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That does not mean that the current life could live on forever.
of course it doesn't.
well, if they didn't die, it kinda does imply that they live forever.
since any change to the state of "living" would be, by definition, death.
You are under the assumption that life must reproduce, which is not necessary true.
reproduction is part of the definition of life iirc
Anyway, it is 7am, too early in the morning to be chasing my own tail in this discussion.
no reproduction means no evolution.
and no evolution certainly means death.
Who needs evolution when you can just assimilate any passing lifeforms? Resistance is futile.
A: Associative array in C.

Khaled A KhunaiferThe best option as stated by some comments, is to write it yourself. First you can make it as a list for dynamic size: struct AssociativeNode { char key [256]; int value; AssociativeNode * next; } struct AssociativeList { AssociativeNode * first; } Then you can write functio...

Am I missing something or this is the worst associative container implementation there could ever be?
It could be written in PHP.
@Jefffrey lel
isn't it like O(n) for lookup?
It is.
It is a linked list.
also I've just noticed that he is the guy that downvoted my answer by saying that "there's no C standard implementation of an associative container; your best bet is to try implementing a red-black tree on your own" is not a valid answer
@rightfold handy for train commuters
it's cold and horrible here in the swamp today.
plus the Internets are super duper slow
Installing JDK on Debian.
How fun.
@DeadMG don't you love cold temperature?
Oh, it is installing X.
How useful on a fucking web server.
why dafuq are you installing JDK on a web server
Eh, because the DBMS is written in Java and Scala.
it's not unreasonable for the java development kit creators to assume that the machine will be used for, you know, java development.
Cannot write to `/dev/stdout' (Broken pipe).
call a plumber
@AlexM. Am I seeing a Tsukiko in your avatar there?
@rightfold Wouldn't that only require a JVM installation, rather than the JDK?
Problem is solved. — Toon Krijthe 26 mins ago
so graceful. Did he get banned? Did they just nuke al his answers from orbit? Who even is Toon Krijthe
JDK includes a JVM.
@DeadMG It's not too unusual to require a JDK. I think this already happens if you need to embed the JVM.dll (ICBWT - it's definitely not unheard-of for end-user applications to require a JDK)
That sounds wrong.
@rightfold signal 13! it happens in a pipe when the receiving end vanished
I don't remember what applications, sadly
@AlexM. call the amber lamps!
> episodes 1..n
that imgur collage must have taken a few mins
Oh well. That's fine I guess. I for one, specifically came to Meta instead of flagging as spam, but you're right, if enough people agree (enough being >0 mods, I guess) it was spammy enough. — sehe 4 secs ago
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Not really. Just repeated shoot.sh, then cd /tmp; convert -append shoot-*.png collage.png
p.s. I have no respect for those who has more reps on meta than on the stackoverflow main site!
You have no respect anyways
huh? I do respect farmers, cleaners and factory workers - without whom my life will be really miserable
Imagine we still have to grow food by ourselves, walk everywhere & everywhere's dirty ...
@OlivierDulac isn't that obvious as it is? Also, it's not that witty :) (yes I just changed my nick /just/ to confuse you :)) — sehe 52 secs ago
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yeah that answer is going to eventually clear up the common stance :)
@sehe "advise" as a noun slap
Greame, the keys are like right next to each other. — MadHatter 5 hours ago
It's on the starboard
I wish comments would expand in the starboard
I wish your wish would be granted
what's the last item in virtual table?
Saw this guy on the way in to work this morning. Presumably he was going somewhere to hang up some bonbonbons
@DarkHorse Under which implementation? Under what conditions?
@sehe I wish your wish would be granted
@LightnessRacesinOrbit In c++
@DarkHorse Stuff.
@DarkHorse fail.
@DarkHorse C++ is a language. I asked which implementation. Virtual tables are not defined by the language, but by individual implementations, meaning individual compiler versions.
C++ only defines how polymorphism works; that is, the end result.
In short, you must be far more specific in your question. :)
and even then, I highly doubt anybody here cares about the implementation details of virtual tables.
(Otherwise it's like asking for the name of some variable in the implementation of std::list<MyType> :P)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you mean different complier give different result?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit now you wish I wished you a grant instead
@DarkHorse I believe I just said the complete opposite. The end result in your program is the same. The way that result is accomplished may vary dramatically across different compilers, yes.
@DarkHorse What are you really trying to do? You shouldn't need to care about the low-level contents of the RTTI mechanism.
Also, please use the arrow to reply to messages, to maintain the thread in chat.
@DarkHorse a death wish pointer
@sehe yes [parser execution time: 15.07s]
I saw this question asked by one guy else
I can't answer it
IDEA: let's all list the questions we can't answer
do you have an infinite amount of time available?
@sehe 'What's wrong with @DeadMG's guts'
hey, I got an A in operating systems! So smart.
main.cpp:8:1: error: stray '\343' in program
virtual void base_f(){cout<<"base::f()"<<endl;}
what's wrong?
@phresnel In this analogy "--no-preserve-root" would be like a protective cover that automatically reverts back into protective position right after every single maintenance operation do when operating the saw, or after n seconds idle. In that case, yes it's really surprising that --no-preserve-root could be in effect. Unless, of course, it's hard coded somehwere. And that's stupidity, indeed — sehe 6 secs ago
so many throw std::runtime_error left to get rid of.
@DarkHorse you have a stray \343 character in your program. Now, kindly leave chat and amuse others with inane questions.
What if he doesn't do it kindly?
@Crow woot (not sure the conclusion is warranted :))
I just started the assignments early, they weren't VERY hard...
That's what she said.
trying to think why I bothered to set up a tunnel for 4000 to my pi from work...
I'm nervous.
do you have an exam or something, you have been mentioning 'nervous' and 'going to die' a bit too frequently today
@Crow just moderately hard?
I mean it was mostly following instruction, just I'm terrible at low-level stuff like memory allocation
@rightfold for what?
Ah that. Yeah. That's nerve-wrecking.
Fuck you visual c++
Now I am too nervous to tell.
> You may be thinking, my compiler doesn't support C++11 variadic templates! How can this possibly work? The answer is simple: The ... above isn't a C++11 pack expansion. It's actually an old-school C-style vararg. Remember that callable and object transforms are function types. A transform with one of these pseudo-pack expansions is really just the type of a boring, old vararg function. Proto just interprets it differently.
Even its debugger is letting me down now. I always thought that at least was pretty good
It can't show me the value of a f'ing volatile variable :|
@jalf it is incredibly good. Relatively speaking
printf 2 the rescue ~_~
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wait, wha
do_eval(proto::tag_of<_>(), eval(proto::pack(_))...)
No templates.
Just craziness.
@rightfold You know, "general" nevosity (fear of forgetting things, paranoia) is a symptom of burnout
@R.MartinhoFernandes o.O
@sehe Work is irrelevant.
burnout doesn't need to be work-related.
But, that's good to know. Then, I presume it might be Spring related?
@sehe SPRING!
It's not general.
It has reason.
@rightfold Which is?
@R.MartinhoFernandes There was a word for such syntactical masturbation, but I forgot
"happy debugging"
I need to pull my jaw up manually.
@DarkHorse One of these characters is not like the others
did you guys watch that Build talk about CPU performance?
I only watch when Herb performs on-stage. Screw CPUs.
it was super interesting.
@telkitty.exe you seriously have some fat fetish
@DeadMG was it?
is the entire list of build videos someplace neatly summarized?
there was a benchmark he showed where replacing 2 128bit loads with a 256bit load dropped performance by 60%.
@BenjaminBannier minor correction: the implicitly passed this pointer is to const. This, of course, is what you meant. — sehe 20 secs ago
Fetish may refer to: * Fetishism, the attribution of religious or mystical qualities to inanimate objects, known as fetishes * Sexual fetishism, sexual fixation with objects, body parts, or situations not conventionally viewed as being sexual in nature * Commodity fetishism, a Marxist concept of valuation in capitalist markets * Fetish model * Fetish (album) (1999), by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts * Growth Fetish, a 2003 book by Clive Hamilton advocating a zero-growth economy among "developed" nations * Fetish fashion, clothing fetishes * Zuni fetishes, small carvings from various stones...
fetish? really?
@DeadMG name of the talk?
@DeadMG are you trolling or something?
like I said interesting talk
@DeadMG I've seen that guy somewhere... perhaps a similar talk a year ago from someplace? he talked about... parallel scheduling of micro instructions and stuff? possible? or am I totally imagining it was him?
he said he did a Build talk last year
ah, he did? that may be where I saw him
DeadMG doesn't troll; he scolds
okay not my best rhyme
dayum, you've reminded me I haven't seen the latest Mentalist yet
well, need to finish the talk first
TIL n!! is not (n!)! :V
Please consider the code that you've got up till now :) Right now, the answer is almost bound to be "By writing the code" — sehe 42 secs ago
@rightfold there's also !n
task :dist => [:default] do
   sh "tar -czf dist.tar.gz --exclude-from=.gitignore ."
@sehe !n!!
What is prefix !? ¬?
@rightfold I can be. But I meant wolframalpha.com/input/?i=%21n
Nice. :>
Bling bling
HTML and CSS are a mess
I mean, literally. You can't do anything else than a mess with them.
Okay. Java's even more fucked up than I thought. Consider existing code: ideone.com/sk6cN1
What do you think happens when I add a constructor overload taking a single enumerator parameter?
- Does it make the constructor invocation ambiguous or not?
- If not, which overload is selected?
@sehe lolwat
Why can you instantiate a static class.
Don't laugh. I seriously introduced a bug with this.
@sehe The enumerator parameter overload is selected.
(This is Java, so principle of most surprise.)
You guessed well. Do you know the rationale. Ahaha. You do know :)
It is the most specific type. :v
@rightfold Because the static just means that the nested type does not have a reference to the outer class instance. So, for you, the static inner type is just a regular type, only I couldn't declare it in the containing namespace due to silly Java source-filename/class name correspondence rules
@sehe kek
Java sucks.
@rightfold I guess this is the rationale. I highly suspect that the f/u implementation of generics is to blame here
What if you add another overload that takes a string?
So indeed, java fails to diagnose an ambiguous constructor overload, when clearly it is: ideone.com/8eTHzR
@rightfold You tell me :) I really hope it will diagnose then
@sehe If you say that null is of a type that is a subtype of all types, this works.
But I don't know if that is the case in Java.
Oh well, let's just assume that it is due to the fact that Java sucks.
@DeadMG have you found any other interesting talks from the build? ive skimmed trough the titles, most of them are some mobile craps and stuff... it seems
@sehe Ask about it on Stack Overflow and farm rep!
@ScarletAmaranth I haven't even looked at the list.
gotta admit most of those look spectacularly boring
yup... I really don't care about making a particular layout of windows 8 pre-made mobile layouts faster by 41%
@rightfold you do that
I need to cycle to my house.
@sehetw I'm not sure if I get that one...
Aujourd'hui, jour du scrutin! De 9h30 à 20h, on vote!
@sehe ask man, that 1:400 qa ratio is bs :)
I can proof read it with my broken English
@JohanLarsson what?
Elections on Monday?
Oh. You think I asked so many questions. Well, they were on behalf of users on mailing lists :)
@rightfold lolwut
@sehe yeah right, & I spam on behave of the spambot
So sweet
@martijn_grooten (#spoiler: it makes more sense if you, naturally, misread it as "Counter Tenor Expo")
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's always on mondays, 'round here.
what election?
What's the deal with all these sites trying to take on google from different angles - facebook from social networking, SE from questions & answers (different ways to gather & retrieving knowledge). I love information technology - we spend decades gathering, sorting and re-sorting information, but still don't know what to do with them ... — telkitty.exe 25 mins ago
Oo, that's how to link comments
@telkitty.exe you are a fearless troll, that's for sure
Does any1 know women who cn speak about node.js or hybrid app development? Pls RT Cc @brumgirlgeeks @hackferencebrum @Silicon_Canal
Coming from a "male account" this would surely have been flamed as "non-inclusive language"...
yep, I can see this one going south rapidly.
Hm, a friend of mine just voted... in a church.
@EtiennedeMartel Did he vote for or against the incumbent god?
@jalf I mean the DGEQ placed a polling station in a church.
Oh, I was hoping it was his religion voting on a new pantheon
We're technically a secular society.
Have you guys given up on being the C++ lounge? What is your subject matter now?
18 hours ago, by ScarletAmaranth
@sehe have you pondered influence of carpets on Russian society of 18th century yet?
@RobertHarvey Hating all question-askers.
also pondering influence of carpets on Russian society of 18th Century.
I see. Perhaps the PHP and Android folks might be interested in discussing the influence of carpets on Russian society of 18th century. Maybe I should invite them in here. :)
@DeadMG why hate and what is the thing on the collar?
because they're annoying
@RobertHarvey by all means
they come in here dumping their terrible questions because they're too terrible to get them answered on the main site
Does changing the name of the room actually help?
I think so.
although it doesn't seem to matter what you change it to.
you see, when we're Lounge<C++>, people come here under the assumption we discuss C++; rather silly I know
Anti-Questions seems about as effective as Cloak or Frequency or Shield or Titties or just about anything.
have you tried Lounge<Haskell>?
The fashion for placing carpets everywhere but the foor in Russia is just weird.
yeah I would be inclined to agree
what do they call those... gobelins?
@RobertHarvey you locked stackoverflow.com/questions/22780466/…, how dare you...
Seems odd that this is such a problem. We do have the occasional feckless individual who comes into the Whiteboard. We even had a troll come in once. It takes two minutes to dispatch these folks.
@ScarletAmaranth On the walls, yes. I mean, they're not unattractive, but what a waste of good material. I guess if I could walk on walls..
@RobertHarvey It's not really a problem. It's just @DeadMG who blows it out of proportions.
@ScarletAmaranth The alternative was burning it with the fire of a thousand suns.
@EtiennedeMartel Well, TBH, he usually blows it into the bin.
I mean, it's always him. Always. Every single time someone comes in with a question, it's never a big deal until @DeadMG makes one out of it.
@RobertHarvey the alternative was to let it open :)
Yeah, I don't think so. It was showing up on the Hot List.
@RobertHarvey Has SE expanded exponentially in the recent months or what (staff wise that is ...)
You know as much as I in that area (I'm not on the staff). In general, the growth curve across the network is a ramp up.
@telkitty.exe SE staff are overweight?
stackexchange.com/about/team ... I see a bunch of new faces there.
@telkitty.exe You been feeding them up too?
@MartinJames that's what's keeping him/her here
@RobertHarvey I think I have seen questions of equal quality / merit having shown up on the hot list that weren't even trying to troll vOv
@RobertHarvey To be fair, some of then do look, well, kinda... 'not wasting away'.
I hear they serve really good food in the NY office. I think they even have their own chef.
@RobertHarvey well, there isn't much we can do to "dispatch" them. And yes, you would be astonished at how frequently people somehow manage to conclude that "the C++ chat room is exactly the place to ask my completely arbitrary programming question"
I thought these rooms had ignore, ban and a whole host of other tools. Failing that, "please come back when you have a real question to ask, thanks."
own chef = expect you to spend lunch time in the office :p
But it would be great to have chef cooked, fresh luncheon ^_^
@RobertHarvey If only they actually did that, we wouldn't have a problem.
there are always two sides to a coin ...
@RobertHarvey individual users can ignore. The room can't. We certainly can't ban, afaik. We can move their messages to another room (say, the bin). Other than that, I don't think we can do much more than asking nicely or flagging
Unless 75% of your chat posts are from people bombarding you with questions, it isn't a problem, but merely a nuisance.
@telkitty.exe That is certainly the case for all the coins I've seen
@RobertHarvey I didn't realize the nuisance/problem threshold was exactly at 75% ;)
Science is a wonderful thing, isn't it?
@jalf That's 'cos you're two-faced:)
Seriously, just kick these people. You don't have that capability here?
@RobertHarvey Why is Jeff still there? Uh.
@RobertHarvey no?
Anyone else know of such a feature?
Now I'm wondering if I missed an important memo
@RobertHarvey We can't do anything to get rid of people except shout at them, bin them, or try flagging them.
I'm just wondering if y'all aren't just too sensitive to that kind of thing. Every chat room has to deal with its share of trolls and noobz. I can envision you guys trying to get a 99.99 percent signal to noise ratio. It's a totally unrealistic expectation.
A: How much money does Stack Exchange make?

telkitty.exeWe will find it out when it does IPO in next year or two. I mean, eventually it will go float, unless it 1) bankrupts or 2) gets bought by another company. 1) Don't think that will happen, but it is just a personal opinion. 2) If another company buys SE, it would be the like of Microsoft or ...

I stand by my bet :p
@RobertHarvey The problem isn't people who come here, ask a question, and then leave or stop if we complain.
@RobertHarvey It varies, but it gets pretty bad at times. I don't think anyone here ever dreamt of a 99.99% snr
@RobertHarvey You're obviously new here, most of the time it's more like 99.99% noise to signal.
the problem is a) people who don't stop, with whom we effectively have no tools to deal with, and b), that we have no effective means to mention to people that it's not wanted here before they start.
Persian rugs isn't signal.
but sometimes you get, oh, say, one per hours, and each of them hang around for... an hour or so insisiting on their RIGHT to ask unrelated questions here
every chat room has to deal with trolls, but most of those chat rooms simply ban the offending trollers after it becomes clear what they are.
@RobertHarvey don't underestimate that this is one of the most active chat rooms. If someone has a java question, and notices that "oh, no one has said anything in the Java room for the last 20 minutes", then they ask here
I would answer, but I don't want to live in a Moscow airport. — balpha ♦ Jul 25 '13 at 19:09
because "well, there's a lot of people around, someone might be able to answer"
@jalf If someone comes into a room called Lounge<C++> and asks a java question, they deserve whatever vitriol they get.
@RobertHarvey Is that a moderators permission for us to hurl all the vitriol we can at them? :p
@jalf IIRC, my personal best was an 'URGENT' question dumped in here because the OP had got no answer on SO after 15 minutes.
(Seriously, we don't actually want to be that hostile. We've been trying to tone it down a bit for the past few months. The problem is that yelling and cursing is the only tool in our toolbox)
we don't want to hurl vitriol at people, but we have no other options.
Anyway, disregarding whether or not we're too sensitive, were you saying that the kick/ban feature actually exists on chat?
if we could just kick or ban people, and/or make them read some message making it clear that questions aren't wanted, then it would be much simpler.
Within reason. On Programmers we actually encourage people to come into chat to ask their questions that are unsuitable for the main site. Then we tell them how misguided they are. We've only had to suspend one person, but maybe that worked out because I am a mod. Flagging seems to be a particularly blunt instrument in chat. That said, I don't know that you can ban people just because they are irritating.
Well, we could use nitric.
well, it's one thing to ban them from SO or the chat in general, and another to ban them from just our little subcommunity.
@RobertHarvey It happens a lot, which is what is so infuriating. IMO the worst part is that you get a pretty nasty atmosphere here when every 30 minutes a yelling competition starts to get some idiot to take his PHP question elsewhere. And then people start yelling at those who actually behaved nicely too, and in the end... you get a room with the... well, "coarse" reputation that this room has acquired. :p
How do the people with legitimate C++ discussions find your room?
Or do those people not exist?
IME, mostly, they don't.
@RobertHarvey honestly, I'm not suer how anyone finds the room. But people do. Whether or not they have legitimate C++ discussions
I mean
not that we don't pick up new regulars from time to time
I've occasionally wondered if there was some big banner on the SE main page with "PLEASE VISIT OUR WONDERFUL CHAT" or something
but it very rarely starts with "Hi, I have a C++ question".
@RobertHarvey They don't. Go ahead and kill the lounge, it's all offtopic.
because it baffles me how people find the chat sometimes
that too
I think they did in fact have a banner when it was first released. Or something.
Go here: chat.stackoverflow.com ... Your room is the third one from the left, in the top row.
@DeadMG Part of that might be selection bias though. You don't notice those, because they blend in quietly. The ones you notice are those who spend an hour arguing that they have the RIGHT to ask jquery questions in the C++ room
@RobertHarvey Yeah, I know. But that page isn't all that easy to find either. It's not something that turns up if you google "how do I php?", I mean
possibly true
anyway, I'm heading home
but I think I've noticed in general that virtually all of the mid-level C++ questions already have answers on Stack Overflow.
so it's pretty hard to come up with something that would actually interest the experts in here without being too specific to exclude them.
fwiw, I think a simple /kick would be an extremely useful addition to the chat. It would allow us to keep some sort of order without creating a hostile atmosphere and encourage yelling. And it would probably be a lot less controversial than giving non-mods the ability to ban
Dammit, I can't slash multiple words?
unless you happen to be the right kind of domain-specific.
like a compiler question or something.
@jalf Or we can do what the JS room does. Have a bot that automatically adds everyone on the write-access list unless they've been banned.
(of course, it would be pretty straightforward to automatically apply a temp-ban if someone gets kicked and immediately rejoins N times in a short interval if deemed desirable/necessary)
in fact, I think it's generally true that the people in the room have separated quite a bit, or maybe I just wasn't paying attention before.
well, we all work in different domains.
Q: Why there isn't <-- operator?

Pruthvi RajI was going through K&R C book and got through this --> operator in the precedence table. So, I wondered if there was a similar operator i.e., <-- and wrote the following program: #include<stdio.h> void main() { int x = 5; while(0 <-- x) printf("%d",x); } It worked perfectly fine....

@Mysticial Ah, the good old "goes to" operator!
Well, today is not too bad, no 'i++ + ++i' or FP compare so far.
@MartinJames Why is float i; i++ + ++i == i++ + ++i false?
@Fanael :)
I hate Boost.Build.
@DeadMG yes
posted on April 07, 2014 by Herb Sutter

A lot of you have been asking me whether there will be some sort of C++ and Beyond in 2014. Also, over the past few years many of you have also asked me if there will ever be a C&B outside North America. I’m pleased to report that we are doing a ‘European Encore’ event […]

Hi, Feeds.
How do I ignore the bot?
that's one efficient book
I need a new build system.
@DeadMG Write your own!
Oh man.
I’m so fucked.
it's not that I don't like Premake, it's just that I need to be able to build in x86 release mode.
I have a C-ish related question :O
Good for you.
@rightfold Yes.
Keep it that way.
and why would you try to ask here?
I heard this place loved questions?
@jawrainey Go ahead and ask. I won't bite you.
I bet Robert has his mitts in this
I will.
It's actually a short one. I can't seem to translate to English what this does:

int arr[5];
arr[4] = 5;
0[arr] = 10; // "Valid syntax", but can't seem to explain why

cc @DeadMG
haha, /cc @DeadMG -> obviously someone trolling
he wouldn't use /cc @<x> otherwise
Is anti-C++ the language that gets everything right?
@Fanael no that's anti-php
@jawrainey because x[i] is *(x + i) so i[x] is *(i + x).
Which are the same!
@rightfold Stop answering questions!
No, why would I?
I don’t mind it really.

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