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@Xeo this means that in C++11 throwing from a destructor immediately leads to std::terminate?
By default, yes.
yo yo yo
@thecoshman I pronounce it as gɪf. :v
I say djif
Yeah, lots of people suck like that. Even the authors.
@rightfold both are accepted, but OP says the 'G' is like in 'gin' (which is a j sound)
Is gin nice?
it's a pretty cool game
@rightfold IMO, no. It's like drinking IPA
I once was at relatives in france
is git /git/ ? or is it /djit/ ?
@thecoshman Yeah, OP sucks.
and they had homemade alcohol
dear god
it literally felt as if you were drinking molten ash
@R.MartinhoFernandes vOv when we drinking 'jin' I'll start saying 'gif'
@Abyx Former
@Abyx hard g, the former
> By a generalized pointer, do you mean a void pointer? If yes, then deleting a void pointer is undefined behaviour. In that case it's better to malloc and free.
what does this mean
All possible combinations of filtering/sorting that I have tried work, except the combination of sorting on priority and filtering by assignee, which discards the filtering. 3:
Mantis is a piece of shit.
@Rapptz context?
> The word has been ruled by the Speaker of the House of Commons to be unparliamentary language.
@Rapptz Oh gosh.
someone was asking how delete[] my_void_ptr works
@Rapptz isn't it UB?
@Abyx lol at the latter.
that's what the quote says but I don't know why he mentioned malloc/free
free not calling dtors is much better than delete not calling dtors
Is there anything like std::bitset in C#?
main.cpp:3:14: error: deleting 'void*' is undefined
     delete[] foo;
Use a decent compiler. vOv
@TonyTheLion System.Collections.BitArray
Google "c# bitset"?
Q: What is the C# equivalent of std::bitset of C++

blitzkriegzWhat is the C# equivalent of std::bitset of C++?

Dependent types are fun.
/home/funatics/blargh/main.cpp:1:18: warning: /home/funatics/blargh/test.h.gch: not a PCH file
x /home/funatics/blargh/test.h.gch
PCH sucks
I thought a .gch file was just a renamed -o?
@Xeo From AS to PCH woes.
@Xeo Erm, no?
No, PCH is different
It's literally a dump of compiler's memory
@R.MartinhoFernandes Meh, that's what I got from the GCC docs about them
Object files are unlinked binaries.
PCH files have shit like macro state and uninstantiated templates.
GCC likes to segfault under PaX with PCH :v
@R.MartinhoFernandes Just playing around
> To create a precompiled header file, simply compile it as you would any other file, if necessary using the -x option to make the driver treat it as a C or C++ header file.
abc module is nice.
@CatPlusPlus What's PaX?
So, how do I create a proper .gch file then?
PaX is a patch for the Linux kernel that implements least privilege protections for memory pages. The least-privilege approach allows computer programs to do only what they have to do in order to be able to execute properly, and nothing more. PaX was first released in 2000. PaX flags data memory as non-executable, program memory as non-writable and randomly arranges the program memory. This effectively prevents many security exploits, such as some kinds of buffer overflows. The former prevents direct code execution absolutely, while the latter makes so-called return-to-libc (ret2libc) a...
@Xeo Just g++ foo.h++ works for me.
2 hours down the rabbit hole of trying to get "call vcvarsall.bat amd64" to not fail under Jenkins...
The fun of making and using resetvars.vbs and things still not working with a simple
The input line is too long.
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
Didn't you say you were going to use TC?
I still don't like Windows. I wonder why that could be.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Also gonna try TC. That's second on the list. I generally gravitate to non-commercial stuff. But this ... stuff is painful.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wtf.
TeamCity's weird
this is pretty neat teamcity.loungecpp.net/…
@Rapptz Why?
(Also, still lonely up there)
it just looks weird, it's not a bad thing really.
the things it offers are cool though
I like how I can easily integrate any odd test system into it without much hassle. Just output the right magic strings to stdout, and BAM stats.
yeah I'm wondering how it knows your test cases
@Rapptz See pinned reporter.
Well, not just test system, actually. I can report or even control a nice part of the build just by having the build output magic strings at the right time.
@Telkitty OK, so now I get nightmares about fat ravens attacking en-masse. Cheers:(
LOL, I did that a while few days ago
I'd add my stuff there but I don't know how to. Unless I have to contact cat or something.
$ bin/test -r teamcity
##teamcity[testSuiteStarted name='test']
##teamcity[testStarted name='optional']
##teamcity[testFinished name='optional']
##teamcity[testStarted name='optional-ref']
##teamcity[testFinished name='optional-ref']
##teamcity[testStarted name='tribool']
##teamcity[testFinished name='tribool']
##teamcity[testStarted name='fun/invoke']
##teamcity[testFinished name='fun/invoke']
##teamcity[testStarted name='fun/is_invocable']
##teamcity[testFinished name='fun/is_invocable']
##teamcity[testStarted name='fun/result_of']
@Rapptz Sample output from test run.
How many projects?
@sehe I kinda like Windows because I don't have to waste 90% of the working week reinstalling the OS and rebulding tools.
@MartinJames LOL
You don't need much tooling then
@R.MartinhoFernandes neat
I still need to work out the assertion failure printing, but none of my tests fail for now :P
@CatPlusPlus Um, I don't know. 2 I guess.
I just realised it's 6:30 AM.
It's the complete opposite. I've spent this morning trying vcvarsall.bat to ... run to completion; trying make MSBuild rebuild my project without ICE-ing (which devenv didn't do anyways), trying to make Jenkins not GPF (that's arguably a Jenkins fault, but, there's NO usable information message. It even says "java.exe Stopped working" masking any helpful information) etc. etc.
How's that for not wasting time.
Likewise, I've spent 2 days trying to get some kind of virtualized dev environment working. First, getting HyperV setup took all kinds of magic hoop-jumps and ended up being dog-slow. Next, VirtualBox ended up blue-screening guest windows 64 OSes.
vcvarsall was always shit
Running the same guest on Linux worked like a charm, with SMP enabled.
I usually just manually set INCLUDE/LIB/PATH globally and forget about it
@sehe 'java.exe Stopped working' - you picked the bad tools, so your problem:)
@sehe DEP maybe
@MartinJames So nice of you to actually not pay attention and keep being dismissive. Good day
@sehe Thanks, no problem at all:)
@CatPlusPlus Well I "downgraded" Jenkins (nevermind this was a first install) to an "older" version (lol, testing softwarem anyone :))
However, the vcvars problem is preventing any build from happening under Jenkins
@Rapptz I made you a superproject, you can create subprojects and build configs under that
neat, thanks
I'll automate this crap when I make central auth
But that's probably after the semester ends
@rightfold Hm, the error occurred at position π...
@sehe Curious. What is your problem with vcvarsall.bat?
@FredOverflow :D
you can return void functions right?
Database project: attempt #6
All or nothing
@rightfold getting closer
@Rapptz Returning functions is not possible in C(++).
I meant, return f(); // f is void
ah, yes
@Rapptz Depends. You can in a template.
It's stupid, but possible.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah I asked in the context of generic programming
@R.MartinhoFernandes As far as I remember, it's always possible.
@R.MartinhoFernandes How come this works, then?
It's not always possible, I'm sure.
Even in templates.
Not the first time I have to work around it.
works for me
> A return statement with an expression of type void can be used only in functions with a return type of cv void; the expression is evaluated just before the function returns to its caller. (6.6.3 §3)
So it's definitely blessed by the standard.
Oh wait, got it.
I had to special case void because I wanted to get the return value and then do something else before actually returning.
@Cat meta-runners are cool.
return function_call();
Not gonna work if you need to use the return value.
template<typename T>
struct anti_void
    typedef T type;

struct anti_void<void>
    typedef int type;
Oh wait, you can't initialize an int with a void :D
I'd make struct type {}; instead.
I hate the articles that say things like "how to hang out with an introvert" as if it's a disease :|
I hate that too
@Rapptz Why? You also hate the articles that say things like "how to hang out with extroverts" as if that's a disease? I think you're suffering from a bias
Yeah, I hate those articles too. If they'd exist.
Not sure how it's biased.
People are different, and sometimes we need help to understand one another. We shouldn't be ashamed of this, and we shouldn't jump to the conclusion that one set of people thinks the other is "diseased" just because of it. That's not going to help you.
do you even know what I'm talking about btw?
Have you ever read these articles that I mention?
the ones that signify the personality as if it's some form of disease for people who seem to have no social cues
@Rapptz Sounds more like a guide for interacting with some form of wildlife.
"show that you recognize and approve of their presence" sounds like something from Dog Whisperer.
@Rapptz Yes.
@Rapptz Yes.
Thanks for jumping to the conclusion that I don't know what I'm talking about just because I disagree vehemently with your interpretation.
Okay. Then I'll just agree to disagree and go to bed. It's 7 AM.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think it's perfectly reasonable advice for human interaction.
Really the only one seeing a "diseased" interpretation here is the two of you, which is slightly worrying :/
(lol @ one, two; oh well)
So just as I finish my architecture and its documentation, diagrams etc, someone changes a key piece of terminology. Gah. Want to avoid introducing legacy terms before we've even beta'd, so away I go to replace it all
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
Q: Can homomorphic encryption filter?

nightcrackerOften in articles homomorphic encryption is praised as the holy grail of encryption for cloud storage. This is done by suggesting that it can do any computation, and as such could be used for encrypted databases. Performance issues aside, this makes me very sceptical. If such a database is to be...

@Rapptz I totally agree with the energy part.
TC is already looking to be a much better experience than Jenkins
@FredOverflow Nobody said it wasn't technically accurate, just pointing out that it treats introverts like they have leprosy.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit A stack exchange for encrypted animals?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Notice how your message has no mention of introverts and applies to all human interaction regardless of personality.
@DeadMG For mythical animals. Cryptozoology is like the study of bigfoots (bigfeet?).
1 hour ago, by sehe
The input line is too long.
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Correct.
But let's not start with some uber-PC notion of "you must never mention the fact that some people's personalities are not the same as other people's, for fear of offending them"
Deal with the facts on the ground
@sehe Wow! I have never seen that. I only had problems when C:\Windows\system32 was not in my PATH.
@sehe Yikes
@FredOverflow heh
@DeadMG If it's technically accurate to say "introverts don't want to be smothered", then you can hardly accuse the author of being "racist" (whatever) to the extent that he's treating them like lepers. He's trying to give you what you want!!
"leave us alone ... no wait what why are you avoiding us :("
I'm certainly not saying that there are not those out there who treat introverts like lepers. I just don't see it in that cartoon is all
@R.MartinhoFernandes Not me, but I essentially wrote the same comment further down
It's further up here.
whichever :p
Also, ugh at all the "ß is a ligature" bullshit.
I don’t get why this submission got so much hate
hmm, that wasn’t there yesterday
@R.MartinhoFernandes Twasn't me.
@KonradRudolph People don't like being told they're doing it wrong.
@KonradRudolph Also, people in general seem to be quite unappreciative of people that identify problems but don't know a solution.
They think identifying problems is not contributing and only solving them counts.
they're both pretty useful let's face it
IOW they're dumb lazy fucks that don't want to think for themselves.
Actually, now that I think of it, it's almost like saying testers are worthless because they don't solve anything.
@R.MartinhoFernandes A ligature? How do they arrive at that conclusion?
@jalf Because it originated from a ligature of the medieval long-s and z.
@KonradRudolph you are off page 1 for all time top rep users :'(
But everyone will laugh at you if you write Strasze. (Well, they won't laugh if you write it with a medieval long-s and a ligated z)
@Telkitty I have a PhD to work on, you know ;)
… I’m working till 11pm on most days, and until well past 1am on many
Bitterballen with Dutch flags.
@jalf Once a ligature, always a ligature!
Some street signs in Berlin actually use a glyph that perfectly matches those ligature roots (e.g.: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0d/…)
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've largely given up with trying to tell people they're doing it wrong. I tried it once, years ago in a progress meeting. I said "This whole project has essentially zero chance of succeeding with the current design". I got my contract terminated:(
@MartinJames Did it succeed?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Same for Dutch “ij”
@R.MartinhoFernandes Of course not - it was hopeless.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I got told off by my pimp: "If they tell you to paint the walls, paint the walls and carry on taking the fees".
@KonradRudolph I always confuse ei and ij. :D
Ik eis bevroren ijs.
@Mikhail It doesn't list itself. Should be fixed.
@EtiennedeMartel I read through that link and other msdn pages, and now I have a rough idea of how I can call a C# implementation through a COM interface from C++, and the other way around... but what about exposing some of the C++ classes from the caller to the C#/COM assembly? Won't I have to wrap everything in COM on the C++ side? :/
“West Spain.”
@melak47 Either that or some other marshalling.
@melak47 That, or write C# wrappers which p/invoke the C++ code
I recommend C++/CLI wrappers.
Mapping is easier.
Managed C++. The Robot recommends it.
Managed C++ is obsolete.
And yes, I recommend using C++/CLI for the thing it excels at: interop between C++ and the CLI.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
Don't write anything other than the wrappers with C++/CLI.
@R.MartinhoFernandes how would that work? do the wrappers just...what, take a pointer to the native C++ class, and call members on that "natively"?
@melak47 Something like that, yes.
You have a .NET interface, but a native implementation.
sounds slightly more desirable than making everything I want to expose a COM thing in C++ :D
But I'd keep "real" pointers away from the interface and take either real .NET classes, or IntPtrs.
You can easily get your real pointers from those, and it makes it not as messy on the .NET side.
hm, where would the change from C++ to C++/CLI happen? i.e. I want to call my C# asembly from C++, how do I construct the C++/CLI wrapper to an instance of a C++ class?
You want to call C# from C++?
yes, but I want the C# assembly to be able to call stuff from C++ while being called :E
You just reference the assembly in the project and call it like any other .NET methods.
Note that your process will need to be managed (i.e. mixed mode), or you need to initialise your own runtime host.
getting a CLR through COM seemed easy enough :/
Finally done with this database shit
3 courses to go
@CatPlusPlus :)
What’s so bad about C++/CLI?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I meant call C# from native c++ :E
I think we need a in the tag line
@rightfold It's C++ without that dubious ~~~native~~~ thing that maybe makes C++ worth using
Plus a whole new set of rules
@TonyTheLion title.
@melak47 Make a free function with a native interface that performs a .NET call?
And in all caps, without the tag.
In all languages.
@CatPlusPlus It's not even without it.
It's just everything collided together.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Don't read the GCC! [c++] [c++11] [c++1y] [no-answers] [no-questions] [no-reading-the-gcc]
@rightfold English will do
it certainly lacks
wasn't there someone here that wanted an alert when civ V is on sale in steam?
not me
maybe it was @CatPlusPlus or I just have dmentia
Civ 5 BNW and not "on sale" but "on daily", because it might get cheaper than -50% yet
Everything is on sale
ah so it was you?
Even RPG Maker VX is on sale
@R.MartinhoFernandes the samples here look like they demonstrate this... would I then have another C++/CLI wrapper to allow the C# assembly I'm invoking through the other wrapper to call C++ again?
Ahahaha on that reddit post
> ICU is great but that's a huge ass library you have to bundle into your app.
Obligatory "bloo bloo dependencies"
What do you mean I have to bundle EXTRA 10 MEGABYTES
Wait weren't you the one that used to bitch about dependencies?
I might've complained about C++ dependencies on Windows being utter pain in the ass
@CatPlusPlus Oh maybe that's what I'm remembering

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