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@Jefffrey Yes. Like premature optimization. But it's something to take into consideration the first time for it has significant effects on how you create your interfaces.
Sometimes the effort isn't worth the benefits though.
@Pawnguy7 are you seriously coding in ... Comic Sans MS? ...
@user7236293 oh lol
@MarkGarcia I can see a lot of benefits with using enums: if somewhere you have to deal with all the elements of an enum and you don't, you get a warning (assuming you don't use default:break; of course). Knowing the number of enum elements at compile time can let you allocate an std::array instead of managing the dynamic of an std::vector... etc.
On a side benefit the overall indexing is much more direct than the RB-tree implementation of an std::map for indexing with strings.
@Jefffrey Yeah. But once you get to runtime configuration files and packs and stuff, you're better off with strings.
@MarkGarcia Eh, YAGNI.
@Jefffrey It would be nice to have "string enums".
@user7236293 lol, I don't see what should they be
@Jefffrey Like enums. But instead of having integral values, they would be strings.
@user7236293 still don't get the benefit. :/
A compiler could report a missing case
@Jefffrey I'm not saying I use them all the time. But I don't believe your not going to foresee the need of those things if you'll ever need them. That's why it's much better to have some minimal support of them in your interfaces than to radically change at some time in the future which would break too much existing code.
@MarkGarcia So you agree that YAGNI is bullshit?
But all of that once you've made an informed decision that you're going to need the flexibility in the future.
@Jefffrey No. I actually agree with it. But I also believe that you should also anticipate obvious needs in the future.
Makes sense. :)
@Jefffrey And that' why I'm cautious in adhering to "One True Guide of Programming™"s. :)
I believe there isn't any perfect design for a specific problem, but a set of 2 or more possible designs, equally bad.
There's a very nice quote in this article:
I see it like a man trying to cover his feet with his blanket, leaving the top part of his body cold. Then he covers his top part and leaves his feet cold. And so on.
> Good engineering involves compromise at every turn.
@Jefffrey He probably needs a larger blanket. :P
@MarkGarcia eh, less money
@Jefffrey The benefits are obvious. By making a "string enum" you would get a new type, a closed domain.
@user7236293 can you make an example?
A compiler could report a missing case on a switch because of the string enum has a finite number of possible values, you would not be able to pass a string that doesn't belong to the enum to a function that expects a value from that type, and so on. You're just making a new type, really. The domain is just not integral. But still finite.
Instead of 1..2..3.. and so on you'd have "hello", "rabbit" and "penis".
Any value outside of these does not belong to the type.
My english is awful but I hope you get the idea.
have you ever used a functional language?
@user7236293 I think I do.
@user7236293 This room sometimes love "penis". :P
do you know ocaml's matching mechanism for example?
@user7236293 For a very short period of time in an horrid language.
@MarkGarcia penis
@user7236293 nope
@Jefffrey okay, hmm, that would help you see the benefits very clearly
@MarkGarcia the author is reading my mind, you don't have a clue about how many times I've had the same talk to myself about containers and how to expose them into the outside world.
@Jefffrey The basic concept is just "strings and integers are just constants in the end". And an enum is a type defined by a finite number of constants. Their nature is not important.
@user7236293 Yeah, I think I've got it. But the whole point is to use them in a std::map (or any similar container)?
@Jefffrey Precisely not, you wouldn't need any container. They would be just regular enums.
How do I store a value for each of your string-enum elements then?
The same way you do for an integral enum
So what's the benefit?
That the value is the meaning
I'm sorry my explanations are awful
Oh well as long as you understand I'm ok
@user7236293 Instead of the enum constant symbol? When you do enum class animal { penguin, snorlax, bird } you still define a very clear meaning (without caring much about what the actual value that penguin or snoarlax is). When you say enum strings I imagine them as: enum class animal { penguin = "penguin", snorlax = "snorlax", bird = "bird" } and I see a lot of duplicated meaning in there.
@Jefffrey animal { "penguin", "snorlax", "bird" }
@user7236293 Oh.
> without caring much about what the actual value that penguin or snoarlax is

exactly, that's where the difference is
fuck you markdown
remember the hard coded constants time ?
if (something == magic number that you can't make sense of)
(integral) enums provide a way of giving a name to a value which you don't care about
string enums provide a way of giving meaning to the value
because in the end with string enums you are still using a "magic number"
i suck at explaining
with integral enums you decorrelate the meaning from the value
with strings you "unify" them
no but srsly it's just a standard type
You don't care about the integral type behind an enum because, the only thing you care about, is that you get a unique symbol, that you can use in your program. With strings I see the exact same thing, but with more " in it.
But I'm very sleepy, so I might never get what you meant.
@Jefffrey That's right.
@Jefffrey Maybe with time you will! (I'm sure that looking at ocaml's pattern matching and types will help)
Good night boys.
Good night.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'll check that.
@ved_null_ hello
@R.MartinhoFernandes At first glance, not my cup of tea. At a second glance, seems like an okay way of making cups of tea though.
@MarkGarcia That's probably Apple Clang 3.4, which is a completely different thing to the real Clang 3.4, which isn't out yet.
@Mikhail Hi
@Mikhail so what'sup?
@ved_null_ I'm wasting my life trying to synchronize an Andor Solis camera with my my hardware setup. I have been on a deathmarch project for about 1 year
@DeadMG clang.llvm.org links to it in "User's Manual". Weird as, yeah they haven't even released 3.4.
@Mikhail all right
^^ Woah...
I had an OCZ SSD once. It died after a year.
Cost me an arm and a leg too... :(
@Mysticial Samsung 840 killed everything
@Mikhail That's a phone!
@LucDanton More like a howitzer samsungsecurity.com/solution/solution_03.asp
The K9 Thunder is a South Korean self-propelled 155 mm howitzer developed by Samsung Techwin for the Republic of Korea Armed Forces. It was developed to supplement and eventually replace the K55 self-propelled howitzers currently in South Korean service. K9 howitzers operate in groups with the K10 automatic ammunition resupply vehicle. History The development program of this 155 mm/52-caliber self-propelled howitzer has been underway since 1989. In 1996 the first prototype of this new artillery system was tested. The contract for the new K9 artillery system was awarded to Samsun...
So dead in here.
@Jefffrey All meta build systems suck. That's why I made my own, which also sucks.
woof woof cocksucker
@Rapptz Why would you make something that sucks? looks at his own code wait... nvm
@Rapptz Not bjam! bjam is the greetest build system ever
All crappy code was originally made with the intention to be good code. Maybe if we start with the intention to write crappy code we'll end up something good.
'good' & 'crappy' are arbituary
I am more interested in writing fast, working code that doesn't consume too much memory ...
and doesn't take too long to write
I am not interested in taking twice as much time to write the 'perfect' code when in reality it does pretty much the same thing as the working version
People who wanted perfection created "communism", look how well that worked ...
TIL about deep frying Turkeys.
@StackedCrooked <3
Dropping an entire turkey in a fryer seems typically American for me :)
Just like deep fried Koolaid.
I would like to taste it.
I mean the turkey.
I never drank kool-aid. We don't have that here.
cake ... I wanna ...
first, cut the cake into half
Then, eat one half.
Heart broken eaten.
> The vast majority of the contents were written in less than 36 hours by 25 students (mostly freshmen!) at Norwich University over a long weekend. Some of it is mine, and some was added by our crack team of technical editors as we translated sleep-deprived poor grammar into sleep-deprived better grammar.
Freshmen writing about C++? This could be entertaining...
@FredOverflow STL is the last chapter.
@StackedCrooked lol, vectors are introduced on page 140 of 143 :)
Dat raw pointer chapter.
"Chapter 2 - Variables"
That was fast!
> Further Reading
> • http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/variables/
Uh oh
It's written by freshmen, aka noobs.
lol. They devoted two separate chapters for input and output.
This book is hilarious!
@FredOverflow Fuck. This is Kickstarter backed.
Page 21 is hilarious. Note how after entering a value for x, the program just ends :)
I can appreciate the effort. But I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone.
Someone paid to have this made.
@StackedCrooked Which goes for 95% of all the C++ books out there :)
@StackedCrooked Send it to litb! I'm sure he would learn various tidbits of info from the book. :P
$5,076 funded by kickstarter to write this
Food for the freshmen.
There are already so many C++ books which explain C features.
We should make a kickstarter
And the world paid for another one.
It the money just transferred to your bank account after your kickstarter is done?
why would anyone back this
can't they see how dumb it is to write a book in 36 hours
I guess for many it was a means of self-education.
@Rapptz Much dumber to learn in 24 hours.
@Rapptz Sounds like fun, but writing is hard. Writing something which is worth paying money for and merging all contributions into a coherent whole is going to take months of dedication. I don't think most of us would be able to invest the necessary time.
Conditionals are explained in chapter 10.
@FredOverflow We already tried Lounge<Book> and it didn't work out so well.
@Rapptz What have you tried exactly?
I wouldn't even know who our target audience would be. Writing for beginners is probably too boring.
Someone shot a book idea to see if people were interested and no one was interested enough to invest enough time in it so it ended up being just Pubby writing 2 unpublished articles :P
And if litb wrote a book, I bet nobody but himself would be able to understand it.
An unorganized collection of rants is the best thing the Lounge can produce.
I don't mean negatively. It might be good.
I'll give them credit.
This is pretty impressive for 36 hours
Is void foo() noexcept(false); equivalent to void foo(); ?
My gut says yes.
Mine too.
However my also said signed char is equivalent to char.
Which was wrong.
Therefore I double check :)
Q: Does adding `noexcept(false)` benefit the code in any way?

LB--Recently in my code I have been explicitly writing noexcept(false) on functions that I know do throw exceptions, mainly for people reading the code. However, I am wondering if this affects the behavior of my code or the way the compiler interprets it. Does it make any difference? Note: I am awar...

Missed the parentheses.
Gratuitous Space Battles is actually kinda fun.
@DeadMG Starsector is also nice.
@StackedCrooked Yes, except for destructors, which are implicitly noexcept(true)
@R.MartinhoFernandes that makes a bit of sense. It's just OS pipes, they line buffer by default. Perhaps you could abuse stderr? setvbuf doesn't work
I repeat, it's useless to call setvbuf() before execing -- none of the C runtime library state is preserved across exec()! The final process you exec() might not even use the CRT! (Unlikely but possible.) — j_random_hacker Jan 13 '10 at 12:37
But if you can use a pty (e.g. using expect's unbuffer):
Note: On debian systems, this is called expect_unbuffer and is in the expect-dev package, not the expect package — bdonlan Jan 24 '11 at 11:14
Or stdbuf -i0 -o0 -e0 command
@thecoshman The latter.
And make sure $myFile isn’t already in scope.
Thanks for agreeing, local perl pundit
Anyways. I just realized a most useful trick to separate output into 1 char per line in e.g. bash:
$ echo hello | grep -oe .
Now generate all possible lexical permutations of “hello” using only echo, xargs, grep and piping.
eval echo $(q="{h,e,l,l,o}"; eval 'echo $q$q$q$q$q') | xargs -n1 | sort -u
@rightfold should be close
I see eval and sort.
echo {h,e,l,l,o}{h,e,l,l,o}{h,e,l,l,o}{h,e,l,l,o}{h,e,l,l,o} | xargs -n1
@rightfold pedant ^ I'm lazy. Also, I'm thorough. You didn't ask for unique permutations
Nice. :D
@sehe huh... what does the '-n1' do?
morning chaps
@thecoshman It redirects you to the man-page
@sehe ¬_¬ I thought it might do something like that
I've just never seen xargs used by itself like that
So I decided to use PyCharm and it’s already horrible shit.
Good morning !
Please upvote my answer here that actually provides an up to date link to the proper place to find Qt:
A: Where to find older versions of QT (e.g. QT 4.6)

rubenvbSince Qt is in part maintained by the Qt Project, you can find all sources of all releases in their archive: http://download.qt-project.org/archive/qt/ For Qt 4.6, this means: http://download.qt-project.org/archive/qt/4.6/ The current releases reside under another directory: http:...

Because damn, the current one is sooooo wrong.
Peace out.
@rubenvb Why didn't you ... edit the existing answer?
@sehe Becauz repz !
@sehe Changing an existing answer into something entirely else seems wrong though.
@StackedCrooked Well, just fixing links doesn't "modify" the content, right ? Or is it still invalid... ?
Geez. That matrix suffers from "DeathByOverload". Basic UX dictates that large grids are useless unless there's filtering. To add insult to injury, there's no download (csv) and the markdown cannot be downloaded directly. Even that resisted copying into excel... I gave up. — sehe 11 secs ago
@StackedCrooked If links die/get outdated it's just updating, not changing. Anyways, I haven't looked closely at the posts. But the original answer was appreciated with upvotes
Reps indeed. Also, his whole explanation of matching dates and stuff with Qt versions? WTF?
Also, he had the opportunity to update when the comments said the nokia ftp became unreachable. That's what I do. Update my old answers.
@FredOverflow Write code with benefits!
@rubenvb How do you do that? Do you include a private member benefits which only friends can access?
ooooh, I learnt me some robot speak 'gat', I have a 'gata'
GREAT user experience. Downloading "Latest & Greatest" windows package for Jenkins directly off the main Jenkins home page... "java.exe stopped working". And that's that.
The best part: everyone on windows has this problems. Also all people upgrading. "Latest and greatest" means "untested" in Jenkins :)
@sehe yeah... not exactly 'greatest' is it :S
This must be the fastest working answer that actually answers the question with error handling that I have written in a long time:
A: Is there any inbuilt function available two get string between two delimiter string in C/C++?

rubenvbUse std::getline: #include <iostream> #include <stdexcept> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <vector> std::vector<std::string> tokenize(const std::string& input) { std::vector<std::string> result; std::istringstream stream(input); std::string thingie; // please choose a better...

Including live example. And it's modular.
Now we have two problems. — rubenvb 5 secs ago
Oh, we have a problem. Let's use regexes.
How can it demonstrate the ease of use if it won't work? — rubenvb 4 secs ago
Ugh, this answer is trollbait.
> two
Oh come on, upvote my shizzle. It's under the regex solution currently :-(
This is not valid C++. — rubenvb 23 secs ago
@thecoshman Also. No git support out of the box? Can't even locate a git plugin (only github)
oh hey ruben
@DeadMG Hi puppy.
do you know if that MinGW/Clang incompatibility thing has been ironed out?
@rubenvb Hm.
@sehe we're using Jenkins with this git plugin
but yeah, certainly no support out of the box, and the "untested" thing sounds very familiar as well
@Rapptz yes you can do it with std::string::find, but that's a lot more messy, and does not scale to other input streams. If that's what you were thinking.
@DeadMG I think I have a semi-working Clang 3.3 for quite a while now. Unfortunately, I don't remember if any patches were/are required. Libstdc++ and Clang++ disagree on variadic template linkage though, so expect some linker errors when using those. Still at libstdc++ 4.6 last time I tried.
oh well
I invite you to try and tell me about it ;-).
It's been a while since I last took a look and lost interest since then.
@Xeo I think your C++03 solution in this answer relies on enum class.
I look younger than my real age ... which is always flattering until the very moment they found out how old I really am, lolz
I learned that from SO. I thought it was neat.
@Rapptz wow, that is neat stuff.
I'll upvote it if you post as answer.
@alexbuisson don't use a regex. You'll get downvoted on StackOverflow for no reason. — Simple 41 secs ago
@Rapptz hey, where is table_size defined in that code?
I'm amazed this has been downvoted when the highest answer ATM accepts more input than what was asked for. — Simple 6 mins ago
std::ctype<char>, it's the base class.
What's wrong with his regex?
I can't immediately tell.
@sehe we have git set up for ours... not sure what plugin it is... sit tight
@StackedCrooked ?
¬_¬ jenkins server has croacked it#
@StackedCrooked Clang+libc++, how do I use it on Coliru? I get linker errors :(
Oh got it already. Link -lsupc++.
@StackedCrooked you should look into using libc++abi for Clang+libc++ (see Arch Linux packages).
@StackedCrooked wtf
@Xeo U::option for an enum doesn't work in C++03. So it produces different results.
oh wtf
I thought you were allowed to explicitly qualify C++03 enums
bloody hell
MSVC extension.
main.cpp:35:13: error: expected a class or namespace
    int x = test2::option;
well fuck you C++03
Hey, if a question is closed as duplicate, is the rep on answers deleted?
I think checking the existence of enumerator with SFINAE is impossible unless the enum is wrapped in a class (in C++03).
@StackedCrooked Meh. But, it has nothing to do with enum classes. Just enums that were apparently changed in C++11
hmm, but the answer sucks on this one: stackoverflow.com/questions/17257254/…
@Xeo Oh, I just read the "usage" section of your answer. It relies on the enum being wrapped inside a class.
@StackedCrooked Only because the OP had it like that
Can it work for a enum at namespace scope?
@thecoshman whatever that means
@StackedCrooked Can you pass a namespace as typename T? :)
Oh sweet. So it's this kind of day then. Msbuild.exe fails to build my project. It ICE's...?
  C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\bin\amd64\CL.exe /c /Zi /nologo /W3 /WX- /sdl /Od /D WIN32 /D _DEBUG /D _LIB /D CURL_STATICLIB /D _UNICODE /D UNICODE /Gm /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Fo
  :queue ..\src\azure\auth\acs_tokenprovider.cpp ..\src\azure\auth\sas_tokenprovider.cpp ..\src\azure\auth\tokenprovider.cpp ..\src\azure\sb\facade.cpp ..\src\azure\sb\connection_string.cpp ..\src\rabin\rabin_polynomial.cpp ..\src\restclien
  ml\pugiconfig.hpp ..\src\xml\pugixml.hpp ..\src\netlib\schemes.cpp ..\src\netlib\uri.cpp
@Xeo Maybe ADL-based solution could work.
@jalf thanks
That's compiler ICE not MSBuild's
@sehe congratz ^^
@sehe it is an ex-jenkins
its integration is discontinued
@thecoshman in short, it's disintegrated? :-)
@CatPlusPlus Derp. You'd think I know. Right. The thing is, it doesn't ICE when batch building all configurations in VS2013:
Time Elapsed 00:00:01.17
========== Build: 11 succeeded, 0 failed, 4 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
So... If I'm not making sense it might not always be because I'm wrong. I'm just reporting what happens.
Try clean rebuild?
My god, what is wrong with this person?! How can you be so stubbornly clueless?!
1. but somebody who writes code like this is probably using pointers throughout (Speculation !) 2. There is a possibility of a memory leak if any of the operations here throws an exception (speculation). it does not happen usually! an array was allocated. an array was deleted. whats wrong with that? your answer is based on assumptions. what if thread aborts, what if exception occurs, what if programmer writes that way. well what if the computer is shut off? — Simple Fellow 16 mins ago
@CatPlusPlus the perfect solution :D
@CatPlusPlus msbuild /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Debug;Platform=x64 PoCpp.vcxproj - it will take a while
@KonradRudolph ergh, screw reading all that shit for some context :S
@thecoshman C++ tools vOv
I would love for some mod to migrate all these comments to chat, but I don’t think that’s possible
Not sure if troll or idiot.
Maybe it's damaged object file somewhere, or PDB, or whatever
@KonradRudolph those are not mutually exclusive
@CatPlusPlus vOv
@KonradRudolph when you need efficiency, manual memory management is often a must — simpleBob Mar 21 at 13:33
@CatPlusPlus It iced. It just took slightly more time :\
@Konrad Rudolph we are simply discouraging people to use even simple pointers. this has become very typical from C++ people. if some beginner even writes a simple stack he receives 10s of comments "use std::stack" if some newbie uses a simple array he gets swarm of comments "plz use vector<>". I simply do not like discouraging people even indirectly. — Simple Fellow 12 mins ago
I think the first message is telling.
I guess the following would be frowned upon?
sem_wait(&sem) && (throw std::runtime_error("sem_wait returned an error code"), 0);
@KonradRudolph Idiot
Or both. What's the difference
@StackedCrooked I don't have brows heavy enough for that
@JBL That's a different person
@StackedCrooked Oh yes. Not least because there are several languages which do have this idiom, but in reverse (i.e. using or instead of and).
Interesting, though, that both have "simple" in their name
@sehe so I'm good then.
@Xeo nomen est omen
@Xeo Oh right. What's with all the "Simple" nicks... :/
@R.MartinhoFernandes Cool
@KonradRudolph The problem is that posix functions return 0 on success, so I have to use &&
I'll set the polling time to one day then
@StackedCrooked I know, I’m just advising that this usage would be very confusing.
For anyone interested, my TeamCity reporter for Catch is up at github.com/rmartinho/wheels/blob/stable/include/wheels/test/…. /cc @sehe
@KonradRudolph Yeah, just kidding.
@StackedCrooked You're writing too much bash
I still have to make some stuff much prettier, but it's a good start.
@R.MartinhoFernandes neat
You get timing stats for every test with service messages!
@CatPlusPlus Yeah.
But cannot run it through ninja, otherwise it will buffer everything and all tests will report <1ms time. When I get around to adding timestamps, it will work even through ninja, but no realtime reporting.
@R.MartinhoFernandes looks like it's gon' be TC. Jenkins is quite a let-down 'till now
Jenkins was incredibly annoying to configure last time I tried
Q: A float type granted to be bitwise equivalente on all / as much as possible platforms?

user2485710There is a type in C++ that is able to handle floating point numbers and is granted to be represented, at bit level, the same way in any possible implementation ? There is a similar solution for a limited set of architectures or even a single architecture like x86 or ARM ? I'm referring in parti...

Well, it GPF-ing out-of-the-box with the "latest-and-greatest" windows download didn't exactly help me appreciate it.
And usage example here: github.com/rmartinho/wheels/blob/stable/test/runner.c%2B%2B. Has to be #included in the same TU as the catch main thingy is. Invoke with <yourtestrunnner> -r teamcity
@Xeo We're the equivilante!
Hm, KSP on sale
33% off
The sentence "Not so fast!" isn't about computing performance but a way to say "hey, don't make assumptions so fast, here's another way to look at it". — Simon Svensson 1 hour ago
@Xeo For how long?
Damn. ICE went away only after physically removing the build directories. A Clean wasn't enough
Until December 3rd
Can I get it when I get home? I want to gift one.
Oh cool.
Autumn Sale
@R.MartinhoFernandes To him? I thought you already did.
Nope, to my brother.
@Xeo Not buying anything for me not on my wishlist.
Might not even buy some things that are on the wishlist, because I haven't really updated it in a while and some of those games seem to suck.
Rogue Legacy is pretty good
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'd wait
It might be a daily at some point
@CatPlusPlus Not adding shit to my list just so I can buy it while keeping to my rule.
It's fun
And it's just 5€
I'mstill scraping the pennies to pay my rent, so I'll likely not be buying anything in the Steam autumn sale
I wish Hetzner billed me for the setup already
@DeadMG I'm not in that state yet. OTOH, Anne's car is due it's MOT test. I'm sharpening my penny-scraping knife:(
I'm telling myself to finally make a budget but I never have tiiime
@R.MartinhoFernandes is æ said like 'air' sort of sound?
@thecoshman I guess it depends on the language?
Bah, you can't add games you own to wishlist
@R.MartinhoFernandes huh...
oh, æ is a short sound, like 'cat'
kæt actually
from what I can gather :S
I could use some real food sometime...
just glad we don't have animated d͡ʒɪf images :S
@thecoshman Oh, you meant in IPA?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I did... but I eventually go there :S
Yeah, "air" is more closed.
Wondering why my GCC pch file isn't being recognized... "foo.h.ghc"

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