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may be, but clearly not in your case if that was your first great answer ;)
I mean your c++ contributions were yet to come
It's because it was in , that it became "great". yeah...
Good old days of 2011. Where every week something hilariously dumb would get +100.
Doesn't happen anymore though. Or at least it's a lot more rare.
"We don't want your funny stuff."
Absolutely do *not* place closing brackets on their own lines.


    (define (factorial x)
      (if (< x 2)
          (* x (factorial (- x 1


    (define (factorial x)
      (if (< x 2)
          (* x (factorial (- x 1)))))

  Rationale:  The parentheses grow lonely if their closing brackets are
  all kept separated and segregated.
poor parantheses
See I would do that if only because it would make Lispers mad
it's funny because the lisp prof in my college did it
and basically, everyone took after her
@AlexM. oh, it's lisp. lol
I was the weird one whose code was unreadable by all
@Mysticial I haven't reached that level yet, but it's close...
@Mysticial Scheme actually
@CatPlusPlus whateva... lol
I took Scheme in college. And I still can't tell it apart from Lisp.
See on my list of completely useless skills there is also 'telling Lisp and Scheme apart'
It's supposed to be a freshman (intro to CS) class. But they didn't let me graduate without it.
scheme is still a dialect of lisp, so mysticial was correct
another dialect is common lisp
That's what I mean by Lisp, nobody cares about the original
I'm a noob but
And also according to LISP fanboys everything is a dialect of LISP so
in common lisp functions are defined as
defun afair
I ended up taking that "intro to CS" class my senior year - after I had already been doing that world record digit crap.
(defun name (params))
whereas in scheme it's (define (name params))
CL has separate forms for functions and variables, Scheme's (define) works for both
that confused me at first
I've still to use scheme at anything other than project euler problems :(
there's also a nice (slightly altered) scheme interpreter on android, so whenever I get bored, I take out my phone and write some stuff
@CatPlusPlus I'll check it out
on the PC I use chicken scheme call-cc.org
@CatPlusPlus Yup.
Ahahah TLS BBC asks for a client certificate
@StackedCrooked how the hell
New DayKnight t-shirt
must get one o.o
(male version obv)
IEEE: IBM’s supercomputer Watson is now able to understand reason and debate with humans. Although it is still a few steps away from understanding the content it’s debating. bit.ly/1myX1ww
@AlexM. Boring, @R.MartinhoFernandes has been doing that for years already
@AlexM. Luck + magic.
@Xeo NGNL is a smart series. I like it.
this guy's youtube video description seemed funny to me
I own nothing. Everything goes to the rightful owners.
dropping the video too because the track is awesome
it could also work as an ambient track in locations with a theme similar to planescape torment's sigil, or so it seems to me
that's one depressing game that doesn't make you feel depressed
Q: How did this answer display get laid out so … interestingly?

Jonathan LefflerI have a question How do I implement tail -f with timeout on read in Perl? and when I displayed it in Firefox 29.0 on Mac OS X 10.9.2 Mavericks, it currently displays like this at the bottom of the question: I reloaded in a new tab and got the same result; I've not yet restarted the browser. (...

@Borgleader Go for the female version (if the blonde is included).
1 hour later…
anyone know how to make llvm-config --cxxflags NOT add -DNDEBUG
llvm irc on freenode is as dead as a doornail
yeah, strange. thanks for looking though
llvm-config --cxxflags outputs: -I/usr/lib/llvm-3.2/include -DNDEBUG -D_GNU_SOURCE -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -g -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fno-exceptions -fPIC -Woverloaded-virtual -Wcast-qual
I'm assuming llvm-config --build-target outputs "Release"?
it does
I'll hack it out with cmake string functions for now I guess
Hi, I'm trying to replace the string with updated values....but its not replacing with the new values. For the first time its replacing after that its not replacing with any values.....

QString MinervaLatest::getJavaScript()
QString script;
qDebug() << "currentPageInstanceeeeeeeeId" << currentPageInstanceId;
qDebug() << "javaaaaaaaaa" << JAVASCRIPT;
JAVASCRIPT.replace("__PAGE_ID__"," " + currentPageInstanceId);
qDebug() << "replcae javaaaa" << JAVASCRIPT;
//qDebug()<< "scripttttttt" << script;
(see full text)
A: Increase close vote weight for gold tag badge holders

Tim PostWe're doing this for duplicates only to start, because it's incredibly silly not to do this. Not giving people with gold tag badges more abilities in their tags is just wasting some very valuable signal - here's why: If you have a gold badge in your tag, you know what's been asked before, in se...

^^ holy shit, it's happening
This is being deployed initially as an experiment ... If this pans out well, we might consider giving gold tag badge holders more weight in other areas, and possibly considering silver tag badge holders.
My mother says hens have bigger butts than roosters, while it makes sense, I could not find any supportive evidence on the internet for this theory
@doug65536 How about using the official channel on OFTC? irc.oftc.net #llvm
@xeo thanks
@StackedCrooked I love the characters so much
If I do a bunch of Async web request calls, how to I know the call back function was sent from which request?
@telkitty.exe Well, either tag it with something to identify it or ensure that it does not matter by passing all data required in the callback round the async 'loop'. I always try to do the latter'cos safer if the callback happens on a different thread.
I thought about tagging it but I have no control over the server so I am not sure how to get the tag in the callback function
lemme read some documentation
@StackedCrooked How does that compare to the "C++ rocks" books?
@telkitty.exe What framework're you using? It really depends. You'll usually be able to associate some data (like a pointer) with each request, or you'd be given the same request object at each callback.
Thanks ... I am actually using Java's AsyncTask, an extension of it
T_T Why is horriblesubs so popular
protected void onPostExecute (Result result) // no where to get id of the calling request
@CatPlusPlus I like it, but I thought you hated lisps for being unreadable or something.
@Trylks You're joking, right? You really expect Google Scholar to include a searchable index of 19th and early 20th century philosophy, mathematics, and scientific history books describing Leibniz's contributions to graph theory? — JeffE yesterday
@telkitty.exe Won't that get called on the AsyncTask itself, so you'll have state in the object?
(i.e. you'll have members of your AsyncTask subclass that relate to its state)
also, morning
I think I'm going to learn to play piano
I want a different hobby to computers
and piano doesn't require finger torture, unlike guitar
lol you still don't know how to write code well and you gonna learn another thing?
and with digital piano, and heaphones, no one will be disturbed by noise
Write a program to play the piano for you. Now you can do both at once and not kill your fingers while you're at it.
@Abyx I know how to code well enough for my job
Invent a musical programming language so that you can write code while playing piano.
Q: Using a piano keyboard as a computer keyboard

Артём ЦарионовI have RSI problems and have tried 30 different computer keyboards which all caused me pain. Playing piano does not cause me pain. I have played piano for around 20 years without any pain issues. I would like to know if there is a way to capture MIDI from a MIDI keyboard and output keyboard strok...

@StackedCrooked I seem to remember it used a weird parameter style. Like void foo( int x ); or something.
glossary =
    zip $('#manual #glossary > dt'), $('#manual #glossary > dd')
    |> map ([dt, dd]) -> {word: dt.textContent, definition: dd.textContent}
So nice. :3
Thanks. :P
Though that would become a long line, so I'll keep it this way.
@DeadMG You suck at using Apple.
@Mysticial I checked. I have a gold C++ badge. I will be able to uberclose crap! Yay!
@Abyx and good morning to you too :)
@rubenvb does that make differenzes than o.O
@sehe morning.
but it's not good. it's cold and rainy
Fucking hell.
@Abyx oh, well. other things can still be good. Such as, you know, the morning :)
@rightfold And good morning to you too
I have a list of elements each with a level data member and I want to create a tree out of it but I just can't get it to work.
I'm sure I've done this many times before.
No. I must get this fucking algorithm to work first.
long time no see
Oops. It was documented! We need to put the symbols entries in lowercase for use in no_case. Glad that's resolved :) — sehe 4 mins ago
Dat awkward moment when you suspected bugs in a library whose docs you're supposed to know inside-out.
@DeadMG lolwut?
wtffffffffffff ;_:
@ScottW Ask here?
Drag and drop sucks balls regardless.
The only decent drap and drop is with FRP.
@ScottW hi
How you been @ScottW?
I'm good.
still writing code
oh how come?
oh nice
sounds good
oh fun :P
you don't want to have to pick that SOAP, do you? :P
@ScottW cool
where is your store?
its on Ebay?
@ScottW you sell a lot of stuff
wtf can I buy for mother's day? flowers?
@rubenvb Dat (expanded) URL
it's in his Secrets Exchange repo :D
That was easy.
@ScottW awesome
@Jefffrey A coupon for some beauty shop or so
Kudos to the devs of ubuntu pastebin. You've made it /really/ secure!
@ScottW none, don't do webdev
If I had to, I'd use Python
@ScottW Expensive stuff
@Xeo Might be interpreted as "you are ugly" :P
@Jefffrey eh
Text selection is broken in FF.
@ScottW Dat sealed N64 for 1k.
Must be nice if that sells.
@sehe lol, how ridiculous.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've got FF V29.0. Text selection works.
I don't get why people do these absurdly over-engineered heuristics when they can easily accept everything safely.
@R.MartinhoFernandes thing is, this tells me their site is probably not secure at all. (or maybe it's benign and someone just applied an input validation policy to all pages, including the ones that shouldn't have them applied)
@MartinJames Do you see the difference in the "f"?
@R.MartinhoFernandes perzoisely
@MartinJames try a nonstandard font, or zoom, or both
I'm using SO's font.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Err.. no, not on my system.
Fonts don't have different glyphs for selected text.
@sehe Oh wait - the 'f' my be off by one pixel? :)
@ScottW Err... you?
@MartinJames YES
Q: jQuery to wrap certain word in <strong> tag

WebDevDude Possible Duplicate: Finding the tag <strong> inside this div tag using jQuery I am trying to use jQuery to search for all instances of the word "contracting" and wrap it in <strong> tag. Is there any way to do this using jQuery? The end result I'd be looking for is <strong>contra...

And this is why mods being able to close with a single vote is a completely retarded and horrible idea.
@rightfold Nah. This is why any process involving people is bound to have the occasional mistake. Robots FTW.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Typical. You just want to copy/paste some text, and all you get is 'f off'.
I miss playing portal.
So the videos of the Gophercon 2014 are being made available. Rob Pike did the keynote. At the expected question about generics, his answer was "There are no plans for generics. I said we're going to leave the language; we're done.".
@FredOverflow oh cool.
I thought you might like it :)
@FredOverflow You cannot add generics anymore anyway. You'd end up with Java.
@FredOverflow AREGHGDH I broke myself.
I can't stand slide readers.
Unless you are willing to break all existing code by fixing the standard library to use generics.
Is there any mainstream language that had generics right from the start? I guess F#?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Aha, so that's why your slides are so minimal.
Rob is horrible.
@FredOverflow wait wait wait; wat? they're abandoning Go?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Just his presentation style? Or everything about him?
@FredOverflow Former. I actually like him otherwise.
@ScarletAmaranth I have no idea, haven't watched the video yet. I assume it means the language is stable, no more radical changes.
@FredOverflow I don't have audio right now.
@FredOverflow I believe they announced that when they released 1.0.
I will watch it in the evening.
@rightfold You don't need it. Just read the slides in Rob's voice.
@FredOverflow It's a terribly boring style because one can read the text much faster than he can speak it and then you're basically left waiting for him to finish his sentences which add nothing to what was communicated to you by the slides already.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm right there with you, I hate that kind of style, too.
No LRIO this morning. Maybe we should run a book on whether he's:
a) Still in bed with a hangover.
b) In lockup with a hangover.
c) In hospital being treated for alcohol poisoning.
d) Already in a bar but his tablet battery is flat 'cos he was too pissed to plug it in last night.
Can we have e) all of the above?
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol, maybe, but it would take a supreme effort to achieve that:)
Here goes another downvote for the good ole myth that constexpr means it's evaluated at compile-time.
Some people don't seem to get the difference between "is" and "can be"
@R.MartinhoFernandes Q&A at the end isn't on the slides.
@Xeo Yes, and then they don't get that almost anything can be evaluated at compile time, and that has been true since ever.
constexpr only forced compile-time eval is you actually need the result at compile-time.
and a simple constexpr T blah = foo(); is, IIRC, not enough to force that, unless blah is used in a context that requires a constant expression
The "evaluate at compile-time" thing is the sort of orthogonal idea that should be kept out of the discussion as much as possible, because it only misleads or unnecessarily complicates things if you explain it properly.
... is Slack down?
@Xeo Not even then. It's the usual int main() {} thingy.
It has to be used in a context that requires its value.
@Xeo It's slacking off.
I have very buggy software here
Good morning all
@Xeo Seems to be working.
slurps coffee
@ÓlafurWaage same here
so, I bought a guitar yesterday
what kind
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, isup.me agrees that it should be
lemme get ya a pic from the webz
Signed in from my phone, and it worked.
Didn't test the web interface.
Anyway, "Do eeeet".
has a polish watermark but fuck that
the photo is good at least
@ÓlafurWaage ^
like the finish
@R.MartinhoFernandes Just need to get vacation for 5th and 6th
@ÓlafurWaage It's very glossy IRL, we'll see how it will hold up. And it's made entirely (sans fingerboard) from mahogany; rather unusual, especially in that price range (it was dirt cheap).
sound good?
It sounds like a guitar.
@ÓlafurWaage yeah, I like the sound a lot. In fact, I liked the higher model even more, but it was more than 2x expensive.
@Xeo It's only two days.
@R.MartinhoFernandes in acoustic guitar you are kinda limited WRT tone changes (compared to an electric)
@R.MartinhoFernandes so?
I bought it aiming for the stuff that, ironically, can be heard on Blizzard Entertainment soundtracks in Starcraft II and Hearthstone.
As I said, I need confirmation
the mail requesting vacation on those days is already out
Ah, I see. I thought you were just reluctant.
@BartekBanachewicz when you say that, i can exactly spot what kind of guitar you are aiming for
If you can do, I'll schedule some board gaming at my place.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nah. Just waiting for the confirmation to change the tickets
@ÓlafurWaage :) I think that it was a good choice; certainly is for my ears. It has rich bass, but still retains that grit and a bit of metal-ish sound that I found lacking in spruce-based models.
Also it doesn't require a lot of force from the right hand, you can fingerpick easily and be heard clearly.
@Maverik how are your pointers? :)
16 hours ago, by Cat Plus Plus
So does anyone know actually interesting new languages
Can't believe what I'm reading.
@BartekBanachewicz Someone decontextified that.
@JohanLarsson Heh, they're messing a little for now but I'm gonna look at it in a bit
Don't use pointers.
Heh, I'd avoid but unfortunately MIB_IPFORWARD_TABLE2 insists on me using them :)
@Jefffrey "don't use array indices"
actually yes don't use array indices
@R.MartinhoFernandes most of the starred messages are funnier w/o context.
RoboZZle requires Silverlight
@rightfold thanks for the heads-up
ya, works on pipelight though
@BartekBanachewicz Nice. What kind of music do you play?
@FredOverflow Bad!
@R.MartinhoFernandes By Michael Jackson?
A: Detect if Java application was run as a Windows admin

CodemwnciI found this code snippet online, that I think will do the job for you. public static boolean isAdmin() { String groups[] = (new com.sun.security.auth.module.NTSystem()).getGroupIDs(); for (String group : groups) { if (group.equals("S-1-5-32-544")) return true; } ...

Because this SID "S-1-5-32-544" is obviously the SID for admin group
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Why not?
(They're just numbered more or less sequentially, and the Administrators group comes late in the sequence)
@R.MartinhoFernandes I wonder if they are magic numbers or they can be configured
on a linux workstation you can get the GUID by name
@FredOverflow can't really pinpoint the kind. Recently, though, it was Ace of Spades on my electric, because I found the solo quite easy and nice. I play mostly instrumental stuff on it anyway, Gilbert/Petrucci/Satriani works, though they are rather poor attempts, because I ultimately suck when it gets to >200bpm. And I bought my new one for stuff like aforementioned blizzard soundtracks, some songs that sound better on an acoustic like stairway... In general, I touch a lot of inspirations :)
Their values remain constant across all operating systems.
Applies to

Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Edition
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
Windows Server 2008 Datacenter
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
Windows Server 2008 Standard
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2
Windows 8
Windows Server 2012 Standard
Windows Server 2012 Datacenter
Windows Server 2012 Essentials
Windows Server 2012 Foundation
(see full text)
No windows 98/95 or ME
They don't have users or groups.
that's a fair point
@FredOverflow if that helps, I mostly use my amp instead of my modeler lately, and because it's a huge-ass 120W tube combo, it naturally suits more aggresive play and I naturally drift towards metal improvisations in my practice when playing it.
But NTs before 2000 are missing, though.
They might have changed the rules then
stored differently
I think by group name
might be off
@BartekBanachewicz 'huge-ass 120W tube combo' - I assume you only play with that in the winter?
Am I the only one that finds VS's filter thingy extremely unhelpful with C++?
Especially when you want to #include headers.
not much of a VS user, unhelpful how?
Funnily enough, C# projects use actual folders instead of filters.
@ÓlafurWaage They don't reflect folder structure, but #include works with the folder structure.
hmm, odd choice
Filters are what the Solution explorer displays as folders.
It even uses folder icons.
solution folders are just filters though, project folders are actual foilders
@MartinJames I use it to keep my tea warm :)
prolly what you just said
@JohanLarsson That's C# projects.
Which makes no sense.
C# doesn't have constructs that expose your source code's folder structure, so filters there would be harmless.
@BartekBanachewicz lol How many EL34's are needed for 120W?
C++ does have some very important everyday constructs that expose it, so folders would be the least surprising choice.
It's completely ass-backwards.
Of course I can just set the view to "Show All Files", but then I see all the unrelated "garbage" that doesn't have source code, like bin/ folders and .gitignore and so on.
@R.MartinhoFernandes it never annoyed me and I even find it useful

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