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394 answers is fucking insane
Rapptz is pretty crazy.
@ThePhD Oh yeah--tbh, I'd forgotten about that, but now that you mention it, I do remember running into the same thing. It seems like it took about the same--a few minutes of fiddling to get it tuned in nicely, then never had to touch it again.
@JerryCoffin Yeah, it seems to be playing pretty nicely now. Coupled with the output from the Microphone, I can hear the music and myself great. Which means I now know how much torture my own voice is. :D
@ThePhD Not to mention pretty bright. Oh wait, I'm not supposed to say things that could be interpreted as complimentary while he's around, am I?
@DeadMG might be more interesting then matasano.com/articles/crypto-challenges
@JerryCoffin Yeah, that's like breaking some law or something!
@ThePhD Ah, fuck the law. He's a pretty damned smart guy!
I think that flash is the worst creation ever, If I listen music online with flash, it download music in /tmp until I reboot firefox to free the space
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix This sounds like it could just about as easily be an FF problem as a Flash problem.
It could be, but experience tells me that it's obviously flash
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix I'll take your word for it--I'm certainly not going to try to defend Flash as anything less than a tool of the devil.
Had some down time.
@sehe Stackoverflow is a QA site. Does that mean we get to ask questions of the form: "Here is my code. Find the bugs in it for me" — Sam I am 2 hours ago
That's.... awesomely random
Not really.
@SamIam I don't know. I've seen the strangest things. For example, I've been asked completely inane rhetorical questions, out of the blue, in comments on ancient answers by others. Fortunately, like you, I have the option to completely ignore this at my leisure. Ah. Freedom! — sehe 4 secs ago
@rightfold You been eating Mersenne Twisters again?
Not really.
@Rapptz Your reduction is incorrect.
@rightfold lol
But my throat is broken.
@Rapptz Forgot to remove the two "dx". Line 2, 3.
Prove it.
oh wait never mind, it was just a product of the poor resolution.
and my own (literal) short-sightedness
I should really get new glasses sometime
@BoniTea That's actually there out of habit :s
cooooool a lounger with glasses :O
Grieten met brillen zijn geil.
@rightfold I am convinced.
@FredOverflow! Boy that’s been a long time since I last spoke to you.
It seems to me it was just yesterday.
that's because you're fat.
Is anyone going to be watching the debate tonight? :)
@DeadMG Oh yeah? Your mother is FAT32.
I am pretty thin.
I am not fat at all.
then you're fat12
@FredOverflow I wonder how difficult it is to make Scala look like Perl.
We can already make it look like Bash.
this commit was supposed to introduce tuples into Wide.
A hybrid of AWK and Scala would be cool.
instead I've rebuilt a fairly large amount.
@rightfold Scala already looks like Scala, isn't that awful enough? ;)
-1 not enough Perl.
Lol CGI with Java. Takes eight seconds to load a page because it has to start a JVM for each request.
compared to that PHP does look like high speed language
@DeadMG Large commits best commits~
ThePhD logic worst logic.
When you've mastered every tip I have to offer, there is nothing left to do but ascend to Scala.
It is pure evil. (dat pun)
The new twitter navbar clashes with the background
balls, I could really use ranges.
I figure I could seriously reduce the amount of code I have if I didn't have to keep creating temporary stuff.
Write a range library~
And Robot will write a formatting library~
I have a range library.
it's just written in Wide rather than C++.
What is SDE/SDET?
btw what is wide?
@rightfold yup. More like, you'll start to shed scales
@rightfold Sommige wel. Meestal degenen die zonder ook al geil zijn. Maar de juiste bril kan het wel wat opleuken
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Language I'm building.
it compiles to C/C++?
LOL no
Styx will only have hashtables and multimethods.
o_0 wait... can you really get certificates saying your German train was late?
@sehe geil.
it compiles to ASM?
it compiles to tears of baby kittens
sometimes, on off days, I compile to C++
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix llvm
I need a new hdd
@Rapptz but it is in harmony with the mobile app, and what else matters?
Ah right, I'd like to build my own scheme for some avr microchip
@Ell SSD, 3+TB or GTFO
I have no space xD
I'm not sure how to manage memory... I guess llvm abstract a lot of thing.
You have to do dynamic memory management yourself.
LLVM provides automatic memory management for local variables.
I do wonder exactly how low level llvm is
(It’s just decrementing and incrementing the stack pointer anyway.)
but no destruction and no objects right?
@Ell It's a bit schizophrenic about it, actually.
well I want closures
some parts are relatively high, and some parts are surprisingly low.
@Ell in that case, 3+TB or GTFO
I have ssd already too
I guess I do want a 3+TB drive
@deadmg are there and diagrams or anything?
try this...

^ high
V low
the heap would be at the beginning of the memory and the stack pointer would start at the end and grow toward the beginning. What I really have no idea is where should I save structures and variables as they can be referenced not only in the stack..
variables can be referenced with an offset relative to the stackpointer
... I don't think you think of heap and stack like every body else thinks of heap and stack...
Not sure, it's usually like that, the stack pointer point at the last address in memory, as you push data on the stack, the pointer is decremented
@Ell LOL no.
Sudden epiphany: D. Scarlatti was the a most prolific composer of ring-tones avant-la-lettre. Over 200 years early :) http://t.co/GDGUB7YUOp
Nobody ever noticed this obvious trait. It's so obvious :)
trying to remember what I should do for implicitly generated constructors in Wide.
the simplest thing to do is that if you declare any constructor, I won't generate any; else I provide copy/move/default if memberwise copy/move/default is valid.
I'm getting REALLY PISSED OFF with #fake piano masters poisoning the well at #Spotify. This Carlo Lombardi is another MIDI con artist #sigh
@DeadMG Does Wide have rvalue references, or have you found a way to activate move semantics without them?
for now, I ripped rvalue references mostly whole from C++.
I'm going to revisit them in the future as there are some aspects I'm unhappy with.
@Griwes Don't use Spirit then :)
@sehe I want to :P I just wished there was a way to sanitize some of its madness. :P
Also, are you the guy posting that question the [spirit-general] mailing list?
so llvm is mostly like an abstraction over cpu, that lets you write some kind of asm without thinking which specific instructions you should use.
Never posted anything to any of boost mailing lists.
@Griwes There is none. And you sanitize it by not pushing it
@Griwes :) Incidentally this exact situation was raised on the list recently
@sehe some of those midi instruments can sound mighty realistic don't you think?
@DeadMG am I right but taking clang as exemple, you have C code -> clang -> llvm -> binary
give or take
so if I'm authoring Wide then why would I go Wide code -> Wide compiler -> C code -> clang -> llvm -> binary instead of just Wide code -> Wide compiler -> llvm -> binary
@sehe Do you have a link lying somewhere?
@Ell yeah. that's the thing. People fall for it. And it completely ruins the game. Poor people uninitiated with good piano music are likely to conclude that it's all exceedingly boring display of virtusity, no music
Not very useful, since there is no resolution. Also, the question seems rather inane, as the message clearly indicates this is by desing
yeah, I'm just used to see Scheme -> C code -> gcc -> Binary
@Ell and this one has even instated a fake "historical profile" on Youtube and 'it's own site'. It's really annoying.
@sehe maybe its just me that finds even midi music beautiful with a good soft synth :) but I do think pretending to be an actual pianist vs midi arranger isn't good :/
I'll have to check this out then. Even though in my case I'll still have to write a compiler specific to AVR llvm doesn't help much there
That's just... unethical
boy that is terrible :/
its just deciet and fraud
There are spots where I'd be tempted to doubt things. But then a quick google convinces me that this guy never really existed and more people doubt this
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix They don't target AVR?
I had never heard of this before :S
I can't believe it happens
@DeadMG a quick look and I think i might have found something so it might be even possible... quite amazing
it could be really awesome
@Ell The really annoying thing is, this stuff is getting dominant on Spotify. Samplers and "genre collections" are filled with abominable amateurish recordings or complete con-works.
I think I could start with a scheme on llvm plain and simple and then check for avr when I everything is going to be clearer
So as a classical music lover you can't enjoy listening to Spotify 'radio' channels any more since it will surprise you with utter crap too often
Don't fall asleep now
that would be a waste of time
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix It would likely be much simpler to write an LLVM backend for AVR than to implement a whole codegenerator yourself.

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