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"Whee" is not a socially appropriate reaction to people getting shot
Wait, why would I be getting shot?
Nvm, I didn't see the 'to people'
Still, wheee
since when are we socially acceptable?
just realized that my lander design in KSP was the same as the one used on the Apollo
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yay.
@DeadMG Obviously they stole it from you
Alright, NGNL timu /cc @Mysticial
no, just remembering that other people laughed at me for mounting the lander on the top upside-down.
and it's actually (obviously) a pretty good idea.
in Lounge<Kerbal>, Dec 23 '13 at 13:59, by Cat Plus Plus
Make lander detachable
Scotty is such a nice framework. I just wish the author could understand cookies are a "basic" functionality.
Meh, cookies
You only need to store session ID
Yeah, but if you are not able to store cookies, you can't store anything client side.
You have access to headers
Anyway it seems to be inspired by some Ruby crap, so I'm not surprised it sucks
That doesn't explain why I, random user of your framework, need to know how HTTP headers works. FFS your framework should abstract that away.
If you expect to be able to write webapps without knowing how HTTP works, sorry but no
@DeadMG It was mounted below the SM and rearranged en route.
That's the whole point of the framework.
Also the Ruby version, allowed cookies, sessions and caching just as easy.
There's a difference between the need to know the underlying protocol and expecting a web framework to build a correct abstraction on top of it.
3 mins ago, by Cat Plus Plus
Anyway it seems to be inspired by some Ruby crap, so I'm not surprised it sucks
Sinatra is not crap.
Scotty is, until now.
It's in Ruby so I'm p sure it is
@DeadMG It makes it easier to set up the rocket, but then you need it out of the way to use the SM's engines.
I could only hear "PREJUDICES", did you say something?
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's exactly what I see as a problem: poor titles. But your title is poor in that sense as well: Search isn't broken. It's the combination of poor titles and non-optimal search keywords which makes it appear broken. — stefan 31 secs ago
@Shog9 I only explained what happened. What's up with you telling me this out of the blue?
Someone that cannot appreciate intentional irony even after it is pointed out to them.
@AlexM. someone asked me to take a look at this. Apparently it came off as though you were just minding your own business and then got suspended for [insanely long time] for posting a youtube link.
personally I've never known Shog to be unreasonable in moderation matters.
I don't remember saying I wanted my self requested suspension lifted either. And I clearly stated.it was not because of the video
Alex, if you want to fight with Shog, maybe you could do it on the MSO/MSE rooms, instead of in here?
guys, do you know any way to remove a previously specified library with gcc on the command line? like gcc -lsomelib -dontlink=somelib
That's dumb
Fix your build system
@nightcracker lolwat
@DeadMG I'm trying to do the opposite of fighting here
Or your Backspace key dunno
@AlexM. oh, I know you know why. I'm just saying if you still care about it, you should fix it instead of grousing about it. But hey, your time your call.
also linkers are still 30 years ago and don't work that way
@AlexM. Whatever it is you're doing here. Preferably not here. Thanks.
Basically asking shog to drop it
well, rust automatically links -lgcc_s
@DeadMG not gonna re-hash it all - was asked by someone I respect to review this, so I did. Sorry for the interruption.
(they pull what they need at the moment when they parse the option and suck at doing that)
@nightcracker And?
@nightcracker Maybe it is needed for the runtime maybe??
but I want to specify -static-libgcc, and remove the -lgcc_s
We need an elder sigil.
1 min ago, by Cat Plus Plus
Fix your build system
if I manually copy the link command, remove the library in question and add -static-libgcc it works
17 secs ago, by Cat Plus Plus
1 min ago, by Cat Plus Plus
Fix your build system
but I want to be able to just do it through rustc -C linkargs=""
Yes, the answer is still the same.
Have you considered fixing your build system?
@Shog9 it's as if you're not even reading what I'm saying. Ill just shut up now.
how am I supposed to fix my build system?
Last time I looked at Rust it was extremely uninteresting
Did anything change
it's rust that automatically adds -lgcc_s
Fix Rust
Or tell Rust devs to fix it dunno, it's not a problem to be solved on the level you're trying to solve it
rust on windows right now is a total pain =/
the language seems interesting to me though
Who woulda thunk
Open source compiler not working on Windows properly
That's news
There's so many people being mesmerized by rust.
we just need lld
What's up with that.
Yeah, right.
LLVM has a wonderful track record on Windows.
LLVM reality distortion field at work again.
I like LLVM and I hate you for making me dislike it.
@nightcracker We just need a non-ancient linker that doesn't need to be backwards compatible with others in order to be a drop-in replacement.
What does that have to do with anything
@R.MartinhoFernandes me?
I hope they don't screw up by making every of its modes as retarded as the backwards compatible one (or by making them work in generally the same way).
@nightcracker Plural "you". For anyone that is affected by the LLVM reality distortion field.
modern_linker -please-link-this-library -but-no-wait-i-changed-my-mind
That just makes zero sense.
@CatPlusPlus modern_linker -here-is-a-library here-is-an-object --make-it-work
That's... not the issue?
Also that's supported by every fucking linker out there right now
@R.MartinhoFernandes sorry, what? how is my reality distorted
So again what does that have to do with anything
3 mins ago, by nightcracker
we just need lld
@R.MartinhoFernandes and how is that distorted?
@R.MartinhoFernandes "LLVM reality distortion field" lol
I'm not mad or confrontational, just confused o.o?
@Griwes They inherited it from Apple.
@nightcracker lld won't save you.
Especially not on Windows.
why not?
Because it's not an issue with the linker.
10 mins ago, by Cat Plus Plus
Fix your build system
what is "it"?
@CatPlusPlus "except when ld is linking static libraries" is missing from that sentence.
The entire linking model we live with is terribad.
Everything is terribad.
@nightcracker The thing you were talking about something else asking the linker to link the library you didn't want.
@Xeo hey...
@StackedCrooked Watched NGNL yet?
ld is only order-dependent by default, you can put everything into a group and it will figure it out
well, XY problem
@Mysticial It was an awesome episode!
the issue I have stems from the fact that Rust uses LLVM, which does not have a linker right now
@CatPlusPlus That forces me to fuck with some irrelevant and unnecessary "groups".
so it uses GCC
@Griwes What
WTF is a group? Why the fuck do I need it in 2014?
and from there on everything explodes on windows
@Xeo not yet
Well, LLVM works wonders with Windows.
(If only LLVM started with W)
in my experience it has been pretty bad =/
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wonder Level Virtual Machine?
I want a linker that, unless I tell it otherwise, just links my things together automagically. I don't want to have to learn about some magic incantations related to some arcane groups.
@Xeo yes I have
The episode was soo good again
agreed; mainly the male / female game
Poor Steph, though she kinda deserves it.
ld --start-group "$@" --end-group
she totally did; she was the challenger afterall
Guys, I wrote a linker.
Skills: complaining about the least important parts of the problem: very good
@CatPlusPlus played any Crawl as of recent?
@CatPlusPlus No, no, no. I complain about everything.
@ScarletAmaranth Not lately
@Griwes But you're only very good at the least important parts :P
@CatPlusPlus alright, give me a poke when you play at some point; I haven't played lately either, now I have a bit of time
@R.MartinhoFernandes Because the more important parts are too big not to waste hours trying to complain about them.
@Xeo It hasn't been "Low Level Virtual Machine" in a while.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I know
that's why it's funny
No alliteration for you today.
cba to type out the tag syntax
So what's Rust's Big Thing
@CatPlusPlus The game?
No, the language
I'm going through the tutorial and looks the same as everything else
> Note: Rust doesn't guarantee tail-call optimization, but LLVM is able to handle a simple case like this with optimizations enabled.
Syntax disambiguators
tail-call optimization? as in stack frame elimination for tail recursion? or?
Turning tail-recursive things into loops
that even carries different semantics, watafak : - /
(as you're quite likely to run out of stack space)
Tail recursion is equivalent to a loop
@ScarletAmaranth lol
Also like 4 different kinds of pointers and also shared pointers in the library
And GC pointers, too, sure why not
@CatPlusPlus Well, it has a cool-sounding name, a minimalistic web page with jokes, an overly simple code sample and a "Fork me on Github!" ribbon.
I kinda want to write something in Scheme
Sounds familiar somehow.
It's that Mozilla thing I think?
Or was it something else
There's like 10 new languages per month these days, and they're all boring
You mean they're all solutions looking for problems, right?
I mean, wow, pattern matching. Nobody else has done that before.
And what the hell does "zero-cost abstractions" mean?
It's like... I've seen that, I've seen that, I've seen that too, yawn
They should have gone with "bloatless" instead of "zero-cost".
And "guaranteed memory safety"?
It's language design as written by salespeople.
A.k.a. no pointer arithmetic, a feature that truly needs an entire new language
Also "optional garbage collection", because garbage collection is sloooow so you might want to turn it off.
It's been all done before
Yep. It's incredibly cynical.
But congrats on spending the next 10 years getting the implementation to usable state??
It's wheel reinvention, right there.
I like how C++ handles resources.
And I can bet my left ball that @rightfold is gonna fanboy all over it eventually.
I had an article listing actually interesting language features and how no language ever uses all of them
But I lost it
Well, kudos for them for actually getting RAII right-ish (or getting it to look right-ish for someone who just looked over the tutorial).
Or at least for understanding what RAII is.
@Griwes do you have a sister?
@doug65536 No.
@Griwes didn't think so
Maybe I should write some more Factor
I wish I could fuck my sister.
trust me, you won't have any "latent sexual feelings" for her if you did
but yes I see what that was trying to say
Just came to see what kind of interesting discussion there was in the lounge...
itt incest
Also boring programming languages
You should rename the channel to Lounge<Incest>
But that would be against the moderation rules would it?
Incest isn't illegal as far as I know
@Jefffrey My guess is that if she's above 18 and you're above 18 and you both want it. Then it's not impossible
This thread is all you
So does anyone know actually interesting new languages
The language of love

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