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It's eight o'clock.
@A.H. You trolling or you don't know what a plonk list is?
@FredOverflow it worked!!
@Borgleader I know the concept just not how
@FredOverflow but , i cant add anythings to that string
@FredOverflow i tried p+=10...still same o/p
Q: SVM multi class classification: how to make class decision?

Ross i'm working on a facial expression rocognition programm in c++ so far this is what i did: Use opencv to detect the face in the image Use ASM and stasm to get the facial feature point i want to use SVM to classify the facial expression (Happiness ,Sadness ,Fear, Disgust, Surprise, Anger) happin...

@A.H. That list of users on the top right. Click on one and click on Ignore this user (everywhere) --> voila! a new addition to your plonk list.
@Ross stop dumping your question here, plz
@Borgleader you changed my life
Configuring Vim is fun.
> And, if you want to kill your ex-girlfriend, there's really no substitute for a ball-peen hammer."
Woah, I just uncrated a L100 misc. item in TF2.
@not-rightfold Yeah but it's waste of time.
@Mysticial gratz
@user2713461 p += std::to_string(10)
@Borgleader please forgive me i can't not to do please forgive me i need it like i do
@FredOverflow in all places i have to use it??
Why don't you take a step back and tell us what you're actually trying to do. Why do you want to convert numbers to strings and append them?
instead cant i use string p = std::to_string(99*99)
@FredOverflow i was solvin some problem in project euler
Sure, auto and string have the same effect here, because to_string returns a string.
@user2713461 That's still too vague.
Well, gotta go. cu all
@FredOverflow thank you
@FredOverflow Later.
@FredOverflow cya
@FredOverflow cya
@FredOverflow cya
@FredOverflow cya
How to copy char pointer into char array? strdup give conversion error
In C++ don't use char arrays for string, in fact don't use C arrays at all. std::vector and std::array are a lot easier to use/safer/...
Is there any new comers know how to use Vim?
@Servant dwiAre[Esc]5withat knows[Esc]ldw.
so ???
The only vim command I know is :q
It's all I've ever needed
> This title does not meet our quality standards. Please make sure that it clearly summarizes your problem and uses proper grammar. You can put details in the body of your question.
What the fuck Stack Overflow you piece of shit.
What's your title?
@not-rightfold LOL to
@DavidStone "set list except for tabs?"
Now I made it "How can I use set list to highlight otherwise invisible characters, except when those characters are tabs?" because apparently they like extremely long titles.
@not-rightfold Yes, SO prefers Googlable titles.
@CaptainGiraffe This would be what one googles. :|
Without "for", even.
Get out
@not-rightfold "set list" will maybe give you some docs on the container library but not your question.
Am I right in thinking that this license is pretty lenient (it's a fork of the Adobe ASL library referenced by Sean Parent in his talk(s)): github.com/sehe/legacy/blob/master/adobe_source_libraries/…
@CaptainGiraffe Oh well, append "vim" which is in the <title> tag on SO anyway.
Still googlable.
@not-rightfold The cat called. He wants his fav gif back
He called you on the telephone?
Nya nya nyaaa!
@not-rightfold See :he listchars
@StackedCrooked I hung up
@sehe IANAL very lenient.
@CaptainGiraffe Thanks anyways!
if you don't know the answer, just say so
@sehe That manual entry doesn't really help a lot.
It explains, indirectly, that I can use tab:\ \ ,eol:#,trail:~ but that still changes the background colour of tabs.
@Ross Let me also say I downvoted your question
@DeadMG Thank you
@Ross Any time.
@ScottW Handbrake+cygwin
@DeadMG can you put an answer with it??
@Ross I didn't even read it.
@DeadMG can you read it now?
@Ross No.
I'm looking for Vim master!
@DeadMG but why not?
@Ross I found an answer to your question here.
Anyone got a dupe for this? (Stackoverflow error, from allocating huge arrays on the stack)
@Ross Because that would imply that questiondumpers are worth my time.
@Servant 7wi a[Esc]:wq
@CaptainGiraffe Hey captain, could you check my question?
@Servant Are you looking for a master in the window cleaning product or the text editing software?
Text editing software..
@Servant No, I can't. I cant see it from here.
@DeadMG so you are saying that you can't read it and you don't want because you think that it's a dump question, not that you are DUMP ?
You are in luck, I'm a master of both.
@ScottW You are welcome =)
@Ross I am a dump of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and other similar required elements of life.
@DeadMG you're a filthy dump
@StackedCrooked That was a funny misspelling
@CaptainGiraffe Please check this: stackoverflow.com/questions/18674226/…
@DeadMG Multi-Dmping just like my question Multi classification
@CaptainGiraffe why do you need cygwin for handbrake?
Q: FPU,SSE single floating point. Which is faster? sub or mul

UfnCod3rJust tell me which one is faster. sub or mul ? My Target Platform is X86. FPU and SSE thanks to all.

@ScottW lol I didn't mean it in that way
@Servant My apologies. These seems to be windows issues. I am not a Windows user, and as such not a Windows expert.
@Mysticial Enlighten me why you'd want to compare sub and mul speed? I mean... I'd understand say... mul * powerOfTwo and shift...
@CaptainGiraffe Yeah, it's Windows issue..
@Borgleader There are some algorithms that will let you trade different operations for others with different trade-offs.
At a higher level.
Oh I see
@Mysticial Wanna hear a good one? I implemented shellsort to the best of my abilities and it's somewhere around 350x slower thant std::sort. I'm an anti-you :P
@CaptainGiraffe which word did I misspell?
@Mysticial en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shellsort .anti-onebox (it has a gif)
@StackedCrooked That was my way of saying I disagree with Dead being a Cunt. I find Dead useful and interesting.
Bye.. I will take a nap or sleep, and read the quickfix.txt file later! For those who want to see my issue about Vim on Windows, kindly visit: stackoverflow.com/questions/18674226/…
@Borgleader Well... Is shellsort even an efficient sort algorithm?
If it's a shitty sort and std::sort uses unshitty sort, then it's hard to compare.
Ok, saturday night poll: What structure do you find most elegant? A) A heap, B) A red-black tree or a C) Linked list?
> The running time of Shellsort is heavily dependent on the gap sequence it uses. For many practical variants, determining their time complexity remains an open problem.
@CaptainGiraffe SingletonFactory is always the most elegant.
A sorted array I guess is pretty similar to a heap, so I'd have to go with A
Theoretically it can be :P According to my notes (from the algorithms class) in the best case it runs linearly. The problem is, there is no mathematical model to predict it's performance (although it's known to be subquadratic, again according to my notes)
@Mysticial I'm going to create 50 more users on this site just to be able to star that to posterity!
Is "middleware" a mass noun?
@CaptainGiraffe I think a heap is elegant. But I'm not familiar with red-black tree so I can't give my final vote.
@StackedCrooked Your vote is registered as heap +1.
@not-rightfold i think so
@CaptainGiraffe Elegance is a shitty arbitrary characteristic that has no real useful meaning.
receiving objects: 100% (114895/114895), 687.29 MiB | 35 KiB/s, done.
Ahhh finally!
Fuck mass nouns.
@DeadMG But that's not the question.
I don't know what a mass noun is
assuming by mass noun you mean "is widely used"
@Ell You can't have moneys.
@Borgleader lolno
@Ell A mass noun is e.g. "your mom".
@DeadMG Thank you for your input. I really appreciate your thoughts, though slightly predictable,
@StackedCrooked No, the question is "Which of these arbitrary choices do you prefer, based on some subjective ideal that can't possibly be meaningfully compared?".
@not-rightfold oh... what dyu mean then?
In linguistics, a mass noun (also uncountable noun) is a noun with the syntactic property that any quantity of it is treated as an undifferentiated unit, rather than as something with discrete subsets. Non-count nouns are distinguished from count nouns. Given that different languages have different grammatical features, the actual test for which nouns are mass nouns may vary between languages. In English, mass nouns are characterized by the fact that they cannot be directly modified by a numeral without specifying a unit of measurement, and that they cannot combine with an indefinite art...
@CaptainGiraffe Well, you are talking about the guy who would close all the art galleries and pull down all the churches and castles.
tl;dr - is it like "sheep"?
@Borgleader e.g., "money" and "software".
No, I have one sheep
@Ell no.
The singular happens to be the same as the non-singular
Like water
@DeadMG They are all container structures with different properties, so why not?
You can't say "I have one water"
plural :3
Sheep just happens to use the same word for both plural and singular amounts.
"I have one cup / ounce / glass / etc. of water."
@DavidStone Hmm, I can name my variable "bunchOfMiddleware".
@Ell sheep is a very old word
@CaptainGiraffe Firstly, because there are lots of different container structures you didn't mention, and secondly, because "elegance" is a completely personal judgement so it's impossible to extract any meaning from some other person's idea of elegance.
I've never liked the term "plural"
@Borgleader The OP updated. It looks like an actual legit example of instruction type trade-off.
Because it doesn't actually imply more than 1
We have a version for exactly 1, and a version for anything but 1
@DeadMG All conversations don't have to be useful
Some can just be fun or interesting
1 cup, 2 cups, 3, cups, 0 cups, .5 cups
I think that was the kind of conversation he was looking for
@Mysticial Then answer the shit out of it! ;)
@Ell I didn't really mean "useful" like that.
@DavidStone vodka party?
func Run(context *ctx.Context, bunchOfMiddleware []Middleware) {
	// Screw mass nouns.
	for _, pieceOfMiddleware := range bunchOfMiddleware {
Come out into the deep waters. Leave the safe harbor and sail into the deep.
@MartinJames and drown muahahahah!
@MartinJames Put a pound on. :(
You bastards!
@not-rightfold pieceOfMiddleware sounds weird. It's like of like saying for _, pieceOfApples := range bunchOfApples I'd just use apple/middleware if it doesn't conflict with Middleware
I'm so sick.
I'm also sick. In my mind.
@DeadMG is it the cookies?
what cookies anyway
@Borgleader But it's singular. :(
I don't know. You mentioned cookies in the past.
@DeadMG Where I come from a single merge is elegant. A heap is elegant. Counting from 1 to 10 using a for-loop is elegant. A Red Black tree (not the leaning one) is horribly riddled with special cases, and as such not elegant.
I'm feeling better now I've stopped the squeaking in my boxes. It was a cooking-timer that I used to use when testing my apps.
@MartinJames lol what?
@CaptainGiraffe OK. Now prove that merges, heaps, and for-loops are elegant.
@not-rightfold hmm? Wouldn't background colour be governed by syntax highlighting? I'm pretty sure I saw stuff like this answered on SO before
@not-rightfold I'm not sure I follow. Just do wtv the hell you want :P
@DeadMG I can't even bake you an apple pie from scratch.
@DeadMG Yeah. You deserve a lot more credit. Nobody gets to see half his body vanish without amputation unless cookies are out of the picture
so I mean, congratulations on finding heaps elegant, but that really doesn't mean anything to, well, anyone, except you.
@StackedCrooked This afternoon, something in the storage box pile in my offce started to beep every 30 secs or so. Obviously some battery-powered electronics running out. Took me ages to find it and remove the battery, and so the annoying squeak.
so by stating that you find heaps elegant, I fail to see what information you are attempting to impart to the people listening
@sehe I wish it was half.
@MartinJames That sounds like a miniature version of hell.
@DeadMG This would be the case if I died within the next few minutes.
@DeadMG :)
@DeadMG conversation is so pointless isn't it?
@StackedCrooked Yeah - no sooner had I fallen asleep in front of my source code than 'BEEP' :(
@CaptainGiraffe Don't underestimate the power of dieing words
@StackedCrooked Not really. It's kinda the cornerstone of our species and its success
@sehe Do DeadMG have access to that RFC ????? Shoot people over IP?
I'm not sure
@CaptainGiraffe If I did, Hitler would be a mere footnote in comparison to me.
Cooooool: gq respects comments.
I think I'm gonna get some fries.
I'm quite sure no agencies are looking at this channel.
bomb al-qaeda fertilizer pressure cooker pakistan afghanistan iraq US embassy assassination president
@not-rightfold depending on fo (I think it's :se fo+=c and of course the right comments setting for your language
@CaptainGiraffe I wouldn't be too sure about that -- not because I think they're particularly likely to look here intentionally, but because I think they're likely to err on the side of looking at everything they can, and screening this out to save looking at the small amount of content we produce just isn't worth the trouble.
@CaptainGiraffe nah it's not interesting enough: it's not even SSL encrypted!
the server is in the US, and I'm Foreign
so I fully expect that all of SO's traffic is in fact filtered by the NSA
@DeadMG And you're a lone wolf! With a lack of social contacts! And with leet hacker skills!
shoulda mentioned that I'M A FUCKING CYBER TERRORIST
@DeadMG Oh, sorry, I forgot that one
@Rapptz "hello"
@sehe "hi"
This conversation is totally not forced. We are acting perfectly natural and don't feel watched by not even the NSA at all
lol. I'm sure appendix A of the standard gives the compiler permission to start failing a bit earlier than that :/ — sehe 7 secs ago
eh, fuck the NSA
if they want to learn all about my BDSM fetish they can go right ahead
@sehe oh it does?
@Rapptz hey
@DeadMG oh you are german ?
I need to get used to not having to hit shift anymore when I want to use :.
there was an error in my first version (i hallucinated code that wasn't there apparently)
but i got undownvoted and redownvoted since
@Borgleader About the only real explanation is "shit and downvotes happen".
I could dodge the downvote by deleting the answer and reposting it... but that might get me in trouble
@JerryCoffin The ironic part is the answer is basically a longer version of my comment which got 5 upvotes >.>
@Borgleader Like I said, shit happens (and so do downvotes).
Yeah, I guess... It does seem to happen more often on noob questions like these though
// is this really enough to cause stack overflow?
char *options[100000];
int k[100000];
char *param[100000];
that's 1.2 million bytes of memory
I thought 5 MB stack is common these days.
@Borgleader can't you just use mmap to make a new , bigger stack ?
Sometimes, there's no real sense to it -- perhaps somebody just misread your answer, and was in a crappy mood, or. And yes, it's easy for me to be philosophical about it right now, because it's you instead of me. When it happens to be, depending my mood (and such) I sometimes get upset too. I usually get over it though.
@A.H. How on earth would any compiler be compliant if unlimited "anything" should be supported :/
@StackedCrooked mine is 8 mb
@JerryCoffin I was upset until 5 sec ago, but i just realized I hit 7k
@sehe I just thought it would be unspecified
@Borgleader You are welcome =)
@StackedCrooked Something like that was on my system (I recently ran into that when having a std::bitset<1000*7> declared inside main or something like that
@A.H. It is, in a way. Lowerbound for specific constructs is given, but no upperbound for specific combinations thereof
A google for "linux program stack size" brings up a lot of SO threads.
@A.H. Most of them do only allocate a small amount of memory (to start with), and more as needed -- but there's also a limit to the address space they allocate for the stack. Needed a really huge stack usually means runaway recursion, so they might as well trap the error sooner than later.
@CaptainGiraffe ulimit -s
@JerryCoffin but won't growing a stack like this mean invalidating pointers?
also there is the whole thing about it being allocated at the end of the virtual address space
man ulimit: Warning: This routine is obsolete. Use getrlimit(2), setrlimit(2), and sysconf(3) instead. For the shell command
ulimit(), see bash(1).
the routine not the command
I think my stack is 5MB too
@A.H. how do you check that?
@Borgleader ulimit -a
@A.H. No. It pre-allocates (say) 4 megabytes of address space. Then, when you exceed the current stack allocation, it allocates another page of physical memory, and maps it to the address space. The virtual address doesn't move.
@A.H. hmm doesnt exist on windows :(
@JerryCoffin mm.. I thought all the address space exists but only gets mapped to a physical one when used
@Borgleader hmm does not exist on my box either.
I didn't know the page mapping thing was done by mmap
@A.H. That's more or less what I just said.
@JerryCoffin So no special care is taken for the stack? Interesting.
@JerryCoffin oh so as far as the process is concerned, the stack never actually grows
Hmm. Does anyone here know how I can get a direction vector from a view matrix (view as in, model-view-projection) ?
@CaptainGiraffe I think there is that invalid page for detecting stack overflow
@CaptainGiraffe There's a little bit that's special: they allocate an extra page (or a few) at the top of the stack that are marked as not-present. The handler then checks for those pages and allocates physical memory to them when needed.
Also anyone else noticed how difficult it is to search for info on stack overflow (the signal/error/whatever it is)
If you try to go further "up" the stack than them, it's rejected as an invalid access.
@A.H. What? You don't think it should re-direct all such questions to meta? :-)
It should
It is interesting to remap your mind from those old (index pages) memory models to the newer models. Intuition is lagging =)
Remap your mind? are you some sort of android?!
@Borgleader Well, yes. Yes I am.
My code worked in one go.
@TonyTheLion evenin'
Evening Tony, claws are retracted right? We don't need another mess like the other night.
what's up?
@TonyTheLion Heyyyyyyy
@TonyTheLion hey
@CaptainGiraffe lolwat
@Borgleader heyyyy <3
@A.H. Ohai :)
GN is over now right?
@ScottW, I can see you!!!
You owe me a hello!
@TonyTheLion Your jump was impressive, but my hospital bills was out of this world. I'm good now btw, thanks for asking.
I'm not entirely sure what you're referring to here?
@ScottW been a while. I'm good. :) What you up to?
@CaptainGiraffe lol :)
@user1264727 I don't know. There's a way to find out: debug the compiler (it's open source). Or, you know, you can change your code to use a different approach. — sehe 10 secs ago
^ he wants to know how the compiler works (or fails to). Good luck :/
So the NSA can easily crack 1024 bit DH keys. Do we have any idea what encryption schemes are vulnerable?

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