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@Borgleader This wasn't a question of good or bad, only of integrated or not.
Because it is bad.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Opinions obviously vary widely on this one.
@Rapptz Thanks for the suggestion. :D
Woah, first time to see so many people @ this hour @_@
oh shit
it's 12 AM
I long ago concluded that familiarity defines a great deal of what we find good or bad. VS debugger users find gdb utterly horrible and unusable. A few more gdb users find VS's debugger almost tolerable, but only a few.
why'd you have to remind me of the time
What a lively morning.
WTF VS why are you trying to copy shit.
@R.MartinhoFernandes The ICE has become self-aware.
Compilers are similar--people seem to quickly figure out what different compilers support. gcc users who try VC++ run into problems constantly -- ICE and even outright crashes several times a day. I (for one example) run into at least equally serious problems with g++. Until I use it regularly for at least a few weeks, it's utterly intolerable.
I used VS regularly for some eight months. It was still intolerable.
It's annoying that you have to configure stuff by clicking on dropdown boxes.
You can always write XML.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Or just about any sort of UI you prefer that can generate the correct XML.
At least the dialogs can be resized now.
I think XML was introduced in VS 2003 or something. IIRC VS6 had binary project files.
Such glory
I really like Qt Creator's decision use flat list for the .files and .includes project files.
Yeah same here
I wish they'd fix those two major bugs.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well then, I suppose you can start your lovely menial task by pressing the "Add New Reference..." button.
@R.MartinhoFernandes btw, what is your screen resolution?
@R.MartinhoFernandes After you've subjected yourself to anything similar to Vi for years, you can no longer recognize the difference between good, bad, or indifferent, because you're too accustomed to sheer torture.
I don't use vi.
Vi IMproved?!
@StackedCrooked 5760x2160 or a slightly bigger ~5900x2300, depending on tasks.
Nice. Is that cumulative size over multiple monitors?
So each one is like, 1920 x 1080 ish?
do you use tools like winsplit revolution?
@R.MartinhoFernandes ...nor read very carefully, it would appear.
It's dissimilar enough. vi is torture indeed.
I tried getting into Vim but couldn't
So I stuck with ST2
I am still trying to come to grips with Vim.
I just like the whole integrated part of IDE. =[
@ThePhD ViM? :)
You're a noob
I know I can hack up ViM to do what I want it to -- I totally can.
What is ViM?
Vim, the regular Vi improved.
Someties I captialize the M.
Oh, I was hoping for something interesting.
@Rapptz Not true. =[
It's either Vim or VIM isn't it?
Like a pimped Vim.
Vim afaik.
Maybe if I' make a new IDE, it'll be ViM and Vigour or something.
I would love to see some of you guys code while using Vim. I wonder how many things I could learn by just observing someone using it.
Or just The Void*
@StackedCrooked It's a mess for me. u.u
Lots of flailing about and accidental commands.
Did you go through the Vim tutor?
That's really essential.
I did, but the whole "you're not typing, you're editing" construct just throws me for a ride.
@StackedCrooked It's identical to Vi in one respect: the only thing worth learning is :q.
My fingers always try to start typing, and then shit explodes.
I tend to see more ‘Vim’ than ‘VIM’ these days. It’s also what’s in the man page, so good enough for me.
@JerryCoffin Protip: ZZ is faster :P
@StackedCrooked Whenever I watch videos of people using Vim I begin to rage internally for some reason
That saves.
ZQ doesn't.
@Rapptz ujelly, brah?
dammit, I nearly tricked him into messing up his system and losing 6 months of work
@Rapptz Because they suck, or they're too good?
No because of the pace.
It bugs me I don't know why
@StackedCrooked ZZ doesn't work in vi, though. It only tortures you.
You'd hear the mechanical keyboard typing away but on the screen it shows up so slowly
It's one of those things that bug me really badly. It's not a Vim thing but I've noticed it a lot with Vim
Probably some crappy screencast tool.
Crappy ergo popular.
Does it help if it’s a screencast that shows up the keypresses?
The most useful thing I added to my Vim profile in the last year was mapping ctrl-{h,j,k,l} to ctrl-w {h,j,k,l}
nnoremap <C-J> <C-W><C-J>
Can't quite understand why anybody would mess with Vi or Vim. If you really want to go that direction, I have a friend who could help you go one step further. He has like half a dozen (or so) 029 card punches he'd probably sell for the right price.
I'm done here.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Probably.
He's reconstructing cave story.
@StackedCrooked I've done the same thing, also set shift-{h,l} to move between tabs, I probably have far too many buffers open.
How naice.
@PomfCaster Interesting.
I've started using tabs less and less.
I've gotten used to gt and gT, but it's easy to mess that up.
:set hidden and just having all buffers around seems better than tabs.
I don’t understand how one can be substituted for the other. I do use set hidden.
I use two or three tabs at most.
Although I tend to limit the number of tabs so that the tab movement is easy.
Ah okay same conclusion then.
No, wait: I click to switch tabs!
License revoked.
I don't use Vim as replacement for IDE so I rarely manage multiple files at once. I mainly use it for live Coliru development over ssh.
And editing my .profile file.
I rarely use tabs, but if I have multiple windows opened I don't like swapping the buffers of one window, it's easier to just make a new tab then remove it once I'm done.
I’m sick of the look of listchars=tab:▸-, let’s try things.
> This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'nonius::detail::benchmark_function::benchmark_function(const nonius::detail::benchmark_function &)'
Oh ffs.
I forgot I need to write all the move ctors myself.
I use ctrl + number to switch tabs or ctrl + tab, whichever works
I find ctrl + tab and ctrl + shift + tab on most IDEs unintuitive.
Anyone use Ex mode a lot?
Piece o' shit still trying to copy this. No way to be a nice r0 citizen with MSVC, I see :<
There’s a combining four dots above. ⃜
@MarkGarcia Worried about Emacs pinky? Join the Vim side!
@R.MartinhoFernandes RIP. :(
@LucDanton Trying to, whenever I'm not tied to VS.
This ⏤ is called ‘straightness’.
Yay, this crap compiles.
AVs though.
@melak47 I think I got it working.
nonius on MSVC? :D
Bootstrapping is slow as fuck but easily parallelisable. Should make a note.
also, what are you still doing up? :D
I'm already awake, not still awake.
You're in the same timezone, btw :P
oh, err. of course. me too...uh...
You can strap both of your boots in parallel.
11 hours ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Good night.
same here..
@R.MartinhoFernandes did you have to use the int based EnableIf for msvc again?
don't think we'll get the empty parameter packs evaluated anytime soon...my bug is still open >_>
Clang didn't have it until 3.5
So I don't think you'll get it until MSVC 2020
checks LLVM snapshot builds
@melak47 they're still useless
Include pretty much any standard header and rolls over and dies
let's file a bugreport on connect. "your std lib implementation does not work on clang"
What is .opensdf file?
> set numberwidth=5
@R.MartinhoFernandes "*.opensdf is a temporary file opened only while .vcxproj/.sln is loaded to Visual Studio IDE. It should be added to your .gitignore file."
@R.MartinhoFernandes Is that you powertripping on your resolution again?
Hmm, no, I've had that long before.
I want space for 4 digits, plus padding.
Kinda annoyed there isn’t a way to set up Vim to pick up the system fonts. I assume that’s because that would be an ill-defined notion?
Is it bad to respond to a crappy question when you use it as an excuse to show off how much easier C++ is than C#?
@JerryCoffin No, that's a noble cause.
If it involves console I/O party tricks, then pretty bad yeah :Þ
@LucDanton Party tricks?
What parties do you go to?
what's this
why would anyone want to do this
@Rapptz A mess.
lol it puts public: on everything
@JerryCoffin I always feel divided regarding half-hearted quasi-parsing.
@LucDanton Ah--fair enough. I just wasn't sure what In32.Parse attempts to enforce. What I implemented is pretty close to what it did at one time (though I'd hope they've fixed it to do at least a little better since then).
It's like std::stoi I guess
Let me just add one last thing, which is the root of your mistake, $$\Large\textbf{Infinity is not a real number.}$$ — Asaf Karagila 12 hours ago
Damn math.se and their fancy comments.
Canadian syllabics look awesome. One day I’ll figure out what it’s all about.
@Rapptz Could be. If so, my half-hearted quasi-parsing is actually a little better than it does (e.g., both would allow 3-2, but stoi will also allow things like 123xyz).
That comment came out way too well.
@Rapptz How much abuse do you reckon it will take for that to become trite?
@LucDanton 3 strikes and it's out.
They've always had LaTeX in comments and the entire site. :/
I guess it would have been abused by now
@melak47 see latest push
Damn you Clarkson, I wanna go to Switzerland now T_T
Q: ODE - Why Bernoulli

LucasI forgot what the original exercise looked like (you can get it be by substituting u back again, but it is not relevant) but in class, by using the $u$ substitution $u = y+1$ and $dy=du$, the professor got to a point where we had: $$\frac{du}{dx} = u + x u^2$$ He then moved the $u$ to the left ...

@Borgleader Was that with VS or GCC?
@R.MartinhoFernandes gcc, I only worked with nonius on my linux VM
I too, would go out of my way to not use VS.
@Rapptz In my case I mostly wasn't sure it would compile with VS. :P
I would have been able to debug better if I had used VS
Latest push works on VS12.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Which one of your repos has code for the indices trick (if any)
gears and sol does for me
It seems that exceptions do have some overhead.
Even if never thrown.
use -O3
Well, with integer increment + exception is about 3x more expensive than only integer increment. So I guess that mean the cost of the throw is 2 integer increments. (Which is nothing.)
No exception: 916
With exception: 1376
No exception: 917
With exception: 1378
Ok, that's better.
Clang sucks
No exception: 1376
With exception: 3259
No exception: 1375
With exception: 3262
No exception: 779
With exception: 777
No exception: 795
With exception: 775
VS 2012 (on my laptop)
No exception: 786
With exception: 788
No exception: 758
With exception: 774
my PC
No exception: 549
With exception: 555
No exception: 548
With exception: 548
VS 2013 (on my desktop)
So yeah, clang sucks :P
My PC:
No exception: 262
With exception: 1560
No exception: 257
With exception: 1555
needs more -O3
With Clang (-o2):
No exception: 260
With exception: 260
No exception: 261
With exception: 258
g++ -O3
No exception: 259
With exception: 261
No exception: 263
With exception: 260
I suspect that -O3 is too clever.
Maybe it figured out that the exception cannot be thrown.
argc is an integer, so maybe it discovered that max_int * 1000000000 < 0xFFFFFFFF
But that's not correct, is it?
anyway, off to work
@Borgleader You can set /fallback, which lets VS compile Clang's failed ones. My project compiled, though I'm not sure how many have failed.
hg push returns 1 if there’s nothing to push to the remote. Oh well, not a big deal.
@StackedCrooked You can implement exceptions with no overhead
thanks for the encouragment
i can do it :P
the overhead was very minimal actually
except for clang :P
Fuck you.
Dat room topic.
Good morning !
> Karl-Marx-Allee
@R.MartinhoFernandes are you intending to continue that game?
If you guys are in for it.
sure, though I am AFK this weekend
"Is it A or B?" - "Yes" :| — BartoszKP 29 secs ago
hello Lion The Tony!
Hi KPBartosz
I'm so happy that some person outside decided it was a good idea to cut hedges today.
@TonyTheLion awe, did they work you up?
I was being sarcastic
Its annoying when you have to concentrate.
I like tomato concentrate
@TonyTheLion vOv music
True bug waits for all of us
I don't understand why the dumbass Nigerian scammer can't just marry the older richer woman for money instead of killing her ... he would be richer & have a decent life instead being a criminal lowlife scumbag
@sudorm-rfTelkitty hint: dumbass
true that ...
> Having sex with my code never felt so secure.
ugh, why am I awake
@Xeo you finished sleeping?
Now I feel bedridden too. Just like Xeo and DeadMG :c
The curse of Lounge<C++>.
@thecoshman I certainly don't feel like it
I’ve felt so cold this winter that at times I crawl under the covers :v
@Rapptz & Tony
Glad my period pain is only temporary, although recurring ...
did cicada say if it was turning up in Berlin or not?
Being sick or having a body part not functioning properly is NOT A ROOM MEME.
Not at all sir
Also food morning
food morning to you too
food! omg, I forgot to eat breakfast again
@TonyTheLion certainly seems like you are wrong :S
thanks :E
mood gorning
@thecoshman Yea, that's why I'm reminding everyone.
@BartoszKP I forget to eat regularly :/
oh yea breakfast
@BartekBanachewicz curse of our time, or profession, or whatever ;0
@TonyTheLion ... I don't think you can remind people to stop hacking up lungs
Mmhm. But I took a yoghurt with me today
@thecoshman I can, I just did vOv
Also we have decent sandwiches at work.
@TonyTheLion I beg to differ
Anyway, I was thinking about going back to Minicraft
I see that.
@thecoshman 'it'? ... Cicada is ... 'it'?
ugh, I just noticed I have no drinks left
I don't wanna carry that...
@sudorm-rfTelkitty it is.
Buy a barrel and roll it home
Is there a way to specify trailing fillers with iostreams?
Why do I ask.
Hmm, found an old question about it where @Konrad gave a wrong answer and it was accepted :S
@TonyTheLion s/those truly insane//
@R.MartinhoFernandes mass downvotes?
Oh wait, not wrong, just incomplete.
> Correct answer goes here
@thecoshman lol
Also oh god new twitter interface #ux #ui #suck #idiots
welp because of @Konrad's cpp-lisp I will start writing C++ again and that would suck :/
I'll just lay low and wait until it passes
@BartekBanachewicz okay, how come everyone is complaining now. Hasn't the change been made quite a while back?
@Xeo Dunno, I noticed the webpage change today
maybe the change wasn't visible in every place simultaneously ;0
they do it like this on fb
Q: What limits Windows 7 x64 machines to <=192GB RAM?

Lucas FortiniI know motherboards, BIOS, etc may set lower limits on how much RAM we may install on individual machines. However, what defines the maximum RAM for Windows 7 x64? Is that a fundamental architectural limitation of the OS? Different Windows 7 versions have different RAM maximums (Starter edition <...

TIL you can only have 16GB on Windows Home Premium
Fucking hell.
I was running test with a Redis database while that database was in use by another process.
I was debugging it for an hour and I couldn’t find what caused the test to fail. :v
The results were different each time so I thought it was a race condition. :3
That's annoying when that happens
Maybe locking the list in Redis isn’t a very bad idea.
This key is supposed to be used by only a single process.
Fuck me I have hiccups
Oh nvm. Read from by one, written to by another one.
@TonyTheLion are you one of these people who nearly die each hiccup?
@thecoshman lol, not that bad
@BartekBanachewicz lolwindows
You already pay a bunch of fortunes and you can still not do anything with it.
@rightfold makes for an alright door stop I guess vOv
( ̄┏Д┓ ̄°*)
TIL about "Piles": Swellings that contain enlarged and swollen blood vessels in or around the lower rectum and anus.
hiccups are annoying fucktards
@TonyTheLion What a huge pile of shit.
Don't Google Image
I need brain bleach
@rightfold dat pun
@TonyTheLion oh my, at your age?
@sehe You! The local boost::spirit specialist and advocate
oh @Purrformance sorry I wasnt online yesterday
@BartekBanachewicz Are you feeling better
@thecoshman I knew the Dutch word, but apparently never the English word for that before
@Purrformance aha. I spent some time with Natalia playing FTL and that seemed to help. A look from the distance, one might say
@JohannesSchaub-litb jk
@BartekBanachewicz Yes :) Don't focus too much on uni/work. It's not important.
i am still in uni too
why not focus on it?
> too much
no c++ meetings in frankfurt/ger :(
Can boost::spirit parse C. I know it can't C++, but C?
You can certainly parse a reasonable subset of C
@Purrformance Why not C++?
just write it by hand
C is pretty simple to parse really
IME generators aren't really worth the trouble
@R.MartinhoFernandes Apparently it doesn't handle some cases where the syntax is ambiguous
you have to handle it with symbol tables.
@Purrformance Then it won't do for C either.

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