, which there are many for Unicode.
UTF-8/16/32 are not the only Unicode encodings in existence
I just think that there are situation where UTF-16 is actually a better choice than UTF-8, that is all.
GBwhatever is an Unicode encoding
@VáclavZeman well, I could have told you that. The one that I can easily think of is "interoperability with Win32 or .NET APIs" ;)
@CatPlusPlus But they are the most common and most widely supported ones.
@CatPlusPlus Yeah, GB18030.
There are freestanding UTF encodings.
GB18030 support is mandatory for any OS (except embedded) or end-user application sold in mainland China.
It has good enough support for that.
@VáclavZeman yeah, generally if you have to operate with stuff that did the worse choise and uses UTF-16 instead of UTF-8 ;-)
@ArneMertz Most of that stuff actually made the easy choice, because they made it before the choice was around.
@R.MartinhoFernandes s#uses#*still* uses#
GB18030 is a Chinese government standard describing the required language and character support necessary for software in China. In addition to the "GB18030 code page" this standard contains requirements about which scripts must be supported, font support, etc. GB18030 as a code page GB18030 is the registered Internet name for the official character set of the People's Republic of China (PRC) superseding GB2312. This character set is formally called "Chinese National Standard GB 18030-2005: Information technology — Chinese coded character set". GB abbreviates Guójiā Biāozhǔn (国家标准), w...
@ArneMertz Breaking everything is the worse choice..
According to my skimming through the article, it is technically inferior to any UTF-X encoding.
UTF-X: the encoding of the future!
It is a superset of ASCII and it is self-synchronizing.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ok, I'll rephrase that. UTF-16 is the better choice if you operate with stuff that still supports only UTF-16 and no UTF-8
Those are the big advantages of UTF-8, and it shares them.
Hm, maybe the drugs are working. Or my toe stopped hurting by itself. In either case, good.
You are on drugs too?
Is everyone on drugs here?
2 hours ago, by Xeo
Cut a good portion of my right toenail out. That looked funny.
1 hour ago, by Xeo
And now to take some drugs, because this shit will hurt like hell as soon as the anaesthesia wears off
ever since the last update, my macbook started to have wifi connection problems
he he he, just thought for this interview thing, could ask the guy if he could draw me three perpendicular lines. Just to see what he says, how he would handle something so silly. Maybe think outside the box a bit and propose a three sticks all perpendicular.
@Xeo o_0 why?
@thecoshman That's not possible.
It is, you just need the right perspective
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's easy. Just need to use two whiteboards
Lines in the plane can be perpendicular. Planes in the space can be perpendicular.
Lines in the space are orthogonal.
Perpendicularity is a particular instance of the general concept of orthogonality.
Geometry my nemesis
I need a J2ME generic Bluetooth server
So? I just need two suitably chosen planes :)
|_ <-- 3 perpendicular lines, one is pointing inward, perpendicular to this plane, there should be emphasizing dot at the intersection
@chmod711telkitty Those are orthogonal.
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's the point silly.
@thecoshman I thought you wanted them to just add a third dimension.
wait... how exactly is orthogonal and perpendicular different?
You didn't say perpendicular to each other :v
@thecoshman Orthogonality is the generalisation of perpendicularity to more dimensions.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh I see. so perpendicular is specifically 2D?
@R.MartinhoFernandes ... never heard of such nosense
That's 6 lines!
@R.MartinhoFernandes more I want to see how they work through the odd request. Like that video where they ask for 7 red lines, and can two of them be green
Congratulations, you failed
@CatPlusPlus It is also three lines.
Puzzle interview questions are pointless and dumb
He didn't say "three and only three."
@CatPlusPlus nah, it's fun to toy with people
Yes that is exactly what I'm looking for in a job
Ask concrete questions about the technology involved, not some stupid AHA GOTCHA puzzle shit
I was only thinking it would be amusing to ask, I didn't expect to get anything out of it.
I love tricky interview questions, they boost my ego :p
Are you the HR guy now?
Nobody has a J2ME BT echo server or some shit? :/
got asked to to cast my amazing and exhaustive JEE knowledge onto an interview.
@CatPlusPlus ... maybe?
@thecoshman "Give me 10 reasons why JEE sucks"
@jalf yeah, already got that one covered :P
Would it be classified terrorism if I send my enemies greeting cards with thousands of fleas inside?
although I don't remember I have any enemies, otherwise it would be fun :p
Ask them what they think is the essence of the first E in JEE.
@thecoshman I guess you might be able to do it on a non-Euclidian plane.
Not sure which kind though.
I find hyperbolic geometry hard to grok.
Geometry is my arc enemy.
Shame on you
idiots of the lounge: unite!
My stupid laptop is missing drivers and they don't exist
also magpies are definitely smarter than chickens
Make them.
> The GATT roles are not necessarily tied to specific GAP roles and may be specified by higher layer profiles. GATT and ATT are not transport specific and can be used in both BR/EDR and LE.
"I understand none of those acronyms"
@CatPlusPlus just invent definitions for them then
LE is clearly Lawful Evil.
Butt Routines/Enormous Dong Routines
see, it makes a lot more sense now
@Xeo There was a period of a couple of hours yesterday without clouds, pretty much exactly between the start and end of complete darkness. I didn't manage to assemble the thing before Jupiter disappeared under the horizon. Also failed terribly at pointing it at other cool stuff. But now I know it works! I guess.
I think Jupiter won't be around anymore after complete darkness after today.
Back at the end of July then.
Though it doesn't really matter. I'm dumb.
I can see Jupiter with the naked eye in daytime sometimes.
Darkness doesn't matter.
I'll finally run some meatspace Paranoia this weekend.
Of course GATT is supported only in Windows 8+
@R.MartinhoFernandes o_0
Guess I'll have to setup Linux dualboot after all
ergh, dualboot is a PITA
dualbox is what you want
I tried running Win8, but GPU drivers are shit
@thecoshman What? The Earth rotates, you know?
you know
I'm not buying a new laptop for one project
@CatPlusPlus Intel?
@R.MartinhoFernandes you know, the Sun still exists at night :P
if we had client ESX that ran everything as a virtual appliance
@CatPlusPlus see, there's your problem, you should.
like, every app resides in tiny vm
@thecoshman But it's not around.
that would be cool.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's some shitty Intel/AMD dualcard setup that doesn't work with official drivers from either
Well, it's old enough to be ATI I guess
@CatPlusPlus the two cards are too busy insulting each other
Fuck VAIO forever
it's not VAIO per se, those dual gpu setups are the fucking pain
I'm willing to believe it's Sony's fault entirely
in theory they sound nice, but I had astonishing amount of problems on systems with those
Because they're shit
At everything
thank god I never owned one
Oh what a surprise.
Haskell website is down again.
@CatPlusPlus :F I was considering buying a sony tablet instead of a new iPad recently
@CatPlusPlus haha, sounds credible.
@rightfold god wait which one. Haskell.org works.
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's still in exactly the same space... well... ok, it's not moving (much) relative to the center of our planets orbit
and it's still a (rather fuzzy) sphere
@BartekBanachewicz Hackage
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's from engineers that brought us 'hey, we kinda forgot that this laptop drains power from battery even if it's off'
Thank you Google for having cache:!
But no seriously the official AMD drivers don't work with this AMD card
@BartekBanachewicz Oh my. Stranded with choosing between Apple and Sony. You're screwed.
@CatPlusPlus they never did
VAIO is explicitly listed as incompatible
Does Sony provide drivers?
@CatPlusPlus you can try if you edit the driver product sn by hand
my friend did that once
you have to forcefully install the driver by modifying those .ini files
@BartekBanachewicz Not in the 'it doesn't install' sense, it just doesn't work properly
now that is sony's fault
No hardware acceleration
@CatPlusPlus oh then you're fucked forever
You put YouTube player in full screen and it kinda fuzzes out
@R.MartinhoFernandes TBF the only thing that annoys me in the iPad is the fact it has only one speaker :S (the new one has 2, but still on one side if you hold it horizontally :/)
@R.MartinhoFernandes They have to, seeing as only theirs work
@BartekBanachewicz you can't upgrade the screen
The gotcha is that the newest Windows supported by their driver is 7
@thecoshman why would you want to "upgrade the screen" again?
@BartekBanachewicz :D
@CatPlusPlus can you downgrade upgrade to 7?
point is, you can't even if you wanted to
@thecoshman yeah, it's called a moot point.
@BartekBanachewicz Eh?
@thecoshman lol
I need Bluetooth 4 stack
@CatPlusPlus can't you install windows 7 and install their driver?
It is not supported in Win7
Hence Linux dualboot
@CatPlusPlus you're kidding
I'm running Win7 I don't know what you're talking about tbh
I sometimes forget how terrible people creating software are
I've ordered BT4 dongle, but I still need the stack to actually use it
I could dualboot Win8 I guess
I'll name OS entries in bootloader after devices that run properly on them
oh BTW I did set up SSH key auth
it was dead easy as you all said
I also set up OpenVPN for fun
@CatPlusPlus :D
@Cat So the driver supports 7 only, and the software supports 8 only?
@Xeo No, I think the two are unrelated. He need the graphic driver, and Bluetooth 4.
Win8 supports BT4, but I can't run just Win8 because Win8 doesn't support my GPU
One only works in 7, the other only in 8.
Fuck this laptop
also epic things are happening
oh lol
Also, for anyone that got my Hari Seldon reference today, I want you to know that I am hugging you in a meat sandwich of love right now.
I'd sell it but selling people VAIOs is evil and cruel
@Oatmeal may all technology in the future follow the zeroth law...
the internet is overflowing with epicness and coolness
@CatPlusPlus eh, TLDR Oatmeal wrote how much he loves his Model S and asked Elon to fund the rest of the Tesla Museum ($8M)
idgi (x2)
dunno, if you're not following the affairs of the two guys and their respective merchandises, it might not seem interesting
I find them both amazing.
In different ways, but still.
anyway vim sucks
How so?
I wouldn't mind a fresh vim core
hurr durr neovim
But everyone seems to be cloning TextMate in various ways these days
meat sandwich ... ummm
is textmate another incarnation of ST/Atom/w/e?
And that in turn is emacs derivative, shitton of uncomposable keybindings and no modality
TextMate was the original hipster text editor for Mac
It has support for Darcs builtin!
I think it's no longer Cool
Never liked it.
@CatPlusPlus you forgot ™
Oh look, I found another curious Wikipedia feature
if you look for  (which displays as Apple logo on Apple-based devices), it gives you Private Use Areas pointed to "Example code point" section // cc @R.M
well, it's probably less surprising once you know that you can search by unicode, but still
@CatPlusPlus ST is all the rage nowadays.
@BartekBanachewicz predecessor
I could write the editor core, but text rendering makes me nauseous
Which is why ST supports TextMate syntax description files. :v
Yeah that's the important thing yes
@CatPlusPlus Don't look at me.
I didn't say anything about importance.
And CLI isn't any better either
Once you write the core, I'll hand the text rendering. Get cracking.
> Discovery and pairing is done through the inbox experience and Windows does not offer any Apis to accomplish this. We recommend using the inbox experience for discovery and pairing.

Thanks Microsoft
Did Cat write your Unicode scripts yet?
Oh, that thing
I'll finish it this week, I'm actually kinda even enjoying writing Python lately
So yeah I'm not dualbooting Win8 because MS is terrible
@R.MartinhoFernandes I was trying to install Yi the other day and failed spectacularly
Also I'll laugh so hard if Linux GPU drivers will just work
mostly because it depended on fucking GTK-something-BUT USE VERSION 2-fuckj
GTK2 is bad. GTK3 is okay
and despite the fact I actually installed and downloaded the damn thing, it just fucking didn't work
@CatPlusPlus I suggest you bring that up to Yi developers
@CatPlusPlus what
There's no way to programmatically discover BT4 devices because
Oh you wanted to write a server HAHA NO
use autohotkey to click on menus
Maybe I could expose the BT4 dongle directly to the VM via USB filters
But this stupid laptop has only 4GB RAM
Reverse engineering communication with a BT device is Fun
> LNK1136: invalid or corrupt file
If I had a time machine, I would be tempted to pick up a 3 yo cat++ & make him sit next to me ... that would be so cute :p
just imagine I mess up his hair and say "kiddo, kiddo"
Yeah, that's not remotely creepy.
I guess it was only a matter of time until someone made Tree Simulator

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